Christmas Treats Box Set: Books 1 - 4

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Christmas Treats Box Set: Books 1 - 4 Page 44

by Holly Rayner

“Yeah, well, he’s on his way out. I mean, everyone is, really. No one wants to stick around. We knew how good we had it, and it was taken from us. Now, we have to figure out what to do next.”

  They pulled up to the curb in front of a trendy café. Mackenzie stepped out and paid the meter for a few hours of brunch, ready for a morning party. Soon, she would realize she had to drink mimosas for two on her own.

  As they stepped inside, a techno beat was playing from the speakers, giving a pulse to the place that was a totally different vibe from Yvonne’s favorite mom and pop shop down the street. They were seated, a large jug of mimosa placed on the table between them.

  “Bottom’s up,” Mackenzie said, pouring herself a glass and reaching to pour one for Yvonne.

  “Wait!” Yvonne cried, and Mackenzie stopped before the liquid could tumble from the jug’s spout.

  Mackenzie stared at her friend expectantly, waiting for her explanation as to why she was delaying their brunch party.

  Yvonne released a breath. “I’m pregnant,” she quietly announced.

  Mackenzie stared at her, the jug still hovering over the glass, suspended there as she processed that piece of information.

  “You’re pregnant,” she said, finally setting the jug back down. “But you’re not seeing anyone.”

  “Well, that is true…”

  Mackenzie waited, staring at her silently as she waited for Yvonne to finally release her story.

  Shaking her head, Yvonne placed her face into her hands. “This is so messed up, Mack. I’ve made a huge mess of my life.”

  Mackenzie reached across the table and squeezed her friend’s shoulder, forcing Yvonne to look up at her.

  “Tell me,” she said, her tone consolatory.

  So, misty-eyed, Yvonne told her everything.

  “At the night of the Christmas party I was on my way out when I saw Zadid looking really sad and alone. Turns out, he had no one to spend the holidays with, so I offered to make him a nice Christmas dinner. He came over on Christmas Day, the night of the blizzard, and got snowed in. We had a little champagne, but nothing too crazy, before we…um…”

  Mackenzie lifted an eyebrow. “Did the deed?” she asked.

  Yvonne felt her cheeks go crimson. “Yes, well. I thought that maybe it would go somewhere, but when we got back from break, I was late to work only to discover that he had decided to sell his share and move back home to the Middle East. He hadn’t told me anything about it.”

  “Hmm, you did look really upset that day. I just figured it was because your crush was leaving. Had no idea you guys were doing the hanky panky.”

  “All right, all right,” Yvonne laughed, tossing a napkin at her friend. “Anyway, I thought nothing of it after that,” she continued.

  “Lies,” Mackenzie interrupted. “You were morose for weeks.”

  “We were all morose,” Yvonne countered, and Mackenzie nodded.

  “That is true, but I could tell there was something even more off with you. I thought tossing a suitor at you might help the problem, but of course, we all saw how that went, didn’t we?”

  “Yeah…you can stop doing that, by the way,” Yvonne said, taking a sip of water.

  “So, you were saying? Then you got pregnant?”

  “Right, so I was working on moving on, and dealing with all the terrible stuff going on at work, and it didn’t yet occur to me that I had missed my period…twice.”

  “Who doesn’t notice that?” Mackenzie interrupted, and Yvonne crossed her arms and glared at her friend, who put up a pair of defensive hands. “Okay, okay. My mouth is sealed. Continue, my dearest friend.”

  “Thank you,” Yvonne sighed. “Anyway, I ran straight to the doctor’s office and they were able to confirm that I was, in fact, pregnant. The only man I’ve been with in the past year is Zadid, so…”

  “The past year? Girl, we need to get you out more.”

  “You are doing an exceptional job of missing the point,” Yvonne snapped.

  “Uh-oh, angry pregnant lady, watch out!”

  “And there, ladies and gentlemen, is the reason that I don’t tell Mack anything important!”

  “Oh, so that’s the reason? You’ve always known my sense of humor, Yvonne. You’ll survive it. So, how’s the baby? What’s the gender? Can you know that yet?”

  Yvonne took another sip of her water, making Mackenzie wait for her response. It was what she deserved, after such teasing!

  “I’m having triplets,” she said.

  Mackenzie choked on her mimosa, gasping for air as she coughed for several minutes while Yvonne waited for her little fit to subside.

  “Triplets?” her friend wheezed. “Zadid has got something going on!”

  “Yes, well. It took the two of us, you know.”

  “Oh, I know. I’m not sure I want to hear all the details about that part. I respect you both too much on a professional level. But three babies at once! What are you going to name them?”

  She was asking questions that Yvonne hadn’t even gotten to, stressed-out as she was over the whole situation.

  “I honestly don’t know. I think a part of me was waiting until Zadid and I could decide that part together—you know, as a parental unit.”

  Mackenzie took another sip of her drink to clear her throat from her previous shock. “Right. Which brings us to the part where you tell me what happened while you were abroad.”

  “What happened while I was abroad,” Yvonne hedged, not wanting to shock her friend into another choking fit, “was a whole other story altogether.”

  Chapter 18

  Yvonne regaled Mackenzie with the story of how she’d flown out to Abu Algar on a daring mission to bring her children’s father back to the States.

  “I met this amazing woman who let me wear a designer gown and shoes—she even did my hair and makeup before I left!”

  Yvonne mentally sent good karma out to Iman, hoping that, at that exact moment, she was fielding offers from celebrities for her work. If anyone deserved it, it was her.

  “When I got there, it was incredible, unlike anything I’d ever seen. Zadid certainly didn’t do the place justice when he talked about it. I found him walking toward a balcony, so I cornered him and showed him the sonogram and the bump.”

  Mackenzie slurped at her mimosa, the small pitcher practically empty.

  “I thought he was excited, but suddenly, I see a ring on his finger. The man is engaged! His fiancée saunters up, then, wrapping herself around him like some kind of slithering snake. I couldn’t get out of there fast enough.”

  Mackenzie stared at her for a moment. “So, what did you do?” she asked.

  Yvonne shrugged. The fact that Mackenzie didn’t really react to that part of the story threw Yvonne off. To her, it was one of the most shocking and devastating of all. “I hightailed it out of there after telling him he has a choice to make: me and the babies or that woman. Since he didn’t come after me, I can only assume that I wasn’t the chosen one in this situation.”

  Yvonne gazed balefully into her empty water glass, feeling just as empty as the cup itself. She’d also thought she’d get a more shocked reaction from her friend at his betrayal, but Mackenzie just took it in stride. Perhaps, compared to the triplet news, nothing else was nearly as surprising.

  Yvonne could understand that.

  “Yvonne, Zadid is a good man. I know he is, and so do you, even if you’re feeling hurt. He’s going to do the right thing in the end, I’m sure of it. Until then, you need to stop wallowing in your own self-pity and rejoin the land of the living. You’re not doing yourself any good by crying into your soup.”

  Yvonne looked up from her water with a grumpy face. “I thought we were having waffles.”

  Mackenzie rolled her eyes. “You know what I mean,” she said, just as their food arrived.

  After a few minutes of quiet eating, Mackenzie spoke again.

  “Wow, Yvonne. I’ve never seen anyone wolf down food like that. Your babies clearly
have a favorite food.”

  “Mmm,” Yvonne agreed, stabbing her fork into one more piece of waffle before taking a glorious, syrup-filled bite. The dough was slightly crunchy on the outside and soft as a cloud inside. It was absolutely perfect, and Yvonne figured she could eat waffles for the rest of her life and never feel a pang of guilt about it.

  They sat there for another hour, chatting about work and Mackenzie’s latest argument with Kyle—a silly, pointless spat—which Yvonne tried her best not to laugh at. As they were walking out, Yvonne reached for Mackenzie’s car keys.

  “What? I’m fine, Yvonne! I’ve had plenty of time to sober up.”

  “I’m not trusting the welfare of my babies to that. Hand ‘em over.”

  “Fair enough. You’re the mom.”

  Yvonne felt a tingle at the name. She hadn’t considered calling herself “mom” yet. It was a funny sensation, but not an unwelcome one.

  Sliding into the driver’s seat, she scooted the chair back to suit her longer legs, waiting for Mackenzie to buckle up before she drove back to her apartment. It was a quick drive, and they didn’t have much else to say as she pulled up to the curb.

  “Monday looms,” Yvonne said, stepping out of the car so Mackenzie could drive home.

  “Yeah, can’t wait. Although I have a feeling things will be looking up soon.”

  “I like your optimism,” Yvonne said with a chuckle.

  “You know me, the eternal optimist,” Mackenzie replied, hugging her friend tight. “You guys are going to be just fine. I know it.”

  “At least one of us does,” Yvonne quipped. “You sure you’re okay to drive?”

  “Yeah, I’m good. I’ll see you tomorrow, okay?”

  “Okay,” Yvonne said, waving her off.

  She took the elevator back up to her apartment, noticing that the babies were quiet as they absorbed the delicious waffles she had munched on earlier. As she stuck her key in the door and turned it, she realized the door was already unlocked.

  Had she forgotten to lock it?

  Opening the door, her eyes widened at the sight before her.

  The entire apartment was covered with Christmas décor—from the wreath on her balcony door to a large, decorated tree by her fireplace. The fire had been lit and was glowing in the cloudy light of midday. Atop the tree stood the beautiful crystal angel, reflecting the firelight around the room.

  Yvonne took all that in before her eyes landed on the most stunning decoration of all. Zadid stood in the center of her living room, dressed in the same outfit he had worn on their one date together. His eyes searched hers as she walked in slowly, absorbing what was happening.

  “Yvonne,” he murmured, his voice music to her ears.

  She approached him, the questions running through her mind overwhelming her. She picked the easiest one from the list.

  “How did you get in?” she asked.

  His lip twitched as he reached his hands around her arms, gently cradling them as he gazed into her eyes, drinking in the sight of her. While her heart was singing, she didn’t dare yet hope that this meant what she thought it did.

  “When you left before I could talk to you, I didn’t want to talk over the phone or through email, so I reached out to Mackenzie. She was more than accommodating. She even told me you keep an emergency key under your mat at all times, which allowed me access with plenty of time to decorate.”

  She gazed around them in wonder. In spite of it being April, he had managed to create a mystical holiday wonderland in her apartment, and it felt as though they had jumped right back in time, to that beautiful night where all her dreams had come true.

  Until they were crushed. By the man standing before her.

  She took a step back. “Okay, that explains one part of it. There’s quite a bit more that remains unanswered.”

  He nodded. “I understand your lack of trust. Will you sit with me and allow me a chance to explain?”

  Yvonne nodded, sitting beside him in front of her cozy fireplace. All she had wanted, for so long, was an explanation. She wasn’t about to refuse one now!

  Zadid took a deep breath before he began speaking.

  “My engagement to Zelina was the result of an arranged marriage, made many years ago without my consent. It was in line with tradition—our families have always been close—but I never loved her, much to her chagrin.

  “I ran off to America in an attempt to delay the marriage, among the other reasons that I told you about. I returned to Abu Algar because my brother insisted he needed help with his company, and I couldn’t deny him. He is my brother, after all. Once I got there, though, I was pressured to stay and marry, to be a good son for my family to be proud of.”

  He glanced down at his hands, his thoughts pouring from him as he spoke. Yvonne listened with undivided attention.

  “When I saw you at the party, I knew, in that moment, that I couldn’t possibly marry her. I had been played for a fool, and I realized my mistake too late. Yvonne, of course I choose you and the babies. You are the only woman I have ever loved, and will ever love. I just hope that you can forgive me for what I’ve done, the torture I’ve put you through, thinking you would have to raise our children alone. I would give anything to take it back.”

  His eyes were beseeching as he reached for her hands, holding them tight as he spoke from his heart. She stared up at him, completely at a loss for words.

  “Yvonne, that night we spent together was one of the best of my life. You showed me what a family here could be like. I wanted to surprise you with all of this because I wanted to show you what every Christmas could be like, for the rest of our lives. Something beautiful and magical, just like how you made it for me.”

  He sat back and gestured toward the fireplace, where, to her delight, he had hung three tiny little stockings in between two larger ones—a stocking for each of their children.

  He looked back at her, then, grasping her hands again as he searched for his answer in her eyes. “What do you say, Yvonne? Do you think you could forgive me? Will you have me, if I promise to spend the rest of my life making up for the wrong that I have done?”

  She stared at him for another moment before her tears began to fall, and she wept into her hands. After a moment, she looked up at him, seeing his crestfallen expression.

  She launched into his arms, holding him tight. “Of course I forgive you, you ridiculous man! I love you. I’ve always loved you, since the moment I first laid eyes on you.”

  The gorgeous Sheikh smiled from ear to ear, laughing as he stood and gently twirled her around the living room. She laughed with him, resting in the circle of his arms as they stood together, surrounded by a Christmas that would warm their hearts and lives forever. He gazed down at her with pure adoration.

  “I love you, Yvonne.”

  “It’s about time,” she said with another laugh.

  “What do you mean? I’ve loved you since we started working together, too. I just didn’t want to lose you, so I held back.”

  “Uh-huh. You know the company is dying without you, right?”

  He nodded solemnly. “I shouldn’t have left. I see that now. I’ve heard many stories about John’s terrible leadership, and I think I can buy my share back and take things over again. In fact, we’ve already started talking about it.”

  Yvonne nodded. “I don’t think the staff would be the only ones cheering about that. John seems to be quite miserable having to make major decisions.”

  “He always was,” Zadid said, shifting her closer into his arms. “We’ll deal with that tomorrow. Until then, shall we celebrate our first Christmas with our babies?”

  “I think it might technically be our second, all things considered,” she said with a small smile, just as the babies began shifting around in her belly. “Oof,” she grunted, her hand darting to her stomach.

  “What’s wrong? Are you all right?” he asked, his face etched with worry.

  She held up a hand. “Yeah, I’m fine. There�
��s just a soccer match starting that I didn’t know about. Would you like to feel?”

  They sat on the couch together, Yvonne placing Zadid’s hand on her belly to feel the kicking. When he did, his eyes lit up with wonder.

  “Our babies are growing in there,” he breathed.

  “Yes, they very much are,” Yvonne agreed, unable to stop smiling.

  The feeling of relief that had washed over her was beyond anything she could express. It was heaven on earth, and as she sat with Zadid, enjoying their children together as a family, Yvonne realized that her Christmas wishes had finally, officially, come true.

  “Did I mention that I love you?” Zadid said, kissing the tip of her nose as he continued to rest his hand on her squirming belly.

  She kissed him, then, snuggling close as they enjoyed their bonus Christmas together.

  “You may have mentioned it once or twice. Feel free to say it as often as possible though,” she said with a blissful sigh.

  For the first time, Yvonne’s happiness knew no bounds, and she had a whole family, all to herself.




  Yvonne rolled over, wrapping her arm around her pillow.


  Turning, she cracked open an eyelid to see Zadid crouched over her in their bed.

  “Are you hissing at me?” she asked, her voice gravelly with sleep.

  “I’m trying to wake you up gently,” he said, his voice amused. “It doesn’t seem to be working.”

  “A kiss would work much better,” she suggested.

  “Hmm, good point. But if I do that, Christmas morning is going to be very delayed.”

  Yvonne smiled, thinking about that delicious idea. Then, she heard the cry on the monitor.

  “Ah, I suppose our delay will have to wait a while.”

  “They’ve been up for a few minutes now. I figured me waking you up might be a bit more pleasant than cries.”

  “Thank you,” she said, rolling over and wrapping him in her embrace.

  He held her tightly for a moment as another baby began to fuss.


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