Loving Noel (Wildcat Graduates Book 1)

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Loving Noel (Wildcat Graduates Book 1) Page 10

by Xana Jordan

  NOEL: Goodnight, Sweetness.

  PM Voice mail: Hey, Xan. I sent you a text but you haven’t answered, so I guess you’re asleep already. I’ll pick you up in the morning for school. Goodnight, Sweetness.

  I guess he really wants to pick me up if he keeps reminding me about it.

  AM Voice mail: Good morning, Sweetness. I don’t know if you’ve checked messages yet, but something came up and I can’t pick you up for school this morning. I hope this doesn’t mess things up for you. I’m really sorry, but things just couldn’t be helped. I’ll see you before classes, okay? Bye, Xan.

  NOEL: Let me know if you got my messages. I’ll see you at school. I’ll miss picking you up. Bye Xan.

  I look down at his texts again. Apparently, I got picked up and ditched all before breakfast. Good thing I was already planning on riding the bus. Noel hadn’t mentioned picking me up, and I don’t want to make assumptions about anything since our relationship is still so new. I wonder what he could be talking about. It’s pretty early in the morning to have bad things happen already. I hope he’s alright. Well, I can’t worry about it for too long, because I still have to wrangle my hair and finish getting dressed before I can head downstairs for breakfast. I can smell the bacon and pancakes from here! I’m so glad Mom hasn’t become vegetarian. Bacon always saves the day.

  I am able to finish dressing and eat breakfast before I have to head for the bus stop at the end of our street. It’s not too cold yet, but the temperature is supposed to decline after lunch. Hopefully, the weather can hold up until after school. Fortunately, my bus driver is very punctual and I don’t have to wait for more than a few minutes. Since this stop is the last one on his route, it doesn’t take long to get to school, even with the elementary and junior high drop offs. I make my way to my locker to get everything I need for my morning classes, and make my way to the band hall. On days with bad weather, it’s nice that Mr. Scott lets us come in and hang out before school, and way more entertaining than standing around outside.

  I have no sooner stepped into the band hall and found the guys when Cade asks, “What did you do with Noel?” He looks behind me, searching for Noel. “Isn’t he with you?”

  “Um, no he’s not with me. I thought he would be here already like he always is. Has no one heard from him?” I ask, concern crossing my face.

  “Well, no. We figured he was going to your locker to wait for you when he wasn’t already in here,” Cade explains as his brows begin to furrow. He looks confused.

  “I got a text and call from him this morning while I was in the shower. Said something about not being able to pick me up this morning because some stuff had come up, and he’d see me here. Other than that I really have no clue. I didn’t text him back or anything because I needed to finish getting ready so I could catch the bus.” I sit down in a chair next to Erika and put my backpack on the floor beside it. “Let me check my phone again and see if he’s texted. I can’t ever hear it on the bus.” I dig my phone out of my purse and check for any missed messages, nothing. “He hasn’t called or texted me. I’m sure it’s no big deal. His mom probably had him doing some errands or something.” I place my phone back in my purse and place it into my backpack.

  “I guess so. He’s just usually here already, and I was even later than normal this morning,” Cade replies and he sits back in his chair and stares at the door. His expression changes to one of shock, then irritation. “What the hell?”

  Stacy and I frown at each other before turning to see what has Cade so out of sorts. Noel enters the band hall, with Mercedes hanging on his arm. What. The. Hell? By this time, everyone in our group, and a few others in the band hall, are all staring at the two people who have just entered the room. Lay-Me-Lexus is all over Noel, smiling and giggling at him like a loon. I am about to lose my cool, when Erika bumps my side with her elbow. I turn to look at her, reluctantly, and see her motioning to Stacy. Apparently Stacy was trying to tell me something and I was too busy staring at that witch all over my boyfriend.

  “Look at his face,” Stacy mouths at me as she motions with her head to Noel. I frown at her, but do as she says. Mercedes is clinging to Noel’s arm and smiling up at him, but he isn’t really looking at her. He’s looking at me, and he looks very determined, as he walks toward our group. Mercedes doesn’t seem to take the hint that he isn’t even talking to her and continues to follow him straight to our group. Cade quickly shoves the extra chair away from our circle so that there isn’t room for her to join us. God how I love him. Stacy and Erika hide their giggles as Noel reaches us and sits down next to me in the last empty chair. He sits his things down under his chair and places his arm around the back of my mine.

  “Hey, man. You’re late,” Cade greets him, as he looks from Noel to Mercedes who is standing on the other side of Noel.

  “Yeah, it was a long morning,” Noel replies as he glances toward me. He is about to speak again when he is interrupted by Mercedes, or Lay-Me as I prefer to call her.

  “Aren’t you going to let me have your chair, Noel? There isn’t another one,” she pouts at him. Oh, no she di’nt. Does anyone fall for that crap? What are we, two year olds? Noel simply smiles up at her and nods. What the hell is he doing?

  “Sure, you can have Xana’s chair,” Noel begins and then turns to look at me. He offers me his hand and says, “Stand up, Sweetness.” He smiles and winks at me when I frown up at him. I’m so stunned that he’s actually giving her MY chair that I can’t say or do anything in response but take his offered hand and stand up. Noel smiles more widely at me, like he’s got a secret. Suddenly, he tugs on my hand to pull me toward him and places me on his lap, his arms around my waist.

  “There ya go, Mercedes. Have a seat,” Noel tells her. He doesn’t even look in her direction when he says it, because he’s looking right at me. His mouth is right against my ear as he whispers, “I missed you this morning.” I relax against his chest and squeeze his hands with mine.

  Mercedes is very put out that I’m sitting in Noel’s lap and not her. She was all smiles when she thought he was kicking me out of my chair just for her. Now that I’m sitting in his lap, she’s finding it harder to keep his attention and she can’t stand it. Take that, you boyfriend clinging troll. Everyone resumes their conversations as if she wasn’t even there. Noel hugs me closer to him and rests his chin on my shoulder. Noel looks over at the clock on the far wall and notices that we have five minutes before the first bell rings, so he nudges for me to stand up.

  “Let’s go so we can walk to class. I need to stop by my locker first.” He stands up and gathers our books together, before reaching for my hand and lacing our fingers together. We head for the door as Stacy and Cade follow us out. We each turn to go our own way when I hear Mercedes calling out for Noel. He frowns and sighs loudly before looking over his shoulder to see what she wants. Noel and I turn to face her, and Cade and Stacy have stopped to listen as well.

  “Yeah?” Noel asks her as she comes to a stop in between us and Stacy and Cade.

  “Can you give me a ride over to the shop to pick up my car after school? I forgot to ask you in the car earlier.” She tries so hard to look innocent that it makes me want to gag.

  “I thought you were driving your parents’ car this week,” Stacy chimes in and places her hand on her hip, making Mercedes glower in return.

  “I was. They took my car to the shop Monday while I was at school, and it has been in the shop all week,” she replies, standing straighter to face Stacy. “My dad left this morning for a business meeting out of town, and Mom has to work late so I’m left without a car until after school. My car is supposed to be done by then,” Mercedes then turns to face Noel and smiles up at him, “But Noel was nice enough to bring me this morning. Can you take me to pick up my car after school, Noel? I’d really appreciate the ride,” she begs as she stares up at him.

  “I can take you,” Cade replies. “I have to go over there for an oil change after school before we leave next
week for Colorado. No need for Noel to make a trip over there if I’m already going.” Noel and I smile in thanks to Cade.

  “Well, there ya go, Mercedes. Problem solved. Thanks, Cade,” Noel tells him and turns us back around to head for our class. I’m glad we left early because that interruption would have made us late for sure. I swear that girl is not going to give up. I know she seems to have had an excuse for this morning, but to cling onto him like that? With me right there, holding his hand?? She must have no shame.

  I start to turn down the walkway to our lockers when Noel pulls me in the direction of our first hour classes. “You have to go to your locker, remember,” I tell him as the first bell rings. He turns toward me, pulling me close to him in the process.

  “I don’t need to go to my locker just yet. I was just trying to leave Mercedes in the band hall and give us some time to talk before class. I wanted to explain about everything that happened this morning. I could tell you were upset when she was with me this morning.” Noel releases my hand and lifts my chin up so that he can look me in the eyes.

  “Don’t deny it, I know you. Her dad was over at my house last night going over their business trip information for today. He mentioned her car being in the shop, and of course, my dad volunteered me to take her. He told me about it this morning when he woke me up. I told him I had already made plans to pick you up, but my dad didn’t care. Said I could take you both, but I knew I couldn’t do that to you again. Not after last night.” He leans forward and kisses my forehead and then heads us toward our classes.

  “I didn’t have a choice in taking her, and I’ll owe Cade big for offering to take her to pick up her car. He doesn’t have to get an oil change. We were supposed to meet the guys over at the gym after I take you home.” Noel sighs as we reach the courtyard separating our classes. We still have about two minutes before the tardy bell rings, and he walks me to Jones’ class. We stop a few feet away from the door and I turn and take my backpack from him.

  “It’s alright, Noe. I was surprised at first, but then I saw your face and knew you were not happy about her being there. Although I can’t believe she can’t take a hint by now. I mean, I was sitting in your lap and you had your arms around me. I don’t think she’s gonna give up.” Noel runs his hand down my shoulder and grabs my hand.

  “It doesn’t matter. She’ll accept that I’m with you soon enough. She’s just wasting her time. So, are we okay?” Noel asks me as he walks me the rest of the way to my class.

  “Of course we are. Now, go to class before you’re late,” I tell him and jokingly shove him toward his class. “Run!” Noel smiles at me one last time before running to his class. Mr. Jones is standing by his door smiling at me. He shakes his head and grins wider as he says to me, “Xana, Xana, Xana,” he chuckles as I enter the class and head to my seat. He’s always had a soft spot for me. Being the only girl in his class has its perks. I think he loves how irritated the guys get when I get a better grade on a drawing than they do, and he does seem to let me get away with more things than them. In fact, he’s letting me do a model project next semester that usually only seniors do. They can’t stand it. I think it’s funny.

  The rest of the morning flies by and lunch has us all eating in the band room. The temperature has dropped down to forty degrees, but there hasn’t been any precipitation yet. We’re all sitting around in various groups talking about bowling, when Cade interrupts to question Noel about Mercedes. “What is it with you and Mercedes? She just blind or what?”

  “Yeah,” Stacy adds, “does she not realize you’re dating Xana now? I’d think she’d have a clue already. I mean, you had her in your lap and everything, and you were taking Xana home the other day when she threw herself at you for a ride home. What have you said to her?”

  “I haven’t said anything to her. We only have band together and that’s it. Her dad works with mine, but it’s not like we’re ever hanging out or anything. I don’t know what her deal is. I know we went to Homecoming together but you were there and know there was nothing between us,” Noel replies as he puts his arm around my shoulders and pulls me to him. Kaitlynn and Shawn are eating with us today, since it’s too cold to eat in the courtyard where they usually sit.

  Kaitlynn shakes her head, “I don’t know what she’s thinking, but from what Jessica told me in English the other day, she makes out like you two talk a lot. Jessica eats with Mercedes on third lunch and she’s always talking about you in some form or fashion.” We all turn to look at her in disbelief. “I’m not kidding, and from what Jessica told me, you guys had a really goooood time at Homecoming,” she elaborates as she raises her eyebrows in Noel’s direction.

  Noel sits up straighter and leans toward Kaitlynn. “What are you implying, Kait? Are you saying she’s telling people we did something?” Noel’s face turns angry and his jaw begins to tick.

  “I’m saying that in her version, you two were more like dating than going as friends, and people who are dating do things that friends don’t. If you fill in those blanks, you’d be right.” Kaitlynn leans back in her chair and finishes off her yogurt as Cade speaks up.

  “Dude, we were together most of the night, and there wasn’t anything even remotely romantic going on between you two. We even left the dance early because she had an early curfew because of some family thing she had. She’s delusional if she thinks she can keep telling that bunch of shit.” Cade almost seems angrier about this than Noel does. Cade tends to react to things, where Noel keeps them inside longer. This much I know… Noel is not calm about this.

  “That’s all she did was complain about having to go home early,” Stacy adds. “That and she kept trying to get you to dance with her. If she had had her way, she’d have danced with you constantly. The look on her face when you kept denying her was priceless. We really should have taken a picture, Cade!” Stacy laughs as she slaps Cade on the leg, doubling over with laughter. I can’t help but laugh with her.

  “I didn’t see you two that much at the dance, but when I did, you two weren’t doing anything she could tell stories about,” I tell him as I rub his arm, “But I don’t get what her deal is, either. She’s obsessed with you. It’s annoying.”

  Noel turns to look at me, “I promise, there was nothing between us. We weren’t dating. We weren’t thinking about dating. We weren’t hanging out. If anything, it was more like our dads thought since we didn’t have dates, we could go with each other. We had always gotten along enough, so I went with her. As far as I’m concerned, we were only ever friends. Even in junior high. Friends. Ask anyone.” Noel looks at me, silently begging me to believe him. This is really upsetting him.

  “I don’t have to. I’m not going to deny that her behavior bothers me, but I’ve seen how she acts, and I’ve seen you. She’s the nutcase,” I say as I smile at him. Everyone agrees with that assessment.

  “That’s why I told her I’d take her to get her car. I can’t stand the bitch, but I sure as Hell couldn’t let her do that to you and Xana. You don’t even owe me for it.” Cade sits back and puts his arm around Stacy and looks at Noel. They share a serious look and Noel nods at him.

  Jason, who has been quiet this whole time, throws an M&M at Noel that hits him right in the face. The stunned look on Noel’s face makes everyone break out in laughter. Noel picks up the M&M and throws it back at him. “Dude, what the hell was that for?” Jason can barely stop laughing long enough to answer him.

  “Everyone was so serious. Mercedes doesn’t warrant all of this attention. She’s just after you because you’re a baseball player. She’s a clinger. She wants to be seen with you. That’s it. Just forget about her. Everyone else does.” Jason laughs as he picks up his lunch trash and gathers up his books. Kaitlynn and Shawn agree with Jason and we all start gathering up our things before the bell rings to go to class. Noel carries my backpack and we head to class. Cade bumps into me once we exit the band hall. I turn to glare at him and he winks at me and walks away with Stacy toward their classe
s. He’s such a great guy for taking care of my Lay-Me problem. I’ll owe him big time for this.

  “I can’t wait for this day to be over,” I tell Noel as we head for the Language and Social Studies annex. Noel looks over at me and puts his arm around my waist.

  “What makes you say that? Are you still upset over this morning,” Noel frowns down at me, “Or has it just been a bad day so far?” I sigh and lean my head on his shoulder, enjoying his warmth.

  “I guess it’s just been mentally draining. It’s getting so cold outside,” I tell him as I raise my chin to look up at the sky. “Not too many clouds right now, so maybe we won’t get any bad weather until later tonight.”

  “Nice change of subject,” he chuckles as we reach our parting point, and he hands me my backpack. “Go have fun in Reed’s class. I heard he is showing a movie today,” Noel tells me and smiles. “I’ll see you after class, but you’re not off the hook.” He kisses my temple, and walks off to his class.

  Classes go well for the rest of the afternoon, and I have a little homework for the weekend. It’s gotten colder by the time school is out, but the weather’s still nice otherwise. Noel insists on taking me home, and honestly, after such a long week, I really don’t want to argue with him. I love the time we get to spend together, talking and being alone in the car, even if it isn’t that long of a drive. Fortunately, Mike isn’t home when we get there so I don’t have to worry about him being nosey again.

  Noel parks the car, and leans over the console toward me. He reaches out and places his hands on either side of my face as I lean closer to meet him halfway. He brushes his lips across mine and whispers, “I’ve been waiting all day to be able to kiss you.”

  “Me too,” I answer and close the gap between us. Every time we kiss, it’s better than the last time. He tastes like peppermint. I love peppermint. We get lost in each other, our lips not parting until we both need to come up for air. Noel brushes his thumbs across my cheeks and gives me another quick kiss on the lips.


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