Turning the Page

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Turning the Page Page 12

by Andrew Grey

  “If you’re sure,” Hans said, biting his lower lip. He was clearly conflicted.

  “There’s no use having both of us cooped up in here. Go and have fun. I’ll go to the lodge and watch for you.” Malcolm got up, hobbled over to Hans, and closed him in his arms. “I mean it.” He kissed him, and Hans hugged him tight, deepening the kiss and groaning softly. The pain in Malcolm’s hip receded as he thought of fun things they could do right in the room.

  “I’m going to get my things,” Hans said, and Malcolm released him and let him get ready before heading slowly down to the lodge. He had trouble finding a seat but managed one near the windows. It wasn’t close to the fire, but he had an ottoman to put his feet up on, and one of the hotel staff offered him a plaid blanket. He put it over his legs, ordered a hot chocolate with a splash of rum, and sat back to relax and watch outside.

  He saw Hans wave as he passed, and he waved back, following him with his eyes until Hans melded into the line waiting for the lift.

  “Do you mind if I join you?” a handsome man about Malcolm’s age asked.

  Malcolm motioned to the other chair. “That would be nice.”

  “I saw you with your friend.” He smiled and signaled the waiter, ordering a martini. “Have you been dating long?”

  Malcolm paused for a second. “A few weeks. He’s an active kind of guy.” And I’m feeling every bit my age at the moment. He kept that last part to himself.

  “I see that.”

  He grinned wryly, and Malcolm wondered what that was all about.

  “Why aren’t you out there with him?” The server brought their drinks, and he took a sip. “I’m James, by the way.”

  “Malcolm.” He sipped from his glass. “Are you here with someone?”

  “Yes. Mine’s out on the slopes as well. He’ll spend the evening on the slopes and then be raring to go all night long.” James had this wicked look. “That’s him there,” James said.

  Malcolm followed his gaze and blinked a few times. The guy looked like he was fifteen. That was an exaggeration, but he was young.

  “He’s gorgeous, and at that age they have so much energy.”

  “Were you out skiing?” Malcolm asked.

  James shook his head. “Good God, no. I’d break my neck.” He leaned forward. “Gregory loves to go skiing and all that. He’s as active as they come, and I’ve stopped trying to keep up. So I take him where he wants to go, have my own fun while he’s out, and then when he comes in, we get to play.” James sat back, as happy as anything.

  “What do you talk about?” Malcolm asked.

  James laughed. “A lot of talking isn’t usually what we do when we’re together.”

  “How long have you been seeing each other?” Malcolm understood pretty clearly what type of relationship James was talking about.

  “Four months now, and things seem to be working out fine.” James sipped his drink, looking out the window. After a few moments he waved and raised his glass. “He makes me feel young. They all do.”

  “All?” Malcolm asked.

  “Sure. I have no illusions. Gregory and I do things together, and I pay for them. He likes going on ski trips and taking vacations to the Caribbean, and I like how he makes me feel.”

  “But how long will he stick around?”

  James shrugged and sipped from his glass once again. “They last about a year, and then they move on, and I find someone new.”

  “So you don’t expect anything long term?” Malcolm asked.

  “No,” James said and shook his head. “I have my eyes open, and so does he. I like Gregory—he’s a nice guy and we get along. But he has his interests and I have mine.” James turned away from the window. “How long do you think things will last between you and your guy? He’s out there and you’re in here.”

  Malcolm had no idea. He liked Hans and hoped the feeling was mutual. Malcolm wasn’t interested in a relationship like the one James had. Not that there was anything wrong with it as long as no one got hurt, but that wasn’t his way. “I don’t know.” Malcolm wondered if he should have gutted it out and gone skiing once again with Hans. This whole conversation made Malcolm very uncomfortable. “I think that’s part of what makes relationships exciting.”

  “I didn’t mean to upset you,” James said, and Malcolm realized some of his worry must have made it into his voice. “Things are different for different people, of course.”

  “I know that,” Malcolm said as lightly as he could, turning to look out the window. He didn’t see Hans, not that he’d expected to. It just would have been nice. He needed to change the subject. “What do you do?”

  “I have my own business,” James said. “You?”

  “I’m a… the senior partner with Warren, Hanlan, and Webber in Milwaukee.” They hadn’t decided if they were changing the name. At the moment the name of the firm was what people remembered, and even with Gary gone, the name on the masthead was for his father.

  “I’m familiar with them. They did great work for an acquaintance of mine, Marshall Gunderson.”

  Malcolm nodded. He was familiar with the client, but he said nothing. He wasn’t going to divulge anything he shouldn’t.

  “Your firm was great when someone tried to steal his copyrights.” James reached into his pocket and pulled out a card.

  Malcolm took it and instantly recognized the name. James McLelland. His firm was a huge manufacturer of industrial lift equipment.

  “I believe there’s something you can help us with. Do you have a card?”

  Malcolm pulled out his wallet and handed James one of his cards. “Call me directly, and we can talk over what you need in a more private setting.”

  “I’d appreciate that,” James said and placed the card in his pocket.

  Warm hands gently slid along Malcolm’s shoulder. “Are you feeling any better?” Hans asked from behind him.

  “A little,” Malcolm answered and turned, looking into Hans’s warm eyes. “Hans, this is James. His boyfriend was out skiing as well, and we were keeping each other company.” Hans came around and sat on the arm of the chair.

  “It’s nice to meet you,” Hans said, shaking James’s hand before he turned back to Malcolm. “We should get back to the room before that hip stiffens up too much.”

  “It was great talking to you, James. Give me a call next week.” Malcolm shook James’s hand, surprised at how limp his handshake was, but he didn’t react to it.

  “I will,” James said as Malcolm removed the blanket from over his legs and stood up.

  He still hurt, and he had no doubt he’d be stiff as a board come morning, but for now he felt okay, and he wanted to enjoy the rest of their evening. They made their way to the elevators and then up to the room on the second floor. Hans opened the door, and Malcolm went inside.

  “Get undressed, and we’ll spend some time in the hot tub. That should loosen you up a little before we go to bed.”

  Hans put his gear on the balcony, and Malcolm heard the spa motor’s low whir. He began undressing, and Hans turned out the lights so that it was dark.

  “You want me to go out there naked?” Malcolm asked when Hans stripped off and turned out the last lights in the room. Hans got some towels, and then he opened the glass door and stepped into the whirlpool.

  “It’s perfect,” Hans said softly, and Malcolm followed his lead, closing the door and sinking into the hot, swirling water.

  At first his hip ached, but then it loosened up and the pain slowly melted away. The heat felt good, and Hans’s hands on his legs felt better, especially when Hans shifted between them, gently wrapping Malcolm’s legs around his waist.

  Malcolm was hard enough to pound nails, and when Hans leaned back a little, his cock slid against Hans’s lower back. That was heavenly, and he held on to Hans, resting his head on his shoulder, pressing his chest to Hans’s back. “You feel so good.”

  “So do you,” Hans said, moving away slowly and sitting back down. Hans tugged Malcolm to hi
m, and as Malcolm shifted, Hans supported some of his weight until Malcolm straddled Hans’s lap, sitting across his legs. “Be careful. I don’t want this to hurt,” Hans whispered into Malcolm’s ear as he settled a big hand on each of Malcolm’s cheeks.

  “It doesn’t,” Malcolm moaned as Hans ghosted his fingers over his opening. Malcolm held Hans, groaning and shaking as Hans teased him with his fingers while Hans’s cock throbbed between them.

  Damn, this was sexy, and Malcolm kissed Hans hard as he teased his opening and then slipped the tip of his finger inside. Malcolm gasped, holding his breath. It had been a long time, and being intimate like this was mind blowing. Malcolm had never thought of himself as a sex outdoors kind of guy, but at this moment he didn’t care about anything other than Hans’s hands on his ass and the way he kissed and sucked at his neck.

  “I want you, Malcolm. I want to be with you.”

  Malcolm tried to answer, but all that came out was gibberish that morphed into another moan as Hans sank his finger a little deeper, rubbing that spot inside that made Malcolm’s eyes roll into his head.

  “Lie back,” Hans whispered, and Malcolm slid off his lap and down into the water. Hans grabbed a few towels and spread them out along the side of the tub. Then he lifted Malcolm partially out of the tub, supporting his hips and butt, lifting him until his cock stood straight out of the water. “Damn, that’s pretty.” Hans took him deep and hard, bobbing his head, the water sloshing around him.

  “Hans, I….” Malcolm’s words tapered off to a hum and then silence. He knew they had to be quiet because there were other rooms nearby, but this was too damn much. Hans stroked up his belly and chest and then slipped a finger between his lips. Malcolm sucked it because he needed something to do with his mouth, but if Hans kept that up he was in danger of losing a finger. Hans had the ability to make him forget. His tongue and lips, the magic he made with them, sent all other thoughts from his head.

  Every cell in his brain screamed at the same time, and his body tingled from head to toe. Each stroke of Hans’s lips sent a quiver through him. Wet heat, pressure, soft yet firm touches, had him on edge and kept him there. Malcolm wanted to come more than anything, but Hans held him just this side of release for what seemed like hours.

  “I can read exactly what you want,” Hans said when he came up for air. “I told you before that I can read you like a book, and I love it. You are so incredible.” Hans stood, his nakedness shining in the darkness. He leaned over him and captured Malcolm’s lips. “I want you to be happy. That’s the one thing I want more than anything.”

  “Why? What’s so special about me?”

  “You keep asking things like that, when I keep wondering what you see in me. I’m just a writer. You fight for people and try to bring some justice to this world. I know it doesn’t always work out that way when you practice law, but I know that’s why you went into this profession.”

  Malcolm shivered as the chill in the air cooled his skin. “I’m not all that special,” he said.

  Hans slithered down his chest, kissing a trail down his belly, and then gripped his cock firmly. “I wish I knew where all this came from.” Hans grinned. “But I’m going to find out.” He sucked at the head and then slowly sank his lips down Malcolm’s shaft. Heat and cold mixed on his skin, and Malcolm gave himself over to the intense sensation, pushing the cold away, thrusting upward. The water sloshed, and Hans drove him wild. Hans was right there, taking what he had to give until Malcolm was all in. Hans pulled back, gripping him hard and stroking fast. Malcolm lost control, and within seconds the world had narrowed to Hans and his touch. Malcolm lifted his head, catching Hans’s gaze, and that did it. His control snapped and he came. Malcolm had no idea how much noise he made, and he didn’t care. Hans guided him into the warm water, and he leaned his head back, closed his eyes, and breathed slowly, trying to recover from having his mind completely blown.

  “You didn’t get hurt, did you?”

  Malcolm chuckled. “God, no,” he said between breaths. “Was I too loud? Did I scare the neighbors?” he whispered.

  “You were amazing, and the neighbors have been making plenty of noise of their own.”

  Malcolm listened and heard moans on the breeze. He smiled and slowly moved into Hans’s arms. He needed to be held right then. “Give me a few minutes.”

  “Take your time,” Hans told him, smoothing his forehead.

  Malcolm took a few more minutes to catch his breath and then backed away, tugging Hans to his feet before pressing him back against the side, his long, thick cock jutting straight out. Malcolm stroked him and settled in the water, sucking Hans’s cock between his greedy lips. Hans flexed his hips, and Malcolm sucked him harder, giving as much as Hans had given to him.

  Hans was amazing to look at and tasty as hell, all rich musk and man. Cradling his balls, Malcolm massaged the smoothly shaved skin, teasing and sucking until Hans’s legs shook enough to slosh the water. “Jesus Christ,” Hans moaned shakily, and Malcolm took him deep, burying his nose in his skin, inhaling deeply. It took a few seconds for Hans’s scent to come through the spice of the chlorine, but it did, and it drove Malcolm’s passion.

  When Hans groaned long and deep, Malcolm backed away, stroking and twisting his hand around Hans’s thick length until he threw his head back, mouth hanging open. Hans came in a rush, shaking his release and gripping Malcolm’s shoulder. As he came down, he released his grip and kissed Hans deeply. “I think we need to go inside,” Malcolm suggested, and Hans nodded.

  Malcolm got the towels and handed some to Hans. He got out of the tub and opened the sliding door, helping Hans inside. As soon as the door was closed and they’d dried each other, he pulled down the covers and climbed into bed next to Hans.

  THE FOLLOWING morning, Malcolm was as stiff as he’d feared. Moving was painful and walking a chore. Skiing was out of the question, so after breakfast he sat in the lodge while Hans went out once again. Hans didn’t show any outward signs, but Malcolm knew he had to be disappointed. They had come all this way to do things together, and Malcolm was laid up in a chair. He was tempted to just say to hell with it and go out, but his hip ached at the thought. So Hans had helped him to the lodge and then said good-bye with a soft kiss before striding out.

  After a few hours, he returned, and they had a wonderful lunch before packing up and loading everything into the car. The return trip was quiet. Malcolm didn’t feel like talking and was afraid that Hans was disappointed.

  “I thought we’d stop in Madison on the way back,” Hans said. “The sun is out, and we could wander South Street a little if you feel up to it.”

  “Sure,” Malcolm answered. He had taken another pain pill, and it was working. He hoped this discomfort wouldn’t last for too long and he could get back to normal. Malcolm turned and smiled. “I’m sorry things didn’t work out.”

  Hans reached over and took his hand. “Things happen. I got to ski and had a great time on the slopes. I would have had a better time if you’d been there with me. But I understand.” He squeezed his hand again. “Maybe skiing wasn’t the best activity for both of us.”

  “I had fun.”

  “Next time you can decide what we do,” Hans offered.

  “Why don’t we find something we both like? There’s a lot to do in Chicago. We could go down for a day. See a show? Go shopping?” Hans didn’t seem enthused about either one. “See dinosaurs?”

  Hans’s eyes lit up. “That sounds like fun.”

  “Then I’ll get us tickets and make arrangements to visit the Field Museum. They have an amazing dinosaur collection. If it’s nice, there are more things to do, like Millennium Park. If not, there are other things we can do.”

  “Awesome, let’s do that, then, and maybe when the weather gets better, we can see about scuba diving. They often start in a pool so you can get used to it. We could sign you up for lessons. There’s a whole different world under the water.”

  The idea both scared and intri
gued him. “I’ll give it a try.”

  Hans turned off the freeway and made his way through the city toward downtown. “That’s what I like about you. You’re willing to try new things, even after what happened this weekend.”

  “Well, maybe we can avoid things that go downhill really fast without a car around me.” Malcolm was more than a little relieved that Hans didn’t think him an uncoordinated fuddy-duddy.

  “Deal,” Hans said and parked the car.

  It was indeed sunny, but cold. Malcolm pulled on his coat, hat, and gloves before getting out of the car. As cold as it was, South Street was teeming with people wandering past the shops. It was nice to see so many people, and Hans led the way down the sidewalk.

  “There’s a really nice coffee shop in the next block, and we can stop into the British bakery for a scone.”

  A bookstore caught Malcolm’s eye, and he motioned. Hans pulled open the door, and they went inside. Used bookstores always had the same smell. He could close his eyes and know he was in one by the scent of paper, ink, and a touch of mustiness that old books always had, especially in collections.

  “Look.” Malcolm pointed at a shelf of Hans’s titles. He walked over and picked up the one title he didn’t have. He tucked it under his arm with a smile. “Will you sign this one for me if I get it?”

  “Of course,” Hans said with delight. Malcolm paid for the book, and they left the store and continued down the street to the bakery. “I love their ginger scones.” Hans got two and some coffee.

  They sat together and had their snack before moving on. The ache in Malcolm’s hip increased as he sat, but he walked the next few blocks before they turned around and window-shopped the other side. Hans spent some time in a ski shop, and they both perused an antique store.

  “I think I’m about to give up,” Malcolm confessed, and Hans led him back to the car and began the ride home. “That was nice.”

  “Are you sure you’re okay? Should you see a doctor?”


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