His Filthy Game

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His Filthy Game Page 39

by Cassandra Dee

  I closed my eyes and thought about how much had changed in a short amount of time. My hefty salary would help my mom out, letting her cut back on from seven shifts a week at the hair salon. And I was actually working while getting college credit at the same time. Jerks like Roger would kill for an opportunity like this.

  But then my mind wandered to Theo. My stomach dipped with anticipation, thinking about seeing him later. Where was he? What was he doing right now?

  Just then, Gina gently tapped me on my shoulder. “All done, honey. Ready for your big moment?”

  Opening my eyes, a woman with long blonde dreadlocks smiled at me holding up a golden shimmering gown and black leather patent pumps.

  “You ready for this?” she asked with a smile. “It’s going to look smashing on you.”

  I gasped. The gown was work of beauty, like something you’d wear on a Hollywood red carpet. Not something Mia Smith wore in her day to day life.

  “Um, really?” was all I could manage in choked words. “Really?”

  Both women smiled at me.

  “Sure thing, hon,” spoke Gina again. “It’s going to be amazing, you’ll see.”

  And the ladies were right because when I caught a glimpse of myself in the mirror, a stranger looked back at me. Loose ringlets cascaded over my shoulders in a chestnut wave. I had dark plum lips and dramatic black eye makeup making my eyes look even bigger. Gina had contoured my cheekbones accentuating them like that of a supermodel.

  And there was still the dress. In my hands, the gown glittered and sparkled.

  “Where should I change?” I asked shyly.

  The wardrobe lady named Tania smiled.

  “Right here. We’ll help you.”

  The look on my face must have been one of horror because I detested changing in front of people. In any locker room situation, I always quickly got dressed and undressed in a bathroom stall while my heart pounded like a drum from stress.

  Tania assured me, “We’ll be quick. Don’t worry sweetheart. Now let’s get started.”

  And I gave in to the process, letting the ladies help me undress. Unzipping my hoodie, Tania said gently, “A few more of these shoots, and you’ll get used to it.”

  I shook my head, puzzled. “A few more?”

  Tania and Gina exchanged looks. “You’re the new Marc Janow girl,” Gina said unbuttoning my jeans. “Don’t you know?”

  What? No, I didn’t but the ladies hadn’t even paused in their movements. It was incredibly strange to have these women I’d just met dressing me, but I was too stunned by what Gina said to make any voluntary movements.

  “Come again?” I mumbled.

  A man with a clipboard and earpiece walked into the conference room. “Mia, I’m Andre. I’ll be running this shoot.”

  “Eek!” I cried, hands trying to shield my assets. “Can we get some privacy please?”

  But Tania and Gina didn’t even blink an eye, moving swiftly and silently.

  “Almost done,” encouraged Tania, pulling the zipper up tight. “She’ll be ready in a jiff, Andre.”

  The man was just as unperturbed by my nakedness, holding a clipboard my way. “I have the contract here for you to sign. I forwarded it to Theo’s assistant. Did you get it?”

  What? That good-for-nothing Penny again.

  “No, I didn’t receive anything,” I sputtered.

  Right now, the redhead was a thorn in my side. That woman purposely didn’t send me any information so that I’d look like a fool in front of these professionals. Well, screw that! I was going to rock this photo shoot just to spite her and prove a point.

  Andre nodded. “Okay. No biggie, but here it is for you to look over. Let me know if you have any questions. Do you think you could sign it today?”

  I took the clipboard from his hand while the women pulled off my sneakers. Reading the contract, I nearly fainted. Marc Janow was offering me a one-year contract to be their spokesperson for one million dollars.

  One. Million. Dollars.

  I was literally hyperventilating a little, my head light.

  “You okay?” Andre asked, his face a mask of concern. “Someone get some water please.”

  But I recovered in time, forcing myself to look up.

  “Um yeah, I’m ready to sign,” I said.

  “Perfect,” said Andre happily. “Here’s a pen. And here’s some water too, you look like you need it.”

  With numb fingers, my signature was soon on the line, signed, sealed and delivered. Holy cow. Shock was threatening to carry me to a new dimension because suddenly, this was taking on fairy tale proportions. I was still Mia, but also something more now. I was a beautiful woman wearing a designer gown, about to embark on a million-dollar modeling contract.

  Who said that only supermodels win? Clearly, the regular girl was doing just fine.

  And with an encouraging smile, Tania spoke. “You’re all dressed and ready to go. Totally camera-ready.”

  Gina grinned as well.

  “Come on, I’ll take you to where we’re set up.” She led me out of the conference room. Brushing a strand of hair out of my face, the makeup artist spoke. “Relax, honey. You’re going to be great, Mia, you look fab.”

  I took a deep breath. “Thank you.” In my head, Penny’s bitter face came to me. I wasn’t going to let myself choke for her benefit.

  The set-up took my breath away. Lights and a photographer were set up in front of Theo’s abstract painting in the lobby hallway. A grizzled old guy with a camera draped around his neck saw me coming and thrust out a paw.

  “Mia, great to meet you. I’m Scotty. We’ll be working together on this shoot.”

  Gina cut in gently, “Mia’s a little nervous seeing that it’s her first time. So be gentle, Scotty.” She laughed.

  The old guy chuckled as well.

  “No problem. This’ll be a nice change from the spoiled girls out there who order me around,” he said drolly. “Just be you, that’s usually what works best.”

  My stomach turned when he said that because these people didn’t know me. I was a nerd, someone shut away most of the time, my head buried in books if not programming in the wee hours of the morning. The real me was someone who hated being on camera.

  But something had changed in the last couple weeks. Maybe it was the exposure, or more likely, it was meeting Theo Wainwright himself because the CEO constantly told me I was beautiful, praising my curves and adoring my brains and body. If Theo liked it, then maybe there was something there. Maybe I was more than just another girl nerd, locked in the dungeon of her computer lab.

  So taking a deep breath, I put a confident smile on my face. Hey, might as well work it, right?

  Scotty held the camera up. “That’s perfect,” he said. “Take a couple deep breaths, Mia.”

  I closed my eyes and breathed in and out slowly, envisioning Theo here with me. That did it. His male presence warmed me from the inside out, making me feel empowered and womanly. When I opened my eyes, the camera flashed, startling me. I felt stupid for jumping.

  “I’m sorry,” I said. “Didn’t expect that.”

  Scotty just nodded, speaking in a soothing voice. “Don’t be sorry. I want you to channel the energy you had in the photo that made you famous. Just relax and let go.”

  It was impossible to do that, given that the first time, I’d been goofing off on a rooftop with my best friend. That was nothing compared to the professional production laid out here, where I was posing for money.

  But right, money. A million dollars was on the line, and my family needed the cash. So I forced myself to smile once again, probably a little too brightly.

  Scotty came up to me and spread out the folds of the dress so that the slit all the way up to my mid thigh was more pronounced. I had to admit that the dress with its high slit and generous neckline showcasing my bust made me feel sexy. Cool and sexy. You’re cool and sexy, I said to myself over and over.

  With another deep breath, I turned around to
look at Theo’s painting. Looking at the lines of code mixed with the bright splotches of colors helped me focus. This was something I could do, especially with the CEO’s help. I thought about how just that morning he’d had sex with me right on his desk, my panties moistening from the memory.

  Cool and sexy. Cool and sexy. You’re a badass, I chanted in my head.

  When I turned back to Scotty, my thoughts were filled with the CEO and the memory of how he’d owned my body. Sensing the change, the camera began to click nonstop.

  “That’s it, Mia! I love it!” Scotty purred. “That’s it, that’s it!”

  I put my hand on my hip and threw my head back like a sassy vixen. And lo and behold, the CEO actually appeared. It wasn’t just a dream anymore, the man of my fantasies had materialized to watch my photo shoot.

  Or to stare unabashedly at my form was more like it. Theo’s blue eyes were fixed on every inch of skin, taking in the high slit, the heaving bosom, and my legs made to look a mile-long in black stilettos.

  “Fuck, baby girl,” came his low voice. “Shit, you’re beautiful.”

  I blushed hotter in answer, leaning back on the canvas to look right at my lover. His eyes were on fire with desire that only made me trace my finger down my cleavage, tantalizing and coy.

  Scotty clicked away, “You’re doing awesome, Mia. This is incredible heat. Keep going, keep going.”

  And I giggled a little then because I wasn’t the only one turned on. I could see Theo’s dick growing in his pants, a hard bulge making itself known. It made me want to put on a real show for him, none of this camera stuff.

  But right now, we had roles to play. So flinging my hands up over my head, I rested my head on the canvas and bit my lip, making them look glossy and bee-stung. Scotty cooed as the camera clicked, “Amazing!”

  Theo’s eyes devoured every inch of my skin, the heat radiating between us in waves.

  But it seems that we were done because suddenly, Scotty stood, gazing down at the viewfinder on his camera.

  “That was it,” he prattled happily. “That was the shot. You’ve got to see this.”

  Slowly, I brought my arms down, still stunned as Scotty strode over, showing me our joint work. I gasped because the woman in the image wasn’t me. Instead, there was a curvy brunette dressed in a ball gown who was incredibly sassy, sexy, with a coy come-hither curve to her lips as she beckoned to her lover.

  Holy cow. Was that the new Mia? Was that what Theo brought out from inside? The alpha growled, never taking those blue eyes from my form.

  But we were in front of other people and Gina gave me a wink. “I knew you were going to be a natural, hon. I can sense it from miles away.”

  Scotty nodded. “Mr. Wainwright, we’re all done here, unless you had anything else? Your new employee is stunning and absolutely perfect as the Mark Janow girl.”

  Theo grinned then, wolfish and masculine.

  “Great, I’ve got to steal her from you anyways. Mia and I have some software to discuss ASAP.”

  Scotty nodded genially. “Sure, I already got my shot. We’ll be out of Picto-Town in twenty minutes, no problem.”

  I turned to Tania, face flushed. Theo always did this to me, making me feel wanted with a hint of naughty.

  “Oh wait, I need to give you this dress and shoes back.”

  The wardrobe lady laughed. “Toots, they’re all yours, and the rest of the clothes back in that room, too.”

  My mouth dropped. There had been racks and racks of designer clothes in the small space, glittery, spangly, and probably worth an entire year’s salary. I couldn’t afford that.

  “There’s been a mistake,” I said. “I can’t afford that, I’m so sorry.”

  Tania and Gina looked at each other before laughing merrily.

  “No sweetheart, what we mean is that Pictogram purchased them for you for your use. It’s this man right here,” she said, nodding towards Theo. “Thank him.”

  And I blushed even more then, turning shy eyes to Mr. Wainwright. Because was it true? Had be bought me all those designer clothes without a second thought? Had Theo really done that for me?

  Those blue eyes gleamed, confirming the purchase.

  “You’re welcome, sweetheart,” he growled. “You look gorgeous in jeans and t-shirts, but every lady needs some variety in her wardrobe, wouldn’t you say? Especially since you belong here now.”

  More accurately, I belonged to him, but I couldn’t accept such generosity. Call me old-fashioned, but I’ve always worked for what I have, and this was different. This was four or five figures of designer clothes just for doing nothing.

  “I’m sorry, I can’t,” I said, eyes regretful. “I can’t accept this gift.”

  Theo remained unperturbed. “Sure you can, sweetheart,” he said. “But tell you what, if it makes you uncomfortable, let’s go take a look at the clothes one more time. And I swear, if you don’t like them, you don’t have to take anything.”

  I smiled helplessly at the billionaire. Of course I was going to like them. What woman wouldn’t?

  Slowly, I trailed the CEO from the photo shoot and back into the small room with the racks of gowns, dresses, pants, shirts, and dozens of shoes.

  “I like this,” Theo said, grinning while holding up a bustier. “You’d look amazing in it.”

  I had to laugh at that.

  “Mr. Wainwright,” I said with a mock frown. “You know that’s for girls who are A cups. I’m Double D on my best days. I’d burst out of that in no time.”

  And in a flash, Theo was beside me, that big form towering over my curvy frame.

  “I know,” he murmured in my ear. “Trust me, I know.”

  Just like that, it was on.

  “Sweetheart, I see something that I like,” he rumbled, lifting the skirt of the gown up.

  I gasped, swatting his hand away.

  “Mr. Wainwright! They’re going to be back in here any minute. There isn’t even a door really. Let go!” I gasped, pushing his big palms away.

  But my insides were already loosening, pussy moistening with desire. And Theo knew. The alpha kissed my neck, making me moan, eyes falling closed.

  “You looked so hot out there,” he whispered in my ear. “We’ll be quick and dirty. I promise.” He cupped my breasts and squeezed them. “Aw shit, your nipples are hard.”

  Turning my head to him, I said, “I want you so bad. Make it as quick and dirty as possible.”

  And I swear, this was becoming a habit because it was the second time in one day. Theo bent me over the conference table, flipping the priceless gown over the small of my back while those big hands deftly pulled my panties down. Slowly, the alpha slid a finger in my already throbbing pussy, making me squeal. Then, to my surprise, he slipped that finger out and right into my asshole. I squirmed with surprise.

  “Theo!” I gasped, anus twitching a bit. “Oh god!”

  The pressure felt deliciously exciting. And the big man could tell I liked it because he pulled his cock out and rubbed the head against my pussy while keeping his finger buried inside.

  “You’re going to get me wet first,” he rasped into my ear while pushing deep into my sweetest spot. “Get me wet for what comes next.”

  Oh god, my legs nearly buckled from the pleasure.

  “Unnnh! Mr. Wainwright,” I gasped, helplessly.

  Theo held me tight, growling into my ear, “Mia, I want you in your tight little asshole.”

  And what could I say? I belong to this man now with no way to say no to his demands. So craning my head slightly, I met those blazing blue eyes with a soft, hungry glance.

  “Yes, put your cock in there,” I whispered, gripping the conference table in anticipation. “Let me feel it.”

  Theo pulled out of my cunt and then slowly eased his hard thick cock into my ass while rubbing my clit in tight fast circle. The thought of being interrupted turned me on even more. Quickly, an orgasm rushed through me like a tornado, making me cry out.

h god!” I gasped, writhing under his thick pole. “Oh god, oh god!”

  Theo thrust into me faster. “Fuck your ass is so tight.”

  My heart was pounding like crazy, thinking about the production staff that could burst in at any minute. Gina. Tania. Andre. Scotty. It thrilled me that any one of them could stride in and get an eyeful of Theo’s big cock pushed deep in my ass.

  But the excitement got to him too because with one last thrust, Mr. Wainwright groaned loudly as jets of hot cum flooded into my asshole. Oh god, it felt so good, the hot, goopy stickiness enhancing my orgasms, cunt and ass clamping down with tremors as we both released.

  But suddenly, Theo pulled out with a slippery, slick sound, pushing his dick back in his pants. Voices were coming and I jerked upwards as the CEO smoothed my dress over my haunches so that nothing looked off.

  Andre tiptoed in then, expression curious.

  “Everything okay in here? We thought we heard shouting outside.”

  A blush spread over my cheeks, going all the way down to my pussy. Oh god, Theo’s semen was dripping from my butt at the moment, forming a warm wet trail down the back of one thigh.

  But the CEO didn’t even bat an eye.

  “Everything’s fine,” he said smoothly, reaching to straighten one curl that had haphazardly landed over my shoulder. “No worries, we’re good.”

  And with a knowing look, Andre departed.

  “Oh my god,” I gasped, turning to face my lover. “We didn’t.”

  But Theo’s grin made a reappearance, flashing white and charismatic.

  “Yes we did sweetheart. We absolutely did. And you know what? I want more.”

  And with that, I was spun around again, the dress flipped over my backside just as we’d been two seconds ago.

  “Theo!” I panted, pushed down on the tabletop in a prone position. “Oh, unnnh!”

  Because evidently the CEO wasn’t done. His cock thrust thick, smooth and hard into my back hole once more, and it was so good. I groaned, pressing my cheek against the hard glass as I was taken from behind.


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