Dave the Unicorn: Field Trip

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Dave the Unicorn: Field Trip Page 5

by Pip Bird

  “I didn’t see any of those backpacks for sale in the shop. Where were they? Can I go back and get one?” demanded Darcy.

  Bruce Hasselhoof let out a yelp. “That’s not a backpack, it’s a real slothicorn! What did I say the first rule of BARCC was, everyone?”

  “Stay where I can see you at all times,” said Raheem.

  “Ah. But the MOST important rule is DO NOT take the baby animals home!” said Bruce.

  “Oopsie!” said Flo. “I didn’t realize we were still cuddling. He must have fallen asleep on me. Here you go.”

  She carefully peeled the slothicorn off her back and handed him to Bruce. The slothicorn stirred but quickly fell asleep again and started snoring on Bruce’s shoulder.

  As the Rainbow Bus pulled away from BARCC and started making its way back to Unicorn School, Mira went to sit next to Jake.

  “Thanks for all your help today, Jake,” she said.

  Jake grinned. “I guess it was kind of cool meeting the kitticorns.”

  Mira reached into her gift-shop bag and pulled out a small cuddly toy kitticorn. She handed it to Jake. “Sorry they didn’t have a golden one.”

  Jake’s eyes got really wide. “Is that really for me?”

  Mira nodded. Jake took the kitticorn toy from her tentatively.

  “No one’s ever given me a present at Unicorn School before,” he said.

  Mira smiled as Jake cradled the toy in his arms.

  “I mean, obviously I get presents all the time at home,” he added quickly.

  “Okay,” said Mira.

  Then Jake leaned into Pegasus and fell asleep.

  Dave was snoring softly next to Mira. She pulled the blue chickicorn toy out of her bag and tucked it into Dave’s mane, so it would always remind him of the cute and cuddly chickicorn that he’d looked after so well.

  Then Mira looked around the bus at all her classmates dozing, snuggled up to their unicorns. They’d learned a lot at BARCC. They’d learned about the importance of soil and sparklecorn. They’d learned that goaticorns eat, well, everything, and how not to take a slothicorn home with you. But they’d also learned that shiny medals weren’t the be-all and end-all. What really mattered was having an awesome time with your friends and taking care of each other. With the added bonus of being able to brag to Rani when she got home about winning a quest!

  All Mira had wanted this morning was a kitticorn cuddle. But the most important thing she’d learned today was something she’d always known, deep down. That cuddles from her UBFF were the very best of all.

  Mira snuggled into Dave, who gave a sleepy fart. And a moment later she was fast asleep, too.


  1.    Would you rather have a cozy film night at home or go out to the movies?

  a.  Movies at home, please! My sofa is so comfy. I’ll make the popcorn.

  b.  I would rather sleep.

  c.  Let’s go out! The movies are so exciting.

  d.  I don’t mind, as long as there are snacks. Did you say doughnuts?

  2.    Would you rather live in a forest or a shed?

  a.  A nice, warm shed, please. With lots of rainbow straw.

  b.  I don’t mind, I can sleep anywhere.

  c.  Ooh, the forest would be awesome!

  d.  The shed, as long as there are snacks there.

  3.    At school, would you rather be amazing at music or science?

  a.  Music—to accompany my friends in a sing-along.

  b.  Music sends me to sleeeeeeeep.

  c.  Science is super cool.

  d.  Science, so I could invent new snacks.

  4.    Would you rather play sports or chess?

  a.  Chess—I like indoor games.

  b.  I’m too sleepy for games.

  c.  Sports! Let’s go!

  d.  Is it chocolate sports or chocolate chess?

  5.    For your birthday, would you rather have a crafts or trampolining party?

  a.  Crafts—I like making pom-poms.

  b.  Zzzzzzzzz.

  c.  Trampolining—woohoo!

  d.  Just the cake for me, thanks.

  6.    If you were a superhero, would you rather be invisible or be able to fly?

  a.  Invisible. Chickens can’t fly.

  b.  Invissizzzzzzz.

  c.  Fly! That would be awesome!

  d.  I would like to be invisible and be able to fly to find the best snacks.


  Mostly As: You’re a chickicorn! Sweet and fluffy, you know there’s no place like home!

  Mostly Bs: You’re a slothicorn! You’re—yawn—just—yawn—soooo sleepy zzzzz.

  Mostly Cs: You’re a kitticorn! Cute and playful, you’re always full of energy.

  Mostly Ds: You’re Dave the unicorn! You love snacks and getting your own way, but you’re always there for your friends.


  What do you call a cold unicorn?

  A blue-nicorn.

  What do you call a scary unicorn?

  A boo-nicorn.

  What do you call a unicorn with a candy stuck in its teeth?

  A chew-nicorn.

  What do you call a unicorn trying to solve a mystery?

  A clue-nicorn.

  What do you call a unicorn that’s bigger in the mornings?

  A grew-nicorn.

  What do you call an artistic unicorn?

  A drew-nicorn.

  What do you call a lady sheep with a horn on her head?

  A ewe-nicorn.

  What do you call a unicorn with the sniffles?

  A flu-nicorn.

  What do you call a unicorn on safari?

  A gnu-nicorn.

  What do you call a unicorn running to the bathroom?

  A needs-to-poop-icorn.

  What do you call a relieved unicorn?

  A phew!-nicorn.

  Wonder how Dave and Mira’s story began? If you missed it, everybody’s favorite unicorn best friends first met in Dave the Unicorn: Welcome to Unicorn School!

  Read on for a sneak peek!


  Magic Monday

  It was Monday morning and Mira Desai was VERY excited. This was no ordinary Monday morning. This Monday morning was the first day of summer vacation AND it was Mira’s first day at a new school! Because this was no ordinary school … this was:


  Mira had been desperate to go to Unicorn School since her sister, Rani, started going two summers ago. Rani wouldn’t stop going on about how wonderful her unicorn, Angelica, was. She kept saying how amazing she was at all the magical quests. And she was always making whinnying noises in Mira’s ear to make her jealous. AND she’d brought home about a hundred Unicorn School quest medals, which had their own special shelf in the living room.

  Rani said that quests could go on for days and days and were super exciting. And the time Rani spent at Unicorn School did seem endless to Mira. But time passed differently at Unicorn School, and Rani was really only ever gone for a day in normal time.

  Mira had dreamed of having her own unicorn since FOREVER. She practiced braiding the manes and tails of all her toy horses, persuaded her dad to let her groom his beard, and even tried attaching a horn to their cat, Pickles. He wasn’t very pleased.

  It was a bit of a mystery who was selected to go to Unicorn School and who wasn’t. Lots of people from Mira’s family had gone to Unicorn School, including Mira’s mom, so Mira had hoped more than anything that she would get to go, too. Mira always tried to live her life as open to magic as possible. She wished on stars, she believed in fairies, she said hello to black cats who crossed her path. And then, one incredible day, Mira had woken up with a sparkly envelope on her pillow.

  Mira remembered it as if it were yesterday. (It was actually last Thursday.) She screamed so loudly that Pickles flung himself off M
ira’s bed into a pile of dirty clothes, and Mira’s dad came running in to check what was wrong.

  But there was nothing wrong. Everything was finally right. Her hands shaking with excitement, Mira opened the letter.

  “DAD!” Mira yelled, and started jumping on the bed. “I’M GOING TO UNICORN SCHOOL!”

  Terrified, Pickles jumped onto Mira’s dad’s face and wouldn’t let go of his beard. “Mfmfmfmf!” he said cheerfully, and gave Mira a thumbs-up before leaving the room and walking into the wall.

  Mira reached inside the envelope and pulled out a leaflet containing all the information about the school, including a map and the School Rules. Mira thought she might faint with delight. Unicorn School was going to be AMAZING!

  For one thing, Mira couldn’t WAIT to bring home her own medals. She’d already started making a space for them on the shelf (and had accidentally knocked a couple of Rani’s medals into Pickles’s bowl).

  But the thing Mira was MOST excited about was getting to meet her unicorn.

  Her sister said that the unicorns were specially chosen for each person for specific magical reasons. You would get to spend all day every day with your unicorn: going to lessons, working on projects, and going on quests. Basically your unicorn would be your best friend.

  Mira had a best friend already at normal school (Katie with a K), but she could definitely squeeze another one into her life. She’d spent a lot of time thinking about her dream unicorn best friend (Princess Delilah Sparklehoof). She’d filled a whole notebook with drawings of her and made a list of all the incredible things they would do together.

  Before heading to the Magic Portal that would take them to Unicorn School, Mira’s mom took them to the supermarket. Mira and Rani needed to get treats for their unicorns, and Mom needed to buy doughnuts for someone’s birthday at work.

  Mira wondered what treats unicorns liked.

  Which aisle do you go to for magic treats?

  she thought to herself. But when she asked her sister, Rani rolled her eyes and said, “Unicorns like carrots, obviously.” And so they all headed over to the vegetable aisle.

  When they’d bought their carrots, they went back to the car. Rani also had some hay left over from last semester and Mom thought it would be nice if she shared it with Mira.

  The Magic Portal was in the parking lot by the rec center. Mira had never actually seen it—the portal could only be seen by current Unicorn School students. Even Mira’s mom couldn’t see it anymore, since she had left Unicorn School roughly a thousand years ago. Usually when they dropped her off, Rani got out around the corner so that she wouldn’t be seen with them. But TODAY Mira would be going with her. And she would be one step closer to meeting her unicorn!

  There had been quite a bit of traffic on the way and Mom was running late for work.

  “It’s okay, Mom,” said Rani. “I’ll take Mira through.”

  Mom looked from one sister to the other and then at her watch.

  “Fine,” she said. And then she fixed Rani with a LOOK. “Make sure you take care of your little sister on her first day.”

  Mom handed them their treat bags, gave them both a hug, and jumped back in the car. Rani had already started stomping off when Mom rolled down her window. She leaned out with her phone in hand.

  “Girls! Let me take a picture. It’s your first day at Unicorn School together!”

  Rani turned, groaned, and folded her arms. “MOM, are you crying? That’s so embarrassing.”

  Mom sniffed. “It brings back such amazing memories of MY first day at Unicorn School! Oh, happy times…” Their mom stared off into the distance for a moment, then she smiled and blew her nose. “Now, smile girls!”

  Rani rolled her eyes. Mira smiled and gave two thumbs up as Mom’s phone camera CLICKED.

  That’s all we have room for, but you can catch up on all of Mira and Dave’s adventures at Unicorn School in the below books!

  About the Author

  Pip Bird is a children’s author living in London. When she’s not writing magical stories, she dreams of going to Unicorn School and having her own Unicorn Best Friend. You can sign up for email updates here.

  About the Illustrator

  David O'Connell is a writer and illustrator living in London, UK. He works mostly in children’s books, particularly humorous picture books and young fiction. His authored books include Monster & Chips and the Dundoodle Mysteries series, and he has illustrated the Sam Watkins’ Creature Teacher books and Tom Nicoll’s Boyband of the Apocalypse series. You can sign up for email updates here.

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  Title Page

  Copyright Notice


  Chapter One: Tick Tock, Tick Tock

  Chapter Two: All Aboard the Rainbow Bus!

  Chapter Three: Are We Nearly There Yet?

  Chapter Four: Tap Tap Tap–Crack!

  Chapter Five: Picnic Time

  Chapter Six: Quests, Chicks, and Kitticorns

  Chapter Seven: Rescue Mission!

  Chapter Eight: Gift-tastic

  Excerpt: Dave the Unicorn

  About the Author and Illustrator


  Text copyright © 2020 by Egmont UK Ltd. Illustrations copyright © 2020 by David O’Connell.


  A part of Macmillan Publishing Group, LLC

  120 Broadway, New York, NY 10271


  All rights reserved.

  Anyone who steals this book

  Is cursed to read a map and look and look

  And never find their way!

  Yes this is your field trip curse.

  May you always get lost … AND WORSE!

  Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data is available.

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  Imprint logo designed by Amanda Spielman

  Illustrations by David O’Connell

  First hardcover edition, 2021

  eBook edition, February 2021

  eISBN 978-1-250-77447-7




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