Pain (Alien Breed 4 - English Edition)

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Pain (Alien Breed 4 - English Edition) Page 2

by Melody Adams

  "I was out three times," my son replied. Normally, he was only let out into the yard once a week. It wasn't a nice life he led, but at least it was better than mine. I had been shown his room when we were on our way to surgery. It was big and had a window, although it was also barred. He had a worn out teddy bear that one of the guards had brought with him, and a ball that he was allowed to play with when he was out in the yard. Except for a few blood tests and other painless tests, they left him alone, but I had no doubt that they would hurt him if I didn't play along with them. Tomorrow a new experiment would be made, so my son had been brought to me one day earlier. They didn't seem to want him to see me when I was affected by the experiments.

  "Three times?" I asked and stroked his thinning red hair. "That's good, isn't it?"

  My son nodded.

  "And I saw a squirrel." He described to me in every detail what the animal had looked like. How one of the guards had lured the squirrel with nuts. My son's descriptions of what it looked like outside my cell and what he had experienced were my only vague idea of freedom. How little this had to do with real freedom, I was to learn years later when I was taken to Eden.

  Chapter 2


  West-Colony, Eden

  Mai 04, 2033 / 08:43 p.m. local time

  I shouldn't have come here. The most sensible thing would be if I left the clubhouse now and went home. But my ass seemed to be stuck on the bar stool, just like my eyes were stuck on Julia's round butt as she was having fun with her friends on the dance floor.

  "Bring us two more beers," Steel ordered next to me, and a little later a freshly tapped beer was put in front of my nose. I took the glass without taking my eyes off the dance floor and emptied it in one go.

  "Did the last scouting trip bring any results?" Steel wanted to know.

  I had just returned from a three-day trip to the woods this afternoon with a couple of men to look for the village of the damn Jinggs that used to sneak around here.

  "Not really," I replied. "We didn't find the village, not even a fireplace. Perhaps it is true that they live on trees and eat their meat raw."

  "How can we fight an invisible enemy? They come and go without a trace, and they seem more and more interested in our settlement. The attacks have shown that they are targeting our women. So far we have been lucky that it was unsuccessful for them every time. It's hard to imagine if they ever manage to kidnap one of them."

  "Yes, that would be..." I had to think of Julia, who seemed to keep putting herself in danger just because she had to examine her damn plants and animals. „...terrible."

  "Do you want another drink?"

  I nodded and Steel ordered two more beers. If it went on like this, I would soon be drunk – and that was a good thing, because I couldn't get a certain blonde out of my head. I couldn't even force myself to take my eyes off her. Again I had to state: I shouldn’t have come here!

  A dozen beers later, I felt drunk enough to go home to my bed. All I wanted was to fall asleep and not think about Julia anymore. She was a female who could be dangerous to me. If I weren’t careful, I would fall in love with her. I hadn’t loved my mate and yet her loss had hit me hard. I didn't even want to imagine how I would feel if I lost someone I loved.

  Have you not already lost someone you love? my inner voice reminded me.

  "I can't!" I fought back. "Not again!"

  They wanted me to have another child with another Alien Breed female. How could I do such a thing? Give life to another child in this hell? That was unthinkable.

  "You know what we will do with your son if you do not cooperate," said Dr. Muller.

  "I cooperate in all the experiments you people put me through," I replied grimly. "You’d do yourselves no favors to lose your only means of pressure just so that I might father another sick child. It's my DNA, you said that yourself. I cannot produce healthy children."

  "Whatever you say," Dr. Muller said coldly and left the room.

  I was left alone for the rest of the day and the following day until evening. Nobody came, not even to bring me food. Then the door opened and six guards came in. They came to my bed and tied me to the wall with chains. That was standard procedure when they wanted to clean my cell. Only there had never been so many guards before.

  "When can I see my son?" I asked.

  "Dr. Muller will be here soon, so you can talk to her about your son," one of the guards replied.

  I sat on the bed and waited impatiently. Where was the cleaning team? What was going on here? I suddenly had a terribly bad feeling.

  "What about my son?" I asked suspiciously. "Is he still alive? Did you bastards do something to him?"

  "He is with Dr. Muller and now shut the fuck up!"

  I heard steps coming from the corridor and I turned my head to the door. Dr. Muller appeared and my son was with her. He looked unharmed and I breathed a sigh of relief.

  "Why am I chained up when no cleaning team is coming?" I wanted to know.

  "Because we don't want you to do stupid things when your sentence is carried out," explained Dr. Muller, looking at me with her cold grey eyes.

  "What are you going to do?" I asked and tried to fight against my chains. "Don't let my son watch whatever you are going to do to me. He is too small to see such a thing!"

  Dr. Muller shook her head.

  "You don't understand," she said, as if I were a stupid little kid. "It's exactly the other way around. – You'll see how we deal with your son."

  Cold claws reached for my heart when I realized what they were up to. They wanted to punish my son for my refusal of cooperation. I jumped up as far as I could with the chains.

  "No! I'll do anything you want. I'll make you a new child, just the way you want it, just leave my son out of it. He is only a child after all!"

  "A child that has become worthless for us. Just as you have become worthless! We will choose new test subjects!"

  I threw myself into my chains and roared as she took my son into a headlock. I would never forget his eyes, wide with fear. I tore the chains with all my might and was able to loosen a bolt from the wall. The guards jumped forward and I wrapped the chain around the neck of the guard next to me and strangled him.

  "No! Noooooo!" I heard my son scream anxiously. "Help! Help me! Please..."

  It was the worst thing I had ever experienced. All operations without anesthesia, all injuries at the hands of my tormentors were nothing compared to the pain I felt when my son screamed, desperately for help.

  I fought like a savage, desperately trying to get the other arm free. In vain. I had eliminated three guards when they managed to overwhelm me. They worked me with truncheons and cattle prods until I was close to passing out.

  "Your time is up, BC119," Dr. Muller announced. "But before we allow you to die, you will see your son die!"

  I could hardly move. I had no idea how many bones I had broken this time, but it seemed as if I had hardly any bone in my body left intact. Even my jaw was shattered. I wanted to do something, wanted to save my son – and yet I could only watch helplessly as one of the guards broke his neck. My only consolation was that he had died quickly. Inside I screamed, but no sound came from my lips. Then, complete darkness came over me.


  I sat down next to Pearl on the bench and grabbed my drink. I was heated from dancing and thirsty. Over Hunter's shoulder, I saw Pain sitting at the bar. He looked as if he was about to tip over from his bar stool at any moment. Steel, who was sitting next to him, seemed to think so too, because he stood up and grabbed Pain by the arm. He talked to his friend and finally Pain slipped off his chair and let himself be led outside. My gaze followed them, and I was still staring like an idiot at the door when it had long since closed behind Steel and Pain.

  "Everything all right with you?" Pearl asked.

  I startled from my thoughts and blushed.

  "Yes, I ... I was thinking for a moment," I replied, and rushed down the rest of my drink to cover up
my embarrassment.

  "Would you like another drink?" Hunter asked and rose to pick up the empty glasses.

  "Yes, please," Pearl replied. "For Julia too."

  Hunter looked at me questioningly and I nodded, confirming.

  When he had disappeared, Pearl took my hand in hers. She looked at me and I blushed again.

  "Is it Steel or Pain?" She asked straight out.

  "What do you mean?" I asked as if nothing was there.

  "Don't pretend you don't know what I mean. The word infatuation is written all over your face! – So! Which one of them is the lucky one?"

  Sighing, I gave in.

  "Pain," I said with bright red cheeks.

  "That’s what I thought. Does he know of his luck?"

  I shrugged my shoulders.

  "I didn't tell him. But it doesn't look like he's interested in me. He is sometimes even quite mean to me. I should get him out of my head, but..." I sighed.

  "But it doesn't work, does it?"

  I shook my head.

  "I know what it's like to fall in love with one of them, believe me. I wouldn't give up hope if I were you. I think no girl falls in love with an Alien Breed for no reason. I think they only attract the women who are meant for them. So if you feel attracted to him, it is probably because you are his mate. Sooner or later Pain will surely find out for himself."

  "I wish I could believe you, but..."

  "Pain is not just any Alien Breed," Pearl explained. "You know he's been through more than anyone else here – and they all have a lot behind them. Pain will have a hard time opening up. Don’t give up. At some point he won't be able to fight his instinct anymore. None of them can!"

  Pearl's words were on my mind on the way home. Arriving at my front door, I fiddled the key out of my jacket. Suddenly I had the feeling that someone was watching me, and the hairs on my neck rose. With trembling fingers, I tried to fit the key into the lock. Sweat formed on my forehead and I felt panic rising inside me. I didn't want to turn around, didn't want to see who or what was behind me. Hadn't the Jinggs managed to penetrate the East-Colony a while ago and almost kidnapped several women there? What if one of those blue monsters was after me?

  Whoever it was moved quietly because I hadn't heard any footsteps when a hand lay on my shoulder. Shocked, I dropped the key and cried out. I was torn around and a mouth crushed down on mine – suffocated my cry. With my eyes wide open I stared into the face of my attacker. – Pain.

  He pressed me with the back against the door and I braced my hands against his chest, in an attempt to push him back. My heart pounded wildly. What was that about? Why did he first treat me as if I had an infectious disease, and then attack me and force himself upon me? He was aroused. I could clearly feel his hard length against my stomach. I didn't want to give in to his demands – not after the way he had treated me the whole time – but I felt my core tingling and my nipples hardening. One of his hands traveled to my left breast, squeezing. He rolled the hard nipple between his thumb and index finger, and pleasure pain shot straight into my clit, which began to throb with need.

  I gasped, panting for air, and Pain used the opportunity to enter my mouth with his tongue. He toyed with me – demanding my unconditional surrender. Groaning, I gave in and returned the kiss. My hands traveled upwards, stroking his broad shoulders, and came to lie around his neck. I shouldn’t allow this to happen. I knew he would hurt me. He wasn’t ready for a relationship. If I gave in to him now, I would never want another man again. I had long been a slave to my feelings for him. Not that I was surprised. Apart from the fact that he looked stunningly good, I had a bad habit of falling in love with the wrong guys. Men with problems. Men who would hurt me. – Sooner or later. And this time it was even worse, because what I felt for Pain was so much stronger than anything I had felt for everyone else.

  Pain let go of me, bent over, and picked up my key. Still holding me with one arm, he stuck the key in the lock and opened the door. Then he lifted me onto his arms, entered my house and kicked the door behind us.

  "Pain, I...," I wanted to object, but he suffocated my objection again with his lips.

  He didn’t let go of my lips as he carried me into my bedroom.

  You shouldn't let this happen. Stop him! Now, before it is too late, my inner voice argued.

  But he kissed so damn good and my whole body was on fire, from his kiss alone. What would happen if he touched me everywhere, kissed me in other places...?

  You will regret this!

  To hell with my inner voice. I had never felt so alive as I did now. If I should regret this fantastic experience afterwards – so what? I would regret it more if I didn’t took this chance. Would always ask myself what it would have been like, if he would have led me to heights I had never experienced before. If his kiss was an indication of what lover qualities he possessed, then I was about to get thoroughly and well fucked.

  He laid me on the bed and stepped back to stare at me from hooded eyes. Although I was still fully clothed, I felt naked and vulnerable under his heated gaze. He pulled the shirt over his head with a nimble movement and dropped it carelessly to the ground, then his fingers fumbled with the buckle on his belt. Even in the darkness I could see how well built he was. My clit started pounding again and I felt my juices soaking my panties.

  The sound of the zipper ripped me from my thoughts. Pain got rid of his jeans and boxers, and I couldn’t turn my gaze from his fully erect cock. I felt a hint of panic. It had been a while ago that I had slept with a guy and Pain wasn’t exactly average. But I didn't have time to worry about it anymore, because Pain got into bed with me and kissed me hungrily. His fingers found the waistband of my shirt and he pushed it up to my chin. Leaning on his arms he looked at my breasts and I got nervous. Did he like what he saw? I had never had more than B-cups and there was a time when I had been really self-conscious about my small breasts. If my breasts were small, my butt was all the bigger. So far I had slept with average types, none of them had had a six-pack like Pain, let alone such heavy build. A guy as perfectly sculpted as he, would surely expect a woman as perfectly built as him. The longer Pain stared, the more I thought he had to be disappointed. I tried to sit up.

  "Okay, Mister Perfect. Time for you to go," I said, covering over my pain.

  "But I don't want to go," Pain replied harshly.

  "You saw the merchandise – and you certainly expected something different. No problem. Let's act like adults. I am just average and you are..."

  "You are anything but average," Pain cut me off. "I don't know what you're talking about. And anyway – you talk much too much!"

  Pain lowered his head and took a breast tip between his lips. When he began to suck, I forgot all my concerns and bowed towards him. All I wanted was more of those exciting feelings he gave me. He let go of my breast to devote his attention to the other. My hands roamed over his upper arms, his shoulders, and his back. I was still fully clothed and I wanted to feel him skin to skin, but Pain took his sweet time. His mouth glided deeper, caressing the sensitive skin around my navel. I grabbed my shirt and pulled it over my head. That was better! Pain fumbled with the buttons of my trousers. He knelt between my thighs and pulled the pants down inch by inch. I was glad that I wore one of my better panties. I usually preferred comfortable underwear, but today I had decided for some reason to wear black lace boy shorts.

  My trousers ended up on the floor. Pain stroked upwards on the inside of my thighs. The gentle touch sent hot shivers over my body. I wanted to feel his hands finally at my most sensitive place. When Pain reached my soaked panties and his fingers stroked over my pussy in a feather light caress, I was ready to explode. I bucked under him and moaned wantonly.

  Pain lowered his head and kissed my pussy through the damp lace. He growled quietly, which gave me a pleasant shiver. I had never had a guy in bed that growled, and it turned me on even more. Slowly, Pain pushed my panties over my hips down. When I lay under him without any clothes, I cou
ldn't stand it anymore. – I had to feel him in me.

  Pain," I whispered pleadingly. "Please. I can't wait any longer. I..."

  "Shush," Pain growled and lowered his head to place a kiss on my throbbing and swollen clit.

  "Oh my God," I moaned as my body began to tremble with excitement.

  Pain began to explore my most feminine secrets extensively with his tongue and lips, but avoided further direct contact with my love button. I really needed to come, was already so close and yet he didn't give me the last bit of friction I needed to reach the peak. Groaning, I writhed under him, trying to get him to touch me where I needed it so badly. Pain opened my thighs even further and penetrated me with his tongue. Never before had a guy fucked me with his tongue and it was – incredible! He put a finger on my clit and rubbed it with gentle pressure. That was all I needed. Screaming, I bucked when the orgasm hit me like a tsunami and washed me away into the land of ecstasy.


  I had held myself back to pleasure Julia, although everything in me demanded that I slam my cock into her damp heat and take her fast and hard. To see and hear how she fell apart for me shredded the last remnant of my restraint. I crawled over her until the tip of my shaft was directly at her opening.

  "Look at me," I ordered harshly.

  Julia opened her eyes and I held her gaze as I penetrated her. I knew that human men were usually smaller and was determined to go slow – even if it almost killed me. I had to give her time to get used to me. She was tight and I wondered if she was still a virgin. I had to fight for every inch. Sweat formed on my forehead as I slid deeper and deeper into her. There was no obstacle, so it wasn't innocent anymore. I felt a little relieved because the last thing I wanted was to hurt her. Finally I was all the way inside her. I detected no discomfort or even pain in her face, and began to move carefully in and out of her tight pussy. Encouraged by her moaning and the way she met me with every thrust, I increased the pace and thrust harder into her. I wouldn't last long. I was already close, but I wanted to take her to her climax before I allowed myself to fill her with my cum. I changed position, sat on my heels so that I had good access to her clit. I put the thumb on the sensitive spot and rubbed it in circular movements as I pushed hard and deep into her tight channel.


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