Let It Be Me

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Let It Be Me Page 12

by Toni Aleo

  Pulling myself together, I go to the door, opening it for Tucker.

  He looks unbelievably exquisite and all my worries from before instantly vanish. In a crisp black suit with a green shirt underneath that brings out the honey in his eyes, I find myself breathless. He is wearing no tie, the first three buttons open in a casual way. His hair is brushed to the side, his chin dusted with a light brown hair and damn. He’s sexy as hell. I don’t know what it is. It isn’t like this is a new look for him; he always dresses like this but something is different. Something I can’t figure out. Maybe it’s his eyes. They’re running over my body like water, taking in every single inch of me, almost like he is memorizing me.

  When his eyes meet mine again, I can only blink as he says, “Wow. Violet, you look amazing.”

  I feel my face flush before looking down at the floor. “Thanks.”

  “You’re welcome. Ready?”


  I grab my purse off my bed and then follow him out of the room. Walking together, we make our way to the elevator and I feel his eyes on me. I can’t bear to look over at him. I might giggle or something crazy. Don’t laugh at me. This is serious. I don’t know how to act and I hate that. This is my friend. My boss. He’s the same guy he’s been for the last couple months. I need to get it together before I embarrass myself completely but for some reason I can’t. Things feel different and that makes me more nervous than I was before. Shaking my head, the doors of the elevator open and we step out.

  As we walk, I can feel his hand resting on the small of my back and I’m inwardly giggling. We’re having dinner in the hotel restaurant and from what Tucker says, it’s fantastic. I’m excited and hope my nerves calm down so I can actually eat. After talking to the concierge, we’re led to our table. The restaurant is beautiful. Big white columns fill the hall, giving off a plantation home time feel. Each table is set with roses as a centerpiece and candles. It feels very high class, very expensive. I’ve never been somewhere so beautiful to eat and my excitement is growing with each step we take to our table.

  Tucker pulls my chair out for me and I smile in thanks as I sit down. When he sits down across from me, I watch as he pulls out the menu and begins to read it. I do the same thing but when I see the prices I cringe. Seventy-five bucks for chicken!? Jeez!!

  “Do you like wine?”

  I look up, meeting his gaze before shrugging my shoulders. “I’ve only had cheap stuff.”

  Nothing like this. Two thousand dollars for a bottle of wine? Good God.

  “Okay, do you like Pinot Noir?”

  I have no idea but I feel stupid not knowing if I do or not, so I say, “Sure.”

  He chuckles as he says, “That doesn’t sound very confident.”

  I smile as I blush. “Yeah. I’m not.”

  When the waiter comes up, Tucker smiles as he says, “Welcome, sir and madam, my name is Raoul and I’ll be your waiter tonight. Would you and your beautiful wife like to start with one of our premium wines?”

  Before I can correct him that Tucker is not my husband, Tucker says, “Yes, can we please have a bottle of 1999 Domaine de la Romanee Conti La Tache?”

  He says it like he has lived in Italy, drinking that wine his whole life. It’s incredibly sexy and I sorta wish he would talk Italian to me all night. I’m pretty sure I’d end up being a puddle of goo. With a nod, the waiter scurries away as Tucker looks across the table at me, a grin playing on his lips.

  Jeez, have you ever seen anything sexier?

  “Since we’re celebrating a successful weekend, I think we need the best wine, don’t you?”

  I nod quickly, excited not only for the wine but for the night ahead of us. With his whiskey gaze on mine, I’m breathless. I feel this pull between us and I’m trying to ignore it, but it’s so damn hard. When his mouth curves up in a grin, I can hardly breathe as I say, “I sure do.”

  I cannot believe it, but I think I might be drunk.

  Or tipsy, I’m not sure, but really, I don’t care. This wine is fantastic.

  The food has been amazing, too. I’ve only picked at my main course but that’s because there were three courses before it. Even with all the food I ate, this is the best chicken Marsala I’ve ever eaten. It is exquisite. It’s been a long time since I’ve eaten somewhere that blows my mind and it isn’t only the food; it’s Tucker too. He’s kept the conversation going effortlessly. We’ve talked about everything it seems and I swear it seems like we’ve known each other our whole lives. I feel comfortable with him and it’s such a refreshing feeling. I don’t know when I’ll get the next chance to sit in a fancy restaurant with a sexy guy sitting across from me, his eyes glued to mine, so I need to enjoy this.

  And I am. Looking across the table I take in everything about him. His eyes are light, playful even, and I feel so beautiful in his gaze. I don’t know why but I feel different right now looking at him. Something is happening between us and I’m scared to put a label on it. I know that I’m developing more than a crush on him and that’s stupid on my part. I can’t fall for him when I have a husband I have to get away from first, but how can I not when he is smiling at me like this? Holding me in his gaze like I’m the only woman in the room? I feel so important, so wanted and it’s hard not to fall for someone that gives me everything I crave. Every moment I spend with him, the more I know I can’t leave him behind. He’ll always be a part of me, and maybe after I get away and get some help, get myself established, I can admit the way I feel and maybe he’ll feel the same. I know it’s crazy to assume that he will but when I look at him, I feel he does and that alone gives me hope.

  One day, my life will be what I want it to be. It’s in my grasp, I just have to grab it and hold on and fight. Right now though, I’m going to drink my wine and enjoy the view in front of me. Tonight, nothing matters but me enjoying myself.

  Sipping my wine, I look at up at Tucker. “I feel that going digital is the best option for us.”

  Tucker nods. “I agree. I think when my father see’s your notes, he’ll agree. I have no doubt about that.”

  “I think the girls will love it, too. It will be easier.”

  “Yeah, but after we merge completely into it, we’ll have to let go of Amy and Rita,” he says sadly and I bite into my lip. Amy and Rita are our filing girls and he’s right unless we can find another job for them.

  “Maybe they can be floaters? They always help when needed, so maybe we can float them or better yet, send them to school for Medical Assisting so we can have floaters for the patients,” I suggest.

  “That’s a fantastic idea, Violet. God, you amaze me,” he says and his eyes look into mine with such intensity that it’s hard to deny what he says.

  I smile shyly as I look down at my uneaten chicken. “Stop, you’re making me blush.”

  “Good, I love the color on you.”

  I glance up to see his eyes have darkened and when they fall to where I’m working my bottom lip with my teeth, I swear my heart stops. He is looking at me like a man about to pounce and I think there is a chance I’d let him. Ack! No! No, that’s a bad idea. Not yet. Not now. One day but not now.

  “Are you finished eating?”

  “I’m full,” I admit shyly, “I’m not used to all the food we got.”

  “Yeah, it’s a lot but that’s why I like this restaurant. I love to eat.”

  “I know you do,” I say with a laugh, “You ate your weight in snacks on the way here.”

  He laughs along with me before saying, “I know, I’m horrible.”

  “But hey, at least you look hot. Lots of people can’t do that, but you can,” I point out before taking a sip of my wine. When he doesn’t say anything I look across the table to see him staring at me. “What?”

  “You think I’m hot?” he asks playfully.

  My cheeks burn with embarrassment. I did say that didn’t I? Shit. Working my lip, I look away as I try to figure out what I’m going to say.

  “Well, yes, I do, b
ut I shouldn’t have said that,” I say, still not looking at him.

  “Maybe not, but it’s only fair.”

  I look up there, confused as I ask, “Why is it fair?”

  “Because you know I’m attracted to you, so it’s nice to know you’re attracted to me.”

  “I can think you’re hot, Tucker, but it doesn’t mean I’m attracted to you,” I inform him with a smile and to my surprise, I’m flirting. Holy crap, I don’t even remember the last time I did that. I didn’t even think I remembered how. When his grin grows, I have to look away as a giggle escapes my lips.

  “Oh, you’re attracted, it’s just wrong to say you are and I understand that.”

  “You’re right,” I agree looking back at up at him. “So let’s just accept that we’re attracted to each other but we can’t act on it.”

  “We could if you left him.”

  He did not just say that.

  “Tucker,” I say softly.

  He sits up, leaning against the table, his eyes glued to mine as he says, “No hear me out, he doesn’t deserve you-”

  “Not here,” I say, cutting him off. “Please.”

  He eyes me for a moment and then softly, he whispers, “I would be good to you.”

  I look away as I slowly nod. “I know.”

  I can’t do this. If he keeps it up, I’m going to tell him I want him to be good to me. That I want to be with him more than I want to breathe. This can’t happen. Not now. I don’t have the will to deny him of what we both want. Before he can say anything else, I feel someone beside me just as they say, “Hey!”

  When I look up, an older version of Tucker is standing beside our table. Holy crap! I suspect that this fine man is Tucker’s brother and when Tucker stands up, hugging him tightly, my suspicions are correct.

  Tucker pulls from Blaine and smiles at him as he says, “How’d you know where I was? Why are you here?”

  Blaine laughs. “I was driving back from Savannah. I’m going to go see my little guy. When I texted you and you said you were at dinner with the most gorgeous woman in this universe, I had to come and see if you were right,” he says before looking down at me. Reaching out, he takes my hand in his and looks right into my eyes before placing a kiss on the back of my hand. Guys still do that? “And you weren’t lying, Tuck, she is gorgeous.”

  I know I’m blushing, but really, who wouldn’t be? He’s as devilishly handsome as his brother and his voice is thick with an accent. I know damn well these two had the ladies chasing them when they were younger.

  “Hey, let her go,” Tucker says pushing into him. “This is my knucklehead older brother, Blaine McCloud; Blaine, this is Violet Moore.”

  I smile, feeling a little insecure under his gaze as I say, “Nice to meet you.”

  “You too,” he says before sitting in the empty chair beside me. “I’ve heard a lot about you.”

  I watch as he downs Tucker’s wine, wagging his eyebrows at Tucker’s protest before turning his gaze back to me.

  “I hope good things?” I ask.

  He nods. “Of course, you’re the golden child at the McCloud office. Not only does my younger brother here talk constantly about you, but so does my mom and dad. Everyone seems to worship the ground you walk on.”

  I laugh nervously, meeting Tucker’s gaze. His cheeks are red and he looks a tad bit nervous. With a smile I say, “I think very highly of them, too.”

  “You’ll think that of me, too,” he adds with a wink.

  “Is that true?” I ask Tucker.

  “Maybe, he is the wonder of the family but he is a stand-up guy,” he says punching Blaine in the shoulder.

  “Jeez, jerk,” he says, rubbing his arm. “That hurt.”



  “Oh wow, the joy of brothers,” I joke and I mean it. These two are probably going to make this the best night of my life.

  “So then, stop laughing. You’re making me laugh,” Blaine says between his own laughter and mine. I can’t even breathe, I’m laughing so hard my stomach hurts. Tucker is sitting across from me, glaring at his brother as he goes on. “He’s standing there, a radio above his head, crying as he sings that God awful song to her.”

  “I wasn’t crying,” Tucker supplies. Blaine waves him off as I continue to sputter with laughter before he goes on.

  “Yes, he was, but anyway, she’s sitting in the window, watching him, with this look on her face that told us that she was in no way impressed by his declaration of love and I swear, the only reason she slept with him was because she felt sorry for him.”

  “She loved me!” Tucker exclaimed.

  “Maybe, but that’s not the point, the point is declaring your love that way doesn’t work in the long run,” he says with his hands out in front of him. “Not only is that an example of my case but here is another one. I wrote my ex-wife a beautiful love note telling her that she was my everything and I wanted to spend the rest of my life with her – and I did – but tell me why, after only a year, she divorces me because I don’t give her what she needs? I hadn’t changed. I loved her, did everything in my power to love and provide for her but she still kicked me to the curb, taking my son in the process. Why declare love if it gets you nowhere?

  Love equals heartbreak, I tell you. Pure bullshit.”

  My laughter stops as silence fills our table. I look over at Tucker as he says, “Wow, Blaine, you’re drunk.”

  And he was. I hadn’t realized how much he drank until I look down and saw all the empty beer mugs and shot glasses we had been shooting from. I was feeling pretty drunk myself but I wouldn’t change the last couple hours for anything. Blaine and Tucker have to be the funniest guys I’ve ever met. They play off each other and you can tell how much they love each other. Sometimes it’s hard to tell who is the oldest. Blaine is a free soul, I can tell that. His stories of women, booze and the greatest food imaginable is proof of that. He doesn’t care about anything but his family and his son. He has made that clear many times and I admire that about him. He also doesn’t want to be tied down. He is so different from Tucker but at the same time, so much alike. All the things I love Tucker for, the loyalty, the stand-up guy quality, the caring and the charm is all there in Blaine. I’ve lived most of my life thinking there are no good, stand-up men in the world but after tonight, I know that isn’t true. Mrs. McCloud raised two amazing men and the girl to settle Blaine down will be one special and lucky lady.

  Blaine laughs as he shrugs his shoulders. “Maybe. I guess driving to see little man tonight isn’t going to happen. Might have to wait till the morning.”

  “Yeah, I think so. I’ll go get you a room.” Tucker’s about to get up but Blaine stops him.

  “Nah, I’ll go sleep in the car.”

  Tucker shakes his head. “No way. I’ll get you a room because I’m not sleeping with you.” Looking over at me, Tucker says, “He kicks the crap out of you when he’s asleep. I’ll be right back.”

  “Alright,” I say as Blaine starts to laugh.

  “I do kick a lot.”

  I laugh as he looks over at me. I stop laughing when his gaze meets mine, though. Like Tucker, his eyes are the same whiskey color I’ve come to love. His face mirrors Tucker’s, just more scruff, and more wear and tear. Blaine has been everywhere, done the most amazing things in the world and you can tell by looking at him.

  “I miss my kid.”

  My smile falls as I slowly nod. “I couldn’t imagine.”

  “I hate my ex-wife. She’s an evil bitch who doesn’t understand that my son needs me and I need him.”

  “I’m sorry,” I say because I don’t know what else to say.

  “I’m lucky though. Tucker goes and gets Nicky for me, so I can see him. Elaine, the ex, loves Tucker and for good reason; he’s a great guy.”

  “He is,” I agree, still trapped in his gaze.

  “The best I know and the thing, Violet, is he’s not used to not getting what he wants.”

nbsp; My face scrunches up in confusion. “I don’t follow.”

  “Tucker. He always fights for what he wants. Our whole life he’s been that way and always succeeded. But you, he can’t succeed with you. You’re the one thing he can’t have and it’s wearing him down. I don’t know you well enough, but I can tell that you care for him. It’s apparent with the way y’all look at each other but please, don’t mess with his heart. It’s pure gold and I have a feeling you could ruin him.”

  “I wouldn’t dare,” I proclaim, my heart speeding up. “I care for Tucker. He’s a good man but right now, I can’t give my heart to him. Not that he has asked for it.”

  “But he will. One day the flirting and the almost kisses will turn into something more and he will ask for everything, and if you can’t give it to him, then walk away. Don’t bring him down. Get your shit straight and then come back, but don’t ruin my brother.”

  I look down at my hands and take in a deep breath. When I look up, his eyes are still on me. “I can’t walk away from him, but I promise you, I won’t hurt him.”

  Blaine nods before draining the last of his mug. Looking over at me, he says, “I hope I can trust you.”

  “You can,” I say automatically.

  We share a long look and I hope my eyes are conveying that I mean what I say. When Tucker’s hand comes down on Blaine’s shoulder, he looks up and smiles. “Your room key.”

  “You rock, bro, thank you,” Blaine says, standing up. When he wobbles a bit, Tucker’s hands come out to steady him.

  “Can you make it?”

  “Sure, piece of cake.”

  It’s obvious he can’t though. Standing up, I take a hold of his arm while Tucker flanks his other side.


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