Captured: A Dark Suspenseful Gothic Romance (The Rule of Lawes Series Book 1)

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Captured: A Dark Suspenseful Gothic Romance (The Rule of Lawes Series Book 1) Page 3

by Felicity Brandon


  The Reality

  Hannah awoke with a start, her eyes flying open even though there was a dull ache in her head that made it almost impossible to think. Her gaze flew around the room, her mind racing to keep up with what her eyes were absorbing. She was still at the dentist—that much was obvious—but Hannah couldn’t understand why.

  Why would she have fallen asleep at the dentist? And why couldn’t she recall what had last happened to her? The final fragments of her memory suggested she’d met with the dentist and looked around, but that made little sense. If she was on a tour of the facilities, then why was she sitting in the dentist’s chair?

  Her body froze with terror as that thought reverberated.

  She was in the fucking dentist’s chair.

  The last place in the world Hannah ever wanted to be.

  And she didn’t have her purse and was utterly freezing.

  Instinctively, she lurched forward, meaning to fling herself from the chair, but to her bewilderment, neither her arms nor her legs wanted to cooperate.

  “There she is.”

  She leapt at the sound of a man’s voice, his accent odd to Hannah’s ears, and desperately, she tried to turn in the chair, to see where he was.

  “You had me worried, Hannah.”

  Her heart raced. Whoever it was, seemed to know her by name.

  “Why can’t I get up?”

  Hannah felt like such a fool asking, yet nothing seemed clear. Why wasn’t she able to move?

  “Because we have you restrained.” The owner of the voice appeared in her peripheral vision, and when he turned, Hannah’s heart stopped beating altogether. “For your safety, of course.”

  Oh fuck. It was him—the one with the alluring accent—he was the dentist. The one she had come to see in the first place.

  What the fuck was going on?

  “Let me go.” Hannah’s voice was hoarse. “Please.”

  He smiled, running his tongue over his lower lip. “Well done, asking nicely,” he told her in an irritating tone. “But I’m afraid my answer is no. We just acquired you, Hannah, and we intend to enjoy you.” He edged closer to where she was. “Just look at you.”

  Hannah’s throat seemed to close at the dark expression on his face, and as she followed his gaze over her body, she wanted to scream. Hannah was nude—naked save for the cuffs covering her wrists and presumably her ankles. No wonder she was so freaking cold.

  “Where are my clothes?”

  He laughed at her response, running an idle finger over her shin while he moved closer to Hannah’s face again.

  “You don’t need to worry about clothes, Hannah,” he assured her. “You only feel cold because the sedative is wearing off. We keep the place nice and warm—especially the part you’re going to.”

  Her brow furrowed. What? Where she was going? What was the man talking about, and why was he caressing the inside of her thigh?

  “Please,” she whimpered. “Please, just let me go.”

  Hannah cringed at how pathetic and powerless she sounded, but that’s what she was now. Completely helpless and at the mercy of this man—this alleged dentist.

  “Shhhh,” he said by means of reply. “There will be plenty of time for begging later, but not now.”

  If there had been any doubt at all about his intent, that response sent Hannah’s heart into a frantic spiral of panic. She had no idea exactly what had happened, but this guy had used the coffee to subdue her, and she was stripped and bound to his awful contraption. This was all her worst nightmares, playing out before her eyes.

  She tensed as his fingers reached the apex of her thighs. Her legs were splayed by the restraints, and there was nothing Hannah could do to halt the digit’s pursuit as it eased past her soft hair.

  He patted her clit lightly, brushing over her labia with a feathery touch. “Wet for me, already, Hannah?”

  He turned to her, immobilizing her with the fierceness of his gaze. Hannah wanted to shake her head, to shout at him to stop and to resist. There was no way she was wet. There was no way this could have aroused her. That just wasn’t a possibility. Yet as his finger grazed through her pubic hair once more and pushed gently inside her entrance, Hannah realized to her horror, her assumption had been wrong. She was wet. She could feel it, and she could hear the moisture as his finger slipped out.

  Oh God…

  “That is most pleasing.” He grinned at her proudly. “Most pleasing, little girl.”

  Hannah’s eyes fluttered at his praise. With everything that was going on, she was struggling to keep up with events, but it sounded like he just called her little girl? But wait—that couldn’t be right. Could it?

  “Open up now.”

  She watched as he shifted up the length of Hannah’s body, the finger that had just swept inside her pussy now en route to her mouth.

  “What?” she panted while she watched its descent, aware there was nothing she could do to halt its progress, yet tugging at the cuffs, regardless. The fact she was so utterly helpless was maddening, and her mind clouded with the reality of what was about to transpire.

  “You heard me.” His tone was insistent. “And when you address me, you will call me Mr. Lawes, sir.” He hesitated, and all at once, his face came into view, now only a few inches from Hannah’s. “Do you understand?”

  She pressed her body back into the damn chair as hard as she could. Lawes? Is that what he’d said his name was? Hannah blinked at the name. She knew that. She recalled it.

  “Yes,” she forced the word out, pausing at what was expected next. Referring to him by his name was one thing, but calling him sir—was the guy serious? Yet as Hannah recollected her predicament, she was once again painfully aware Lawes was serious.

  Deadly serious.

  If she wasn’t careful, she could be in really deep shit here. God only knew what the bastard wanted, but the fact she was stripped and bound did not bode well.

  “Yes, what?” Lawes’ voice was a growl.

  “Yes, Mr. Lawes.” Still, Hannah couldn’t compel the ‘s’ word to come, not until she noticed the dark menace in his green eyes, and she finally managed to spit it out. “Sir.”

  He pursed his lips, straightening his body and waving his finger in front of her mouth again. “Good, now open it. I want you to taste how wet you are now, then we can compare your juicy cunt again once we have you harnessed.”

  Time protracted as Hannah’s lips parted. A part of her brain wasn’t even sure why she complied, but her head was foggy, and she was naked, strapped down to the chair for fuck’s sake. A larger part of her head knew the reason why—Hannah had no choice.

  He pushed his fingers into her mouth. “Suck them clean.”

  Her gaze flitted to his face when his digits went deeper. A fresh surge of panic bloomed in Hannah’s chest as she realized Lawes was serious, and if she didn’t do as he wanted, she’d be gagging on those fingers within a matter of seconds. She wrapped her lips around his flesh and sucked, trying not to overthink any of what was happening and trying not to rationalize her obedience. The sweet, musky flavor of her arousal filled her senses, and Hannah knew a blush burned at her cheeks.

  “Gorgeous.” Lawes’ eyes were cold despite the compliment. He slowly withdrew his fingers. “How do you taste?”

  Hannah blinked up at him. What the hell was she supposed to say to that? How could she be turned on by any of this?

  “Sweet, Mr. Lawes, sir.” She closed her eyes, briefly blocking out his smug expression as she delivered the answer he wanted to hear, but just catching sight of his lips twitching at her reply.

  “Oh, I bet you are, Hannah, I bet you are. Soon, I will find out for myself.”


  An Examination

  By the time she opened her eyes again, Lawes was gone from her line of sight, though she could still hear him moving around behind her.

  “I think it’s time for a little assistance,” he declared, and the noise of a buzzer s
ounded from somewhere above her seat.

  Hannah twisted in the chair, pulling futilely against the cuffs which held her in place. What would happen now? Surely, no one else could be complicit in whatever devilish scheme Lawes had in mind? Although she could recall another guy, who’d let her into the building earlier. What was his name now? The door ahead of her burst open and there, standing before her, was yet another giant of a man.

  “Ah, the new patient is awake?” His steely blue eyes landed over her curves. “Shall I call Zander to assist?”

  “Yes, do,” replied Lawes, “But you may want to stick around for a bit and check Miss Bowman out before she arrives with you later.”

  The stranger grinned. “I would love to.”

  His voice oozed arousal, and Hannah’s breathing hitched. What the hell did all these men want? Surely, if they’d wanted to hurt her, they could have done so already. She’d been drugged and stripped. For God’s sake, she was helpless.

  “However, I have a lot of other patients waiting for me downstairs.”

  Her belly twisted at that revelation. More patients? That could not be good…

  “I understand.” Lawes pulled a tray of equipment close to Hannah’s head and reached over her to angle the overhead lamp. “You can make your official introductions later. Just get Zander in here, please.”

  The stranger nodded, his glance falling on Hannah again. “I look forward to it.”

  A small tingle ran through her body. Somehow, his words seemed like a threat. She watched as he backed out of the room, leaving her alone with Lawes again.

  “That enigmatic fellow was my partner, Mark Fuller.”

  Hannah’s gaze darted to Lawes’ face.

  “He’ll be the lucky bastard taking care of you tonight.”

  Her eyelids fluttered at him. Each new piece of information was more horrendous than the last. “T-tonight?” she stammered.

  Lawes reached for her, running his palm from Hannah’s collar bone to her left breast. “Mmmm, one of us needs to stay each night. To ensure you’re all well looked after. It’ll be my turn tomorrow, so don’t worry, we’ll get to know each other a little better.”

  Her flesh goosed under his fingertips, and Lawes pinched her beading nipple in response. Hannah startled at the sudden hurt, watching powerlessly as he shifted to the next nipple and repeated the performance. This time she panted, wanting his hands away from her, but too damn afraid to say so. There was a tiny part of her brain—and, oh God, she hoped it was only a tiny part—that acknowledged the pain with something other than fear. Something even more disturbing than the throat-closing terror blossoming inside her.

  Something like arousal.

  “Mr. Lawes?” A younger man strode into the room, dressed in the regulation gown Hannah had seen countless times before at the dentist. “Mr. Fuller said you needed me.”

  “Indeed.” Lawes turned his attention to the newcomer, though his hand never left Hannah’s chest. “Miss Bowman here needs a thorough inspection.”

  Her mind reeled at that news just as the stranger turned around to look at her.

  “A new patient?” The younger man arched a brow at her, his dark hair falling into his eyes at the gesture.

  “That’s right.” Lawes sounded almost proud. “Make sure we have everything we need while I get Hannah prepared.”

  Hannah’s heart pounded even faster. “Mr. Lawes?” Fuck, her voice was like a breathy rasp. “Please, I don’t—”

  His hand shifted to her mouth in an instant, those long fingers silencing her lips, applying just enough pressure to make his point.

  “Hush. The patient will be silent during the inspection.” Lawes shifted position and gazed down at her. “I’m sure you understand?” He turned to the other man. “Do we have what we need, Zander?”

  “Yes, Mr. Lawes.”

  “Good. Pass me the dental gag.”

  Whatever remained of Hannah’s composure splintered at that moment.

  “Please, no,” she pleaded from underneath his fingers. “I don’t want to be gagged! I—”

  One scathing expression from Lawes made her throat dry, and her words died. It was useless begging. That thought terrified her more than anything else.

  Lawes held out his hand, and in her peripheral vision, Hannah saw a metal contraption being placed onto his open palm.

  “What did I tell you about patients’ behavior during the inspection?”

  Hannah drew in a shaky breath. “That they should be silent, Mr. Lawes.”

  His brow rose, the deed ensuring a fresh burst of adrenaline coursed around Hannah’s body.

  “Sir.” She added, praying it would save her from whatever penance he was considering, though God knows, Hannah had the feeling she was screwed either way at this point.

  “Correct.” His voice was almost a growl. “At least you were paying attention. Now…” The fingers of his free hand rose to her lips, his digits easing between them as he continued. “I know you’re frightened, Hannah.” Lawes’ smiled at her sinfully. “So, I’m going to help you.”

  Hannah’s heart pounded, and as though some primal reflex had taken control of her brain, she began to suck on his fingers as though the response would incur some sort of reprieve from the lunatic. His gaze flashed at the deed, his smile widening, yet still, the gag appeared in front of Hannah’s eyes.

  “Open nice and wide.”

  She appraised the implement with large, frightened eyes. It looked fucking awful, and Hannah couldn’t even comprehend having the thing shoved into her mouth, especially now that she couldn’t move her limbs. It was downright scary.

  Lawes eased his fingers from her mouth.

  “Please.” The word escaped instinctively because Hannah already knew there was no point in trying to garner any mercy from Lawes.

  “The gag helps keep your mouth wide while I examine you.” Lawes’ attention flitted to Zander with a wry smile. “It also keeps it open when we need to do other things, but for now, all you need to worry about is the inspection.”

  Hannah panted, watching while Lawes shifted the gag toward her. There was no way she could do this—no fucking way.

  “Open up, Hannah.”

  She shook her head, pressing her lips firmly together.

  Lawes sighed theatrically. “In which case, we shall also need the tawse, Zander.”

  The sounds of movement came from behind her, and Hannah’s mind raced.

  Tawse? What the fuck was a tawse?

  The answer was presented to her a moment later when the leather looking strap was dangled before her face, replacing the gag which was placed on the tray of the apparatus.

  “I reserve this tawse for naughty girls who cannot do as they’re told.”

  That was it. That was all the warning Hannah got. The next thing she knew, Lawes held the leather implement aloft and brought it crashing down against her pussy. She shrieked with shock, the sound of the impact almost as startling as the sudden hurt exploding from the area.

  “For disobeying me on this one, simple request, you shall receive five strikes, Hannah.” Lawes’ green eyes were back on her again. “Then you will open that sweet mouth of yours. Do you understand?”

  Hannah could barely catch her breath before he struck her with the tawse again. The leather connected with her lips and clit, and instinctively, she caught her lip between her teeth.

  “I said, do you understand?” Lawes sounded unimpressed. “Or do I need to make it ten strikes?”

  “No, sir, please!” Hannah didn’t even query the notion of calling him sir anymore. All she wanted was for him to put that awful tawse thing away. She’d open her mouth—she’d take the fucking gag. Anything had to be better than this.


  “I’m waiting.” Lawes’ gaze narrowed while he glowered down at her. “Do you understand?”

  “Yes, Mr. Lawes, sir.” The words were falling from her now. “I understand.”

  He turned away, and Hannah saw him
lining up the next blow. She tried to brace herself, but it was futile, and as the tawse landed again, she squeezed her eyes closed. This was too much. Whatever the hell was going on in this place, men couldn’t just take women and do this to them. Another strike connected with her clit, and Hannah screamed with the agony. The small bundle of nerves had never known anything like it before, and she hoped to any gods who were listening, it never had to know it again.

  “One more, Hannah.”

  She opened her eyes again just in time to witness the final blow. Sucking in the air between her teeth, she saw Lawes handing the implement back to his waiting assistant. The dentist’s eyes were back on her in a heartbeat, his expression knowing, and Hannah knew what he expected at that moment. Lawes had already made himself more than clear.

  He took the gag from the tray and held it aloft.

  Hannah could feel her body tremble as she eyed the thing, and slowly, she forced her lips to part.

  Lawes grinned. “Now, there’s my good little girl.” His patronizing tone wafted over her. “I knew you could do it with the right persuasion.”

  Hannah wanted to argue with his words. Smacking her between the legs with some evil implement was not persuasion—it was bloody cruel—but there was no point, and as the gag loomed, there was no time. She compelled herself to remain still, panting while he forced the thing into her mouth. Lawes adjusted her lips around the top of the gag before he stood back to admire his handiwork.

  “Perfect,” he announced. “Zander, make sure we capture this moment, please. A patient’s first dental gag is a milestone at this practice.”

  Hannah struggled around the sheer width of the thing, now forcing her mouth to stay wide open. She had played with the odd ball gag before with ex boyfriends, but Hannah had never contemplated anything like this. Her jaw ached already, and the sense of panic was debilitating. Fear whipped around her restrained form, her eyes widening as Zander appeared in front of her with a digital camera. With a smirk, his youthful face vanished behind the camera, and he began to snap shots in Hannah’s direction.


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