A Shifter Under the Christmas Tree

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A Shifter Under the Christmas Tree Page 14

by M. L. Briers

  “Resent away,” Mark called, dismissing him with the wave of a hand as he trudged through the knee-high snow. “The boy had every right to defend himself.”

  “He has fangs,” Jackson called, pointing a mitten at the vampire.

  Mark stopped in his tracks and turned a hard stare on Cameron. “You got your fangs out around a kid?” he growled in disbelief.

  “Best way to see if the mini-warlock had his magic…”

  “Got your answer?” Mark growled back.

  “Unfortunately,” Cameron said, waving an absent hand in the air.

  “Well, good, curiosity settled, now start running,” Mark growled.

  “Excuse me?” Cameron asked, pushing to his feet in one easy movement.

  “That munchkin is my kin, and you got your fangs out to my kin – start running,” Mark growled.

  “Is he a bear?” Jackson asked, looking up at Max.

  “that’s my dad, and he has a bear inside of him,” Max said, but Kaylee finished it off for him.

  “That’s about to explode out of him,” she offered, and Jackson’s head whipped back around just in time to see it happen.

  “Cool!” Jackson said, starting forward on fast feet, but Max was too fast for him, and he reached down and scooped him up.

  “Not so fast little man, that bear will need to get your scent good and proper first, and you’ll need to make nice,” he warned him.

  “Will it let me stroke it?” Jackson asked on a low voice, but he never took his eyes from the bear as it started through the snow after the vampire who had decided not to stick around to see if his friend was just playing or not.

  “Probably,” Max said. “But never use your magic on the bears – ok?”

  “Sure,” Jackson agreed. “Not ever – never.”

  “You ok?” Kaylee asked, and he nodded fast but still watched the bear go with a big grin on his face.

  “I got the bestest family in the world for Christmas – like ever,” he said, chuckling happily.

  The end.

  Thanks for reading.

  I hope you enjoyed this winter romance and could take the time to leave a review for me on Amazon.

  Wishing you and yours a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.

  Love and Blessings





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