Predator Island

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Predator Island Page 26

by Douglas Cameron

  General Gutierrez was incensed when he learned that another of his men had been killed by the black panther and he was determined to ensure that it didn’t happen again. When the drone watching the black panther had seen the encounter with Thiago, Horus had changed the invader count to thirty, striking Soldado 22 off the list. General Gutierrez alerted the eighteen men of his troops not on duty and marched them to the rainforest where the three amigos awaited him, albeit trepidatiously, not triumphantly as they had hoped. He took their report, not questioning any part especially about Triago’s desertion at the time of battle and his resultant death. His orders to his men were specific. “If you see any of those predators, shoot to kill. If you are uncertain whether or not it is a predator, shoot to kill. If it’s big and it moves, shoot to kill.”

  He had them in two lines, eight in the first line three feet apart with the three A-migos in the middle. There were nine in the second line aligned so that they filled the gaps in the first line and overlapped the ends. Their orders were to move slowly through the rainforest looking at the ground and in the trees for any sign of any of the predators or anything that could be Diego’s body. When they reached the other side, which would be the rocks leading down to the water, they were to move south overlapping the first sweep area by three men in the second line and come back. Men in the first line were equipped with knifes or machetes to cut any brush that impeded their progress. General Gutierrez and three of his men, those not on official duty, were waiting thirty feet back from the edge of the rainforest so that they wouldn’t be surprised because the searchers were expected to spook at least the panther. All the men except General Gutierrez were armed with rifles and had them at the ready.

  Chapter 15

  Adam the grizzly was a bit disgruntled at not being able to get into the rainforest to eat because of the men who had at least outnumbered him. Maybe they had those weapons that shot things that put him to sleep and he would wake up in a cage. He was getting used to the place where he now found himself. The plant life was plentiful and tasty, and he had killed and eaten a small animal in the rainforest and it was tasty. Food was plentiful and water - …water could be had in the rainforest but every other day or so he would need to come down to the river to drink and that was where he headed after being chased out of the rainforest. And maybe there were fish in the river. There were fish in the one where he had been. The one thing that seemed to be missing here were the humans and their food. He enjoyed the human food that he got out of the big cans and sometimes from the places where they slept and cooked food. He had not found any of those yet, but he hadn’t been here very long.

  While he walked, he saw other animals moving in the same direction as he was. Strange animals that he didn’t recognize. Some big: the tawny one with the dark mane, the striped white one walking with him yet independently. There were two coyotes, they were no problem for him, and a lobo – big but no problem. They seemed to be moving as a pack – the big lobo in front, then the big coyote followed by the smaller female. He had not seen that before. Trailing behind the two cats was another one, black – he had seen it before. It was big but not a menace. Behind the black cat was the black bear. They had met in the rainforest and the black bear, although big, had seemed to sense the grizzly’s superiority and had left the immediate area. He was also not a problem. Down at the pool where they all seemed to be headed, there were two other cats. One was the smallest of all the animals heading to drink, tawny with large ears – definitely not something to worry about. The other was spotted and bigger but not as big as the tawny maned one and the striped one. It also would not be a problem. The black panther, black bear, and caracal needed a good drink of water but had left the rainforest because of the presence of many men.

  He was the biggest both in size and weight. If bears could smile he would have because he was quick to realize that he was king of the island unless there was an animal he had not yet met.

  His slow amble, showing his supremacy and confidence, got him to the pool last of all the animals who each seemed to be sharing the pool without giving a care about the others. The black bear was in the middle of the line, the lion and the tiger to its right, the canine pack on the left with the caracal to the far side of the lion and tiger. The cheetah was across the river at the far side of the pool and the black panther was on the far side of the pack. Basically unless he wanted to drink from the river which was flowing too fast or wait for things to clear out, he was out of luck. But he was king and didn’t need to wait. Heading between the black bear and the pack whom he knew recognized their place, he shouldered his way by the black bear shoving it to its right into the tiger’s space. She didn’t like the affront from the strange black animal and slashed at it, the bear’s black coat absorbing the blow which was meant more as a warning anyway.

  “Uh, oh, looks like a big brawl might be brewing,” Issaack said.

  “Zat’s okay,” Ramiro said, “Zis big bear, he handlez zem all. I gotz him!” said Ramiro boldly and confidently although inside he was not quite not as certain because of his bad luck and the bear was the last of his bets.

  The black bear, already intimidated by the grizzly, hurriedly backed away from the tiger and bumped smack into the grizzly who was just taking his first drink. Infuriated by the affront to his assumed status, the grizzly turned to the black bear who was starting to move away from the pool and lashed out with the paw, catching the black bear on its right flank and drawing blood. Not a deep wound but deep enough. That was enough for the black bear who had both drunk its fill and knew that he stood no chance against the grizzly, so he took off at a lope heading for the rainforest.

  The pack, sensing that something was about to happen and having had a good morning hunt, were not eager for an all-out brawl and started to move away. The five jungle cats (lion, tiger, caracal, black panther, and cheetah) were used to decorum at a watering hole with all sharing the water – whether prey or predator – and the five acting as one took umbrage at the grizzly’s manner and simultaneously attacked the grizzly. The frontal attack by the lion and tiger was held off momentarily as the grizzly rose on his rear legs and roared and waved his paws intimidatingly. That opened his back for an attack by the black panther who with one great leap sank its claws into the grizzly’s shoulders and its teeth into the fur in the neck getting mostly a mouth full of hair but some skin.

  The pack hadn’t traveled very far and the wolf, always aching for a good fight, turned back and ran and bit the grizzly’s right rear lower leg. The grizzly dropped down on all fours and whirled to face the attack from the rear giving the lion and tiger ample space to get at the grizzly with both teeth and claws. The black panther had managed to hang on with its claws during the bear’s change of position, pulled loose a mouthful of fur and skin, spat it out and sank its teeth into the bare spot getting more skin than fur this time. The cheetah had made it across the lip of the pool by now and attacked the grizzly’s left haunch. The two coyotes joined the fray jumping in and biting at the grizzly’s front legs and were joined by the wolf who sensed this as a better avenue of attack for the time being. These canines were so quick, and the grizzly was more concerned with the cats that the pack escaped injury.

  “MY GOD,” screamed Monica. “They’re ganging up on Adam.”

  “Come on, Adam,” Gloria said, having also placed a bet on him.

  The cats’ attack was ferocious and there were so many of them that, with the canines, the grizzly quickly was becoming overwhelmed. He stopped fighting and with all four legs on the ground shook himself like he did after being in the river washing. That sudden effort knocked loose the black panther and the cheetah. Then when the male coyote started to dash in, the grizzly swiped a paw and knocked him away, a severe gash on his left side. Moving before the cats could reassert themselves, the grizzly turned toward the rainforest and that was when Smoky the black bear struck. He had turned back, attracted by the sounds of the battle, and had been waiting for an opening and sla
shed the grizzly’s face with what in a boxing venue would be called a strong right cross. The caracal been waiting for an opportunity so that, with the black panther gone from the grizzly’s back, she leapt up and attacked the grizzly’s head, striking at its eyes from behind.

  Quickly blinded in its left eye, and unable to shake off the caracal with another shake although this one not nearly as hard, the grizzly tried a maneuver that only desperation could call for and it was a fatal mistake. He tried to roll over and either crush the caracal or knock it off. Neither happened because the caracal sensed the movement and jumped over the grizzly’s head and landed on the back of the black bear and then leapt to the ground. The attempted roll was fatal to the grizzly as it exposed his softer underbelly and the lion and tiger were at it in a flash and the black panther attacked from the other side. They were quickly joined by the canines and the black bear in attacking the grizzly’s head and he lost sight in the other eye. The lion quickly opened a rip in the underbelly and then innards started pouring forth upon the ground along with gallons of blood. It wasn’t long before the grizzly lost all energy and became a feast for the surviving members of the billionaires’ predators. At least some of them. The black bear had no interest in the feast because it had plenty of food back in the rainforest where, at least for the time being, it was relatively safe. The canines felt that there would be a better time when the felines had feasted, and the male coyote needed to lie down and lick his wound, so the pack didn’t travel far but far enough that should the cats come after them, they had time to escape. The cheetah and the caracal likewise felt uncomfortable eating alongside the three cats which were twice their size and could turn on them at any time. The cheetah returned across the lip of the pond where it lay down and cleaned itself and the caracal followed the black bear back toward the rainforest stopping on the way to stalk and catch an unwary small mammal.

  Ramiro was stunned.

  “He gone,” he said sullenly.

  “Looks like it,” Issaack said.

  “I don’t underztand what happened.”

  “He picked a fight at the wrong time. I think he broke some law of the wild. In Africa, many animals share watering holes peacefully. Hunting is done away from watering holes.”

  “But ze crocodilez attackz at watering holez.”

  “True,” Issaack said. “But we don’t have crocodiles or alligators here.”

  Ramiro was silent, watching the feast for a minute and then getting up and leaving, his shoulders showing the sag of a beaten man.

  Chapter 16

  Like the panther, the noise of the truck as it drew near had attracted Gerallt’s attention. He was sitting in the strangler fig tree looking at the things that he had quickly snatched from Diego’s body. It was just dawn or a little after and the light was dim, but he was interested in what he could use. He had already donned the pants, and tee shirt – both were snug but at least they fit. He also had on the socks but had eschewed the boxer shorts when he had taken the clothes off. The clothing was jungle camouflage, so it would certainly help him in the rainforest. He had taken the shoes apart, undoing the laces and then cutting out the toe. Then he cut off the high top so he had more of a sandal. His toes hung over a bit but at least he wasn't going to have to worry about rough terrain slowing him down. He had looked at the rifle and was certain that it was in working condition and the ammunition was sufficient for a beginning but wouldn’t last long in a firefight against bigger odds like three or two to one. He was about to open the pack to see what goodies were in it when he heard the truck. It was far away but coming toward the rainforest. He climbed down from his nest carrying the rifle and ran back toward the east side of the rainforest. It was ten minutes from his position. An easy run if he had been in better shape. But god knows how long he had been medicated and feed intravenously he supposed. Still he made the run fairly quickly. He slowed when he heard the yelling and was stealthily approaching the area where he had found the parachutist when he heard the shot. He stopped, seeking cover, but watching and he saw the black panther run past him on the right and was glad he hadn’t gone directly to the site.

  He waited several minutes and there was no more action, so he moved toward the site by first going north and then back southeast. There was another body lying there, rifle beside him, bloody neck and claw marks on the shirt. Moving east to the edge of the tree line, he saw three soldiers (what else should he call them because he knew no better) standing by the truck. He watched for about five minutes and then he saw about twenty men heading for the truck from the far side of the open area and they were moving double time. Leading them was another truck bouncing across the rough ground. When the second truck stopped beside the other, a man got out and the three soldiers snapped to attention and saluted. They talked but not loud enough for him to understand what they were saying. When the other men arrived, they arranged themselves in two lines with the rear line filling the gaps in the front line. The center of the lines was directly opposite the area where the body lay. The leader, who had come in the second truck, gave some instructions and shouted a command and the men started toward the rainforest, weapons at the ready.

  Gerallt had sensed what would be their goal before but wanted to be certain that they were going to search the rainforest. Their main target was undoubtedly the missing man but could also be either the black panther or him. He wished he had the help of that little drone – what was it he had called himself … parakeet or Tyrant? Not that it mattered, it wasn’t here, and it was time to leave and Gerallt turned and moved quickly deeper into the rainforest heading back for his hidey hole in the fig.

  He moved faster than the searchers would because he knew where he was going and wasn’t looking for someone – or something – hiding, possibly lying in wait. But it would take a madman – or a hungry predator – to face twenty-odd men. Once safely in his bower, he gathered his gear and climbed down from the tree. Shouldering the pack, he headed west out of the rainforest and then north along the rocks which led down to the water so that he was below the level of the ground. The men would be moving slowly so he would have time, but he would have to find a place to hide if they were to branch out in their search. Fortunately the grade wasn’t that steep here and footing was difficult but not treacherous. As he moved north he could see that the terrain got more difficult at the level he was traveling so he moved down the slope in front of the bigger rocks. In fact, for a distance of about one hundred feet, the boulders got immense. When he reached the edge of the boulder field he was about fifty feet lower than the ground at the edge of the rainforest and as he passed the first boulder, the trees became virtually invisible except for an occasional tree top. He knew the trees to be kapoks which towered above the other trees in any rainforest. About twenty-five (twenty-seven and a half to be accurate) feet into the boulder field, Gerallt was passing a big boulder when he felt coolness across his toes. He looked down and saw nothing. Looking to the right, he saw a blackness between the big boulder and the next one, it was low and about two feet high. Shrugging the pack off, he got down on his knees and looked into the space. All he saw was blackness, but he could feel a coolness against his face and knew it was a draft of air coming from between the rocks and that could only mean one thing – a cave with another entrance. He took the rope coil off his shoulder and tied one end to the pack. From the back of the utility belt he was wearing he unstrapped a cover and removed a flashlight. Turning it on, he wormed his way into the darkness holding the light in his left hand and using his right and his feet to move forward. About six feet in, the ceiling started to slope upward and after twenty feet, it was high enough to stand. He pulled the pack the rest of the way in and looked around using the flashlight.

  He was in a domed room about twenty feet wide, fifteen feet deep and six to eight feet tall. If that’s all it was and they came looking for him, it was a death trap. All they had to do was throw in a grenade in or empty a couple of magazines and he was a dead man. So before h
e made the decision to stay, he would have to be certain that there was another way out. The cool draft he felt indicated that there was, but where was it and was it big enough for him to get out?

  Chapter 17

  General Gutierrez was involved in talking to Teniente Lautaro Zapatero, his third in command, and didn’t hear the third pickup truck which came across the field at a slower pace. With its electric motor, it didn’t make nearly the noise because it was not bouncing as much as the previous two vehicles had. The first thing he knew about it was when the truck’s door slammed. And the slam had been intentional. Ramiro Esteves was mad, and he wanted The General and the other people with him to know it.

  The General turned at the sound of the door and, if it were possible because of his dark skin, he blanched.

  “Senor Esteves, to what do we owe this honor?”

  He sounded sincere, but he knew that he was probably in tremendo bollo. He was from Caracas in eastern Venezuela and there “tremendo bollo” meant “deep trouble” but in the western part of Venezuela where Alejandro González was from, he would use the term to praise a woman’s genitals. Strange difference in meaning, but that is how different the parts of Venezuela were.

  “What in the hell are you doing?” Ramiro said as he approached until he was toe-to-toe with The General. At that distance Ramiro’s head was bent back at a forty-five-degree angle to look up at The General who was at least six inches taller than he was. It didn’t matter to Ramiro because he had just seen his third pick in the Deadliest Predator Contest turn into a big loser and he was ready for a fight.


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