Ravaged by Them

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Ravaged by Them Page 3

by Kelli Callahan

  “Oh, are we going to ask your driver to just drop us off?” She chuckled and narrowed her eyes at me. “There’s no way. He’ll just drive you straight home. Hell, I’m surprised your father didn’t send a bodyguard to stand in my living room.”

  “We can sneak out.” I lifted up, so I could look out the window. “My driver won’t even know we’re gone.”

  “Sorry, Anabelle.” Samantha shook her head back and forth. “I have no interest in going to that place—it’s not safe.”

  Maybe I’m tired of always being safe. I need a little adventure…

  I begged and pleaded with Samantha, but she refused to go with me. After her parents got home, I knew there was no way I was going to convince her, so I said goodnight. I walked outside and stared at my driver—he had dozed off with the stupid cap my father made him wear lowered to cover his eyes. I decided not to disturb him—I started walking down the street until I got to the corner and sat down on a bench. I downloaded the Uber app on my phone, put in all of my information, and requested a ride. The first two drivers that accepted immediately canceled, and sent a message stating that they didn’t drop people off on that side of town. I was annoyed, but I kept requesting rides until eventually, someone accepted—a few minutes later a black sedan rolled up to the curb in front of me.

  “O’Malley’s Pub?” The driver looked over his shoulder as I climbed into the backseat.

  “Yes sir.” I smiled politely—just like my etiquette tutor had always told me to do.

  “I must say—don’t get many calls to pick up people here and drop them off at a place like that.” He chuckled and turned back towards the steering wheel. “Whatever—but you better give me a big tip.”

  “I will.” I smiled again.

  There was a lot of places in Chicago I wasn’t supposed to go. The South Side was definitely one of them—and O’Malley’s Pub was about as south as I could go without leaving the city. It definitely sounded like the kind of place I could go to have some fun—especially if they didn’t check ID. I might even be able to have my first drink. I wasn’t some princess that needed to be locked in a castle—even if my father thought he was a modern-day king.

  “Okay, here we are.” The driver rolled to a stop in front of an old wooden building that had a dimly lit sign with O’Malley’s Pub on it.

  “Thank you.” I reached into my purse and pulled out a hundred dollar bill. “Here’s your tip.”

  “Wow—okay.” He nodded as he took the money. “I hope you have a good night—be careful in there.”

  “I will.” I smiled politely and opened the car door.

  I had a bad feeling as soon as I walked into O’Malley’s Pub. It was like a warning going off in my head—telling me to turn around and leave. I ignored it and walked to the bar. The place was thick with cigarette smoke that burned my nostrils. The pub smelled—almost rancid. I had to assume that was stale booze since I had never smelled anything like it before.

  The bartender walked over and asked me what I wanted to drink. I asked for a glass of wine, and he laughed at me. My only options were beer or something from one of the liquor bottles behind the counter. I decided to go with a beer.

  I turned around to look at the crowd—and that’s when I saw him. He was huge—almost like a behemoth—with broad shoulders, a thick chest, and beautifully inked biceps that looked like they could split his sleeve if he flexed them.

  Oh my god.

  I heard one of the guys he was with call him Brody when they told him it was his turn at the pool table. I felt my mouth salivating when he walked over to take his shot—washing away the bitter taste that the beer left behind. He was gorgeous. He was nothing like the guys I knew—the sons of my father’s business associates that thought a smile could melt my panties. Brody—he could have melted my panties off with a stare. He took his shot, lifted up, and his eyes locked on mine. I felt my panties getting wet when he walked towards me—it was like I was entranced—feeling things inside my body that I had never felt before.

  “Hey. I’ve never seen you in here before.” He tilted his head as he spoke.

  “It’s my first time.” I looked into his hazel brown eyes and felt like they could stare straight into my soul. “I’m Anabelle.”

  “Is that so?” He chuckled. “Finish that beer so I can buy you another one. I’m Brody.”

  I don’t know what happened exactly—it was like time stood still, then sped up all at once. I finished my drink, had a second one, and then Brody’s hand was on my knee. My body cried out for his touch—and I wanted him to move his hand further up my thigh. I was a virgin, but I didn’t feel like one—not when he touched me. I felt like a woman instead of an eighteen-year-old girl staring at a grown man. He had a filthy mouth—and he didn’t cover it like my father’s friends did when they accidentally dropped an f-bomb in my presence. The way he spoke—his mannerisms—it all turned me on and I felt like I was sitting in a pool of my own lust when he leaned forward and whispered into my ear.

  “How would you like to go back to my place? It’s not far.” He slid his hand further up my thigh.

  “Okay.” I nodded, caught somewhere between hesitation and unfiltered desire.

  Brody took my hand and we started walking to the door—then we were walking across the parking lot and he was opening the passenger side door of his car. I climbed inside. I knew what was going to happen when he got me back to his place, but I didn’t know how to fight the urge that was burning inside me. My tutors didn’t teach me anything about that. The closest I had come to having the talk with my father was him telling me that nobody better lay a hand on me until he decided who I should marry.

  “So, Anabelle—do you have a last name?” Brody looked over at me as soon as he cranked up his car.

  “Prescott.” I looked at him and smiled.

  “Prescott?” I saw his face tense up. “Like—Adrian Prescott?”

  “That’s my father,” I nodded.

  “Oh shit…” He exhaled sharply.

  “Is that a problem?” I titled my head to the side.

  Please say no—please don’t let my father ruin this too.

  “Nah.” His face relaxed. “I guess not.”

  Brody parked in his car in front of a rundown house. As soon as we walked inside, I realized we weren’t alone. There was another man there too, a man that he introduced as Rourke. Rourke was just as big as Brody, but he didn’t look like he would kill me with a stare. He barely paid attention to us after the introduction was made and Brody led me down the hallway to what I assumed was his bedroom. He slammed the door when we entered and pulled me close. His lips crushed mine—and then his tongue ravaged my mouth. It was the first real kiss I had ever had. He pulled my dress up, moved his calloused hand along my thigh, and then I felt a finger push past my panties. It went into my pussy and I winced—the penetration hurt, even though I was so wet that my panties were saturated with my lust.

  “Are you a fucking virgin.” He leaned back from our kiss with a confused look on his face.

  “Yes.” I nodded quickly.

  “Not for long.” He grabbed me by the back of my neck and crushed my lips again.

  I didn’t really know what to do, but I knew that the kiss made my head spin, so I just existed in that moment as he pulled at my dress. Brody stripped it off, tossed it on the floor, and then started removing my bra. His calloused hands were rough against my nipples, but they turned into hard nubs that reacted to his touch. His hands moved down my abdomen—to my panties, and then he slid them down my thighs. Once they were on the floor, he grabbed my ass and lifted me off the floor. I felt like I was flying in his arms, and then I crashed into the bed. He was on top of me in an instant—a growl echoing in his throat as he lifted my legs.

  “Are you ready to have your cherry popped?” He rubbed a finger against my pussy.

  “Yes.” I nodded quickly.

  “Good.” He grabbed his cock and started to push it into me.

Oh god—that really hurts.


  Brody was on top of me—his cock was being forced inside my virgin pussy. The head had started to disappear, and I felt a sharp pain. He was against my hymen—pushing through the thin membrane that stood as the last testament to my innocence. I was looking for adventure when I walked into O’Malley’s Pub and I found it—a lot more than I expected. My hands balled into fists as I tried to suppress the pain. I knew it would hurt, but I didn’t realize that it would feel like a ring of fire inside my pussy when his cock ripped my hymen. I couldn’t help but squirm—it hurt too much to do anything else.

  “Your pussy feels really good.” He leaned down against my neck and kissed it, sending a surge of desire through my veins. “I can’t believe I’m going to be your first—you’re so fucking beautiful.”

  “I really hurts,” I gasped, and a groan rose up from my throat.

  “That’s okay. Sometimes a little pain makes the moment better—one you never forget.” He kissed my neck again. “And I’m never going to forget you—not after this.”

  His words were comforting—in some way. I was still turned on, despite the pain. It wasn’t that I didn’t want to have sex with him, I just thought it would be beautiful bliss. That’s what they showed in the movies—a young virgin falling for a gorgeous man who makes everything perfect. They never mentioned the calloused hands on your skin—the sting of being penetrated—the place you lingered in that made you want to beg him to stop while hoping he didn’t. That was where I was—being stretched around his girth while feeling things inside my body that I never imagined. There was nothing romantic about what we were doing. I was on a dirty mattress—where other girls had probably been—and the man I was with didn’t look like he cared about anything but a hole to fuck.

  “Fuck…” He pushed up and drove his cock deeper. “You’re so damn tight.”

  His eyes closed, and he kept going—it seemed like he was straining to get his length inside me and I was struggling to blink away tears. He pulled back—then gave me a thrust. It was hard enough to drive him as deep as he had been before and send a quick current of pain through my body. He gave me a few more thrusts, each one going deeper than the one before it. I bit down on my tongue to keep the pain from becoming overwhelming. He built his thrusts into a rhythm and then a grin formed on lips as he opened his eyes.

  “Yeah, there we go.” He nodded and exhaled sharply. “Now it’s getting really good.”

  “Ow…” I grimaced when one of his thrusts went deeper, almost far enough for his entire length to disappear.

  “I’m going make those tears worth it—trust me.” His rhythmic thrusts returned.

  I wasn’t sure how that was possible—not yet. They still hurt. They hurt when he pulled back, hurt when he drove himself inside me, and it really ached when he forced the last couple of inches inside me. He left himself buried there for a couple of seconds, his balls against my skin, and his cock pulsated slightly. That part didn’t hurt—it teased me with a hint of pleasure. He lifted up and started thrusting again—each one harder than the one before it. The pain finally started to fade as I adjusted to his girth. Suddenly, there was a new feeling—one that made me gasp with what I could only describe as euphoria. It was my g-spot, and it felt amazing to have his cock slam into it.

  “That feels…” I let out a long sigh. “That feels really good.”

  I finally understood—the pain was worth it. The pleasure was magnificent. It felt better with every thrust until the pain became a memory and there was nothing, but pleasure soaked moans echoing within me. I put my hands on his shoulders, tracing his enormous muscles, feeling them flex each time he went deep. Pressure started to build inside me—one that I had only felt a couple of times when I dared to pleasure myself under the covers at night. He was about to make me come —and it felt way better than it did when I touched myself. I dug my nails into his skin and felt my muscles tighten up. The pressure got tight—almost like my bones were being pushed against my skin and my organs were being crushed—but it felt so good I didn’t care.

  “Oh god.” I let out a loud moan and felt the muscles in my pussy begin to spasm.

  “Aw yeah, come for me girl—show me how much you love my cock.” He grunted and smirked at me as his dick kept hammering my pussy.

  The pleasure reached a peak—like I was teetering on the edge of a cliff. Then I fell straight into a new feeling of euphoria. Absolute bliss. The orgasm sent me to heights of pleasure I never imagined, each second better than the one before it. The waves of bliss shattered my soul as the orgasms ripped through my body. His lips seared to mine and he kissed me before I could squeal. I screamed into the kiss and felt his cock start throbbing—then it began to pulsate. He was about to come too—and he was inside me.

  Terror replaced the pleasure. I wasn’t on birth control. He wasn’t wearing a condom. I knew enough about sex to know that wasn’t good. I squirmed, but it was too late. He kept hammering me as the first eruption of hot, sticky cum rushed into my pussy. As soon as I felt it, the terror faded. Feeling him erupt sent me spiraling towards another orgasm and it exploded in bliss for the second time as he unloaded every drop of his seed inside me.

  What have I done?

  He rolled off of me and pulled his cock out of my pussy. I stared at the ceiling and I felt every emotion all at once. Happiness—regret—shame. I let a man I didn’t know fuck me on an old dirty mattress—a man I just met—a man I would probably never see again. He took my virginity—shattered my innocence—and I liked it. The orgasm left with a strange sense of calm like I could fall asleep immediately, but I was buzzing with energy. Brody lifted up and propped his weight on his elbows. His hand moved to my face and he brushed his thumb across my lips.

  “As soon as I have a few minutes to recover, I’m going to show you what those lips are made for. I bet you’ve never sucked a cock before, have you?” He titled his head to the side.

  “No.” I shook my head back and forth.

  “Good.” He nodded and dropped back down on the mattress. “You’re about to learn how to swallow one.”

  I felt like I was trapped, even though I could have gotten up and left—maybe. I wasn’t sure. I wasn’t sure if it was easier to believe I couldn’t leave than accept that I enjoyed what we did. Several minutes passed—minutes that felt like hours—then I felt his hand on the back of my neck. I let him guide me towards his cock, which had already gotten engorged with his lust again. My lips parted—almost like it was instinct—and then I opened my mouth as wide possible when the head pressed against my bottom lip. I tasted his cum, mixed with my own desire, as I began to descend on his shaft. My tongue wiggled, mostly because the taste was unusual—and I heard a groan of pleasure rush across his lips.

  He liked that.

  I started moving my lips up and down his shaft, massaging him with my tongue as I was able. His grunts of pleasure started to get louder. I felt his cock throb against my tongue. I moved my lips faster as I adjusted to having him in my mouth. I wasn’t able to take all of his cock because it stopped as soon as it hit the barrier in the back of my throat. It made me gag. I fought against it, but there was no way to get used to it—the crushing in my chest when oxygen was deprived. Brody didn’t seem to care about my comfort. He was just chasing his own lust. He pushed down on the back of my head—forcing his cock past the barrier—forcing me to choke and suffocate as I felt my lips pressed against his balls.

  “There you go. Get used to that—that’s what I want every time your lips move down my cock.” He let out a grunt of pleasure and removed his hand from the back of my head.

  I pulled back and had to suck oxygen into my lungs—I gasped through my nose, but I kept my lips moving. I descended down his cock again, swallowing hard when he went into my throat. My lips pressed against his balls again. It wasn’t as difficult as it was the first time. I started moving my lips a little faster—picking up the pace and taking him deep into my throa
t every time. His cock started to throb harder and the head pulsated. It was the same as when he was inside me—he was about to come. I pulled back, but then his hand was on the back of my head again.

  “Don’t go anywhere, sweetheart. You’re going to get to swallow your prize.” He forced my lips down his shaft and started to erupt.

  The sticky cum saturated the back of my throat and I had no choice but to swallow—otherwise, I would have asphyxiated on his seed. A geyser of lust spewed from his cock and I kept swallowing until he was spent. He finally removed his hand from the back of my head and I pulled back, gasping for air as soon as his cock was out of my mouth. It seemed like such a waste. I was starting to get turned on again—I wanted to come too. I stretched out beside him, wondering if the favor would be returned. Would he go down on me and give me the same taste of bliss that I gave him? His head turned to the side and he smiled—a gentle smile on such a brutish face. God, he was so freaking handsome.

  “You’re too good for me to keep to myself.” He reached over and brushed a strand of hair out of my eyes. “Is it okay if Rourke has a turn?”

  “Rourke?” I blinked in surprise.

  “You’re not a virgin anymore.” He moved his hand down my abdomen and started rubbing my clit. “He’ll make you come just as hard as I did.”

  “Oh god.” I moaned as the pleasure surged through my body from his touch.

  “You want that don’t you?” He pressed his lips to my ear. “You want to come again.”

  “Yes.” I moaned and nodded.

  “Then don’t go anywhere.” He chuckled and sat up, removing his finger from my clit as he started to stand.

  My head started to spin. Brody didn’t just want to have sex with me—he wanted to share me with his friend. I wasn’t sure I could go through with that. I had already let one man come inside me—then swallowed his seed. I was turned on from his touch, but I wanted him—not someone else.


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