Dirty Little Secret

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Dirty Little Secret Page 18

by Kendall Ryan

  “Of course not. I just have a few things to finish up in my office, and then we can, um, go to lunch if you want. Come this way.”

  She shot her friend a wide-eyed look that I didn’t miss, and then I followed her back down the row of reference books until we reached an ornate old alcove with a frosted-glass door stenciled with her name and title in gold and black letters.

  “Swanky digs,” I said, and she rolled her eyes.

  “It’s okay.”

  “Nonsense. You’re very important around here.” I stepped past her into the office, rounding her huge wood desk and taking a seat in her rolling leather chair. “Shut the door.”

  She raised her eyebrows, her cheeks flushing a pretty pink. “You know, I happen to be the boss around here.”

  “You stopped being the boss the moment I walked into this building, and you and I both know it,” I replied coolly.

  She snapped the door closed and pulled the blinds, then, with the click of a latch, she locked the door behind her.

  “Good girl,” I said. “I wanted to thank you for a job well done yesterday.”

  She wet her lips as she surveyed me. “Is that so?”

  I nodded. “It is. And since you were such a good little date planner, I’m going to let you ride my cock. Would you like that?”

  Her breath caught as she blinked at me. “H-here? In the library?”

  “No place better.” I grinned as my shaft swelled at the thought. “Now, undress for me.”

  She glanced over her shoulder at the door and then straightened. “You first,” she shot back.

  “Talk back to me like that again and I’ll take away your privileges,” I muttered.

  Without another word, she set to work unbuttoning her blouse. Slowly, button by button, she showed me more of her supple, creamy skin, the lace of her white bra, until finally her shirt dropped to the floor and she reached behind her to unfasten her skirt and let it fall into a pool at her feet.

  With a rush of satisfaction, I realized she wore the sort of stockings that needed a garter belt, and when she reached to unfasten its clips, I held up a hand to stop her.

  “Leave those on,” I demanded, my chest going tight with desire. “And be very careful not to get a run in those black stockings. I think you’ll need them again in the very near future.”

  She grinned. “But what about my panties?”

  “I’ll push those aside. Take off your bra and let me see those gorgeous tits.”

  She didn’t need to be told twice. With a twist of the wrist, her bra fell to the floor and she stepped toward me, still in her shiny leather pumps. “Do you want me to take off my shoes?”

  I shook my head, then pulled down my jeans and boxers in one tug, settling myself back in the chair as my cock sprang free.

  Then, just as she had done, I pulled off my shirt slowly, showing her my chest muscle by muscle, inch by inch. As I did, her pink little tongue darted out to wet her lips again before she finally bit down on her bottom lip and sank to her knees in front of me.

  “No, I said you’re going to ride my cock, not taste it,” I said, though I’d be lying if I said the needy look in her eyes didn’t make me harder than a fucking baseball bat.

  Nodding, she stood again and then straddled me, where I promptly shoved her panties aside showing me her pretty pink pussy as her thighs opened for me.

  Her skin against mine sent a thrill of need through me and I gripped my shaft, working it up and down as I stared at her slick pink center.

  “Touch yourself for me. Then, when you’re ready to come, I want you to come around my cock. Understand?” I managed to murmur through gritted teeth.

  She nodded, then allowed her hand to drift between her thighs, massaging gently for me as her fingers slid lower. With slow, steady circles, she worked her sensitive bud until her nipples drew tight into straining peaks.

  Careful not to interrupt her, I took one of those pink nipples into my mouth, rolling my tongue around her tip between sucking deep and releasing her with a groan.

  “You’re going to make me scream in the library,” she whispered.

  “Every time you want to scream, bite your lip for me. Or whisper my name.”

  Her eyes darkened, and the slow, steady circles around her clit quickened to forceful, demanding strokes. Likewise, I gripped myself tighter, pumping myself in lazy strokes, pausing only to grab a condom from my jeans.

  “Will you put that on for me?” she whispered.

  “Are you getting close, baby?”

  She nodded, her breaths coming in pants. “I feel like I’m going to . . .”

  She bit hard on her lip, and I tore open the foil packet before quickly rolling the rubber over my aching shaft. Gripping her hips in my hand, I forced her down on top of me and she gasped, her eyes practically crossing as she threw her head back.

  “Gavin.” Her whisper may as well have been a scream for all the need it conveyed.

  Her pussy was quaking, begging for release, and I gripped her hips harder as I moved her up and down on top of me.

  “Play with your nipples for me, baby,” I said, and she did.

  Taking each of her breasts in hand, her rolled her thumbs over her straining peaks, giving me the perfect view of her bouncing chest as I worked her toward climax. Every muscle in my body was tensing, begging for release, but I held back, watching her bite her lip so hard, I was sure she might draw blood while her pussy quaked and twitched around me.

  This was it. In this moment, she was completely and totally mine. As I continued to work her body up and down over mine, my biceps strained and my heart beat hard and fast. When I brought my mouth to hers, our tongues collided, and the intensity of the moment finally caught up with us.

  Her body clenched around me, squeezing me to the point of pain before she collapsed onto my chest. I felt wave after wave of her searing ecstasy as she rode me.

  She took everything I had to give and more, and when I knew she was in the final moment of her release, I joined her, holding my breath and loving every second of the sweet relief that flooded my body. My cock jerked and bucked, hot liquid spurting in jets as I quaked beneath her.

  It was over in a matter of minutes, and me?

  All I could think of was when we could do it again. Because I was crazy in love with Emma Bell.

  Chapter Thirty-One


  “Thanks for doing this,” Cooper said, pulling open the door for me to enter ahead of him.

  The furniture store was a thirty-minute drive from the city, and during it, Cooper and I managed to talk about anything but Gavin. I was immensely proud of myself because if I allowed my brain to go there, all I’d be able to think about was the incredibly hot way he took me in the library the other day.

  “Of course,” I said, taking in the beautiful surroundings. The store specialized in outdoor furniture, and Cooper had pleaded with me, saying he wanted to redecorate his balcony and needed a woman’s touch. Naturally, I’d been game to come along.

  We wandered through the store for a moment, getting our bearings.

  “This is nice,” Cooper said, leaning over a sleek concrete bar top with built-in stools. It was so masculine and oversized. Honestly, the thing was hideous.

  Taking his arm, I steered him away from it. “First, we need to determine what your goals are for the space.”

  His eyebrows jerked up. “My goals?”

  “Yes.” I wandered toward a cluster of outdoor sofas. “Like how you envision using your balcony.”

  Cooper’s gaze turned thoughtful. He sank onto one of the plush conversation sets, and I sat next to him. “Honestly, someplace to just chill. Something comfortable where I can unwind.”

  “Maybe somewhere to entertain a special lady friend?” I winked at him.

  “Sure. A cool date spot. That’s a good idea. And someplace I can hang out with my brothers on the weekend with some cocktails.”


bsp; I nodded. “How about this?” I pointed to a sectional sofa in slate gray.

  He considered it, wandering over and sinking down onto the cushions. “This is perfect.”

  And it was. It was large enough to accommodate him and his brothers, and sleek and modern enough to look handsome on his balcony.

  Next, we selected a coffee table, a steel drum that could be used as an end table, and an iron-and-glass bar cart.

  “How about a rug?” I asked, stopping in front of a selection of outdoor rugs.

  “Whatever you think.”

  “Something soft underfoot would be nice. It would define the space under the sectional.” After looking through the choices, I selected a cream-colored chunky knit rug that looked sturdy but still felt cozy.

  “Perfect. Thanks for doing this, Emma.” Cooper’s gaze met mine, and I could tell he was genuinely grateful.

  “Now comes the fun part. We get to accessorize.”

  Cooper chuckled at me. “I didn’t know my balcony needed accessories.”

  “Of course it does. Good thing you have me.” As I said it, I instantly felt bad. The truth was, Cooper didn’t have me. He didn’t have anyone. He was a sweet guy and deserved someone special, and I couldn’t help but wonder if at one time, he’d thought that person might be me.

  Pushing those thoughts from my brain, I helped him select a few things that would make the space feel cozy—a potted plant, a couple of large lanterns and candles, and several accent pillows in a soft pattern of cream, mustard yellow, and slate gray to tie the space together.

  We hauled everything to the front of the store where Cooper handed over his credit card without even bothering to look at any of the price tags. Must be nice.

  After our shopping spree, Cooper loaded up his SUV, and we set off back toward the city.

  “You want to grab something to eat before I drop you off?” he asked.

  “I’m sorry, I can’t. I have plans after this.”

  “With Gavin?”

  We’d successfully avoided mentioning his name all day, but now that we had, it was as if a floodgate of emotion had been unleashed inside me. Butterflies danced inside my belly, and nervous anticipation about seeing Gavin again washed over me. We were growing closer than ever, and though I didn’t know what our future held, I was holding out hope that he could finally commit to a real relationship.

  “No, actually. My friend Bethany is coming over later.” I grabbed my phone from my purse to see if she’d texted me yet. Nothing.

  “How are things, um, going?” Cooper cleared his throat and gripped the steering wheel tighter. “With Gavin, I mean,” he forced out.

  Peering straight ahead, I clasped my hands in my lap. “Things have been . . . progressing.”

  Cooper’s hands tightened further still. “That’s good, right?”

  I let out a sharp breath. “Yes, but sometimes I still feel so unsure about us. Sometimes knowing how he truly feels is still a mystery to me.”

  Cooper nodded. “Totally get that. Gavin’s guarded with his emotions. He always has been. Shit, I think I remember having this same conversation with Ashley, and that was years ago. He hasn’t evolved very much, I’m afraid.”

  “Ashley?” I didn’t know Gavin even had an ex, didn’t think he’d ever been in a serious relationship.

  “Sorry. I figured he would have mentioned her in all the time you guys have been spending together lately. Forget I said anything; it’s not my place to tell you that story.”

  “But she’s an ex-girlfriend?”

  He nodded again. “She was.

  “Was it a messy breakup?”

  Cooper paused, and the tension in the air seemed to increase exponentially. “No, actually. She passed away a couple of years ago. Unexpectedly.”

  My stomach twisted into a hard knot.

  Chapter Thirty-Two


  “Ready, chica?” Bethany said, grinning as I opened my front door.

  “You mind coming in for a second? I’m kind of in the middle of something.”

  And that something was Internet stalking my new boyfriend. Excuse me—my person.

  “Sure. What’s up?” she asked, following me to the kitchen table where my laptop sat.

  Ever since the revelation that Cooper let slip, I was obsessed with learning more. Who was Ashley? Was she the reason Gavin was so damaged and fearful about starting a relationship?

  “Just doing a little research.” I slid into the chair opposite the laptop and resumed my hunt.

  Bethany stood behind me, peering over my shoulder. “Is that Gavin?”

  I nodded. There was an image of him at a black-tie event standing between Quinn and Cooper. I didn’t know why I’d never thought to google him before. This was fascinating.

  “Is there a particular reason we’re stalking him today rather than eating tacos right now?”

  “I learned that Gavin had an ex who passed away suddenly. The tacos can wait,” I muttered. This was important. How did she not get that?

  “Yes, but half-priced margaritas can’t.” She tapped the time in the lower left-hand corner of my screen. “Happy hour ends at six.”

  “Oh, look at this. I think I’ve found it.” I stopped scrolling and enlarged a photo of Gavin with a mystery woman on his arm. She was slender and pretty with long dark hair that fell in a silky wave, and sky-blue eyes so light and piercing, they were almost haunting.

  An eerie chill zipped down my spine.

  “Holy shit.” Bethany leaned closer. “That’s her?”

  The caption below the photo read Smut Mogul Gavin Kingsley out for an evening with his longtime girlfriend, Ashley Moore.

  “Uh-huh.” I nodded, my words failing me.

  “She could be your twin, Emma. I’ve heard of someone having a type, but that’s just creepy.”

  Creepy didn’t even begin to cover it. My throat threatened to close, air become scarce, and the room tilted sideways.

  My fingers flying over the keys, I typed her full name into the search bar and hit Enter.

  The first result was a news article about the mysterious death of a model. I clicked on the link. Bethany pulled a chair out from the table and slid in next to me. We both held our breath as I scrolled down so we could read it.

  Ashley had been young, only twenty-four. That stuck out to me for some reason. Gavin was thirty-four. I couldn’t even imagine not losing my head over a man so commanding and intense at her young age.

  Miss Moore was found dead at a residence belonging to the elusive multi-millionaire Gavin Kingsley with ligature marks on her wrists and neck.

  Bewildered, I stared at the words on the screen, trying to make sense of them. Gavin had a penchant for rough sex, but surely he wouldn’t . . .

  Panicked and disturbed, I slammed the laptop closed. I heard Bethany’s voice in the distance, calling my name.

  “Emma! Are you okay?”

  I shook my head. “Give me my phone.”

  “What does all this mean?” she asked, standing beside me while I dialed and held the phone to my ear.

  With shaking hands, I waited, listening to the phone ring once, twice . . .

  Pick up. Please, pick up.

  Finally. His deep, familiar voice echoed through the speaker.

  “Princess. Everything okay?”

  “No.” My voice broke into a sob. “I need you.”

  “I’ll be right there.”

  Up Next in the Forbidden Desires Series

  Dirty Little Promise

  The secret I discovered about sexy multi-millionaire Gavin Kingsley is so big, so daunting, it isn’t something I can overcome. I have a decision to make—hear him out and see where things go, or turn to his brother Cooper, who I’m fairly certain is in love with me. But something dark inside of Gavin calls to something dark inside of me. And I’m not willing to just walk away . . . not yet, anyway.

  This is the conclusion
to Emma Bell’s epic love affair with the alpha and enigmatic Kingsley brothers. Secrets will be exposed, sides will be chosen, and nothing will ever be the same.

  Get Your Copy: www.forbiddendesiresseries.com

  Also in This Series

  Dirty Little Promise

  Torrid Little Affair

  Tempting Little Tease

  Naughty Little Scandal


  A massive thank-you to the following people for helping this story come to life:

  First, to my amazing publicist and right hand in all the things, Danielle Sanchez. When I mentioned this story idea I had for three brothers who owned an escort agency, and you said, “Ohhh, you should write that next,” your enthusiasm was the reason I did.

  Author Rachel Brookes, thank you for believing in my alpha asshole brothers, and for loving this story. It means the world.

  Thank you to GoodReads diva extraordinaire Sue Bee for taking the time to beta read this book. Your feedback and guidance helped tremendously, and I was so happy when the queen of fictional alpha males told me that I had nailed Gavin, and that his hot and cold personality was perfect.

  For Natasha Madison, thank you for loving everything I write.

  A huge thank-you to Sarah Hansen for my lovely covers for this series, and to Michelle Tan for designing such beautiful graphics.

  To Alyssa Garcia, you deal with my crazy on a daily basis, and I’m so thankful to have you as my executive assistant. It only seemed right to name Gavin’s assistant after you.

  Thank you to the team at Radish for believing in this story.

  Thank you to all the wonderful reviewers, bloggers, librarians, booksellers, and readers who requested early review copies. We were overwhelmed by your excitement for this book.

  A huge tackle-hug and a glass of fizzy champagne to all the readers who purchased a copy. You are the reason I get to continue bringing my stories to life, and I truly hope you loved it as much as I did. I cannot wait to bring you more in the story, including more books about all three brothers.


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