Not Quite Sheer Happiness

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Not Quite Sheer Happiness Page 4

by Melissa Baldwin

  “Hi, love,” he answers.

  “Hi. Are you still awake?”

  “Yes. I was just getting ready for my meetings tomorrow. Is everything okay?”

  I swallow. Maybe I should tell him in person.

  “Everything’s fine. I just dozed off on the couch. How’s New York?”

  Ace tells me about having to take care of a problem client. I actually love when he talks about his work. He’s really passionate about it, and that’s such a turn on.

  “I’m sorry to bore you,” he says. “What I really wish is that I was there with you right now. Holding you, kissing you, touching you . . . ugh, I really miss you.”

  My heartbeat speeds up a bit as my imagination wanders.

  “Me, too. I will see you Wednesday night, right?”

  “Yes, you will. My flight arrives at five o’clock. Will you come over and have dinner with me?”

  I smile to myself. Why does Wednesday have to be so far away?

  “I will be there.” I glance at the clock. “I better let you get ready for bed. I love you.”

  “I love you more.”

  I get up to wash my face and then curl up with my laptop on the couch. I’m proud to say I’m not that addicted to social media. Craig and Nicole are obsessed with it and practically always have their phones with them. Craig usually takes his into the bathroom, which is gross but I guess everyone does it. Don’t get me wrong, I do use Facebook a little, but thankfully, Nicole runs the Sheer Happiness social media pages, and she does a great job of it.

  I type Lisa Simmson into the search box. When her page comes up, I’m reminded of how stunning she is and apparently very popular. She has over two thousand friends. Wow, I’m impressed.

  I don’t know what’s the matter with me. I’m suddenly even more insecure, and now I’m Facebook stalking a client. I close the window and go to some of my favorite travel sites. If I’m going to waste time, I might as well be productive doing it.


  “She has gotten so big,” I exclaim as I hold up baby Charlotte to kiss her cheek. Abby smiles proudly as she puts out some food for little Ace on his tray. I haven’t seen Abby and the kids in a while, so meeting them for lunch is a treat. I’m so impressed by her; she makes motherhood look so easy and I know it’s not easy at all.

  “So, what’s happening with the plans for the big day?” she asks. I smile as I start to feed Charlotte her bottle. Why does everyone keep asking me this?

  “Ace will be home tonight, so we’re planning on discussing it,” I say excitedly. “He’s been gone since Sunday, so I haven’t seen him since the night he proposed. I admit this distance is getting harder and harder. Our schedules are just so crazy.”

  She nods. “But that should make you appreciate each other even more. And I’m sure it won’t always be this way.”

  I hope she’s right. It just seems like there’s no end in sight—at least right now.

  “So, something else interesting happened,” I say, changing the subject. She gives me a curious look.

  “Really? What’s that?”

  I tell her about our new client, Lisa Simmson, and her connection to Ace and Luke. It’s a relief to talk to Abby because, unlike Craig and Madison, she’s the most level-headed. I know I can count on her to help me make sense of things. She doesn’t show any emotion as she patiently listens.

  “Have you told Ace about meeting her yet?” she asks.

  I hold Charlotte over my shoulder to burp her. “No. But I will tonight. You think I’m overreacting, don’t you?”

  She purses her lips. “It’s not that I think you’re overreacting exactly. I just think you need to stop and think. And the only reason I’m saying that is because I know you’re worried about it and you shouldn’t be.”

  I let out a huge sigh. “That’s what Craig and Madie both said. It just sounds so much better coming from you.”

  She shrugs. “Yes, I know. I’m a mom and moms know best.” She looks proudly at little Ace who’s happily watching a Disney show on the iPad.

  “It’s just that we’ve come so far, and I don’t want anything to mess up what we have,” I whine.

  “Are you kidding me?” she says loudly. “That man is so captivated by you. I don’t think anything could shake it. The way he lights up when he talks about you, some women only dream of that.”

  I give her a grateful look. I knew I would feel better after talking to her.

  “Not only that, he’s vulnerable with you. It seems like you bring out a different side of him,” she says thoughtfully. “I get the impression he’s pretty cutthroat when it comes to business . . . but not with you.”

  She’s absolutely right. “Oh yeah, I’ve seen him in action.” I pause. “He’s so sexy.”

  I start to blush again and she leans in. “Oh, trust me, when Matt’s dressed for work, with his tie loosened. Mmmnnn . . .”

  I start to laugh. “You’re a bad influence on me. On the outside you’re such a sweet and innocent mommy, but . . .”

  She gives me a wicked smile. “Matt and I are very happy. That’s all you need to know.”

  “Yeah, I can see that,” I say, signaling to the two adorable children that are with us.

  “You’re next,” she says excitedly.

  I look down at Charlotte, fast asleep in my arms, and at little Ace pointing at something on the iPad. I can’t wait to start my life with Ace.


  I practically jump into Ace’s arms when I arrive at his house. He holds me tightly and starts kissing me.

  “Mmmnnn . . .” he whispers in my ear. “I’ve been thinking about this moment since I left you on Saturday night.”

  I run my hands through his hair. I’ve barely walked in the door and we can’t pry ourselves away from each other. He lifts me off the ground and carries me into the living room. He puts me down and we both sit on the couch. He leans in and puts his hands around my waist. He lets out a big sigh.

  “What’s wrong?” I ask. I rub my fingers across his arm as he starts kissing me again.

  “Nothing is wrong,” he says as he pulls away. “I just hate being away from you.”

  I frown. “I know. Me, too.”

  He pulls me even closer to him and sweeps my hair behind my ear. “That doesn’t matter now. How are you? How’s everything at work?”

  I hold my breath. It’s now or never; I need to tell him about Lisa.

  “Um, everything is good, just busy as you know. Which I know is a good thing. We have a new client, a law firm. They’re having a grand opening event and they lost their event planner, so we stepped in and saved the day,” I say proudly.

  “That’s excellent news, right?”

  I shift around. “Of course. All new business is good.” He gives me a suspicious look.

  “That doesn’t sound very convincing. Is there something more to it?”

  I shrug. “I don’t know.” I pause. “Our contact there seems extremely high maintenance. I didn’t want to add too much to our plates, but you know Craig. Anyway, this event could bring us a lot of business in the future, so I guess it’s worth it.”

  He leans in and touches his forehead to mine. “I’m sure it will be perfect. You’re perfect.” He rubs his hands down my side and pulls me into his lap.

  Hmmm . . . on second thought, forget it, there’s no way I’m ruining this moment by bringing up Lisa.

  A few minutes later, I struggle to pull away from him. “So, are we going to have dinner or are we going to stay on this couch all night?” He pulls me back toward him and kisses me passionately again. “I don’t need dinner. I have everything I need right here.”

  When we finally come up for air, I lean my head against the back of the couch, waiting for my heartbeat to slow down. Ace grabs my hand and kisses it. “I can’t wait to marry you.”

  I smile. “I can’t wait to marry you.”

  I turn toward him and sit Indian style. “Which brings me to my next question. Are we ready to s
et a date?”

  He puts his hands on my legs. “Absolutely.”

  I jump off the couch and grab my planner out of my handbag. Of course, I already started a list of possible dates. I return to my spot on the couch and open the planner to my dates.

  “Okay, here are a few options,” I explain. “Of course, you need to check your travel schedule. I already had a few of your trips in my calendar, but I don’t have anything into next year.”

  Ace moves closer and starts kissing my neck.

  “Um, you’re really misbehaving tonight,” I reprimand him.

  “I know,” he whispers between kissing my neck. “I’m trying not to. I’m just away from you too much and I want to be close to you.”

  I try really hard to ignore his distractions, but before I know it, I toss my planner on the floor. On second thought, we have plenty of time to plan our wedding.

  Chapter 6

  There are many reasons I chose to start Sheer Happiness Events. Tonight, once again, I’m reminded of the number one reason. It’s the Carsons’ anniversary party and watching this sweet couple share their day with loved ones has been absolutely magical. Everything has gone really smoothly other than a small disagreement between the daughter and daughter-in-law. This seems to be a regular occurrence at family events. I don’t know why the in-law relationship seems so complicated, but sometimes these events bring out the worst in some people.

  I watch the Carsons interact over the course of the evening. I can only imagine what it will be like to be married to Ace for that many years. Of course, we have yet to settle on a wedding date because we were rather distracted the other night. I must have a funny look on my face because Craig is staring at me.

  “I bet I can guess what you’re thinking about,” he says. “Not that I blame you of course.”

  I walk around and fix a few centerpieces. Craig and Nicole have been teasing me for the last few days. According to them, I don’t hide my excitement very well. “You don’t know what you’re talking about,” I tell him.

  Craig gives me a look clearly stating he doesn’t believe me. “Oh really?”

  “You need to mind your own business,” I whisper loudly. A few of the guests turn to look at me.

  “Anyway, will you please concentrate on your job and not on my personal life?”

  I consider making a smartass comment about him getting his own life but I’ve been down that road before. The last time I made a comment like that he completely went in the tank. He gave me the silent treatment for about four days. Even I was surprised, and I’m an expert at the silent treatment.

  “Okay, but just one more question,” he asks. “Did you ask Ace about Lisa?”

  I focus my attention on straightening a few of the linens. “Not yet,” I say nonchalantly. “I mean, it’s not that big of a deal. That was a very long time ago.”

  “I totally agree,” he insists.

  I wish I believed what I said. I suppose I should have taken that opportunity to tell Ace, but I just wanted to enjoy my time with him without the awkwardness, and I admit I’m nervous as to how he will respond to her being in town. Thankfully, Craig becomes distracted by some more family drama and he loses interest in my life.


  The anniversary party is a huge success. At the end of the evening, Mrs. Carson comes up to me and takes my hand. She thanks me for making this night better than she could have hoped. My conversation with her reminds me that I’m doing what I love, and I need to remember that when things get difficult.

  Craig and I are busy packing up décor. I take a break to check my messages, and sure enough, there are two more messages from Lisa. I groan.

  “Craig, you need to respond to your friend Lisa.”

  He laughs. “No problem, she doesn’t bother me like she does you. But, I totally get it, you have that history there.”

  I give him a dirty look.

  “Anyhoo, I got the invite to Madison’s tomorrow night,” he says, changing the subject. “I’m going to stop by because I’m dying to see all the renovations. Is it true that a home magazine wants to do a feature?”

  I nod. “Supposedly. You know Susan, she’s running the show over there.”

  Madison’s mother-in-law, Susan, has been helping Madie and Cole with their renovations while they’re on tour. And by helping, I mean taking full control over the renovations. She’s pretty much the greatest mother-in-law anyone could ever ask for even though she can be overbearing at times. I’m excited to meet Ace’s mom (or mum) someday. I’m sure she will come to the States for our wedding.

  “I’m just excited to see Madison; I feel like she’s been gone for years,” I reply. Okay . . . and maybe a tiny bit curious to see her house.

  Madison just got back in town today, but she insisted we all stop over for dinner tomorrow night. I know she wants to see everyone, and I’m sure she wants to show off her fancy new house, too. I fold up the last few tablecloths and add them to the file.

  “Is Ace coming tomorrow or is he still out conquering the world?” Craig asks sarcastically.

  I roll my eyes. “Very funny. For your information, he is coming.”

  “Oh good. I’d like to have a chat with him.” He stops. “Speaking of that, is he going to stop all this travel after you get married? I mean, how are you going to have a marriage basically living apart?”

  I don’t say anything at first, but the thought has crossed my mind many times.

  I shrug. “We haven’t gotten that far. Let us just enjoy our engagement,” I demand. “And do tell me what you want to have a chat with him about?”

  He gives me a curious look. “Duh, about being his best man. I think I’m the best option.”

  That makes absolutely no sense.

  “You barely know, Ace. I’m sure he will have one of his friends as his best man.”

  Craig lets out a fake laugh. “I’ve never met any of his friends. Have you?”

  I nod my head. “Yes, I have.”

  Craig looks thoughtful. “Okay, then I need to be a brides-man for you.”

  Hmmm . . . I guess that’s not completely out of the question. I tell him I will think about it. That must satisfy him, now I just need to figure out a way out of this.


  I open my eyes. I could have sworn I heard a noise in my apartment. I jump out of bed and grab my trusty Louisville Slugger from under the bed. Maybe I should just call 911? But what if it’s just a mouse? OMG . . . a mouse? I don’t know which is worse, a robber or a mouse. My mind starts to wander to many different scenarios. I glance at the clock; it’s only seven thirty. I jump when I hear another noise.

  I hold the bat over my head and open my door. I’m pleasantly surprised by what I see. There, standing in my kitchen, is Ace in a tight black Nike T-shirt and gym shorts. He’s cooking something on the stove and has a full breakfast on a tray, which I’m assuming is for me. Before I can sneak back into my room, he sees me.

  “Good morning, love. I was hoping I’d catch you before you woke.” He glances down at the baseball bat in my hand.

  “You have plans with the LA Dodgers today?” he asks, cracking a smile.

  I hide it behind my back. “Ha, ha. I heard a noise and I was . . . scared.”

  He laughs and washes his hands. “I’m sorry I scared you. Did you forget you gave me a key?”

  He walks toward me and wraps his arms around my waist. I cover my mouth. “Be right back,” I say as I race to the bathroom to brush my teeth. I also quickly brush my hair, put on some lip gloss, and hurry back to the kitchen. “Sorry, I’m back.”

  He leans casually against the counter with his coffee cup in his hand. Damn, he’s so hot.

  “Did you brush your teeth?” he asks with a grin.

  “Hell yeah, I did. We aren’t married yet,” I exclaim. He throws his head back in laughter. I’m glad he thinks it’s funny but there was no way in hell I was letting him kiss me as long as I had morning breath.

  I join him i
n the kitchen. “Where were we?” he says as he leans down and kisses me.

  I wrap my arms around his neck and he lifts me up and sets me on the counter. What a way to start my day. And to think, this is going to be my life every day after we get married. Is this real? I need to pinch myself.

  “So you came over here to surprise me with breakfast? Aren’t you sweet.” I kiss him again.

  “I am,” he says proudly. “Now, I want you to go lie down and I will bring you your tray.”

  “Are you serious?” I ask. “I’m already up.”

  He folds his arms. “Listen to me, wife, I demand you go back to bed so I can wait on you hand and foot.”

  I fold my arms to protest, but how can I argue with him? I wander back to my room and crawl into bed. This is so hard for me to not do anything especially once I’m up. Normally, I would be out of the apartment by now. I pick up my planner from my nightstand and turn it to my week ahead. Our next event is a two-day corporate meeting and then next week is Lisa’s company’s event. Seeing that event reminds me that I still haven’t told Ace about Lisa. I don’t know why I continue to put it off.

  “You need to put that away,” Ace says, startling me from my thought.

  “What?” I ask absently.

  “That,” he says, pointing to my planner. “You aren’t supposed to be working this morning.” He sets the tray down.

  “It’s just my planner, not exactly work,” I reply innocently. He sets the planner on the nightstand and puts the breakfast tray in front of me.

  “Very funny,” he says sarcastically. “That’s work to you.” He hands me my napkin.

  “You don’t have to serve me; I’m a big girl.”

  He smiles. “I don’t have to do anything, but I’m allowed to spoil my fiancée if I want to. I’m certainly gone enough.”


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