Fake-Dating The Single Dad (Gems 0f Love Book 3)

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Fake-Dating The Single Dad (Gems 0f Love Book 3) Page 7

by Agnes Canestri

  Nick’s heart warmed. Ginny truly liked Jacob. Maybe she wouldn’t be so opposed to his crazy proposition after all? This could be his cue for addressing this topic.

  He cleared his throat. “Ginny, to be honest, there is another reason why I invited you to dinner tonight.”

  “Oh?” Her brows lifted.

  Now or never.

  Nick inhaled. “Yes. I need to ask you something. It will probably sound insane at first, but I beg you to listen to me before judging hastily, okay?”

  Ginny shifted in her seat. The smile stretched on her lips disappeared. “You’re making me nervous. What is it?”

  “I want to ask you to become my girlfriend.”

  Jeez, what had come over him to blurt it out like this? He had this well-structured discourse in his head, with all the main points of why and how. Where did it all go?

  Ginny’s jaw dropped, and she straightened. “I think I must be a little bit tipsy, I’m sorry. You won’t believe me, but I actually heard you asking me to become your girlfriend.”

  If he started out this bold, he needed to continue on and hope that she’d let him explain after.

  Nick bent forward and put his elbows on the table. He captured Ginny’s eyes. “No, you heard it right, Ginny. I asked you to become my girlfriend. At least for a few weeks.”

  Ginny jerked back, an expression of utter confusion settling on her face. Her eyebrows were so high that her forehead creased deeply. She batted her lashes at the speed of light as if trying to focus her brain again.

  Nick used her silence to explain. “You see, my ex, Heather, has filed a claim for full custody of Jacob.”

  Ginny stopped blinking and stared at him, wide-eyed. “But…didn’t you say she abandoned him? Why does she want him back? Did she regret her decision?”

  Nick snorted. “I wish it was that. Then at least I could have a grain of respect for her. No, she wants to get back at me for refusing her.”

  Ginny shook her head. “I’m not following. She walked out on you, didn’t she? For a man with money…” Her gaze drifted to the ceiling before returning to Nick’s face. “But that was before…before you became rich, right?”

  A bitter taste invaded his mouth. “Yes. Heather never believed in my writing talent. But when I gained fame, and the dollars rolled in, she realized she had bet wrong. She was through with her third husband by then, and came to me pleading to take her back.”

  “But you didn’t.”

  Nick sighed. “No, I didn’t. Not when I saw that she had no interest in being a mother to Jacob. She only wanted to be a famous, rich person’s wife. She swore that she would get revenge on me because I refused her.”

  Worry gnawed at him as he recalled the resolute glare in Heather’s eyes. His ex wasn’t one who kept her promises unless they involved financial benefit for her.

  Ginny cocked her head to the side. “So she wants Jacob in order to hurt you?”

  Nick nodded. “Yes, and for the child support payments I would pay for him.”

  Ginny wrinkled her nose. “But she was the one who walked out on her son. Surely no judge would consider giving her another chance.”

  No, none in their right mind—except Judge Martha apparently.

  Nick rubbed his neck. “Unfortunately, the new judge that picked up her case is quite favorable of maternal redemption. Heather is now with husband number five, and she made a good enough impression with her talks about how ‘a child needs two parents.’”

  Ginny pushed back her chair. A crackling sound cut through the air.

  Her eyes were narrow, and she hugged herself. “So you decided to hire me and pretend that you have a real family, too? To impress the judge and tilt the verdict to your favor?”

  Her voice was low and soft, but something in her tone cut into Nick’s soul like a dagger. Did she feel used by his duplicity? Couldn’t she see he was desperate to save his son?

  He jumped up and stepped over to her. He lowered himself to his knees so that his face was eye-level with Ginny and grabbed her hands. “I do have a real family, Ginny. Jacob. And Heather wants to take him from me. I can’t let that happen. Will you help me, please?”

  Chapter 12

  Ginny stared at Nick, a whirlwind of thoughts plaguing her.

  How did this lovely evening take such an unpleasant turn?

  One minute they were chatting and maybe even flirting, and the next he was proposing that she fake-date him for a couple of weeks.

  Her glance wandered to her hands engulfed by Nick’s warm fingers. The tingles vibrating on her palms at his touch were definite signs.

  She couldn’t accept Nick’s offer, she just couldn’t.

  She didn’t want to get involved with anything that might end badly. It was already concerning enough that she was getting so attached to Jacob. Leaving the little boy when her contract was over would inevitably affect her hard. But to up the stakes by pretending to be Nick’s girlfriend? Not a chance.

  She wriggled herself free and stood up. She backed toward the kitchen door. “I’m really sorry, Nick, I am. But I’m not the right choice for this. I’m a terrible actress, and I don’t want to get mixed up in something this complicated.”

  Nick sprang to his feet and walked toward her. “Please, Ginny, think about it again. If you don’t help me, I could lose Jacob.”

  He rubbed his neck, his eyes darting around as if measuring what argument to use with her. “I can make it worth your while. I’ll not only write a recommendation about you for Riversmith, but I’ll visit the director personally and donate money to them so you can start at a higher position in the school. What do you say?” His voice was pleading.

  Ginny’s throat closed up.

  Did he think that she was trying to negotiate for more benefits? She was already being paid a stellar salary. She didn’t want to extort anything more from Nick.

  She shook her head. “Nick, I don’t want your money. I’m not refusing your offer because I think you’re not giving me a good enough compensation. I just don’t think I could do it…I’m bad at pretending…they would see through us.”

  Her eyes met his, and her voice wavered.

  His face was tense, and his Adam’s apple twitched. “Do you want Jacob to be with a person who doesn’t love—likely doesn’t even really want him?” His tone was accusing.

  Ginny’s vision blurred. How could she ever want that for Jacob? The boy’s tiny arms embracing her on his bed came to mind, and pain gripped her chest. “No, I don’t. Of course I don’t.” She mumbled, lowering her chin.

  Nick launched himself forward, grabbing her shoulders. He shook her very gently, while he said, “Then help me, Ginny. Pretend to be my girlfriend in front of the judge and Heather. Please, Ginny, please. Do you remember what you said in the park the other day?”

  Ginny peeked up at him. He looked so incredibly fragile and handsome as he stared into her eyes. “Yes. I told you I’m here to help you with anything you need.”

  “I need this, Ginny. Jacob needs this.”

  Oh, crap. Ginny knew how much Nick loved Jacob. And she loved Jacob, too. How could she let Nick lose his son if she had a way to prevent it? No, she had to do it, even if she risked getting burned by his closeness.

  She sighed. “Okay, fine. I’ll do it.”

  Nick’s eyes widened, and his face illuminated. “Ginny, you’re incredible, thank you.”

  He hauled her to his chest, his arms snaking around her waist.

  His embrace felt like everything it shouldn’t have.

  Ginny’s heart hammered in her ears as her face pressed against his strong muscles, and his unique scent surrounded her. Nick’s smell was doing something to her, turning her knees into butter and weakening her resolution to keep her distance from him.

  Blood throbbed in her veins, awakening a scarlet web of longing.

  He planted a kiss on the top of her head.

  He probably meant it as an innocent gesture to thank her, but it drew her in even
more. Without consciously controlling them, her fingers began to graze on Nick’s shoulders as if they wanted to lure him into doing something more.

  What was she even thinking? She had accepted to be Nick’s fake girlfriend, not his real one. She should stop. But her body wasn’t responding to her brain.

  Nick reacted to her tempting. One of his hands moved up to her nape, turning her face toward him.

  Their eyes met and Ginny froze.

  The fragility in Nick’s gaze was gone. In its place was something darker and rawer. Shame and desire mingled hot in her throat. She’d wanted to prompt Nick, and now she had. Would she able to bear the consequences?

  Nick’s lips moved into a coy smile. “You said you weren’t a very good actress. What would you say if I helped you practice a little?”

  He didn’t wait for her reaction, but bent and brushed his lips slowly to hers as if testing her willingness.

  It was Ginny’s chance to stop. All she had to do was keep her lips from moving. If only it could be so easy.

  Stay put, don’t respond.

  But her thoughts had no power over her insidious mouth. Instead of pretending that nothing happened, it opened eagerly to let Nick’s mouth explore her. He didn’t hesitate to accept her invitation, and he pressed his lips on hers.

  Fire raced from his skin to hers, and the sensation that should have rung an alarm in her thrilled her.

  Oh, boy. This isn’t good.

  She did say she was a terrible actress. Now her body was proving her how true this statement was.

  Well, maybe she should stop thinking and take the kiss for what it was. A practice…and as such, she should make the best of it, right?

  She reached up to his neck and pulled him to her. He intensified the kiss, devouring all remainder of her will to resist. For a minute, they mixed hot breaths and tender caresses.

  Then slowly, Nick pulled back.

  Ginny needed a moment to realize that he’d broken the kiss, because her senses were still in havoc. Heat rose to her cheeks, and she didn’t dare to look into Nick’s eyes.

  What must he think of her? First refusing his offer, then tempting him into kissing her, and now this?

  She brushed her thumb against her own lower lip. It felt swollen. No wonder.

  She attempted a peek at him.

  His breathing came in soft pants, and his lips, too, were plump and red. When he caught her gaze, his eyes widened. “Wow, that was…uhm…yes. I think we’re good to go. If we put on a show like this, no one would ever doubt our truthfulness.”

  Show? Oh, yes, all this wasn’t real.

  Ginny shrugged and wormed her way out of Nick’s strong arms. She took a step back, chewing on her lower lip.

  When she noticed Nick’s gaze dropping to her mouth, she stopped. “Well, yes. It was a good…um…good practice, I guess. I think I’ll just go to bed now. Long day. See you.”

  She turned and practically ran out of the kitchen before Nick proposed any more “exercise.”

  She took the stairs up to her room two at a time and pulled the door closed. She collapsed on her bed, clutching her palms to her burning cheeks.

  Who was the patron saint of lost causes her mother loved to pray to? St. Jude? It didn’t matter. Any saint or spirit would do. Anything to cancel the disturbing feeling of Nick’s soft lips nuzzling on hers.

  She rubbed at her eyes. What had she gotten herself into? She’d meant well to save Jacob. But it might be much more than she’d bargained for.

  Was Nick as affected by their kiss as she was? No, not likely. His gaze had been lustful and his mouth demanding, but it was probably just the typical guy thing. He didn’t have the pounding that Ginny had to tame now.

  She pressed a hand to her ribcage. The thumps were violent and uneven as if her poor heart didn’t know how to recover from the cruel assault of emotions bubbling up from an unknown corner of her soul.

  She pulled in a few deep breaths, and the beats became more regular.

  Good, that was good. Maybe she had overreacted. Perhaps it was only a moment of craving from her part also, and not some budding, silly and dead-end emotion.

  She slumped on her bed and stared at the ceiling.

  Pretending to be Nick’s girlfriend without falling for him would likely be the toughest thing she’d ever done. But didn’t Ginny like to brag about her fascination with hopeless missions?

  Well, she had her job cut out now, to say the least.

  She closed her eyes, but Nick’s unsettling glare flashing in front of her closed eyelids made her open them again.

  Fine, she would sleep like this tonight. With open eyes. It was hardly as complicated as her upcoming weeks would be.

  Chapter 13

  Ginny woke up in her bed, and her glance fell on the clock.

  No, no, no!

  Did she miss Jacob going to school? How had she not heard the alarm? Why didn’t anybody wake her?

  She jumped out of her sheets and hurried to the bathroom. After only five minutes she had showered, combed her hair, and dressed in shorts and a blouse. She went down to the kitchen to drink a coffee. Her head felt like she’d wrapped it into a giant candy-floss—turbid and heavy.

  Marcia was wiping the kitchen counter while singing some song in Portuguese. When she saw Ginny enter, she stopped and grinned at her. “Did you like the surprise last night? Was it yummy?”

  Ginny’s throat swelled as the memory of Nick’s flavor flooded her mouth. Yummy couldn’t begin to describe how heavenly he’d tasted.

  She quickly slapped herself mentally for letting her unreliable senses take control and plastered on a smile. “Ah, yes. Those were the best brigadeiros I’ve ever eaten.”

  Marcia’s face glowed with pride. She stepped closer to Ginny, lowering her high-pitched soprano. “Did Sir pop the question? What did you say?”

  Ginny flinched. Was Marcia aware of the deal Nick had proposed her?

  Or was she under the belief that this farce was real, and they’d fallen for each other? If the latter, was it Ginny’s responsibility to keep Marcia from finding out that it was all bogus?

  A tiny voice in Ginny’s head asked whether it was indeed a farce, given the sensations Nick’s kiss had unleashed in her, but she silenced it with a shrug.

  She drew in a breath, throwing a calculating glance at the housekeeper. “Well, he did reveal some surprising things, let’s put it this way.”

  If Marcia knew what was going on, she had to come out now and ask Ginny something more specific. Ginny knew that Marcia regarded curiosity as a form of feminine bravery. Otherwise Ginny wouldn’t satisfy Marcia’s snooping.

  Sure enough, Marcia pulled her left eye down with one finger, leaning to her, conspiratorially. “Don’t worry, Miss Ginny, nothing goes on in this house without Marcia knowing. Now tell me, did you decide to go along with Sir’s craziness?”

  Relief washed over Ginny.

  She didn’t have to pretend just yet. Would Marcia judge her when she learned that Ginny had accepted it?

  She eyed the housekeeper. “Yes, I did. I couldn’t let Nick risk losing Jacob.”

  To Ginny’s surprise, Marcia patted her warmly on the shoulder. “Good girl. I knew you would do the right thing.”

  “You approve?” Ginny furrowed her brows. “But didn’t you say you thought Nick’s proposal was crazy?”

  Marcia nodded. “Yes, but it’s also the only way to keep that snake away from little Sir.” She pulled her nose as if a rotting stench tickled her nostrils.

  Nothing Ginny had learned about Heather made her like the woman one bit, but she was still startled to see Marcia’s severe dislike of Nick’s ex.

  Maybe the housekeeper knew more about their story? Should she dare to ask Marcia?

  Ginny crossed her arms behind her back. Yes, she should. She had agreed to impersonate Nick’s girlfriend in front of a lot of people. She couldn’t play her part correctly if she stayed in the dark about his past. Based on how eagerly Nick
spoke about Heather, Ginny would probably be clutching at straws if she tried to extract more information from him.

  “Marcia, how come Heather abandoned Jacob when he was a baby? Nick said it was for a man with money, but still. After carrying a child for nine months…I’m not sure how a person can do that.”

  Marcia pursed her lips into a disparaging frown. “That, Miss Ginny, is because you have a good soul. Miss Heather does not. Also, I don’t think she ever wanted a child. If I’m not mistaken, and I wasn’t around when it had happened, it was Sir who convinced her not to abort. Miss Heather didn’t want a family; she wanted to become an actress and live the pompous life of the rich and famous.”

  Ginny’s mouth dangled open. She had never envisioned the idea that someone lawfully married would want to willfully end a pregnancy unless there was a medical reason for it.

  What an ache it had to be for Nick to see the person he chose to build his life with want to flush the fruit of their love down the toilet as if it was a small nuisance?

  She couldn’t stop herself from murmuring, “Poor Nick.”

  An evil smirk spread on Marcia’s face. “Don’t worry, Miss Ginny. Miss Heather got what she deserved. She never broke into Hollywood. She left Sir, thinking he and the baby would slow her down in her strive for fame, but it’s actually Sir who turned the wheel of fortune. Isn’t it ironic that Sir became what he is today because she was out of the picture?”

  There was a ring at the door.

  Marcia held up her finger. “It must be the postman. I need to get this.” She motioned to the coffee machine. “It’s all set for you. Sir is out in the garden, by the lake. He said to tell you to catch up with him there. He wants to discuss the details of your arrangement.” Marcia turned and hurried to the exit.

  Ginny strolled to the coffee machine and switched it on. While she waited for the water to warm, she drummed her fingers on the marble counter.

  The main character of Nick’s book she read last night after she’d failed to fall asleep re-entered her thoughts. How much inspiration did Nick draw from his own life for his detective? Was Nick truly as closed off to the idea of love as his imaginary hero?


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