Engaging Evelyn (Blissful Bets #1)

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Engaging Evelyn (Blissful Bets #1) Page 12

by Alaska Angelini

  Marker four was the spot to be, so of course, she and the girls were all there. Markers numbered the beach as far as the eye could see. The younger crowd thought the cool thing to do was drive from marker one through twelve, showing off their big trucks and expensive sports cars. Of course, there was nothing impressive when the expensive cars continued to get stuck in the loose sand.

  The sun beat down on Evelyn’s pale skin while she worked on getting a much-needed tan. She could hardly open her eyes, it was so bright. To make things worse, she had forgotten her sunglasses in her apartment. It wouldn’t take ten minutes to walk up there to get them, but dodging the cars was something she didn’t want to do.

  The Bud Light can was warming in her hand. With it only being noon, she was already on her third one. Things were actually better than before. Bets was on hold until after spring break. Natalie was taking her spot. She’d told the girls that she was through.

  Evelyn had plenty of time to think about what she wanted. Nicole was becoming a great friend. It seemed that if she wasn’t at work, she was hanging out with the trio, which was what she called the threesome. There wasn’t a movie they hadn’t watched together.

  Ayden and Trevor had convinced her that if she was ever going to move on with her life, she needed to forgive Stephen. She did. He could have made better choices, but the past was the past, and she could do nothing about it. He’d tried to protect her. It had to be worth something.

  As for Brandon, well, he was an altogether different story. Like her, he had made a type of pact. His was a favor, and hers was Bets. She couldn’t hold that against him. What she had done to Taylor had been rude. Well, all right, she was a complete and utter bitch. Karma was a grand thing.

  Evelyn finished off her beer and grabbed another one from the Styrofoam ice-chest. Last one and she was done. Then she would proceed with her preparations.

  “Sarah, so tell me again what everyone’s plan is for tonight?”

  The platinum blonde sighed. “Really, Evelyn, you should pay more attention. First, it’s Essence. Then we head to Toxic, then Stingers, and last it’s the Martini Bar. Why are you asking? It’s not like you’re going. You have your own plan, remember? God, I still can’t believe you’re quitting Bets.”

  “The only reason I ask is just in case I’m told to take a hike, I want to know where to go to get sympathy drinks. And I have to quit Bets. It’s time. Natalie will fill my shoes perfectly.”

  “No one will fill your shoes. You have a record that will probably remain unbeatable. The only one you lost you reclaimed the following weekend, and that sucks. My record is nowhere near that. None of ours is. Well, Melissa is the closest, but that’s it. She’s only been denied three times total, and that’s because one of them was married.”

  “Yes, well, Melissa is very good, but don’t underestimate Natalie. I’m telling you, there’s a wild side within her that’s going to blow you away.” Evelyn took a big drink of her ice-cold beer.

  “And how do you know this,” Sarah asked skeptically.

  Evelyn laughed. “The first time I met Natalie, we were both shopping at Victoria’s Secret. I watched three different guys approach her. All seemed to know her, if you know what I mean. Two of the guys even said hello to each other, and something passed between all three of them. Let’s just say she’s my kind of girl.”

  “No way, that lucky bitch. I am so going to find me something like that. If you succeed in your plan, I think I’m going to have a whole new respect for you. You always pick the best- looking guys.”

  Evelyn downed her beer. “Yeah, well, speaking of them, I need to go and get ready for the first stage of my plan. If I don’t show up to work on Monday then you all are allowed to call,” she said, loud enough to draw the attention of Melissa and Julie, who were huddled together whispering.

  “No one is going to interrupt your weekend, Evelyn. This is big for you. Are you sure this is what you want?” Julie asked.

  “There’s no doubt in my mind. It’s time.”

  “Then I’m happy for you. So…what are you still doing here? Aren’t you supposed to be getting ready or something?” Julie teased.

  Evelyn stood, tying her see-through skirt around her waist. Whatever it was called, a wrap, a skirt, it was cute. The dark blue material matched her sparkling blue bikini and fit perfectly around her hips.

  “I will see you all Monday for lunch. You’ll hear every juicy detail imaginable. Of course, if I show up tonight I expect for you all to baby me and pledge your undying love as my friends.

  “You can tell me how the perfect man will someday sweep me off my feet and I will tell you all that I already met them. It will be an endless cycle of who’s right and who’s wrong.”

  “Oh, get out here and go get your Prince Charmings. Ugh, I think I’m going to be sick.” Sarah downed the rest of her beer.

  Evelyn waved and laughed. Her friends might have been confident that she’d be able to snag two guys for the price of one, but she wasn’t so sure. Stephen was very possessive, and her ultimatum would not be just him and her, happily ever after. Brandon would have to be part of the package, unless of course he didn’t want to be. But she’d seen the way he looked at and reacted to her. He would want this, wouldn’t he?

  Thoughts raced through Evelyn’s mind as she weaved in and out of the bumper-to- bumper cars and trucks driving down the sandy strip. A few guys yelled at her, but she ignored them. For the first time, Evelyn wasn’t interested in any other guy who wasn’t Stephen or Brandon.

  What if both of them made her choose one or the other? This could completely backfire. Damn it! Evelyn couldn’t quit shaking as she walked across the wooden boardwalk that led to the resort.

  Couples and children passed her, headed toward the beach. She smiled watching how excited the tourists were. They looked at this place as a vacation, paradise. To Evelyn, this was home.

  Getting to the stairs that led to her apartment had been one obstacle after another. The crowd was so thick that she had to wedge between people at times. It was a nonstop party, one that she used to enjoy. And to think, just months ago, she had been planning to have the time of her life during spring break. Now, she really was. This was it, her future.

  Brandon and Stephen were not on the porch like she’d expected. Taken aback, she stared down to the large multi-leveled pool area. There was no way she’d spot them with so many people down there.

  Turning back toward her door, she unlocked it and walked inside. The exposure to the direct sunlight was causing heat to expel off her skin like a damn heating pad. She was going to be so sunburned, even with the SPF-30 she had practically bathed in. Of course, that was hours ago.

  Taking off her top, she walked toward her room. After she picked out what she wanted to wear for tonight, she’d take a shower and start preparing. Excitement and nervousness caused her to bite her lip.

  Evelyn froze as soon as she entered her bedroom. Brandon was lying in her bed, his chest completely exposed. The comforter hugged aground the lower part of his sculptured stomach. Just seeing him in her bed caused her pulse to quicken.

  “Now that is a lovely sight to see,” Brandon said, smiling at her topless form.

  “How did you…” Evelyn pointed toward the front door. It had been locked. She felt how the knob wouldn’t turn when she slid the key in the lock.

  “A vampire has its ways.” Brandon flashed her a charming smile.

  “Don’t take credit for something you didn’t do,” Stephen said, walking out of her closet. He was holding the same sexy lingerie Evelyn had considered wearing that night, a red silk corset with silk stockings.

  Her jaw fell a little more at his half-nude body. Stephen was only wearing a pair of boxers. Her heart escalated even further at the sight of his wide chest. God, how she missed seeing him without clothing. He was downright breathtaking. The need to touch him, to smell him, brought her a step closer.

  “What are you both doing here?” Her words barely cam
e out. This was supposed to be her plan, yet they seemed to have come up with one of their own. Seeing them so relaxed, lying in her bed and going through her things, was a bit disorienting, but right.

  “Well, you see, we’ve decided we’re not going to let you go. As much as Stephen loves you, he knows how I feel about you, and you about me. He respects that. It took me awhile to convince him it was for the best, but he’s agreed.”

  Evelyn looked back to Stephen, whose eyes were practically smoldering while he studied her body. “You’ve agreed to that? You’d let me have both you and Brandon?”

  Stephen placed the lingerie on top of the dresser. “I would do anything for you, Evelyn. Plus, Brandon’s cool in my book. He’s done a lot for both of us. Ayden and I had a talk, too. He really likes you. He mentioned how you’re always over there with Nicole. You all watch movies like we used to do.”

  “Yes,” Evelyn said, smiling. “I missed us being together.”

  Stephen walked toward her and stopped an inch from her face. “I love you, Evelyn.

  Please say you’ll think about this arrangement. I can’t lose you aga—”

  Evelyn cut him off by crushing her lips to his. The moment she tasted him, a feeling of completeness surged through her. This was the way they were meant to be, always. It had been years since she had tasted him, yet he tasted exactly the same, familiar…like home.

  “Oh God, Evelyn. You mean it? Do you truly forgive me for what I’ve done?” Stephen whispered against her lips.

  “Yes, please don’t stop kissing me,” Evelyn begged. “Don’t ever stop again.”

  Chapter 18

  Stephen’s heart felt like it had dropped in his chest. He couldn’t believe that she was forgiving him. Her taste, her scent…everything that had haunted him for years filled him, satisfying the agonizing longing that had long ago eaten at his insides. She was his, forever now.

  Brandon was part of the package, but Stephen was okay with that. He had turned into a very good friend who was beginning to love Evelyn as much as he did. They were both possessive men. Together, they had learned to push that aside to mutually agree that it was for everyone’s best interest.

  They both loved Evelyn, and she was tied to both of them in her own way. Yes, she loved Stephen. But he had seen her and Brandon together and knew that it wouldn’t be long before the feelings grew into love, if they hadn’t already.

  Stephen kneaded Evelyn’s bare back as he passionately massaged his lips into hers. The taste of beer and the sweetness on her tongue left him drowning in her taste. He wanted more, needed to taste more of her. The warmness of her skin from the sun penetrated into his fingertips while he lifted her, carrying her to the bed.

  Laying her next to Brandon, Stephen removed her wrap and bikini bottoms. The strength of her scent filled him. He didn’t quit inhaling until his lungs burned.

  Kissing his way up her legs, he paused at her inner thighs, looking at Brandon. Brandon smiled down at him and slid down on the bed to begin kissing Evelyn.

  “Peppermint,” she whispered, as his lips hovered over hers. “God, I missed the taste of peppermint. Kiss me, Brandon.”

  Stephen lowered himself until he hovered directly above her folds. With another large intake of breath, he took in her scent again. Never would he get tired of what made Evelyn herself.

  When Stephen couldn’t take his mouth watering anymore, he ran his tongue along her wet slit. Moans poured from both him and Evelyn. God, she tasted like heaven. Emotions so strong gripped his heart. How had he stayed away? How had he been so stupid to not tell her the truth? Yes, he had wanted to protect her, but he should have had faith in her to not leave him. That was his biggest fear, nonacceptance of what he was.

  Tracing her from her clit to her opening, he teased her relentlessly. Evelyn twitched and writhed above him while she moaned into Brandon’s mouth. Over and over, he made the slow up-and-down movement, letting her juices coat his tongue.

  When he eased the tip of his finger into her opening, Evelyn’s hips thrust downward, begging him for penetration. He gave it to her.

  Stephen plunged his finger deep inside her, which brought her to instant orgasm. In waves, her scent assaulted his senses. It took all he had to hang onto his sanity. He wanted to tear his clothes off and thrust into her repeatedly until they both couldn’t move anymore. The need to make up for their missing time and prove his love to her was the only thing that made him slow down.

  * * * *

  Brandon could sense the difference in Evelyn. He knew that somehow, she had changed since alienating herself from them for almost a month. It was the longest month he had gone through in all of the decades of being a vampire. On and on it had seemed to drag. If Stephen hadn’t been there, there was no telling what he would have done. He probably would have driven himself crazy.

  The warmth of Evelyn’s mouth traveled down the coolness of his body. He hadn’t fed yet, so therefore, he was beginning to lose his body heat. Evelyn’s blood called to him, reached to him in the depths of his core. Small hands cradled his face and brought him down. The tip of her tongue traced his jawline and up his neck. Brandon shivered at the lightness of her touch, so soft it was almost nonexistent.

  The weight of Evelyn’s breast filled his hand while he tugged gently at her nipple with his fingers. Teeth grazed his earlobe, which caused him to shiver again. The aching of his cock swelled to painful proportions. She seemed to sense this and wrapped her hand around his thickness under the covers.

  Brandon groaned, closing his eyes against the warmth. In slow, tightening strokes, Evelyn tortured him. The top part of her body came off the bed as she moaned herself through another orgasm.

  Stephen’s face was concealing her pussy from view. Brandon noticed the moans were coming from him too. Werewolves were different than vampires. Where Brandon got off at the taste of blood, he knew Stephen’s tasting Evelyn’s release was just as orgasmic for him.

  Brandon watched as Stephen flipped her on her knees. She looked around, her eyes heavy with passion. It took everything in him to listen to her words. He could get lost in her beauty, forever.

  “Brandon, come over here.” Fingers gripped his leg to get him closer.

  Moving over, Evelyn pulled the covers back and traced her tongue across the tip of his cock. Stephen entered her, causing her to moan, and in turn made Brandon moan. Just the feeling of her lips brushing against him while she swirled her tongue around his width caused him to fight for power over his body.

  Tightly, he clutched the covers, resisting the urge to wrap his fingers in her hair. Control was something that was eluding him at the moment, and the last thing he would ever do was hurt Evelyn. With his strength he knew he needed to restrain more than ever.

  * * * *

  Stephen’s thickness stretched Evelyn, filling her to the point where she wasn’t sure she could take anymore. Her pussy gripped his length, and she basked in the feeling of what they had once shared. She suctioned her mouth onto Brandon, needing to take in as much of his flavor as she could. The feel of having both men inside of her at the same time was stimulating. Every inch of her body thrummed at the sensitivity.

  Stephen gripped her hips and pulled her back against his cock. The slow thrusts were torture against her building orgasm.

  “Again, Stephen, please.” Evelyn moaned and took Brandon back into her mouth.

  Stephen obeyed, plunging into her while drawing her back against him. “Like that?” he asked, repeating the motion.

  “Yes, just like that. Don’t stop.”

  The intensity increased until Evelyn’s hand was stroking Brandon’s cock so fast that he was moaning louder than she was. The taste of his pre-come coated her tongue, filling her senses.

  “Stephen, get on your back and lay Evelyn on top of you faceup. I have to taste her,” Brandon barely managed to say.

  In one swift movement, Stephen brought Evelyn’s back to his chest and eased them down to the bed. Bent outside Stephen�
�s, Evelyn’s legs were spread wide. When Brandon straddled her waist, she looked up at him, excited by what he was about to do.

  He lowered himself until his lips brushed against her ear. “Touch me, Evelyn,” he whispered.

  Nothing felt better than to be trapped between them. Stephen continued to thrust as she arched her back against him. Brandon moaned at her tight grip. The feel of his tongue licking down her neck had Evelyn shivering.

  Fangs sank into her neck and a cry broke from her lips. Pleasure burst through every crevice of her body. She could feel her pussy tightening around Stephen’s cock. Thoughts burst through her mind as ecstasy swept through her. She couldn’t help but feel the three of them as a couple was destined. This was the way it was meant to be.

  “Fuck, Brandon, did you know I can feel what she feels? That is fucking amazing,” Stephen said, thrusting into her faster.

  Screams echoed off the walls as Stephen’s cock thickened inside of her, bringing her into another orgasm. In all of the two years they’d been separated she felt her love intensify for him more than she ever thought possible.

  Brandon’s cock weighed heavily in her hand, and she knew at that moment that things couldn’t have been more perfect. They all came in unison, hotness shooting across her stomach, breasts, and Stephen coating her insides.

  Lips broke from her neck. Brandon slowly crawled off her, panting. “Holy shit. Stephen, you all right down there,” Brandon asked, laughing.

  “I couldn’t be better.” Stephen lifted Evelyn’s hair out of his face. “So, who’s up for a shower before we start round two?”

  Evelyn smiled as Brandon wiped her off. She couldn’t even open her eyes she was in such a state of euphoria.

  “Well, it looks like we won the bet,” Brandon said cheerfully.

  Evelyn sat up on Stephen’s body, feeling his semi-hard cock slide deeper into her.


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