Christmas Treats Box Set: Books 1 - 4

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Christmas Treats Box Set: Books 1 - 4 Page 39

by Holly Rayner

  That day had ended, and clearly Zadid had no intention of seeing any kind of romance through. If he had, he would have texted, at the very least.

  With a sigh, Yvonne relented. “Fine, but we are not spending any time outside. I’m not shivering in the cold when I could have been warm here.”

  “Fair enough. My cousin works at a club downtown, and he’s offered me four spots at a VIP table. It’s going to be amazing!”

  Her friend’s enthusiasm was contagious, and Yvonne smiled in spite of herself. “Give me five minutes. Come on in guys—there’s some wine in the kitchen if you’re feeling it.”

  Kyle nodded, wrapping an arm around Mackenzie as they stepped inside. Yvonne waved to Shane, who waved back, stepping into her apartment and glancing shyly around. She repressed another sigh at Mackenzie’s clear attempt at matchmaking once again.

  Would the woman never let her live out her dating life in peace?

  Closing her bedroom door, she picked out a black cocktail dress that draped down her back, a line of jewels cascading down her spine. It was classy enough to get into a fancy joint while also having just a little bit of spice to it for the occasion. She pinned her hair up into something resembling a stylish twist, and stepped into a pair of semi-comfortable black heels.

  After finishing it all off with a bit of dark eye makeup and lipstick, she stepped back out into her living room. The three guests looked at her with wide eyes.

  “Dang, Yvonne! How do you get to transform into a knockout so easily? Not fair!” Mackenzie grumbled jokingly.

  Yvonne glanced down, reaching for a black clutch and transferring her money into it for the night. “You’re too kind, my friend,” she said, very aware of Shane’s eyes on her. She missed Zadid more than ever. “Now, let’s get going before that VIP access gets denied.”

  “Yay!” Mackenzie cheered, lacing her arm through Yvonne’s as they strolled out of her apartment and into the elevator.

  When they stepped outside, there was a long, black limo waiting for them at the curb. Yvonne cast a curious glance at Mackenzie, who shrugged.

  “What? It’s been an amazing year, and I want to see it out in style. Let’s treat ourselves!”

  Yvonne’s heart felt a little lighter, even in the chill of the evening air. She slid into the back seat of the limo, the smooth seats comfortable as the men piled in behind Mackenzie. Kyle draped his arm around her shoulders again while Shane took the end of the row to himself, gazing out the window.

  The lights of the season were still in place, glittering around them as the limo drove though crowded city streets, slowly approaching their final destination. While they waited, Kyle reached across to the bar, where he popped a bottle of champagne open and filled flutes, passing them around.

  “To a new year with new adventures!” he said.

  “To love!” Mackenzie said.

  “To work!” Yvonne said, and Mackenzie rolled her eyes.

  “To new friends,” Shane said, glancing at Yvonne before they all clinked their glasses and sipped.

  The limo pulled up in front of the posh club, where a long line of partygoers was already forming outside. Shane opened the door and stepped out, the rest of the group following close behind.

  Mackenzie stepped up to the bouncer, confident as ever. “Hi there. I’m Lance’s cousin, Mackenzie,” she said.

  The muscular bouncer flipped over his checklist, marking a spot with his pen. “You’re VIP area number four,” he said, opening the velvet rope and gesturing for her party to go inside.

  Yvonne ignored the glares of everyone waiting in line as they walked in, noticing that the club was decorated like a 1920s speakeasy. Some people had even dressed up in flapper dresses and waistcoats for the occasion, giving a sense of timelessness to the space.

  A series of closed-off areas with tables and sofas hung above the space, and Mackenzie led the way until they found number four. Yvonne felt like a queen as she entered the area, and another bouncer approached to confirm their identities. Once he did, he left them in the hands of a private waiter, who took drink orders before scurrying away.

  Couples were dancing on a small floor beneath them, conversation noisy as partygoers celebrated the end of another year. Yvonne sat down next to Shane as Kyle and Mackenzie cuddled up on one of the couches, lost in their own little world.

  “This is pretty neat,” Yvonne said, struggling to think of what to say.

  Shane nodded. “I’ve never been to one of these places before.”

  They sat in silence until the waiter arrived with their drinks. Yvonne took a deep pull, thinking about her comfortable pajamas and popcorn back home and wondering how Mackenzie had managed to get her to leave them behind.

  “I’m sorry, can we just get past the part where we’re clearly being set up again?” she finally asked. “I’d like it if we could be friends.”

  “That sounds good to me,” Shane agreed, taking a sip from his own glass. “I can’t stand awkward silences.”

  “Really? They seem to be a specialty of mine,” Yvonne said with a laugh.

  “Maybe that’s why you’re still single,” he replied, taking another drink.

  Yvonne’s eyes narrowed. So much for being a friend.

  “I imagine your beard is the reason you’re still single.”

  He glanced over at her. “Women like the beard.”

  She gazed around pointedly. “I don’t see any here jumping at the chance to tug on it.”

  “You know, I think you’d be better off hanging with your friend from the other night. You two seemed quite cozy together.”

  He was talking about Zadid. Instantly, Yvonne wished that she was doing exactly that. If she wasn’t going to be distracted from wanting him when she was out, what was the point of it in the first place? Setting her drink down, she nodded to Shane.

  “It’s been real great getting to know you, friend. Please let Mack and Kyle know that I went home. Have a great night with your hordes of beard-loving women.”

  Before he could reply, she was up and out of the VIP area, halfway to the door. Kyle and Mackenzie were still making out on the couch, totally unaware of the fact that she was on her way out.

  Stepping back out into the cold street, she waited for twenty minutes until someone finally exited a cab and she was able to hop in. Traffic took forever as the cab driver meandered the way to her apartment building.

  As they approached, her phone went off.

  “Are you serious? Why did you leave?”

  She stared at Mackenzie’s text, feeling numb.

  Opening it up, she sent her reply. “Just pulled up to my apartment, home safe. See you at work in a few days. Happy New Year.”

  With that, she turned off her phone, not wanting to talk to anyone anymore. She paid her fare and headed upstairs, returning to her apartment. Her setup was just as she’d left it, and she washed the makeup from her face and slid back into her comfortable clothes before plopping on the couch and covering back up with her blanket.

  She had made such big plans for the evening to relax and enjoy her night. Instead, she was left feeling frustrated and annoyed. She had allowed her friend to drag her out on what was so obviously a double date with a man she had no interest in. Heck, even he knew that she would rather be with Zadid!

  Times Square was loaded with smiling faces and happy people as concerts played out, the year rehashed in a series of images. Yvonne watched, her eyes darting occasionally to the fireplace as she remembered Zadid deftly lighting the fire—one that would glow throughout the best night of her life.

  And yet, she was alone on New Year’s Eve, watching the clock as everyone prepared for another year. The fresh-faced show host looked out at the shimmering ball as the crowd began to count down the last few seconds of the year.




  “Happy New Year,” Yvonne mumbled, watching sadly as couples embraced.

  Chapter 10

  A mus
ical sound echoed across Yvonne’s dreams as she rolled over, squeezing her eyes shut against the bright light of day.

  The bright light of day…

  Shooting up, she glanced with wide eyes at her alarm clock, which was still singing a musical tune that had started two hours before.

  Oh, no…

  Yvonne never slept in! She must have adapted to her break schedule a little too much, she thought, as she cursed the clock while whipping her pajamas off and changing into a work suit in a flash.

  Grabbing her bag and her keys, she sprinted out the door, her breath labored as her heart pounded. Never in her professional life had she been late for work. Would Zadid assume she had gotten lazy after their night together? Would he think she was the kind of person to sleep with a man only to take advantage later?

  She managed to catch a cab, wiggling in the back seat as the driver wound through morning D.C. traffic. After an eternity, he finally stopped close enough to the firm for her to get out and run.

  “Thank you!” she called, tossing a wad of cash at the man as she dashed out into the street.

  Through the revolving doors, she wound her way up into the main lobby, where weeks before a party had taken place that had changed her life. She wondered as time passed if Zadid would reach out to her. She’d tried very hard to convince herself not to be disappointed when she heard not a word from him around New Year’s, instead falling asleep alone, dreaming about his kiss at midnight.

  She reminded herself that she had no ties to the man, though he seemed to have an affection for her after their time together. His silence continued to leave her wondering just what that night meant, if anything at all. Perhaps he would act as though it never happened, and business would go on as usual.

  A million scenarios had played out in her mind over the past week, but nothing prepared her for the gathering of everyone in the company standing beneath a podium, with Zadid giving a speech above them.

  Blending into the crowd, she found Mackenzie and touched her arm. Her friend glanced over, though her expression was worried.

  “I understand that change at the top level can be disconcerting,” Zadid said, “but I want to let all of you know that my departure from this firm is no cause for concern. ELA International will continue to grow and thrive as it always has, and I know John Smalls will steer that ship well enough on his own. He never really needed my help, after all.”

  “What’s going on?” Yvonne whispered, horrified by what he was implying.

  Before Mackenzie could answer, Zadid continued.

  “As of this morning, my stake in ELA International has been sold, and I will be departing by the end of the day today. It has been my greatest pleasure working with you all, and I will certainly stay in touch to see your meteoric rise to success as time goes on. If you have any questions, please direct them to John.”

  He stepped down from the podium then with a gentle wave to the stunned crowd. As he walked out of the room, conversation erupted from every corner.

  Mackenzie turned to face her friend. “I’m sorry, Yvonne. But hey, having a crush on the boss isn’t exactly a safe bet anyway, is it? Now we can find you someone better suited, preferably someone that doesn’t share your work space. What is it they say? Don’t poop where you eat?”

  “Gross, Mack,” Yvonne said, still recovering. “When did he start speaking?”

  “A few minutes before you arrived. I’ve never seen you get here after eight in the morning. What gives?”

  Yvonne shook her head, bewildered with it all, fighting the urge to cry.

  So Zadid was leaving? That very day?

  “I guess I just got used to my holiday schedule,” she mumbled, her eyes on the hallway Zadid had walked down.

  Mackenzie watched her with concern in her eyes, placing a gentle hand on her arm. “Are you okay?”

  With a gentle shake of her head, Yvonne returned to the present, finally making eye contact with her friend. “Yeah, yeah, I’m fine. Just a little out of it being back from the holidays. I just need to get to work and get my mind back in the right place.”

  “Of course,” Mackenzie agreed. “There’s a long line of voicemails waiting for you. Saw them blinking as I walked by.”

  Yvonne nodded, feeling numb as she walked through the chattering crowd, picking up pieces of conversation as she went.

  “Did you know he was planning on leaving?”

  “I had no idea! What do you think this means for the company? I mean, I know what he said, but let’s be real here. If a CEO leaves a company, there has to be a reason, right?”

  Passing through the sea of unease, Yvonne finally reached her office, glancing across the way to see if she could catch a glance at Zadid. His office was empty.

  Opening her office door, she slipped inside, her phone blinking with the messages she should have been dealing with instead of taking a break. With a heavy sigh, she plopped down into her chair, staring at the black computer screen in front of her.

  After a moment, she turned on her computer and began sifting through emails, determining what could wait and what needed to be handled immediately. A knock at her door broke her concentration, and she looked up to see Zadid standing in her doorway.

  What was once such a welcome sight now had her feeling nauseated.

  “Can I come in?” he asked.

  “You’re the boss…at least, until the end of the day,” she said, her tone ice-cold.

  He winced almost imperceptibly at her comment, stepping inside and closing the door behind him.

  “We need to talk,” he said.

  “You think?” she replied. In that moment, she didn’t care if she was coming off as curt. He owed her an explanation, and she leaned back and crossed her arms as he sat across from her.

  “You have no need to worry about your job. I’ve spoken with John over the break and he has every intention of keeping you on as an assistant. He never really needed one because of all the work I did, but with my departure, he’ll need you more than ever.”

  She stared at him in stunned disbelief. Mistaking her silence, he continued.

  “You shouldn’t have to move desks. For the time being, John is going to move into my office, and he’ll be by later this morning to touch base with you about how he gets his work done. I think you’ll find him a very amiable person to work with.”

  Yvonne continued to stare at him. Finally, after a heavy pause, she leaned in. “Are you serious right now? You think I’m worried about my job?”

  He shrugged. “I imagine it’s a concern when your one task—assisting me—has been removed without much notice, yes.”

  “How about the fact that you slept with me, fully knowing that you had no intention of sticking around? Did you ever think that I might be a little upset about that, Zadid?”

  His cheeks colored slightly, though his expression remained unreadable. “I understand how it must look, and I’m sorry, Yvonne. I really am. You showed me a wonderful holiday, one to remember, but I have my reasons. I’ve entered into a new business venture back in Abu Algar, and I have to return home immediately.”

  “So your reasoning behind all of this is business,” Yvonne said, her voice a shard of disappointment.

  “The world continues to turn at the speed of light, Yvonne. If I don’t keep up with it, I fall behind. You are an ambitious woman with promise beyond words. Surely a part of you understands that, even if you are upset.”

  He was trying to reason with her, to tell her that she was being foolish. Her heart felt like a cold lump of snow that was melting slowly, painfully. She thought for a moment that she had found a man worth her time, worth her love.

  She had been proved painfully, terribly wrong.

  “When are you leaving?” she asked.

  “Right now. I just wanted to meet with you before I go. As I said, John will be in soon to hash out the particulars.”

  “Okay,” she mumbled.

  Another heavy silence fell over them, suffocating
Yvonne with each passing moment.

  Finally, Zadid stood and opened the door.

  “I really am sorry, Yvonne. Had things been different…” he stared out into nothing, lost in his own thoughts for a moment before shaking his head. “Well. I wish you the best. You’re a great worker and a wonderful person, and I hope that you know that.”

  “Thanks,” she said.

  The Sheikh’s words rang hollow when compared with his actions. He could compliment her until he ran out of breath, but it wouldn’t change the fact that he had slept with her, never called, and then left the country, all within the span of a week.

  Yvonne came to the conclusion that she was cursed to live without a family of her own as Zadid nodded once last time and then disappeared, gone forever.

  Her fragile snowball heart crumbled under the weight of it. A sob ripped from her chest, and she stood to close her door, pressing her hand to her mouth as she silently cried her heart out. Every time hope reared its beautiful head, it was always wiped out. Why had she dared to assume that, with Zadid, anything would be different?

  Taking several deep breaths, she collected herself, grabbing a tissue from her desk and wiping her tears away. She would do her best to have those be the only ones she shed for Sheikh Zadid Al-Alamein. Sitting back down in her chair, she busied herself with work once again, responding to emails even as she wondered what the best answer would be.

  With Zadid gone, she had no idea how to move forward.

  There was another knock at her door, and Yvonne self-consciously wiped at her face before calling to let the newcomer enter. It was John, as promised.

  Handsome and young, John was blond with luminous blue eyes. He stepped in and closed the door behind him, sitting across from her.

  “So, we’ve been abandoned,” he said, and Yvonne chuckled.


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