Captured: A Dark Suspenseful Gothic Romance (The Rule of Lawes Series Book 1)

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Captured: A Dark Suspenseful Gothic Romance (The Rule of Lawes Series Book 1) Page 5

by Felicity Brandon

  A hard swat landed on her clit, forcing Hannah’s body to jerk against the cuffs. It wasn’t as painful as the tawse had been, and logically, she knew it must have been Lawes’ hand, but she didn’t care. The strike had roused her already desperate clitoris, and she wanted more of that sensation, too.

  “What do you call me?” Lawes’ voice was like thunder.

  “Sir,” Hannah called out, though naturally, it didn’t sound anything like it should have done.

  “Better,” he growled. “Don’t you forget, little girl, or all of this stops.”

  Her body tensed at the threat. Reaching this climax both men seemed intent to push her toward had become the center of Hannah’s entire universe. She couldn’t risk losing it any more than she could not take another breath. Hannah’s jaw ached intensely, but she didn’t care. She ignored the pain Zander’s hands were inflicting on her chest, or maybe that wasn’t true. Maybe Hannah didn’t ignore the pain, she used it—took it and morphed it into something hot and undeniable.

  “Yes, sir.” She sounded desperate, and she was.


  Lawes’ fingers pushed deeper, eliciting a carnal groan from Hannah’s mouth, and a moment later, his mouth descended to her clitoris. She bucked against the intensity of the act, but who was Hannah trying to kid? She fucking loved it—the force of it, the authority of it, the way Lawes was determined to take what he wanted, even though he shouldn’t. Even though it didn’t belong to him—she didn’t belong to him.

  Hannah had often fantasized about being forced to surrender to a man. In fact, those thoughts had begun to dominate her dreams since the split with Daniel, coming to her at night to ensure her unconsciousness was as frantic and relentless as her working days, but never, in any of those fantasies had she imagined anything like this. This wasn’t chocolate boxes and roses—a few slaps to her behind while pinioned to the bed by some domineering alpha male character. This was dirtier than that, a million times more humbling, and if truth be told, this was happening entirely against her will.

  Yet her greedy pussy was soaked.

  Still, Hannah relished it.

  The pressure at her clit increased, making it impossible not to call out once more. Fuck, she wanted this. She wanted this denigration. As that thought resonated, echoing around her head like a pinball, Hannah realized something else—she didn’t just want this.

  She wanted him.

  Lawes—the man who had done this to her. The man who had presumably contrived this whole place, this whole organization, and the man who had ripped apart Hannah’s safe and normal world. She wanted him like she’d never wanted any other man. She wanted him to fill her up, to stretch her, to plow into her until she couldn’t take another fucking inch.

  Hannah’s entire essence depended upon getting it.

  “Come for me, little girl.” Lawes’ taunting tone washed over her head. “Come for me now while you have permission, or you will be one very frustrated patient, Hannah.”

  “Oh God.” She wished she could speak properly and tell him how good his fingers felt, how much she wanted his cock, how none of it mattered if he was going to take her right to the top of this precipice and push her off the damn thing—of course, a fragment of the woman who’d wandered into the surgery knew that was bullshit. It did matter. It mattered a great deal, but Hannah couldn’t think about that now.

  Now, there was only Lawes, his fingers, and his fucking heavenly tongue.

  “That’s it.”

  Hannah couldn’t see Lawes’ face, but she knew he was smiling, enjoying this. Fleetingly, she wondered if he was hard for her.

  “Come for me!”

  That was an order, the shift in his tone perceptible, and it was enough to topple Hannah. She climaxed with so much force, if the cuffs hadn’t been holding her down, she might have been flung from the chair altogether. Her body spasmed, her pussy clenching around the digits pumping in and out of her, and all Hannah could do was call out. Her wails were drowned out by the noise of something else, though. Something she couldn’t place in her head at first, and then, when his fingers slipped from her pussy, and Lawes moved back into her line of sight, Hannah recognized what it was.

  The sound of his ominous laughter.



  “You’re a fucking delight, Hannah.” Lawes’ tone was raspy. “And your performance made me so hard.”

  Hannah met his eyes, the humiliation at still being bound and gagged while he roamed free burgeoning as Lawes unzipped his pants.


  Her gaze flew to the large, eager cock that had just been unleashed, her pussy spasming in response. That was what she wanted, and Hannah knew she was easily lubricated enough to take him. Lawes fisted his cock, moving closer to Hannah’s face, the chair she was lying in began to lower even further.

  “Now, it’s time to give your new master what he deserves, little girl.”

  Hannah’s eyes widened while he waved his hard length before her eyes. “Sir, I—”

  But her words were cut short by Lawes, who pulled her head in his direction at the same time he lunged his erection deep inside her throat. Hannah had taken plenty of cocks in her mouth, and she’d usually enjoyed the act, but it had never been anything like this. With the dental gag in place, her lips were forced wide open, and with Lawes’ large hands holding her face, there was literally nowhere to go. Hannah was restrained and completely at his mercy.

  “Fuck, yes.”

  He thrust deeper, and instinctively Hannah gagged around him. Just like every other part of him, Lawes’ cock was massive, especially when it was shoved so unceremoniously down the back of her throat. She pulled against her cuffs in yet another futile attempt to break free of the binds, but Hannah already knew the truth. There was no getting away from this—not while Lawes and the others wanted her here.

  Not while she was gagged and bound.

  Hannah blinked away the tears that had sprung at the forced blow job. She would not cry for him. She would not give him the fucking satisfaction, yet on he pressed, instigating her gag reflex on nearly every lunge.

  She felt as though she couldn’t breathe, her senses filled with the taste, scent, and touch of this man she had barely even met. The room around her dulled into insignificance. Hannah had no idea if Zander was still there, or maybe one of the others had returned to witness her denigration. It didn’t matter anymore. All that mattered was surviving this onslaught. As Hannah fought for breath through her nostrils, the noise of her wet, gagging throat was consuming.

  “So fucking good, little girl.” His voice was a growl. “This is how you take my cock.” Lawes’ erection pressed back down into her throat. “This is how you take every cock here unless you’re told otherwise. Got it?”

  His hand shifted into her hair, fisting Hannah’s dark locks as her gaze flitted, desperately trying to see his face. She wanted to tell him she understood, but there was no way to acquiesce. She could scarcely even nod her head, the ferocity of his grip eliciting a fresh streak of pain through her flesh.

  “Good girl.”

  Lawes’ precum leaked from the tip of his cock, and Hannah could only just make out the flavor before it was lost with the next assaulting thrust.

  “I’m close.” Suddenly, his cock was gone from her throat. Hannah wanted to cough at its retreat, but the humiliating gag meant that was impossible.

  Instead, Lawes fisted her hair roughly while he fisted his swollen cock over her parted lips.

  “I’m going to paint you with my cum, little girl.”

  Hannah blinked at him wildly, suddenly aware her chest was rising and falling rapidly. Zander’s hands were gone, and her nipples begged for more attention.

  “And you’ll wear that cum for me when I move you downstairs. Wear it like a fucking badge of honor.”

  The first shoot of his climax burst from his crown and landed over Hannah’s chin. Lawes edged closer, ensuring the next deposit landed direc
tly in her open mouth. Hannah could feel it sliding down her throat, and there wasn’t a damn thing she could do to prevent its journey. Leaning closer, Lawes directed the next burst of hot cum across her eyes, and Hannah’s lids closed just in time, the warmth of the cum strange on her skin when her eyes fluttered open again.


  He fisted the remainder of his orgasm around her lips, smearing the cum into her skin as the obviously powerful climax washed over him. Taking a deep breath, Lawes retreated, tucking his cock away before he assessed Hannah.

  “Very good, little girl.” His voice was softer now. “You just had your first lesson in what awaits you here.”

  Reaching for her mouth, his fingers slid inside and pressed deep into her throat.

  “That’s the taste of our combined arousal.”

  Her eyes widened. Hannah could tell his fingers were almost as deep as his cock had been.

  “Can you taste it?”

  She nodded her head now that his grip on her hair had been released, gargling her reply as best she could.

  Lawes grinned in response. “I want you to recall how it tastes. Can you do that?”

  Hannah nodded again. Her heart felt like it was in her mouth, along with the awful gag and half the contents of his testicles. The power this man had over her was downright terrifying, but it was also tantalizing. She’d hated the way he’d forced his cock down her throat, yet she’d also loved it. Everything about Lawes was one giant contradiction—much like her messed-up reaction to him.

  He leaned closer, his fingers still lodged in her throat. “This is the first of many great duets between you and me, little girl.”

  She panted at that.

  “But there will never be another first, and I want us both to remember it.”

  Lawes pinioned Hannah with his glower for a long moment before slowly his fingers eased out of her mouth, and he moved away.

  “Do you have the syringe ready, Zander?”

  His attention had shifted to Zander, who was apparently still in the room, and Hannah shifted to focus on the exchange.

  “It’s here, Mr. Lawes.”

  Hannah surveyed the small needle passed between the two of them, and her muscles froze.

  “No!” She screamed the noise despite the gag, and both men turned back toward her.

  “That’s enough,” Lawes warned her. His fingers stroked the side of her neck. “That jaw has to be aching by now. Take your medicine for me, and I’ll remove it.”

  Hannah blinked at him as a new surge of panic bloomed in her chest. He wanted to stick her with that needle, and fuck knows what was in the syringe, but whatever it was, it would not be good news for her.

  “Please,” she whimpered as best she could, but Lawes’ expression was resolute.

  “Little girl.” He shot her a cautionary glare. “Do not make this any worse on yourself.”

  The needle was moving in her direction, Lawes’ left hand reaching for her hair and holding her head in place while it descended. There was no escaping whatever drug it was filled with. As the needle brushed her neck, hot, frustrated tears filled her eyes. These weren’t the tears of a woman gagging around a man’s cock, these were thick, real, desperate tears, and as Lawes pushed the drug into her system, the first of what Hannah suspected would be many, made its tracks down her cheek.



  There was no abrupt awakening for Hannah. This time, consciousness seeped back into her reality like the trickle of a stream as though it wanted to tease her back into the real world. First, there were the noises. The sounds of voices—voices Hannah knew she didn’t recognize. The sounds of the occasional shouted order and the odd whimpered cry. That should have been enough to worry her, and on another day when her body hadn’t been pumped full of drugs, no doubt it would have done, but not today. Today, Hannah’s head was so heavy, it took more time to coax her eyes open, and as soon as she had, Hannah wished the sleep could have found her again.

  Wherever she was, it was dark. Not just dimly lit, but dark. Almost black. The temperature was warm, the heat enveloping her as she rose from the crumpled heap she seemed to be in. Where the hell was she?

  Hannah scanned the area, bewilderment flooding her mind. She was on the floor, it seemed, except she wasn’t. The ground beneath Hannah seemed to be made of plastic, that shiny, cheap kind you might find in a cat’s litter box, and as she blinked around the place, Hannah took in the slight glint of metal in the gloom.

  Her heart skipped a beat.


  She edged closer, forcing an unwilling hand to reach and grasp at the unknown metal. Her fingers pressed into it, moving sideways where it encountered more—numerous long lines of metal, which seemed to be surrounding her on all sides—everywhere she touched.

  What the fuck?

  “The new one’s awake!” An excited whisper came from somewhere in the dark, and Hannah’s heart leaped at the sound.

  “Shhhh.” Another voice, but Hannah couldn’t tell from which direction it had come. “You’ll land us in more shit.”

  Hannah inched her body up, intending to stand, but as soon as she got to her knees and tried to kneel up, her head hit something hard above her.

  “She doesn’t know where she is yet.”

  “Enjoy that. Once you figure it out, there’s no going back.”

  There seemed to be whispers all around her now, goading her already confused head.

  “Where am I?” Hannah had said those words out loud—she knew she had, yet she only just recognized the sound of her own voice. “What is this?”

  “Shhhh!” The same reply came again, and this time, Hannah tried to follow the sound to find out where it had come from.

  Glancing up, her hand rose to find out what had prevented her movement before, her fingers finding a hard surface above her. It was difficult to tell in the shadowy light, but it felt like the cool plastic underneath her body.

  Her body.

  Hannah inhaled as she gazed down at herself.

  She was naked.

  Why was she naked?

  Still naked, a small voice in her head insisted. You’re still naked, remember?

  Hannah blinked into the darkness, though her eyes seemed to be adjusting to the boundless gloom. Yes, she recalled something, didn’t she? Some odd dream about being stripped and bound at the dentist, but that couldn’t be real, could it? That wasn’t what had happened to her.

  That wasn’t possible.

  Her hands grazed over her thighs and up to her breasts. They felt full and achy as though they’d received recent attention—attention Hannah couldn’t recollect. Her belly clenched at the thought. Next, her hands rose to her neck. There was something wrapped around it, something she’d barely noticed before, but now, as Hannah’s hands grasped at what felt like leather around her neck, seeds of fresh panic bloomed.

  This was not right, and it was no dream, either.

  Something was badly wrong with this scene.

  It felt like there was a collar at her neck. Yes, that was it. Hannah’s fingers brushed over a metal part to the leather, a semi-circle like the kind she’d seen on animals’ collars before. The type that could be used to connect a leash.

  Hannah inhaled sharply. “Where the fuck am I?”

  Her voice was louder now, the panic swelling, demanding an answer.

  “You’re in their basement,” came a hushed reply.

  Hannah’s brow furrowed. “What fucking basement?”

  “Shhhh!” Whoever was pleading for her silence sounded desperate.

  “Their basement. Fuller and Lawes’.”

  Those names were vaguely familiar, though Hannah couldn’t place why. Then, it came to her.

  “The dentists?”

  “Well, that’s what they say they are, but look around, honey. Does it look like a dental surgery to you?”

  “Did you get a letter, too?”

  Another voice, but the query planted a new memor
y in Hannah’s head.

  The letter. Yes, she had got a letter.

  Hannah took the advice of the first voice, and for the first time, she really looked around. Her eyes had adjusted to the dark, and as she peered beyond her hand, Hannah was just able to make out a line of similar looking set-ups. The peculiar metal and the low roofs, but what were they?

  The answer hit her in the face like a bucket of cold water.


  They were fucking cages.

  Cages made just large enough to contain a person.

  Cages like the one she was sitting in.

  A strangled voice escaped Hannah’s lips. “Why are there cages?” Her disbelief seemed to echo around the dark space. “Why the fuck am I in a cage?”

  As though it wanted to react to her query, the light began to blink on from somewhere overhead. Audible gasps were heard from every direction, and Hannah squeezed her gaze closed as the dim light flooded the area. For a moment, a heavy silence fell, and slowly, she forced her eyes open, her aching jaw falling open at the sight which awaited her.

  Hannah’s guess had been correct. She was in a cage, and a wave of terror washed over while she lurched forward and reached for the slim metal bars. Gulping for breath, she lifted her chin to look past her hands, and the scene that met her gaze threatened to take her breath away. There were at least six other cages—just like the one she was sitting in—and inside each one was the form of a naked woman. Hannah’s gaze met the determined stare of the woman directly opposite her, and fleetingly, she wondered if she had been one of the women trying to communicate in the dark.

  A sound from somewhere high above her head sent that, and every thought, scattering. It was a door, or something heavy, and it was moving. Hannah’s heart raced at the foreboding noise. Next came the echo of substantial footsteps, the noise growing louder as each one reverberated around the cages. Frantic, Hannah scuttled back toward the back of her cage. Whatever was about to happen next, she had the distinct feeling she wasn’t going to enjoy it.


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