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What Fresh Lunacy is This? Page 53

by Robert Sellers

  Crist, Judith 188

  Cronenberg, David 327, 328

  Crowe, Russell 452, 455–6

  Crown Hotel, Peebles 445–6

  The Curse of the Werewolf 69–72, 426

  Curtis, Dan 290

  Cushing, Peter 66, 75, 76, 324

  Cutthroat Island 443–4

  Daily Express 111, 188

  Daily Mail 169

  Daily Telegraph 150

  Dalglish, Kenny 402

  Dalton, Timothy 290

  The Damned 73–4

  Dante’s Inferno 126–7

  Dardin, Olivia (OR’s grandmother) 12, 31, 32

  Daryl, Jacquie (OR’s long-term partner) 31, 103–4, 108, 149, 154, 155, 160–1, 182, 194–5, 197–8, 222, 243, 246, 259, 273, 274, 310, 328, 344, 459, 468–9, 474

  on OR’s drinking and partying 203–5, 217, 238, 242, 244–5, 246, 263, 292–3, 308, 313

  OR’s relationship with 142–4, 176–7, 179–80, 192, 208, 211–12, 270–2, 294, 307–8, 334–7

  David Letterman Show 395–6

  David, Pierre 328, 329

  Davis, Bette 290–1

  Davis, Geena 443

  Day, Robert 69, 142–3

  Days of Fury 224–5

  Deacon, Brian 210, 212–13, 214

  Dearden, Basil 59, 153

  death and burial of OR x–xi, 456–69, 474–5

  Debussy, Claude (The Debussy Film) 109–10, 111–12

  Desert Island Discs 268–9

  The Devils 40–1, 181–90, 400

  Diamond, Peter 422–3

  Die Hard 2 443

  Ding Hao (OR’s Chinese junk) 302

  Dirty Weekend 225, 226, 229

  divorce from Kate Byrne 176, 179–80

  Dobson, Bill and Jenny 79, 197–8, 218, 223, 242, 251, 266, 272, 318, 339, 343, 363, 380, 387, 390

  Dog and Fox, Wimbledon 1, 4, 54, 91, 118, 132, 147–8, 179–80, 193, 216

  Donoghue, Quinn 235, 299–300, 367, 416

  Donohoe, Amanda 383, 385

  Douglas, Mr (teacher) 24

  Dr Heckyl and Mr Hype 329–32

  Dragonard 406–7

  drink driving 221–2, 417, 448

  drinking games 2–4, 51, 211, 217–19, 228, 243, 247, 360, 400

  The Duellists (OR’s favourite film) 373, 451

  Dunaway, Faye 236

  Dyke, Greg 398

  dyslexia, OR’s 19–20, 183

  ‘Eddie the Arab’ 92

  Eden, Mark 128–30

  education, OR’s 13, 14–15, 16, 17–19, 21–7

  Eggar, Samantha 8, 171, 327

  18th Field Ambulance – Hong Kong 46–9

  elephant in Hannibal Brooks 154–5

  Elès, Sandor 68, 69

  Elstree Studios 68, 246, 345

  employment, OR’s (non-acting) 32–3, 42–3, 51–2

  Entwistle, John 211

  Evans, Mike Stanley 86

  Evening Standard 124, 188

  Ewell Castle school 21–6

  extra, OR as film 55–6, 58–9

  Faith, Adam 67

  Faithfull, Marianne 131

  Fanny Hill 371–2

  father, OR as a see under Reed, Mark; Reed, Sarah

  Fearless, HMS 51, 285–6

  Feller, Catherine 81

  Ferry House, County Clare 135, 136, 436

  Field, Shirley Anne 67, 73

  Figg, Ray 219–20

  fights and violent outbursts 30–1, 32, 42, 59, 65, 75, 83, 89, 98, 99, 106–7, 210–11, 212, 225–6, 257–8, 290, 303–4, 305, 311, 331, 335–6, 342–3, 352, 386–7, 401, 419, 424–5, 453–4

  Films and Filming magazine 73

  Finlay, Frank 231, 417

  Fisher, Terence 64, 66, 67, 69–70, 72

  Fleischer, Richard 301, 306

  Flynn, Errol 67, 297

  Fonda, Peter 366–7

  Foster, Julia 100, 101–2

  The Four Musketeers 239–41, 415

  Francis, Freddie 84

  Frankil, Cyril 94, 95

  Freeman, Stuart 120–1

  Friday, Louise 342, 380, 439

  Friday, Nora 247, 301, 341–2, 439, 468, 476

  Friday, Paul 217, 235, 243, 244, 247, 284, 285–6, 301, 319, 340–2, 380, 406, 439, 468

  Fruet, William 365

  Fryer, Mick ‘Mickus’ 78–9, 92, 114, 117, 118, 149–50, 309, 468, 476

  funeral, OR’s see death and burial of OR

  Funny Bones 443

  Galton, Ray 68, 69

  Garage Club 389, 399–400

  gardening 197, 198, 216–17, 338–9, 438

  Gate House (Reed home) 145, 146, 169

  George, Susan 313, 395

  Ghost in Monte Carlo, A 420

  Gilbert, Lewis 137

  Gilliam, Terry 92, 412–13, 414, 420, 471

  Gilling, John 75, 112

  Gladiator x–xi, 108, 332, 451–3, 456, 470–1

  Golan, Menahem 444–5

  The Golden Spur 58, 62

  Goodman, Johnny 93

  Gor 411

  Gordon, Stuart 426, 427

  Grade, Michael 430

  Gray, Sheba 126

  Great Scout and Cathouse Thursday 278–83, 419

  Green, Nigel 66

  Greene, David 120–1

  Greene, Richard 66, 121

  Griffith, Charles B. 329

  Guernsey home 388–90, 399–400, 417–19, 436

  Guest, Val 55

  Guster, Raymond ‘Gus’ 79, 92, 265, 319

  Haggard, Piers 344–6, 347–8

  Hale, Georgina 81, 186–7, 238, 253, 296, 384, 460, 471

  Halliwell, Leslie 254

  Hamilton, Guy 87, 89

  Hamlet cigar advertisements 156

  Hammer films 62, 63–4, 66–7, 69–72, 73–6, 81, 83–5, 91, 97, 112, 113–14

  Hancock, Tony 68, 246

  Hand in Hand, Wimbledon 1, 80, 168–9, 222

  Hannibal Brooks 154–5

  Harlin, Renny 443

  Harris, Richard 303

  Harrison, Harvey 384

  Harrison, Noel 170

  Harty, Russell 234

  Hawkins, Jack 58–9

  Hayers, Sidney 114

  health, OR’s 56, 374, 404–5, 416–17, 461–2

  Heiney, Paul 374–5

  Hello London 55

  Hemmings, David 98, 99, 100, 101, 300–1, 455, 456, 459–60

  Hendon, Miles 298–9

  Henie, Sonja 55

  Henriksen, Lance 426–7

  Her Majesty’s Theatre 36, 273

  Heston, Charlton 231–2

  Heston, Fraser 421–3

  Hickox, Douglas 201–2

  Higgins, Alex 314–16, 391–2, 434, 439, 466–7

  Higgins, Mike 142, 456, 460, 471

  Hinds, Anthony 69–70, 113–14

  Hired to Kill 423–6

  Hobbs, William 232

  Hoe Place Preparatory School 14–15

  Hollywood and OR 252–4, 296–7

  see also LA (Los Angeles), OR in

  Holt, Maud 37

  Homefield Road (Reed home) 91, 92

  Hong Kong 46–9, 51

  Hooper, Tobe 344

  Hopkins, Anthony 373

  horses 192–3, 220, 441–2

  Hough, John 101, 151, 372, 410–11, 412

  Hunnicutt, Gayle 94–5

  Hunt, David 247–8, 315

  Hunt, James 302

  Hunting Party 191–2, 208

  ICM (OR’s American agents) 290, 296, 370, 436

  I’ll Never Forget What’s’isname 127–31

  In at the Deep End 374, 375

  interviews 168–9, 234, 249–50, 268–9, 302–3, 305, 375–7, 394–9, 420, 428–31, 434–5, 453

  see also press/journalists

  Ivan ‘Dadi’ (taxi driver in Barbados) 207, 284–5

  Jackson, Glenda 3, 81, 126, 163–4, 166, 208–9, 212, 213, 214, 318, 320–1, 474

  James Bond role 151–2

  James, Charles 22–3, 24, 25

s, Clive 396, 397, 398

  James, Peter 254–5

  Jarman, Derek 189

  Jarrott, Charles 354

  Jaws, OR turns down 253–4

  Jeremiah 446

  The Jokers 123–6

  Keane, Kerrie 365–6

  Kidd, Johnny 192–3, 228

  Kidd, Wendy 228

  Kings Head, Rudgwick 349

  Kingsland, Gerald 382–3, 393

  Kinnear, Roy 417

  Kinski, Klaus 345–6, 347

  Koslo, Paul 295–6, 310–12, 313–14, 475

  LA, OR in 286–90, 297, 368–9

  Lady and the Highwayman 420

  Lady in the Car with Glasses and a Gun 170–1

  Langton Green Primary school 17–18

  Larthe, Pat 58, 60, 62, 156

  lawn mower racing 370–1

  Lazenby, George 152, 153

  League of Gentlemen 58–9, 153

  Lee, Christopher 64, 69, 74, 75, 231–2, 239, 417, 422

  ‘Leith Hill Flying Club’ 247

  Lester, Mark 138, 141, 298, 299, 300, 417

  Lester, Richard 124, 230, 231, 232, 239, 275, 415

  Letterman, David 395–6

  Life is a Circus 55

  Lion of the Desert 333, 361

  Lisztomania 266

  Littlewood, Joan 83

  Lockwood, Gary 68

  Losey, Joseph 73, 74

  ‘Lovely Gravy’ 11, 14

  Lynley, Carol 120, 121–3, 174–5, 200–1, 202, 203, 211, 238–9, 293, 294, 297, 353, 369, 460–1

  Lyons, Stuart 62, 66

  MacDonald Fraser, George 127, 240, 277, 298, 300, 306

  Mahler 260

  Mail on Sunday 405

  Malta 454–8

  Margaret, Princess 238

  marijuana 264

  marriages see Byrne, Kate (OR’s first wife); Daryl, Jacquie (OR’s long-term partner); Reed, Josephine (OR’s second wife)

  Martin, Strother 280, 283

  Marvin, Lee 278–80, 282–3, 396

  Massie, Paul 64, 68

  Master of Dragonard Hill 406–7

  Mastorakis, Nico 423–5

  Mastroianni, Marcello 226

  McCallum, Rick 384, 386

  McNally, John 322–3

  McQueen, Steve 254

  Medak, Peter 289

  Melvin, Murray 182, 183, 184–6, 206, 211, 298, 305, 376–8, 460

  Merrow, Jane 98–100, 252

  Miles, Sarah 344

  Miller, John 368–9

  Miller, Jonathan 81, 170

  Millet, Kate 429, 430

  Mills, Hayley 170

  Mitchum, Robert 317–18

  Monitor 110

  Monks, Mick ‘Tractors’ 1, 80, 91, 107–8, 116, 117, 138–9, 168–9, 219, 265–6, 347, 468, 473

  Monthly Film Bulletin 72

  Moody, Ron 141

  Moon, Keith 259–60, 263–5, 268, 270, 273, 286–9, 325–6

  Moore, Roger 93

  Morgy (nanny figure) 7, 12

  Morris, Oswald 139

  Murphy, Brian 183–4

  Narizzano, Silvio 318–19

  National Service, OR’s 43–9, 246

  Neill, Steve 329–32

  Neville, John 414

  New York magazine 188

  News of the World 153

  newspapers see interviews; press/journalists; individual newspapers by name

  Newton John, Olivia 370

  Newton, Robert 138

  Nielson, Julia 36–7

  Night of a Thousand Stars 395

  Niven, David 302

  Niven Junior, David 369

  Norman, Barry 169

  nude scene in Women in Love 159–63

  O’Brien, Pat (and O’Brien’s pub) 437, 440–2, 448, 461, 463

  The Observer 90

  O’Connor, Des 398–9

  Ogilvy, Ian 93–6

  O’Hara, Gerry 371–2

  Oliver! ix, 137–43, 172

  O’Riordan, Joanne 449

  Osborne, John 311

  Owen-Thomas, Dudley 77

  Paranoiac 84–5, 86

  Parfitt, Rick 319

  Parkinson 395

  Parkinson, Michael 276

  Parting Shots 450–1

  The Party’s Over 87–90, 103

  patriotism, OR’s 29–30, 123, 223, 309, 377

  Pebble Mill at One 349, 395

  Penthouse 61–2

  Perry, Anthony 86–7, 88–9, 90

  Peter the Great, Tsar of Russia 39–40

  Phoenix, Joaquin 462–3

  Pinewood Studios 55–6, 58, 137, 182

  Pinkhurst Farm (Reed home) 336–7, 338–41, 342–4, 362, 370, 371

  Pirates of Blood River 74–5, 84, 91, 232

  The Pit and the Pendulum 426–7

  Placett, Johnny ‘the Major’ 78, 91–2, 104, 122, 237, 238, 250, 322, 363, 389, 417–18, 442, 446, 461, 468, 476–7

  Pleasence, Donald 311

  Plomley, Roy 269

  police, run-ins with 221, 234, 298–300, 305, 314, 328, 360, 367–8, 417–18, 450–1, 453

  Pollard, Michael J. 154

  The Portley Club 149, 218

  press/journalists 157–8, 168–9, 249, 305, 356–8, 387, 420, 461–2, 463, 472, 473

  The Prince and the Pauper 297–301, 302–6

  Prince, Reggie 103–6, 199, 210, 212–13, 225–6, 233, 236, 257, 258, 265, 266, 281–2, 2 99–300, 305, 311, 313, 341, 351, 385, 386–8, 419

  Prisoner of Honor 423

  Puttnam, David 288

  Pygmalion (G. B. Shaw) 38

  Queen Elizabeth Barracks, Church Crookham 43–6

  Rage to Kill 409

  Raines, Warren 115, 116

  Rank Studios 86, 87, 90

  The Ransom 295–6

  Rea, Reginald 44–5, 47

  The Rebel 68–9

  The Red Lion, Bledlow 7–8

  Redgrave, Vanessa 187–8

  Reed, Beatrice ‘Granny May’ (OR’s grandmother) 27, 31, 34–5, 37, 39, 51

  Reed, David (OR’s brother) 31, 34, 35, 36, 38–9, 41, 43, 45, 51–2, 53, 57–8, 105, 133, 134–6, 145–6, 194, 207–8, 220, 221, 222, 243, 246–7, 294, 302, 315, 371, 420, 453, 458, 465, 467–8, 469, 473, 474, 476

  childhood with OR 4, 5, 6–7, 8–9, 12, 14, 15–19, 20, 22

  OR’s acting career 57, 82, 108, 118, 124, 156–7, 195, 203, 250, 253, 254, 262, 290, 301, 328, 370, 372, 388, 395, 405–6, 415–16, 421, 430, 433–4

  OR’s drinking and partying 65, 140, 149, 164–5, 205, 226, 238, 264–5, 286–8, 296–7, 319, 323, 432

  OR’s private life and family 28, 62–3, 65–6, 170, 172, 176, 177, 179, 202–3, 334, 335, 357–8, 362, 380, 381, 432, 439, 447

  Reed, Josephine (OR’s second wife) ix, 19, 50, 98, 271, 369, 374, 387, 390, 391, 401, 404–5, 418, 434, 436–9, 447, 455

  OR’s acting career 112, 382–3, 413, 421, 436, 451

  OR’s death and burial 456–8, 459–60, 462, 463, 464–6, 468, 474–5

  OR’s drinking and partying x, 30, 378, 448, 450, 451

  relationship with OR 349–51, 356–60, 361–4, 366, 371, 376, 378–80, 388–9, 409–10, 416

  Reed, Kate (OR’s first wife) see Byrne, Kate (OR’s first wife)

  Reed, Kathleen Mary ‘Kay’ (OR’s stepmother) 15, 16–17, 20–1, 31, 169, 439

  Reed, Marcia (later Sulis – OR’s mother) 4–5, 6–7, 8, 11–12, 14, 20, 28–9, 56, 170, 244, 294, 379, 447

  Reed, Mark (OR’s son) ix, x, 1–2, 13, 54–5, 73, 79, 82, 179, 192, 202, 220, 271–2, 294, 302, 309, 310, 327–8, 334, 338, 339, 370–1, 388, 405, 458, 461–4, 466–7, 472–3, 477

  OR as a father 92–3, 146–7, 171–3, 176, 204, 264, 271, 312–13

  OR’s acting career 76, 82, 108, 110, 111, 165, 253, 372, 394, 398, 431

  OR’s drinking and partying 3, 30, 50–1, 150, 195, 196–7, 204, 205–6, 207, 219, 228–9, 245, 398, 431, 448

  OR’s private life and family 122, 144, 176, 180, 363, 439

  Reed, Muriel ‘Mickie’ (
OR’s sister-in-law) 20, 58, 63, 65–6, 113, 145, 149, 205, 207, 222, 247, 319–20, 342, 379, 381, 419, 466, 468, 469

  Reed, Peter (OR’s father) 4–6, 8–9, 12, 14, 15, 16–18, 20–1, 23, 25, 26, 27, 28–9, 31, 32, 35, 37, 38, 43, 53, 55, 77, 156, 169–70, 174–5, 207, 243–4, 276, 379, 432, 439, 446–7

  Reed, Sarah (OR’s daughter) ix, 2, 36, 79, 136, 153, 177, 192, 196, 265, 310, 320, 326, 363, 387, 394, 431, 435, 448–9, 458–9, 461–2, 464, 465, 467

  OR as a father 172–3, 198, 205–6, 229, 250–1, 272–4, 293, 324–5, 336–7, 343–4, 373, 390–1, 419, 439–40, 459, 473, 475

  OR’s drinking and partying 2, 210–11, 217, 243, 245, 264, 272, 341, 344, 390, 418, 432, 455

  Reed, Simon (OR’s brother) 20–1, 23, 26, 30–1, 36, 40, 152, 194, 243, 258, 274–6, 323, 353–4, 420, 453–4, 458, 466, 467

  OR’s acting career 54, 65, 117, 129, 138, 141, 152, 157–8, 168, 236–7, 249, 252, 267, 305–6, 395, 432, 451–2

  OR’s drinking and partying 2, 3–4, 77–8, 80, 149, 152–3, 203, 238, 280, 305–6, 386, 390, 418, 432

  OR’s private life and family 63, 170, 172, 176, 178–9, 356–7, 362–3, 432, 439, 447

  Reed, Sir Carol (OR’s uncle) 34, 35, 37, 38, 43, 44, 53, 62, 69, 138, 139–40, 144

  Return of the Musketeers 416–17

  Return of the Saint 94

  Return to Lonesome Dove 435–6

  The Revenger 409, 411

  Revolver 227–8, 229

  Richards, Wendy 276

  Rigg, Diana 153

  Ripley, Andrew 150, 242

  Robe, Mike 435–6

  Roberts, Selwyn 383, 384, 385–6, 393

  Robson, Dame Flora 120

  Roeg, Nicholas 101, 382, 385, 393

  Rohm, Maria 256–7, 258, 371, 412, 475

  Rokeby School 21

  Romain, Yvonne 70, 71, 72, 75–6, 112–13, 131, 289–90, 367

  Romulus Films 137

  Rose and Crown, Wimbledon 1

  Rossetti, Dante Gabriel 126, 127

  Rosslyn Park rugby club 149–50, 242–3

  Rowlatt, Henrietta 39

  Rowlatt of Exeter, Canon 39

  Royal Army Medical Corps (RAMC) 43–9, 50

  Royal Flash 275–6, 277

  Royal Oak, Rusper 2–3

  Royal Shakespeare Company 81

  rugby 149–50, 274

  Russell, Ken 40, 73–4, 109–11, 120, 126, 158, 159, 160–1, 162, 163, 166, 181, 182–4, 186, 188, 190, 245, 260–1, 262–3, 266–7, 372, 423

  Russian Roulette – Moscow 95 444–5

  The Saint 93, 246

  Salkinds, Alexander and Ilya 230, 231, 232, 234, 240, 297

  Sangster, Jimmy 84

  Scarlet Blade 91

  scars, OR’s facial 107–8, 120–1, 123

  Scott, George C. 300

  Scott, Janette 84–6

  Scott, Ridley 451–2, 470

  Searle, Chris 374

  Second World War 5–12, 13–14, 43

  sex, casual 65, 132, 178, 180, 238, 342–3

  sex drive, OR’s loss of 238

  Shakespeare, William 81


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