Happily Ever After with My Dad’s Best Friend

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Happily Ever After with My Dad’s Best Friend Page 25

by Wylder, Penny

  “Yes, Sir.”

  Again, that surge of adrenaline and power. Another spank, and another, and another, and Cora doesn’t make a sound. I pull her up so she can straddle my lap, but I keep my hand at her pussy, working my fingers back inside. She’s sitting on them now. “Are you going to be good?”

  “As good as I can.”

  I thrust up into her, and she moans. “There’s a condom in my wallet. Get it, put it on me. The wallet is on the desk.” She lifts herself off me and retrieves it, returning to straddle me as she undoes my belt. “Missing something?” I ask, wiggling my fingers and unable to contain my smirk as she blushes and works her pussy back onto the three fingers I have bunched together just for her. I brush my thumb across her clit while she works at my belt and pulls my cock out of my pants.

  Her breath goes shallow when she sees me fully erect, and I thrust up into her, letting her imagine what this is going to feel like. She seems almost shy as she rolls the condom onto me, hesitant. “Have you changed your mind?” I ask.

  She laughs softly. “No. It’s just—” I wait for her to continue, while she finishes placing the condom. “I’ve never been with someone who’s as big as you are.”

  A swell of pride rises up in my chest and I lift her up, guiding myself to her entrance. “Then take your time,” I say. “Take as long as you need to get me inside you. But Cora,” I say and she looks at me. “Once I’m inside you, I’m going to fuck you. And I’m not going to hold back.”

  She lowers herself onto me, and we both groan. She feels so good, so hot and tight that I could come right now. But what a waste that would be. I press my lips to her skin, feeling her chest rise and fall in little pants as she slowly works herself onto me. It’s exquisite torture, and I say so.

  “Maybe I like torturing you,” she says, but it’s all breath and no voice. Her eyes flutter closed as she takes another inch, and I hold my breath because God, it’s so good. And then she’s there, and her pussy clenches around me and I almost lose it. Almost.

  “Good girl,” I say softly, and she shudders. I give her a moment to adjust, feeling the way she moves her hips against mine, feeling the way I fill her up—and I do, completely. “This needs to go,” I say, pushing her shirt off her shoulders. And when that’s gone I help her unhook her bra so that I can finally see those breasts I’ve been fantasizing about. Cora’s nipples are a dusky red that compliment her skin, and I have to taste them because I can’t help myself. The way they pebble and harden under my tongue is so fucking hot, and I know that I can’t wait anymore.

  “You don’t have to be quiet anymore,” I say. “I want to hear how loud you can scream.” And then I thrust up into her. It’s not a scream at first, it’s a gasp and then a moan, and fucking her is like a dream come true. I want this to last forever, but I know that it won’t. We’re both too riled up, too overwhelmed by the last two days for it to last.

  I push faster, pulling her hips down with every stroke so that she’s fucking me just as much as I’m fucking her, and it’s amazing. Cora squeezes me, her pussy like a damn vise of pleasure and I have to grit my teeth to keep from coming. She’s going to come with me. Pulling her against me, I hold her still so that I can fuck her faster, and I love her voice in my ear, screaming my name, asking for more, saying yes please yes please fuck.

  “Don’t come,” I tell her.

  Her voice is more a sob than a moan. “Why?”

  “Because I told you not to.”

  Her entire body shudders again, and I watch her head thrown back, eyes closed, fighting the orgasm that I’m at once giving her and denying her. It’s perfect. We’re both close, almost there. I squeeze my hand between our bodies, reaching out to touch her clit and as I do her body goes rigid, pussy locking down, and she screams. I hold on a second longer before I tell her, “Now,” and I feel her body shake with the explosion of her climax. I let go, thrusting into her again and again and again, shouting my own climax that feels like it’s ripped from me and suddenly I’m blind. There’s nothing in the universe but this pleasure, and fuck, it’s good. So good. For a moment, I’m suspended in it, lost, and then I come crashing down, collapsing back into my body with a breathless Cora on top of me, my cock still deep inside her.

  “Fuck,” she says, mouth against my chest.

  I laugh. “Fuck is right.” Helping her off me, I toss the condom and turn to find her retrieving her clothes and putting them back on. “Going so soon?”

  She grins. “We both have to be here early tomorrow. I was going to invite you back to my apartment, but I think we both know how that would go. But tomorrow evening,” she says, coming closer as she buttons up her shirt, “I don’t have any plans.”

  Pulling her against me so I can get one last feel of her, I press my lips to hers. “You have plans now.”

  “What about my father? Aren’t you worried?” Her voice has a playful, mocking note. “You’ve gotten over your fear so quickly?”

  “No,” I admit. “But I think you and I both know we can’t do anything to stop this.”

  “So what should we do tomorrow?”

  I swallow. “I don’t know. But I’m going to spend all night thinking about it.”

  “Me too.”


  I have no idea what I’m doing. I went on total instinct last night, and even though it was the hottest night of my life, I feel out of my depth. I don’t feel ashamed of it, but I’ve never done anything like this before. I don’t know the rules or how it’s supposed to work. I spent half the night researching, and there are so many individual variations that it’s still infinitely complex. One thing seems clear though, Cora and I need to define this. What we want from each other. Set some boundaries.

  I’m going to be thinking about it all day, because whatever this is, I want to explore it. I want more of that fire and that power and that absolutely fucking exquisite pleasure. Today is going to give a whole new meaning to the phrase ‘hump day.’

  It’s mid-morning when Jack strolls into my office with a thin folder and tosses it on my desk. “That was delivered just a few minutes ago.”

  I raise an eyebrow, picking up the folder from where it’s fallen and opening it. Skimming the first page, I do a double take. “Jack, what the fuck is this.”

  “Jason and Rick,” he says. “You met them the other night. They called. After thinking it over, they don’t just want to invest, they want to buy the company. That’s the offer.”

  “Yes, I can see that.” I clear my throat. “What I meant is, why are you even showing this to me?”

  He gives me a look like I’m the stupidest human on earth. “Did you see the offer?”

  Glancing down at the page, I see the number, and I will admit, it is an impressive string of zeroes. “I don’t want to sell.”

  “For that amount of money we’d be stupid not to.”

  I grit my teeth. “Jack, I haven’t put eight years of my life into this company to sell it some wall-street wannabe children. How the hell did we go from you meeting with them, then agreeing to talk about it later, to having an offer on the table? Let alone an offer that you’re willing to take?”

  He scoffs. “Eight years. I put in eight years too. I know you resent me because you think I don’t work as hard as you do, but I’ve dedicated just as much, and those ‘wannabes’ have the capital and the vision to take Tailor Me and turn it into a global brand.”

  “Resent you? Jack, what the hell are you talking about? I don’t resent you. I think we’ve been having communication problems, but you’re still my closest friend. And it seems like you’ve forgotten that we’re already a global brand.”

  “Not like that.” His eyes light up with an almost manic fire. “They’re talking the Walmart of men’s clothing. The one place that everyone shops. This will be our legacy.”

  “Where is this coming from?”

  “Think about it, Michael. You could retire at thirty-five and live like a king for the rest of your life. This is per
fect. No more worrying about the little details, no more slaving over code that has to be re-written a thousand times. We’ll still have stock options and can go live on a fucking island if we wanted to.”

  I stand, his insistence at this suddenly growing annoying. “I like my job. I like our company. If you’re no longer happy here, Jack, then that’s a different conversation. But this one is over. You can’t sell the company unless I agree and I do not. We have no reason to sell, not when we have plans of our own.” He opens his mouth to cut me off, but I keep going. “I have no problem being a truly global brand, but I want to do it our way. I want to do it slowly and carefully, with the kind of quality that has given us our reputation and our business in the first place. Do you have a problem with that?”

  Jack leans forward, placing both hands on my desk. He looks like he’s getting ready to charge me, like he’s going to scream. He’s breathing deep through his nose, and I’m expecting the worst. But he suddenly stands up and storms out of the room, leaving nothing but silence behind him.

  I feel like I’m on a rollercoaster with Jack these days. I keep saying that we’re close, but the more I think about it, the more I realize it’s been a long time since we talked about anything other than work. He said when he introduced Cora that she had reached out to him a couple of years ago, but I never knew. We grew apart while I wasn’t looking, our proximity in the office fooling me into thinking that we were still the same people we were five years ago, but we’re not. And I’m not sure that I entirely like the person that Jack is turning out to be now.

  I can’t figure out his motive for even wanting to take this deal. Sure, it’s a lot of money, but we have a lot of money. Both of us make those silly yearly lists of the richest people in Houston. So why this? Why now? There’s a piece missing and I have no idea what it is or how to find it.

  My phone chimes with a text.

  Would you like to go for a swim this afternoon, Mr. Foster?

  Nothing to chase away uncomfortable business thoughts like an invitation like that. Swimming means the pool which means seeing Cora in that ridiculously hot red bikini again.

  Do you like torturing me? I’m going to have a hard-on all day now.

  I can almost hear her laughing in the reply.

  Oh, poor you. I guess you’ll just have to punish me for that later. I’m looking forward to it.

  Great. Now my dick feels like a fucking rock. Not only am I thinking about punishing her and exploring this strange new dynamic that we’ve developed, but I’m thinking about sinking my cock into that sweet pussy of hers again. I don’t know that I’ve ever felt anything that was close to that kind of pleasure.

  When five o’clock rolls around, I manage to make myself walk out the door of the office even though I still have more work that I could do. Or rather, the thought of Cora in that bikini has me walking out the door of the office. I don’t sprint to my apartment to change and find my long lost swim trunks, but I do draw a few curious looks with my determined pace. I definitely feel like a teenager again.

  I don’t see Cora from my balcony, but when I walk out onto the roof’s deck, she’s there, laid out on a chaise just like that first day. Under my breath I’m cursing the fact that there are so many people here enjoying the sunshine and that I can’t act out my very vivid fantasy right here and right now. Who knows? Maybe I’ll talk to the building’s super about closing off the pool for a few hours. That could be fun.

  My shadow falls across Cora as I approach, and she opens her eyes and smiles at me. I’ll never doubt again why Helen of Troy could launch a thousand ships. Right at this moment, I think I would try to conquer the world so Cora would smile at me like that again. It erases everything I’m worrying about and makes it seem like life is perfect.

  She leans up on her elbows, peering at me from over her sunglasses. “Hello, Mr. Foster.”

  Just like I hoped, she’s wearing that little red bikini. I let my gaze draw down her body, lingering, saving this memory for later. “Hello.”

  Turning over, she stretches out on her stomach and points to a bottle of sun tan lotion sitting next to the chair. “Will you help me? I’ve been waiting for you to get here so I could tan my back just a bit.”

  I can’t move. I’m frozen by the sight of her ass, which has a very distinct handprint on it. The growing hard-on in my trunks makes me sit down because there’s nowhere to hide here. Everyone will see. And suddenly I’m conscious of more than that. The age difference between us has never been clearer. What will the people here think if they see us together? Will they care that an older man is a with a younger woman? My thoughts start to race as I pick up the bottle of lotion. I can see the way the papers will spin it: billionaire preys on girl half his age. Even though it’s not true, it won’t matter. No one wants to buy from a company or advertise with a company associated with that.

  But, as I smooth oil across Cora’s back, I know that I’m not going to stop. Maybe it’s only because it’s new, but I can’t remember being this happy in a long time, and I’m not going to give that up. We just have to be careful. I must have said that last part out loud, because Cora turns her head. “What?”

  I clear my throat. “I said we have to be careful.”

  “Careful is overrated,” she says, smirking.

  “You know what could happen. This could ruin the company if everyone found out. The media would have a field day, and Jack would never speak to me again. It would be one thing if you were my age, but you’re not.”

  “Thank God,” she says, arching her back at just the right moment so her ass bumps up into my hand and lines up with the marks that I put there last night. God, why is this so hot?

  “Michael,” she says, turning back over and leaving my hand in a place dangerously close to her pussy, “I don’t mind being your little dirty secret. For now. But not forever. We’re not doing anything wrong.”

  “I know, but it could look that way.”

  “People can look all they want,” she says, raising an eyebrow so that I know she’s talking about two things at once. “I don’t care about them. All I want is for you and me to keep going. Again, and again, and again.”

  “You’re trying to torture me again,” I say.

  Cora sits up, leaning close to my face so that she can whisper, “What are you going to do about it?”

  “Nothing while we’re here. But later…”

  Grabbing my hand, Cora guides it between her legs. I can feel her heat, and the fact that she’s practically dripping onto the chaise. “I don’t feel like swimming anymore.”

  “I never felt like swimming. I just wanted to see you in that,” I nod to the bikini. “Again.”


  I laugh softly, “I saw you out here the day you arrived. I imagined all the things I would do to you right here on that chaise.” I look around at all the people at the pool. “It’s really too bad that we have to be careful.”

  Cora stands, grabbing my hand and pulling me with her, leading me across the roof.

  “What are you doing?”

  “Being careful,” she says in a sing-song voice.

  She leads me to a screen used for changing. There are several of them lined up against the wall of the building, and it looks like she chooses one at random. She pulls it closed behind us—mostly.

  I raise an eyebrow. “Fucking you here wouldn’t exactly be careful. I know how loud you can get now.”

  “I think this will depend more on how loud you can get,” she says with a grin. And then Cora sinks to her knees in front of me, and I think I’m going to pass out because there’s no blood left in my body or my brain, it’s all gone straight to my cock and my balls, and that’s completely obvious from the way my trunks are stretching forward. They’re not exactly built for discretion.

  Her fingers creep into my waistband. “Tell me. Have you imagined me like this? On my knees for you?”

  “Yes.” God knows I have. I’ve imagined ordering her that way, and
watching her comply, no matter who was around.

  “Have you imagined my mouth?”

  I weave my fingers into her hair. “I have. I’ve jerked off thinking about my cock stretching that pretty mouth, and about what my cum would look like on your lips.”

  She has my bathing suit around my ankles, fingers gripping the base of my cock, stroking up and down. “Well, Mr. Foster, what do you want me to do?”

  She’s daring me, knowing that there are people right on the other side of that screen. That I can choose to take this elsewhere or do nothing. But she knows what we both want, and she’s telling me to make a choice. She’s offering it to me instead of taking it. That surge of primal power flows through me again, and I let it all go, the worry and the fear of potential shame or discovery. This isn’t about that, this is about us.

  “Suck it.”

  Cora grins. “One thing you should know, is that bad girls are very good at this.”

  She takes me into her mouth in one smooth stroke and I stifle a groan. I’m not small by any means, and she swallows my cock with an ease I’ve never seen, sinking down almost to the hilt like she was made for it. “Christ,” I mutter under my breath. The vibrations from her laughter steal whatever breath I have left, and I have to close my eyes.

  I watch Cora’s lips suck against my skin, stretched around my shaft just like I pictured it, and I think it might the hottest thing I’ve ever seen. Her tongue circles me, stroking the tip and down all the way to the base and back. My fingers are still in her hair and I find myself holding on, gripping her tighter, pulling her closer as she takes me in.

  The rhythm she sets is brutal, and I know that this can’t last long. I’ve been thinking of her all day, waiting for this moment to be with her, and I’m so close. Fuck. Cora releases me from her mouth, instead using that talented tongue on my balls. I can’t move, can’t breathe, because it feels so fucking amazing and I can’t hold back the moan that comes from my throat.


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