Secret Desire: Leihla & Ben (Taboo Forbidden Erotica)

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Secret Desire: Leihla & Ben (Taboo Forbidden Erotica) Page 2

by Nic Saint

I opened my legs a little wider, and as the last droplets of pee fell into the toilet bowl, I reached a tentative hand toward my lips. They were wet, and not just with pee.

  I slipped a finger in, and began to massage the heat that was vibrating between my legs. While I rubbed my clit in slow, circular movements, I imagined it was Ben’s hand, touching me there. I now quickly closed the toilet seat and sat down on top of it, my feet up and legs wide. I’d seen one of my mom’s hair brushes lying near the sink, and grabbed it. The handle was nowhere near the size of my brother’s cock, but it would have to do for now. At least the handle was thick, almost an inch, and inserting it into my wet pussy, I moaned with pleasure.

  Was this how Ben’s cock would feel? Sliding the brush a little deeper, I moved my thumb over my clit, rubbing it faster and faster, while the brush slid in and out with ease. The handle was now glistening with my juices. I shoved it deeper still, right up to the hilt, as the pressure and the tension built inside me.

  I pulled up my nightie, and fondled my small breasts, plunging the brush deeper into my pussy. My nipples, normally puffy and wide, were puckering up, and I squeezed my tit hard, tugging at the nipple. How would Ben’s hot hands feel on my tits? How would it feel if he put his mouth there, suckling at my nipple, flicking the tip with his tongue? Oh, God. The thought sent ripples of excitement through my lower belly and all the way up my spine.

  I was fucking myself with my mom’s brush now, pulling it out and plunging it in, wet sounds echoing through the bathroom, and imagining it was Ben’s huge cock, taking possession of his sister’s pussy. The toilet seat was slick with my juices, dripping from my cunt. I touched a finger to my ass: it was wet, too. Then an idea occurred to me: now that I was so wet, the brush barely put pressure against the walls of my pussy, so I carefully inserted it into my ass. It went in smoothly, lubricated by my cunt juices. I shoved it in, then pushed three fingers inside my pussy, my thumb never leaving my clit.

  Waves of pleasure now rushed through me, while I assfucked and fingerfucked myself. I could feel the tension building up and up, my lips contracting around my fingers, my asshole squeezing around my mom’s brush, my clit on fire. Then suddenly, something uncoiled deep inside me, and I came, bucking and writhing against my hand, almost slipping off the toilet.

  A sound had me open my eyes, and when I looked up, there stood Ben, watching me with rapt attention, his mouth slightly open, and an enormous erection straining at the crotch of his boxers.

  “Ben!” I cried. Now it was my turn to quickly grab for a towel and cover myself.

  He didn’t say a word, merely gave me a long, dark, lingering look, then quickly withdrew and left me there, panting and blushing with shame and embarrassment.

  From an early age, I’d always had fantasies about Ben and I undressing before each other, slowly removing our clothes one by one, until we were both completely naked. I’d always imagined the look on his face, in those beautiful blue eyes, as he watched me undress—seeing me, all of me, absolutely naked and vulnerable before him, naked for the first time.

  The way he’d seen me now, my body cresting into orgasm, was not the way I’d imagined our first time to be. But the thought of what he’d seen still sent shivers of excitement rippling through me. For the first time, he’d seen all of me, and I’d seen all of him. And I knew right then and there that I wanted him more than I’d ever wanted anything before. I wanted my brother to be my lover, my first, the one who would take my virginity.

  As I lay in bed, I kept hoping he’d come to me in the middle of the night, slip into bed with me. We’d both get naked, touch each other. Oh, the thought of Ben touching me everywhere, his body against mine, his lips on mine… Those sweet, cherry lips, our tongues mingling…

  Wrong, oh so wrong, and yet…

  I cupped my mound over the soft material of my cotton panties and could feel the wetness, once again spreading there. I slipped my hand underneath the elastic band, and my fingers found my lips as wet as before. I rocked my pelvis against the palm of my hand, as I started fingering myself, my other hand pushing up my shirt and pinching my nipples.

  How would it feel like if my little brother would put his soft hands on my breasts, touch me there, squeeze my nipples with his fingers, lick me there…

  What if he put his tongue to my clit? His face buried between my thighs, my hands tousling his ash blond tresses… Licking, sucking… What would his cock taste like? Suddenly, I felt such a yearning, such a strong desire to have sex with my very own brother, that I could barely control the urge. I wanted his cock in my mouth, wanted to taste him, feel him…


  A small voice broke into the fantasy, and when I opened my eyes, there was Ben, standing beside my bed looking down at me. I could barely make him out in the darkness of the room, and I was pretty sure he hadn’t seen me writhing and squirming, controlled by the most powerful erotic fantasy I’d ever had. In fact, just when he’d spoken, the first spasms of orgasm had started rocking my body.

  “Ben!” I said, flustered.

  He seemed to hesitate, then spoke again. “There’s something I need to tell you, Leihla.”

  I pulled down my nightshirt over my breasts, and sat up in bed.

  “Sure,” I said, willing my voice to sound normal, though my heart was beating in my throat. “What is it?”

  I hugged my arms over my breasts, still sensitive after my recent treatment, and swallowed uncomfortably. After what had happened, I really didn’t know what to say. It was one thing to fantasize about having sex with Ben, but now that he was here, reality put its customary damper on my wild and crazy desires.

  He sat on the floor next to my bed, and stared into space. He, too, seemed at a loss for words.

  He inclined his head, staring at the floor. “I know you’ve been wondering why I don’t have a girlfriend, Leihla,” he said. “The reason is… I’m in love…” He faltered, then screwed up his courage, and said, “With my sister.”

  He looked up, and in spite of the darkness, I could see his eyes sizing me up, gauging my reaction. I didn’t move, not knowing how to respond to what I already knew.

  “I’m in love with you, Leihla, and I’ve been for a very long time. There’s only one girl for me, and that’s you.”

  “But, Ben,” I said softly. “You’re my brother. We can’t—I can’t—”

  “Adoptive brother,” he corrected me.

  He sat up, and brushed a hand against my leg. I shivered at his touch.

  “Ben, we really shouldn’t,” I said.

  “But don’t you see? We’re not really siblings. Oh, Leihla, even before I knew about the adoption, I was in love with you. Haven’t you ever noticed the way I look at you? You must have.”

  I had. Not just that time at the beach, but every time I stepped out of the bathroom, a towel wrapped around me, Ben always just happened to step out into the corridor and pass me by, his eyes expressing a yearning that was much more than brotherly affection.

  “I also have a confession to make,” I said hesitantly. I know I should have simply sent him back to his room, but I wanted him just as much as he wanted me, and I couldn’t fight the temptation anymore. He was so close now, and the darkness provided an intimacy that was intoxicating. It was as if a small, still voice inside me urged me on, when I said, “I’ve been thinking about you as well.”

  “You have?”

  “Ever since I saw you today, I’ve been wondering…”

  I faltered, not knowing how to voice the thought. What I’d wanted to say was, “Ever since I saw you today, I haven’t been able to stop thinking about you, wanting you, loving you…”

  “I feel the same way about you, Ben,” I finally said, and I could hear him draw in a sharp breath at these words. I don’t know who moved first, then. All I know is that suddenly his lips were on mine, taking my mouth with a passion we both felt, and his hand was on my chest, his fingers curling around my breast, kneading it through my shirt.


nbsp; Now it was my turn to gasp. I hadn’t realized how strongly I’d react to Ben touching me like that.

  “Oh, Leihla,” he said hoarsely, when he broke the kiss.

  For a moment, we were at a threshold. We could stop right there, or we could take things further. Much further. For there wasn’t a doubt in my mind that once we crossed this boundary, there was no turning back and we would go all the way. I could sense how hungry Ben was to have sex with me, and I was just as hungry for him.

  In a split second, I decided. I pulled my sleeping shirt over my head, and sat, naked and vulnerable, before my little brother, my small breasts exposed for him to see and do with as he pleased.

  For a long moment, he simply sat and watched, as moonlight played over my pale skin, my dark areolae yearning for his touch, then he lifted his head and searched my face for approval. I nodded, drawing in a deep breath to still my beating heart, and slowly, very gently, he placed both hands on my breasts, merely touching them lightly, as if they were the most precious treasure he’d ever touched.

  “God, you’re beautiful,” he whispered, as his fingers first caressed the swell of my breasts, then the sides, then my nipples, instantly responding to his touch by puckering slightly. He played his index fingers across my nipples, then carefully took them between thumb and forefinger and rolled them, squeezed them ever so gently.

  “You’re the most beautiful woman I’ve ever seen, Leihla,” he breathed, moving closer and placing his full hands on my breasts, kneading my flesh with his warm, slender fingers.

  His touch sent shivers down my spine, and I opened my mouth in a silent sigh.

  He was on his knees now; his face level with my breasts. He gently cupped one breast in both hands, and placed a gentle kiss on my nipple. It instantly perked up at the touch of his lips. He then sucked my nipple into his mouth and licked it—slowly—deliberately. Sucking it. Softly nibbling it.

  I moaned at the touch of his lips, heat flashing through me, and stroked his hair, those soft blond tresses, that were so much like my own.

  I placed my hands on his face, bent down, and kissed him. And he kissed me back. Softly, reverently almost, our lips merely feathering at first. Then I couldn’t hold it any longer. I wanted him. I wanted my little brother, and a strong passion suddenly took possession of me.

  I opened my mouth and he instantly slipped the tip of his tongue inside, touching my tongue with his own. I opened my lips wider now, and he thrust his tongue deeper into my mouth, exploring me frantically, our saliva mixing. I licked the back of his teeth, exploring every part of his mouth, as he did with mine.

  And suddenly he was all over me, pushing me back onto the pillow. His hands were on my breasts, his tongue was inside my mouth, and we were both breathing fast now, as he removed his shirt, then his boxers, and I could feel his naked chest brush up against my breasts, my nipples grazing his.

  “Undress me,” I breathed into his mouth. “I want to be naked with you, Ben.”

  “Leihla, sweet, sweet Leihla,” he groaned, and stripped down my pants.

  Now we were both naked, as nature had intended us to be, our bodies hot and skin tingling at the touch. We were in uncharted territory, doing something that we both knew was wrong. But then why did it feel so right? So good?

  He hesitated, his face level with my thighs. Then, ever so gently, he caressed the wispy blond hairs on my mound. At his touch, I instinctively parted my legs. I was ready for him to explore me everywhere, even the most intimate parts of my body, parts no-one had ever seen or touched.

  Yes, like my little brother, I, too was still a virgin, and had never gone beyond kissing and casual fondling with the boyfriends that I’d had. My very first time was going to me with Ben, with my own brother.

  I spread my lips for him with my fingers, ready to be owned by him. In the light of the moon, he could make out my labia, already glistening wet for him. He gently lapped his tongue across my lips, moving in one smooth stroke upward to my clit. The sensation sent a fire raging through my pussy.

  “Oh, Ben,” I cried, as he thrust his tongue between my lips, licking me, drinking me. “How does it taste?” I whispered, worried he wouldn’t like me there.

  “Delicious,” he said, his mouth wet with my juices. “Better than anything I’ve ever tasted, sis.”

  Suddenly, I wanted to taste him too. Feel his cock, put it in my mouth and taste it. Suck it like he was sucking my clit.

  “Turn around,” I whispered. “I want you in my mouth.”

  He moved into position, lying down beside me, his crotch near my face. In the semidarkness, I could see his majestic cock, fully erect now. I touched it lightly, caressing the swollen glans, and it twitched. It jerked up at my touch, and I could hear Ben groan in delight. The sight of my little brother’s cock right in front of me, suddenly drove me to such heights of lust, that I instantly buried the throbbing cockhead in my mouth, my own brother’s cock now throbbing on my tongue.

  “Oh, sis,” he moaned.

  I closed my lips around his cock, and he heaved a shuddering breath.

  “God,” he cried. “Your mouth. It’s so hot!”

  For a moment, I thought he might come. I didn’t mind. I would have taken all his cum in my mouth and swallowed every last drop. Drinking my brother’s cum was like drinking part of me. I flicked my tongue around the tiny slit in his cock, and could taste the pre-cum oozing out. Ben’s pre-cum. Like nectar, I greedily sucked it all up.

  I took his cock deeper into my mouth now, taking it in as far as I could. I wanted to take all of it, but his cock was too big. Even now I was stretching my mouth open wide, and his cock was filling all of it. As I slid my fingers up and down the shaft, slick with a mixture of my saliva and his pre-cum, I could feel the veins throbbing in my hand.

  Spasms were now rocking my lower body, as Ben sucked my clit and carefully nibbled it with his teeth. He must have felt the jerks and twists, for he slid first two fingers, then three, into my pussy and rhythmically started pumping them in and out.

  I cried out again, as waves of pleasure exploded from my young teenage cunt, the cunt my little brother was now fingerfucking.

  Oh, God. My own brother’s fingers were inside me. The fingers he’d once slipped into mine on our first day of school, scared and only having each other for support, were now fingering my cunt while I was sucking his cock, licking up every drop of the pre-cum that still kept flowing.

  “You’re so wet, sis,” he hissed, as he lifted his face from between my legs.

  “Wet for you,” I said.

  I let go of his cock and opened my legs even wider. I then pushed myself up on my elbows and leaned forward to kiss him, open-mouthed. Our tongues connected, and I could taste my own cunt on his lips, my juices mixing with his saliva and his pre-cum in my mouth. He stuck his tongue so deep into my mouth, that for a moment I gagged, and loved the feeling. My hand was still pumping his cock, and his fingers were still firing into my pussy like pistons, and my breath now came in gasps as I was close to orgasm.

  “Fuck me, Ben,” I panted into his mouth. “Fuck your sister.”

  His eyes went dark with lust at these words, and he jerked his fingers out of me. I cried at the sudden void there, but I didn’t have long to wait. He threw himself on top of me, pinning me down, and before I knew what was happening, he’d plunged his cock into my soaking wet cunt.

  “God!” I cried, as my brother’s thick length penetrated my flesh. “Oh, God!”

  I felt a dull pain as the tip of Ben’s cock pushed against my hymen, straining against it, building the pressure inside. His cock filled me wall to wall, and the feeling left me gasping for breath.

  “I’m hurting you,” he said, worried at my grimace. “I’m too big for you.”

  I shook my head bravely, and when he started pulling back, I folded my legs around his waist and pushed him deeper into me. I cried out, then, as the pain became excruciating, but wanted him so much—so much—that I arched up against him,
and now he was all the way inside, his enormous girth straining my flesh, expanding my hole almost beyond endurance, sending ripples of pain and pleasure through my lower belly.

  “I’m your sister,” I gasped. “And you’re my brother. We were made for each other, Ben.”

  His frown of worry disappeared, replaced by so much love, that tears filled my eyes. I kissed him, and he kissed me back, hungrily. And I suddenly realized I wasn’t a virgin anymore. My own brother had taken my virginity, and I had taken his.

  “Leihla!” he said, as he pushed deeper and deeper into me. “Oh, sis, I’m inside you! All the way inside.”

  The pain mingled with such an intense sensation of pleasure, that I wanted him deeper, the spasms inside intensifying with every inch of cock burrowing into my hole, sinking deeper and deeper into my flesh.

  Then suddenly, as if he’d read my mind, he thrust the rest of his cock all the way into me, the tip reaching a place deep inside that I knew could only be my womb. My body contracted so violently, that I arched up, and covered his open mouth with mine, then breathed, “You’re the first, Ben. You’re my first. The first man who’s ever fucked me and the only one who ever will.”

  Light from a passing car momentarily streaked through the curtained window and lit up the room, and I could see the surprise in his eyes, those beautiful eyes as they bore into mine. He stopped for a moment, then the realization that he’d taken his sister’s virginity flashed across his face, and an expression of pure lust changed his features into something so powerful, it took my breath away.

  And I knew from his expression, he saw the same desire reflected in me, for I lusted after him like he lusted after me. And in that moment, our bodies so intimately connected, I suddenly realized that this was what I’d always wanted: to lie together, not like brother and sister, but like lovers.

  He felt it too, for suddenly he bucked his hips and rocked his cock into me with such ferocity, I knew this was stronger than any taboo, stronger than any law. Though society might condemn us, our bodies told us it was right. His jaw clenched and he pumped me harder and harder, his balls slamming against my ass as his cock drove deeper and deeper into my cunt.


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