Christmas Hearts in July

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Christmas Hearts in July Page 1

by Marlene Bierworth

  Christmas Hearts

  In July


  Marlene Bierworth

  Ornamental Match Maker Series # 25

  Copyright © 2020 Marlene Bierworth

  All rights reserved.

  No part of this book may be reproduced by any means, graphic, electronic, or mechanical including photocopying, recording, taping or by any information storage retrieval system without written permission of the author, Marlene Bierworth, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical articles and reviews.


  This book is a work of fiction. Names, places, character and events are the product of the author’s imagination. While the author has tried to be historically correct, her goals in this book are great characters and storytelling. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, events or locals, is purely coincidental.

  About the Series

  Mrs. Claus is all about spreading Christmas cheer — especially to the many lonely-hearts seeking friendship, love, healing, second chances, and that special someone of their own.

  To help each lovely heroine and dashing hero find their perfect match, Mrs. Claus sends them a magical holiday ornament. From a carousel horse that matches the exact horse a hero will be found riding to an iced angel just like the cookies a dreamy chef bakes, each ornament has a real-world counterpart that, if followed, will lead to true love. These books are designed to be a fun quick read with a touch of magic and romance.

  From historical to contemporary, from heartfelt to humorous, from magical to inspirational; each of these sweet romance stories ends in a festive happily ever after that will leave you wanting more — so be sure to check out all the titles by multiple authors in our Ornamental Match Maker Series, by visiting

  From the Author

  This is my eighth contribution to the series. If you love clean romance and a short fun read, then this book is for you.

  Join us at Heritage Inn, for another intervention from the North Pole in this who’s who story of love, separation and healing. Jolene needs a vacation, and arrives only to find her father honeymooning with a woman she’s never met. Craig and his distraught girlfriend are taking a well-earned time away, and when the fashion-queen, Sheki arrives, no one can stop the hands of time from colliding.

  Mrs. Claus has her hands full, merging the past, present and future in this box of surprises, and it’s definitely not all neatly wrapped with red ribbons and a Christmas in July bow.

  May the Spirit of Christmas rein in your life all year round, and may readers the world over, continue to enjoy tales of romance everyday! Love reigns!

  Table of Contents

  Chapter 1 Selene

  Chapter 2 Jolene

  Chapter 3 Craig and Selene

  Chapter 4. Jolene’s Surprise

  Chapter 5. Playing with Fire

  Chapter 6 The Contest

  Chapter 7 Another Player

  Chapter 8 Sheki Arrives

  Chapter 9.The Dance

  Chapter 10Eavesdropping

  Chapter 11Secrets

  Chapter 12The Aftermath

  Chapter 13Treasures Unfold

  Chapter 1

  Selene Gabel was burning the midnight oil again. Five years of toiling – almost every waking hour of every day – had earned her the sought-after consideration for partnership at Fashion Queen Magazine. Only Steven stood in the way of her securing the position. Cherise – the president of the company – was every bit the female displayed on the covers of her award-winning publication, and Selene had noticed the jezebel watching Steven. It certainly was not for his outstanding contributions to the woman’s business: The man was hot. Selene could not compete against that, and she felt angered that a smart, respected entrepreneur like Cherise Queen, would lower herself to even consider promoting this unskilled man to a senior position in her successful business.

  Exhausted, she shut the lid of her computer. If she didn’t get some sleep tonight, all the makeup stuffed in her oversized vanity drawer would not be sufficient to disguise the black circles under her eyes – and that would never do. She needed to be in top form when all the underlings in the company jealously watched the baton of partnership pass to her.

  At the conclusion of that personal pep-talk, she grabbed her designer purse from the bottom drawer and hurried to the door of her tiny office. She couldn’t wait to move into the huge one awaiting her on the top floor of this building. In fact, she’d already started packing – so confident was she that her over-achievement efforts would secure her the coveted spot. One entire wall was window and the massive desk took center-stage, making visitors feel small just to view the authority figure seated behind it. The lounge area, decorated with modern leather couches and glass tables, would be used for less demanding meetings or the occasional break she would probably not have time to enjoy. The prized cover art that hung on the walls would inspire her imagination to reach new heights and there was enough free floor space to do cartwheels, should she be so inclined.

  Selene sighed. This final, top-dog destination, had been her dream since she started working in the uptown building straight out of college. She’d made milestone leaps in the company and her sacrifices were all about to pay off.

  She closed the door and marched to the elevator, as if this were merely the beginning of her day instead of being trapped inside her office’s stuffy four walls for the past sixteen hours. At home, sleep evaded her, long after she’d laid her head on the soft pillows and snuggled beneath the weighed blanket. The glow from a street lamp filtered through the French doors but Selene was too weary to get up again and close the lined curtains to block it out. She loved the classy condo where she mingled with the upper-crust and pretended she’d already achieved the position on the top-rung of the financial ladder. Truth was, Selene could ill-afford such luxury, but after tomorrow, the price of the showy digs that had, thus far, portrayed success to the onlooking masses, would be mere petty cash. A significant jump into a high-scale six-figure income, would not only provide relief to her over-stretched budget but bring prestige and respect. The new position was a dream come true.

  Six short hours later, she did indeed need all the miracle cremes of make-up to camouflage her lack of sleep. Appearances were of utmost importance to her boss, and that day, she needed to pull off the well-rested portrayal of the future partner of Fashion Queen Magazine. At the office, the workload on her desk grew steadily, as she seemed unable to concentrate on anything but the evening affair. So, instead of sitting on pins and needles, she used her pent-up energy to ensure the gala event in the social room of the business unit went off without a hitch.

  The decorations were bright and splashy, just like the woman who ran this organization, and the food that the caterer delivered would satisfy the diverse taste buds of those attending. Stock holders, office personnel at every level, and the common grunt-workers all the way down the line to basement employees would attend this party.

  For reasons of their own, the entire staff held their breath in anticipation for their preferred new-boss-name to be called out, and Selene could not help but notice the sucking-up to both her and Steven who no doubt could make their futures either easy or unbearable, at will. Selene recalled being in their position and had done her fair share of sucking-up to those being promoted to the elite group upstairs. Today, she enjoyed being on the end of the spectrum.

  Her cell phone rang in her jacket pocket and she took it out. Her shaky fingers noticed it was Craig Landers, and she relaxed.

  “Hi babe,” she said, sighing deeply into the phone.

  He laughed. “You are using that forced-cas
ual voice that tells me you are almost ready to jump out of your skin.”

  “Really? Do I have one of those voices?”

  “You do,” he said. “How’s the day going?”

  “Slow and torturous.” Selene dropped into a nearby chair.

  “Am I still picking you up at the condo – seven tonight?”

  “Certainly. I can’t parade around the event unescorted. People will think I have no life outside of work and portraying a balance is key. It suggests a form of steadiness that people hope to achieve in this lifetime.”

  “An oxy-moron in your case. Anyone who knows you is aware you live at work and have no balance in your life at all,” he said with a touch of sarcasm that did not go undetected by Selene. She realized he did not understand her passion and what it took to get to the top. “It’s been two weeks since we’ve had an official date – other than phone calls and texting if you consider that the norm between a man and a woman.”

  Selene softened her voice to get him in the party mood. “But I did get the flowers and candy you sent for my birthday. Thank you.”

  “Yeah, well I couldn’t see wasting them, even after you stood me up,” Craig said.

  “It was month end, Craig. You know how crazy things get around here,” Selene said, knowing full-well she used that same line on just about any day of the month. “I promise, after tonight, things will be different. No need to impress when you’re an equal,” she added glibly.

  Craig changed the subject. “I received a piece of mail today with both our names on the envelope – almost like a married couple.” He chuckled, but she ignored his attempt to steer the conversation onto the subject she avoided like the plague. He wanted to categorize their relationship into what he considered a normal progression, but she was quite happy the way it stood now – convenient but non-committal. She forced herself to listen as he continued. “There’s no stamp on the manilla envelope so I gather someone just tossed it in my mailbox at the end of the driveway – knowing I’d see you eventually.”

  “Splendid! I have fans already – using you to get to me,” Selene said, trying to lighten the mood. “Bring it in the car when you come around later. We’ll open your mystery envelope after the event.”

  “Afterward seems appropriate,” said Craig in a tone she did not appreciate.

  “I’m not in the mood for your bantering, Craig. I changed my mind. Just open the thing now, and make it quick,” Selene said, bouncing to her feet when Steven arrived in the party room. “I can barely manage to open my business mail today, let alone personal letters. I just want the whole day to be over with.”

  “What? And deprive me of ushering the prettiest girl in the room around on my arm, not to mention missing a chance for an authentic date.”

  The man knew how to turn her mood around.

  “I’m a mess,” Selene admitted in a muffled voice, turning her face to the wall for privacy.

  She heard Craig break out in hysterics. “I never even looked at the return address. Seems Dear Mrs. Claus has pre-paid for a wee celebration – just the two of us. She calls it Christmas in July. The wonder-lady must have the inside scoop that you are going to get the promotion.”

  “Mrs. Claus? Whatever are you on about?” Selene said.

  “Scouts honor,” he said. “Reservations – for two – which means I am invited along on this retreat in case you had a mind to bring one of your colleagues and make it a working vacation.”

  “I have no time for a vacation, Craig. My new job will be very demanding,” Selene argued.

  “Oh? I could have sworn you said this move up the corporate ladder would decrease the hours you spend at the office.”

  “With the pay hike I’ll be getting, it’s a wonder they don’t move a cot into that grand office and lock me in there seven days a week,” she said. When the other end of the line grew quiet, she attempted to console Craig. “Who knows, darling? Let’s just play it all by ear. I’m far too nervous to think about tomorrow with tonight looming over my head.”

  “Why don’t you come home early? Dressing up always relieves your stress. The new gown that’s been hanging in your closet for a month will be perfect for tonight,” he said.

  “Oh, yes: the dress! A woman can’t have too many in her closet. And it always distracts an onlooker from noticing one’s jitters.”

  Craig laughed. “Stop fretting. You are definitely a front-runner, if this promotion was fairly assessed on hard work and talent. No one is more dedicated to the Fashion Queen Magazine.”

  “Oh, Craig, you haven’t met the dashing Steven. He is quite impressive.” She could not hide the lilt in her voice – the man’s charm was magnetic, even to her, his rival.

  “I’ll see you later,” Craig said.

  The phone went dead and she knew she’d hit on a tender spot with Craig – he was far too sensitive. Selene sighed as she replaced the phone in her jacket pocket and pivoted on her heels. The enemy stood not five feet away, flirting with a group of girls as they pasted glittery hearts on leaves that would eventually find their way onto the many wreaths displayed at windows. She was determined to stay focused and confident, raising her head high as she moved from the shadows into the limelight of busy chaos.

  What should have been a perfect evening turned to disaster during the ten o’clock announcement. Selene had been flawless in conversations with colleagues in all divisions of the company. And Craig had praised her name to anyone who’d listen. She was gazing at him appreciatively, when Cherise took the stage. With bated breath she gripped his hand so tight, she saw the pink skin turn white under the pressure. Loosening her hold, she smiled at him and turned her attention toward the front.

  “Thank you all for coming tonight to help me welcome in the next partner in the Fashion Queen Magazine. Hopefully, you have enjoyed the food from Kent’s Catering and music from the James Magowery Band.” She laughed in that teasing tone that Selene hated. “I have kept you all in suspense long enough. I am proud of both of the candidates. They’ve worked hard to achieve recognition from the lead team and my decision has caused me many sleepless nights. So, with no further ado, I would like to present the next boss who is moving upstairs, Steven Clarence.” She began to clap enthusiastically and the people looking on joined in.

  All except Selene and Craig, who used both of his arms to keep her from collapsing on the floor. Her breathing was loud, and her heart surely thumped harder than the crowd’s applause. When she looked at Craig, she unloaded all the pain she was experiencing into her expression and watched his eyes fill with concern. He truly cared for her happiness. That acknowledgment collided with her anguish at losing the promotion, forcing tears to gather in the corners of her eyes. She bit her lip and held them back, just as she’d trained herself to do countless times before, knowing she’d chosen a tough profession, full of competition and disappointments. Not willing to reveal the weakness overtaking her, she squared her shoulders and refused to crumble under its power.

  “Do you want to get out of here?” Craig asked.

  “I need to congratulate Steven, and make sure Miss Queen knows that I appreciated being a contender for the position. No one appreciates a poor loser.”

  “But you are,” he whispered in Selene’s ear.

  A camera flashed and she grimaced. “Oh, dear, is my makeup intact?”

  “You are perfect,” Craig said. She perceived annoyance in his tone. “And here comes your big chance to give your top performance of the day – the best suck-up ever.”

  Selene grimaced and twisted in the direction of Craig’s nod, just in time to see Cherise coming toward her, grinning from ear to ear, on the arm of Steven, her newest conquest. The way he held her, so possessively, told the entire story of tonight’s choice, and Selene felt like vomiting.

  Instead, she smiled – as graciously as her charade would allow. “Steven, congratulations on your victory.” He loosened the grip on Cherise and took the hand Selene offered.

  “Jolly good
of you to be in such good humor,” Steven said.

  Selene felt Craig stiffen beside her. She hurriedly wrapped her free arm though his in order to silence what she predicted would be a tart response to the man who strutted his new title like a prize rooster.

  Cherise Queen attempted to ease the tense emotions the encounter had produced. “Now don’t you become disheartened, Selene. It was the most difficult choice of my career, and you will certainly remain on the top of my list for future promotions.”

  Somehow the affirmation did not dispel Selene’s disappointment. How could she be satisfied to return to that tiny office, and once again, put her dreams on hold?

  “I appreciate your confidence in me, Miss Queen.”

  “You’ve been working so hard,” the woman continued, and Selene dared to hope her sudden string of encouragement was because she knew, deep down, past all the female hormones, that Steven was the wrong choice for her business. “Why don’t you take some time off? You deserve it. And while you bask in the sun somewhere, think about poor Steven, who will not see daylight or vacation for a long time to come. Promotion comes at a cost. Enjoy your freedom for a little while longer.”

  Craig spoke up. “Exactly what I’ve been telling her we need to do. And I know the very spot I will steal her away to.”

  Selene found her manners, “This is my boyfriend, Craig, who is dying to see me sunburned.” She nearly choked on the bitter laugh that erupted from her mouth.

  “Any man that wants to steal you away to a beach somewhere, is a keeper, darling. You go off and enjoy yourself. A full eight days – don’t return a moment sooner.” Cherise sounded genuine, and Selene tried to be generous in her understanding of the business rejection.

  “We’ll try to keep the ship running without you,” Steven said, his voice not sounding the least bit sympathetic to her loss tonight.


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