Kailani's Pride (The Cassidy Pride Book 1)

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Kailani's Pride (The Cassidy Pride Book 1) Page 15

by Sage S Wolf

  My mom gave me a quick once over before stalking toward Dirk. The look of pure hate in her eyes allowing the meaning of his words to sink in. He’d killed my dad. The why or how weren’t as important as him paying for his crime. We were gonna make him bleed.



  Kavik. I’d recognized his scent as soon as I crashed into him. He must have caught wind of what Blake and I had done and headed straight here with Dirk. Did that mean they’d been together this whole time? I didn’t know and I didn’t have time to think about it.

  Lucky for me, this wasn’t my first fight in my lioness’s skin, so I knew exactly what to do when Kavik managed to sink his teeth into the back of my neck. There weren’t any walls or conveyer belts nearby, so I used the side of the gazebo to slam him against until his hold loosened, and he let himself fall off. We were staring each other down now, showing how much we hated one another with our eyes. I was almost tempted to shift and give him a piece of my mind. He would kill me for sure then though. His eyes said that as well. He wanted me dead for killing his dad. I wished I could smile, and I think my lioness did in some form because Kavik let out a snarl and came for me again. I was more than ready for him.

  We bit and clawed at each other until a roar like I’d never heard before had everyone stopping and looking toward the noise. Not even twenty feet from me, Blake had Dirk pinned while Sloane circled him. She was making sounds that went back and forth between anguish and vengeance. I hadn’t known vengeance had a sound till then.

  After what felt like much longer than I’m sure it was, Kailani stepped up to Dirk and swiftly ripped his throat out, sending blood flying all over her and Blake. They both let out a roar of triumph which was answered by the males of our pride. They had just gotten justice for their alpha.

  I started toward my mate, feeling the strong urge to comfort him. I could feel his sadness setting in now that Dirk was dead. He must have sensed me and looked my way, his eyes going wide as I felt a sharp pain in the back of my neck. Kavik bit down as hard as he could, and I heard something pop before my vision started to blur. I tried to make my way to the side of the gazebo to get him off again, but my legs didn’t seem to want to carry me anymore.

  “Kailani!” I heard Blake yell as Kavik’s weight left my back.

  I shifted and watched through blurry eyes as Logan’s bear snapped Kavik's neck before he could even attempt to put up a fight. It was over. My pride was safe. With that knowledge to comfort me, I let myself drift into darkness.


  If not for my shifter senses, I would have thought I’d just watched my mate die. Thank goddess, I hadn’t. She had just passed out from blood loss.

  My left arm was shredded so I couldn’t carry her. “Logan, help me get her inside.” Before I could finish my sentence, Logan had Kailani in his arms and was taking long strides toward the house.

  “I’ll help the men clean up out here.” Mom said, giving my shoulder a reassuring squeeze. “She’ll be okay, Blake. She’s a tough cookie.”

  I nodded as I hurried to catch up to Logan. I prayed my mom was right about my mate being okay.


  I awoke in Blake’s room feeling like I’d been hit by a truck.

  “Hey, you.” Blake’s voice greeted me as his hand slipped into mine. “How are you feeling?”

  “You want the truth or the lie?” I asked, letting out a groan when I turned my head to look at him.

  He gave me a beautiful smile. “The truth, my queen. Always the truth.”

  I tried to nod and instantly regretted it. “Ow, shit!” I cried out as pain shot through my neck.

  “Easy, Kailani. You don’t want to rip your stitches.”

  “Why do I have stitches?” I asked, remembering my fight with Kavik and him, and Dirk die. “Kavik bit my neck…” I reached slowly to feel the back of my neck.

  “He did. He tore some ligaments and put a small hole in your jugular. If he’d been even a smidge deeper, you would have bled out before we could get you into the house. Luckily one of the females is a doctor and was able to get everything put back together in time. Even with your shifter healing, you’re gonna be down a few days at least.”

  “Will you stay with me?” I wasn’t sure if he’d agree with my heat playing cat and mouse with us. I wanted him to stay close to me until I felt better though.

  “Absolutely. They couldn’t drag me away with a crane.” Blake released my hand and carefully climbed into bed with me and then gently kissing my lips. “God, I was so scared I was gonna lose you, Kai. I’ve never been that scared in my life. Not even when I woke up with you and you were gone at the fishery.”

  I smiled at his slip up of my name. It felt good to hear him call me that. Like the final chapter of Kavik’s betrayal was being closed. “Say it again.”

  He pulled away a little, giving me a curious look. “I was scared I was gonna lose you…?”

  “No,” I smiled lovingly at my handsome mate. “Kai. I like the way it sounds coming from you.”

  Blake’s right brow arched, and he grinned. “Oh, yea?”

  I knew better than to nod. “Yea. You can add it to the list of names you already call me.” I patted his chest.

  “I’ll do that, but first I’m gonna go downstairs and get you something to eat. You need to rest and get plenty to eat and drink in between naps.”

  I grabbed his arm, stopping him from climbing off the bed. “Can I have tacos?”

  Blake chuckled and leaned in to kiss my forehead. “Whatever you want, mate.” He turned and started out of the room. “I’ll send your aunt in to sit with you while I go get your food.”

  “I can run out and get it, Alpha,” Logan offered, appearing in the doorway. “I was coming to check on Kailani and let you know that everything has been cleaned up outside, but I can go grab food if you want to stay with her.”

  Who was this man? I was finding it hard to believe someone could be that nice. My lioness said we could trust him though and she hadn’t steered me wrong yet.

  “That would be great. Thanks, Beta.” Blake smiled at the shocked look on Logan’s face.

  I was smiling too. It was a title Logan deserved and had more than earned. He’d saved my life.

  “You really mean that?” Logan was obviously fighting his excitement until he was sure.

  “Damn right I do. You saved my mate, Logan. That more than earns you the title.”

  Logan pulled Blake into a hug, clapping him on the back and then pulled away. “Your dad was so proud of you, Blake. I know he would be even prouder seeing what a great alpha you’ve become. He saw the potential in you, but he sensed there was danger in the pride. That’s why he brought me in to protect and guide you. I’m just sorry I waited so long to take my place. I should have been beside you through this whole thing.”

  “Don’t be sorry,” I said, getting both men’s attention. “If you had been Blake’s beta from the beginning, I could have been sold to someone else or to Dirk for his own personal use,” I shuddered. “Blake and I found each other because you waited. I’m not happy about being betrayed and almost killed, but it’s all worth it if it means I get to be with the man I love in the end.”

  Blake came over and kissed my forehead. “I love you too, Kai.” He smiled against my skin.

  “And that’s my queue to leave.” Logan laughed, focusing his eyes on me. “Tell me what you want, Alpha.”

  “I’m good. It’s-” Blake was interrupted by Logan.

  “I was talking to Kailani.” Logan winked at me, his eyes twinkling with amusement.

  I was liking this giant man more by the second.

  “I’ll take just a party pack of crunchy tacos and four chicken chalupas for now. That should carry me till tomorrow.”

  Logan nodded. “I’ll be back as soon as I can,” He turned and started down the hall, stopping halfway. “You want anything to drink?” He looked at me over his shoulder.

  “Bring me some dew, pl
ease. And some ibuprofen.”

  “Gotcha. I’ll be back minus the ibuprofen.” Logan disappeared down the hall before I could argue.

  Blake was quick to explain. “You can’t have ibuprofen, but I can get you some Tylenol now that you’re awake.”

  “Okay. Make it quick before my head explodes.”

  He nodded and turned to leave the room. He hesitated in the doorway, giving me another look like he was checking that I was still okay. “I won’t be gone long.”

  I was flattered by his hesitancy to leave me alone. “I’ll be fine for the whole two minutes it’ll take you to go downstairs and come back. Promise.”

  My words seemed to give him the strength he needed to leave me. “I’ll be right back.” He jogged out of the room with me grinning after him. Silly man.



  “How is she?” Leandra asked while I was grabbing the bottle of Tylenol from the downstairs bathroom medicine cabinet.

  “She’s okay considering,” I answered on my way back toward the stairs. I didn’t want to stay away from Kailani any longer than necessary meaning there was no time to stop and talk. “You’re welcome to come up and see her.”

  “I think I will.”

  Leandra followed me upstairs and into the master where Kailani was still lying in bed. I was glad she hadn’t asked to sit up further than the doctor had propped her up. I was told to not let her lay completely flat and that her moving too much too soon could open the artery back up. Her jugular might be healed by now, but I didn’t want to take the chance. She’d lost so much blood in a short amount of time from a tiny tear. I never wanted to see that much of my mate’s blood outside of her body ever again.

  “Auntie!” Kailani reached for her aunt, flinching with the movement. “Shit, I can’t even freaking move without tugging these stitches.”

  Leandra began carefully fussing with Kailani’s pillows, trying to help her get more comfortable. “Oh hush, my girl. It could be worse…” She trailed off.

  “I know, Auntie. I don’t mean to complain, I’m just not good at sitting still for long, ya know?”

  Leandra chuckled. “I do know. Even as a baby you fussed when your parents let you lay still for too long.”

  Kailani’s face lit up. “Really?” Leandra nodded and adjusted the last pillow. “Can you tell me about them?”

  “I would love to. After you’ve rested though. I just wanted to come and make sure you were okay with my own eyes. My lioness is calmer when our cub is near.”

  “You see me like that?” Kailani asked, her voice trembling.

  “Of course, Kailani. Since the moment the worker brought you to my front door when you were eleven. My lioness claimed you then. You were the only thing keeping her from the madness that was slowly setting in without our mate. You saved me, Cub.”

  Kailani began quietly crying into her hands.

  I climbed onto the bed and rubbed my cheek against hers before whispered into her ear. “See, my queen. You’ve never been unloved since you’ve been with your aunt, you just didn’t know it. You’ve always been wanted.” Because I knew feeling unloved and unwanted for so many years was one of the things that fed her insecurities.

  “I’m sorry,” Leandra gave me an apologetic look. “I didn’t mean to upset her.”

  “It’s okay, Auntie. I’m just overwhelmed right now.” Kailani mumbled into her hands.

  “I think she just needs to rest some more.”

  Leandra bent and kissed the top of Kailani’s head. “I understand. We’ll talk more in a few days. For now, I have some blanket orders from some of the pride females for their cubs.”

  I smiled at her. “That’s amazing. I’m glad you’re finding your place here.”

  “Me too. I’m gonna go find your mom. She’s promised to take me into town to stock up on fabrics.”

  “You ladies have fun,” She gave me a wave as she left the room. I focused back on my mate who seemed to have stopped crying. “You okay, Kai?”

  She slowly lifted her head to look at me. “Yea. I think I need a nap though.” Her sudden yawn confirmed her thought.

  “Go ahead and close your eyes,” I rubbed my cheek against hers again, my lion purring his content at comforting our mate. “I’ll be here when you wake up.”


  I bent down and placed a gentle kiss on her lips before pressing my forehead to hers. “Always, my queen.”



  One week later…

  The last week had been crazy. Once I was fully healed, I went about trying to get to know the members on the pride and find out where I could help them. I found rather quickly that this pride took very good care of its own. Free childcare for working parents, plenty of jobs to make sure everyone could eat and have a roof over their head, and free food for those that did need it on occasion. It was incredible to learn all the inner workings. This was how every pride, clan, pack, or whatever a community of shifters wanted to call itself should be run. Everyone should be taken care of regardless of their status in the community.

  “You sure you’re ready for this?” Blake asked from where he was standing with only a towel wrapped around his waist in the bathroom doorway.

  Tonight was the night that we would complete our bond.

  My heat had hit its peak two days after the fight and Blake had to stay at the farmhouse until it finally passed three days later. Even Logan and Lucas had to steer clear of me. That’s how strong my scent was. I still had Sloane and Aunt Leandra to tend to me while I suffered in bed feeling like I might die from being horny. It was a nightmare. Now with my heat done and over with there was no sense in waiting. I wanted my mate.

  “Stop asking me that and get over here.” I lifted the blanket to reveal my naked body underneath, giggling when Blake growled and stalked toward me.

  He crawled up the bed, stopping once he was hovering over me. “I can’t fucking wait to make you mine.”

  Everything about him was overwhelming my senses.

  “I love you,” I whispered, staring into my mate’s beautiful hazel eyes.

  Blake’s lion started to purr. “I love you more than you could ever know, my queen.” He placed a kiss on the end of my nose.

  “I’m a little nervous,” I admitted. I didn’t want to ruin this for either of us.

  “I know. I can feel it, and it’s perfectly normal to be nervous.” Blake grabbed the blanket, giving it a test tug to see if I’d try to stop him. I didn’t. “We’ll take our time and work through it. Deal?”

  I nodded and let him pull the blanket off, revealing my naked body. I had to fight the urge to cover myself.

  “I’ve seen you naked before, Kai. You’re just as stunning now as you were t”

  I took a calming breath. “I know, but this is different.”

  “Mmhmm.” Blake hummed as he trailed a finger up the outside of my leg. “This is different.” His eyes locked on mine when his finger reached my hip. “A good kind of different, don’t you agree.”

  “I do.” I reached up and cupped his cheek. “Make me yours, Blake.”

  That was all he needed to hear. His mouth crashed into mine, devouring, and tasting me all at once. I had no clue what to do with my hands, so I buried them in his hair and tried to pull him closer.

  “Kailani.” He panted, the purr in his chest turning into a low growl. “I don’t want to hurt you, but I don’t think my lion is going to let me go slow until I’ve bonded to you.”

  I laughed when a low growl started in my chest. “My lioness feels the same way. I’m okay with our mating being fast, just be easy at first.”

  Blake nipped my lip and chuckled. “I had no intention of just slamming into you, Kai. Well not at first at least.” His smell of intoxicating me.

  “Towel off,” I growled, surprising myself.

  Blake chuckled again. “Yes, ma’am.” He stood and pulled his towel off, tossing it toward the bathroom door. His long thick
erection bouncing with the movement.

  I needed him now.

  My eyes were locked on his cock as I reached for him. “Mine.”

  “Yes, it is.” He climbed back onto the bed and positioned himself between my legs, kissing me sweetly before reaching down between us and brushing his fingers over my clit. “Let’s get you ready real fast, shall we.” Then his hand traveled further.

  “Blake.” I moaned, spreading my legs wider as he circled my hole with his finger.

  He circled a few times, collecting my juices as they flowed out. “So wet for me.”

  He groaned as he dipped just the tip of his finger inside me.

  “Blake, please!” A delicious pressure was starting to build between my legs.

  “I promise I’ll make it better soon.” He slid his finger in deeper. The growl in our chests was slowly morphing back into a purr.

  “Keep going, I think, I think I’m gon-” Blake did something with his finger, hitting a spot inside me that sent me soaring. “Oh god!” I cried out as I writhed and shamelessly road his hand until the orgasm started to fade.

  He kissed my forehead and gently added a second finger, pushing them deeper. There was a sudden tiny pinch of pain that caused me to gasp. I was so sensitive that the pleasure of it all quickly overrode the sting. “Good girl.”

  “Blake.” I panted when his fingers started to move faster. I was going to lose my mind to how good it felt to have his fingers inside me. His cock was probably going to send me to the nuthouse. It was worth it.

  “Give me one more orgasm and then I’ll put us both out of our misery.”

  “So close…” Blake rubbed that spot inside me again and I was a goner. I writhed and rode his hand just like the first time but this time when my orgasm started to fade, he slid his fingers out of me and leaned over to open the nightstand. “What are you doing?” I asked, my mind still foggy from pleasure.


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