Ravaged by Them

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Ravaged by Them Page 15

by Kelli Callahan

  “I won’t.” I winked at him. “We share everything—eventually.”

  It was hard to believe that it was all over with Adrian Prescott, but I knew the real journey was just beginning. We might have escaped with our lives, but there were still scars—scars that were going to haunt us. Anabelle wasn’t going to easily recover from what happened to her father. It was definitely going to leave her in turmoil as she was able to start processing everything. We would be there by her side—always—and we would love her the best that we could.

  I hoped it would be enough.


  One month later

  It took days before I was able to feel anything except for a numbness. I went to my father’s funeral, which was a quiet ceremony. Most of his business associates didn’t even bother to show up. I couldn’t really blame them. He wasn’t their friend, he was just their king, and they probably celebrated his demise. The only people that seemed to be mourning beside me were the staff he kept—people that had worked at Prescott Manor for years. They might have had an inclination of the man he was, but like me, they were blind to what really went on within those hallowed halls—inside his study when the doors were closed. The video of my father killing John didn’t make headlines for very long. His death seemed to trump what he did before he was gone.

  Brody and Rourke took care of me after my father’s death. They were there when I woke up in the morning and there when I finally managed to close my eyes at night. Sometimes they just held me, which was all I really needed. I wasn’t ready for passion or anything that resembled it. I just needed to feel their embrace and know that I wasn’t alone. The strength they gave me didn’t completely fade, but it wasn’t enough to get me through my darkest time.

  As the days turned into weeks and the weeks spiraled on, I found myself clawing out of the darkness. I found myself letting go of the memories and wanting something more than heartbreak. What I craved was pain—physical pain—something that would help me truly forget. I started working to achieve it in secret, only trusting one of the members of the staff that I thought wouldn’t talk about the room I was converting downstairs.

  Once the room was complete, I made sure it was perfect before I asked Brody and Rourke to join me there. They had no idea what they were walking into, or why I was so anxious to get them downstairs. Once the door was open, they finally understood—we had a new playroom. It was a lot better than the one Rourke built for me on the South Side, and there were a lot more implements that could be used to torment me. That’s what I needed—that’s how I would forget.

  I needed to be the girl on my knees—the one who only knew how to beg and please.

  “Wow, you—had this built yourself.” Rourke walked over to the wall and I could see a bit of amazement on his face.

  “I figured it would be easier if I had everything ready before you knew.” I walked up to him and smiled.

  “Lots of fancy toys.” Brody chuckled as he walked up and put his hand on my ass. “But I can still make you squeal without any of them.”

  “I know, but that doesn’t mean we can’t have fun in the process.” I leaned back against him.

  I was ready for passion—I was ready to move on. My body craved submission because I was no longer a girl who got told what to do. I was a queen, although I would never be the ruler my father was. I would never make people bow or do the things he did. The Prescott name would no longer be one that was feared—it would be one that was respected because of the good things I did with the wealth he accumulated. It was the only way I knew how to give back—to try and right some of the wrongs.

  “I’ve certainly missed this.” Rourke pressed his lips to my neck and started to send shivers through my body.

  “Me too.” Brody started kissing the other side of my neck.

  They took me to the bed in the corner of the room and slowly started to remove my clothes. Their lips made my skin sizzle until I sank to my knees in front of them, begging for them to ravage my body the way that I craved. Their cocks were engorged once their pants came down and I started to move between them, taking each one deep into my throat. I could feel my body reacting—begging for more. It didn’t take them long to get tired of just using my mouth for their pleasure. They pushed me back onto the bed and Rourke walked over to the wall. He returned with a small whip and I smiled when he gave me my first lash.

  “God yes…” I moaned as the braided leather cracked against my flesh.

  Brody turned me over and gave me a few firm smacks on my ass and I begged him for more. They alternated between spanking and whipping me until my pussy was so wet that I couldn’t stand it any longer. Brody used some of my lust to lubricate my ass. Their desire was so strong that they wanted me at the same time and I definitely craved them. Rourke dropped the whip on the bed and crawled in beside me. He lifted my leg and pushed his cock against my wetness. Brody pushed his against my ass and they prepared to take me the way I had been taken so many times before.

  “I’ll guess I’ll let you come as soon as you’re able—since it’s been a while,” Rourke grunted as he pushed his cock into me.

  “I’m definitely not going to hold back.” Brody squeezed my ass and began to push his length inside my tightest hole.

  They pushed until they were both as deep as they could go and then started to thrust. They slammed into me in unison—each one going deep at the same time as the other. It felt marvelous. I needed their furious passion—their unfiltered lust. For the first time since my father dove in front of the bullet, I was able to experience nothing but pleasure. The internal agony was locked in abeyance and I sank into the physical majesty of our desires.

  “Harder…” I moaned and moved along with their thrusts. “Fuck me harder.”

  They didn’t hesitate. Their thrusts got faster—harder—so hard that the bed shook underneath us. The pressure inside of me started to build. I was closing in on my first orgasm but neither one of them were close. My muscles got tight and my toes curled as the pressure got so intense, I thought it would split me open. It felt so good to have both of them inside me. Each time they went deep, I felt my g-spot sending pleasure coursing through my body. I felt my climax coming. The pressure released. I threw my head against the pillow and screamed as euphoria consumed me.

  “Come um for us baby—then we’re going to make you come again.” Rourke chuckled.

  “After a few of those, we’re going to explode inside you.” Brody leaned forward and kissed my neck.

  The two of them sent orgasms ripping through my body. The first was nothing more than an open door that gave them access to my primal desires. My whole body erupted in bliss again and again. When I finally felt them start to throb, I was more than ready for them to fill me with their seed. Rourke was the first one to erupt and I immediately began to orgasm again. Those spasms were enough to bring Brody over the edge as well and he started to explode in my ass. My spasms milked both of them dry and I was exhausted by the time they withdrew.

  “I think I’m going to like this playroom.” Rourke crashed on the mattress beside me.

  “As long as we keep a lock on the door.” Brody leaned forward and kissed my neck. “You’ve got far too many people wandering around this place.”

  “What? You don’t want the butler to join in one night.” I rolled towards Brody and giggled.

  “I don’t share with anyone but Rourke—but if you get the butler, I get one of the maids.” Brody grinned.

  “I’ll cut your balls off.” I grabbed his dick and gave it a slight squeeze. “I don’t share at all.”

  “Never.” Rourke kissed the other side of my neck. “You belong to us and we belong to you—always.”

  “Good.” I exhaled sharply.

  “Round—whatever we’re at now?” Brody moved his hand along my thigh.

  “I’m ready.” I nodded and bit down on my bottom lip.

  One week later

  “Good morning, Mr. Hughes. I’m glad you could
come to speak with me.” I opened the door to my study and welcomed the man inside.

  “Nobody refuses a request to come to Prescott Manor.” He looked around the room. “Although it looks less intimidating now that you’re the queen of the castle.”

  “I thought some flowers were a nice touch.” I walked over and took a seat behind my desk.

  “What’s this about?” He took a seat across from me.

  “You did some work for my father—right? Private investigation stuff?” I tilted my head to the side.

  “Yeah, a few cases.” He nodded quickly. “Nothing illegal—I didn’t get into that stuff at all.”

  “I know. He videotaped all of your meetings, so I’m well aware of what kind of work you did for him.” I leaned back in my chair. “But just because it wasn’t illegal doesn’t mean that you weren’t helping him find people who didn’t want to be found—people that ended up wishing that they knew how to hide a little better than they did.”

  “Yeah…” He looked down at the floor and shifted in his seat. “He really videotaped all of our meetings?”

  “Yes.” I nodded. “But don’t worry, I’m not going to use that against you. I just want your help.”

  “Okay.” He blinked in surprise a couple of times. “What can I do for you.”

  “I’m trying to do good things with my father’s money and while charity goes a long way, I’ve also taken an interest in something else. I’d like to help those that stumbled from the right path because my father led them astray. One of those people is you, Mr. Hughes. But I’ve got a way for you to redeem yourself.” I nodded. “The Doll Face case—Madison Snow.”

  “What about it? That’s a matter for the police—not that they’re doing much with it, from what I understand.” He shrugged.

  “I want you to find her.” I folded my arms across my chest. “She doesn’t have a family that’s looking for her and while she was a celebrity once upon a time, I’m sure there are things someone of your talent could do.”

  “I could look into it.” Hughes nodded quickly.

  “Thank you.” I smiled and motioned to the door. “I’d like you to start immediately.”

  “Of course.” He stood up and started walking towards the door, but he paused before he left. “Thank you, Ms. Prescott. This means more than you realize—I never felt good about the things your father asked me to do—even if I drew a line—I should have done more.”

  “I know.” I nodded and smiled.

  I watched those videotapes—the ones where you kept begging my father not to ask you for help.

  I hoped that Hughes would be able to help Madison Snow, but that wasn’t the only reason I called him. I needed allies like Hughes—good men that were in need of redemption because they dipped their toes in the bitterness of my father’s brutal kingdom. He was just the first lost soul I was going to try and bring back from the brink, and I hoped that if I could save enough of them, then maybe mine would be cleansed as well.

  The torment and pain I begged for when I was with Brody and Rourke was a way to help me heal, but there were wounds that still needed to be closed. The tortured soul of Jeremy Hughes was just one part of the debt I felt like I owed to the world. I inherited every one of them when my father threw himself in front of that bullet.

  In the end, family did come first—even when it meant undoing all of the damage that the Prescott name had done.

  Blaze And Bind Sneak Peek


  “Dad, are you okay?” I walked in the kitchen to find my father leaning against the kitchen counter with a look on his face that suggested he wasn’t.

  “No!” He tossed his cell phone on the counter and shook his head. “Your idiot brother has fallen in love.”

  “Really?” I tilted my head to the side. “Isn’t that a good thing?”

  “Sure, if he was a responsible adult instead of an immature child.” Dad exhaled sharply. “He eloped—he freaking eloped.”

  “Wow!” I blinked in surprise. “So, Billy got married?”

  “Yes! They drove to Las Vegas and got married last night.” He turned towards me, and his jaw tightened. “I guess my new daughter-in-law, whatever her name is, doesn’t have a lick of common sense either.”

  “Maybe they’re a perfect match?” I tried to put a glimmer of hope in my voice.

  “They might be, but apparently they like Vegas so much they’re going to stay there.” He walked over and grabbed his coffee cup. “Which means I’m stuck with his damn lease.”

  “Oh—right.” I nodded in understanding. “You signed for it…”

  “I never learn.” He shook his head back and forth. “Just when I think he’s got his life together, he goes and pulls this shit. Why can’t he be responsible like you?”

  “I’m sorry, Dad.” I walked over to pour a cup of coffee. “Figures he would pull this at the start of your vacation, too…”

  “Yeah, and I’m sure he’s behind on his rent, just like he was when he moved out of the last place in the middle of the night.” Dad’s lip twitched in disgust. “I guess I’ll go see his landlord this morning and straighten everything out. I always have to clean up his messes.”

  “You’re going to miss your flight.” I looked over at the clock on the microwave. “Dad, you really should be on the road already.”

  “I don’t even know if I can afford a vacation now…” He sighed and shook his head angrily. “I sure as hell can’t take a hit on my credit because Billy decided to walk away from his responsibility after promising me, he wasn’t going to do it to me again.”

  “Come on, Dad. I know this sucks, but you’ve wanted to go on this trip for months. All of your old college buddies are going to be there.” I reached out and put my hand on his. “Let me handle this business with Billy.”

  “No, this isn’t your burden.” He sipped his coffee and put the cup down. “I’ll handle it.”

  “Dad—seriously.” I narrowed my eyes at him. “I got this. I’m on break from school, and I don’t even have to work today. Please don’t miss your flight because Billy is an idiot.”

  “I don’t know how I got everything so right with you and so wrong with him.” Dad looked at his watch. “Okay, but call me if there’s an issue or if you need money. I guess things aren’t going to be screwed up any more than they already are in a week.”

  No, they definitely won’t, and I’m sure the landlord can wait another week for his money—not that I’m convinced Dad should have to pay for another one of Billy’s mistakes.

  Dad hugged me and then bolted for the door. He still had time to make his flight if the line to get through security wasn’t too long. He had been looking forward to the trip for so long that I really didn’t want him to have to cancel his plans because my brother was an immature dumbass. I sent Billy a rather angry text message as soon as Dad was gone and then headed upstairs to shower. I had never actually seen my brother’s apartment, but I knew where he lived. It was in a decent part of town, and way too expensive, but my brother always managed to get what he wanted. Dad talked a good game, but every time Billy came crawling back, there was another handout waiting for him on the table.

  My brother and I might as well have been polar opposites. He was four years older than me, but he didn’t act like it—and it had always been that way. I believed in carving my own path, being as self-reliant as possible, and I never took anything from my father unless I absolutely had to. Billy, on the other hand, would have taken Dad’s last dollar if he could. Even when he wasn’t begging for money, he was making things more complicated than they needed to be. Every time he showed up, it was supposed to be the last time, but it never was. I wasn’t sure it was ever going to change either. Billy dropped out of college, barely held down a job when he had one, and neither of us should have been surprised that he randomly ran off to Las Vegas to get married. It was just another tick on a list of irrational decisions he had made, and that list was far too long already. Never mind the fact we ha
d never even met the girl that now shared our last name. I wouldn’t have known my new sister-in-law if I passed her on the street.

  I can’t fix that, so I’ll do my best to correct the situation with the apartment. Maybe I’ll get lucky, and his landlord will be understanding…

  I had more time to fume on my ride across town. Billy knew how much the trip meant to our father, yet he didn’t even think twice about dropping a bombshell on him before his flight was supposed to leave. Why couldn’t he wait a week? Why did he have to be such a selfish prick? My anger was at an all-time high when I got to the apartment building, so I took a moment to settle down before I walked inside. The man at the front desk pointed me in the direction of the landlord’s office, and I prepared to humble myself. It wasn’t his fault that my brother skipped town, but I needed him to be understanding of our situation. At least it was a decent looking place. I hoped that meant they didn’t have trouble finding tenants—that might help my case. I got to the door and gently knocked until I heard a voice inside.

  “Come in.” The voice was gruff, and when I pushed the door open, I saw an older man with gray hair sitting behind a desk. “Are you here about the ad?”

  “Ad? No sir.” I shook my head back and forth as I entered. “I’m Billy Lawson’s sister—he has an apartment here.”

  “Billy Lawson? I don’t think—oh, that’s right. Your Dad signed the lease. I remember now.” He nodded as he made the connection.

  “Yes, that’s right.” I looked towards the chair across from his desk. “Can I sit down?”

  “Sure.” He leaned back in his chair. “I hope you’re here about the rent that’s due tomorrow.”

  “Tomorrow.” I exhaled sharply. “So, about that…”

  “You gotta be shitting me.” He leaned forward suddenly, and his chair squeaked. “I agreed to let him move those other two guys in because he promised that there wouldn’t be any more late rent! That’s it. I’m done with this.”


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