God Stones: Books 1 - 3

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God Stones: Books 1 - 3 Page 113

by Otto Schafer

  Pando screamed, We cannot be bound again! She waved her hand and once again they all started to sink. But if we must be bound, every human on this planet must die first! Only then can we live in peace!

  Stop! Please! We can help you, but not if you kill us! Breanne shouted in her mind as loud as she could. Turek isn’t coming! What do you have to lose?

  Gabi screamed, Breanne! Breanne turned her head in time to see Gabi slip beneath the dirt, the first of them to go under but not the last. No, Gabi! Please, Pando! God, please!

  A deep, familiar voice spoke. Please, my queen, I beg of you to stop this.

  Breanne recognized the voice of El Tule even before the queen said his name.

  El Tule, what is the meaning of this?

  El Tule moved forward from the side of the clearing, his massive frame coming to rest only a few feet from Breanne.

  Tears stung Breanne’s eyes as she sucked in a deep breath and held it, preparing herself to be pulled under. Deeper she slipped into the dirt as it covered her mouth. Helplessly, she watched Jurupa and Governess move to protect their queen as looks of confusion crossed the women’s human features.

  My queen, do not kill the little girl, El Tule said.

  Gabi pushed up from below the dirt, gasping for air as an unseen force lifted her from the ground. Instinctively, Breanne knew it was not the queen who had pulled her from the earth – it was El Tule.

  Explain yourself, El Tule!

  Bring them up before it is too late! El Tule begged in his slow, deep voice.

  Queen Pando lifted Breanne and the others from the dirt until only their heads were free of the ground. Each blew out held breaths and gasped for air, but Garrett wasn’t among them. God, how long had he been under the ground? A minute? Ninety seconds? Two minutes?

  Now, old friend, explain why you challenge your queen! Pando ordered.

  Turek is not coming, El Tule said flatly. And this little girl is innocent. What have these humans done to us? What has this descendant done to trees? We have all read his memories in preparation for this day, and we all know he has never lifted a finger against us. Even unknowing, even out of ignorance, Garrett Turek has never caused a single tree harm. He runs among us, escaping to the tiny paths of the wood, and what do we do? We kill him? If he could make Turek appear, I believe he would have. And this girl, Gabi. I know her. Her people have always been good to El Tule. We repay this by killing her too?

  Are you quite finished, El Tule? Pando asked.

  Are you, my queen? Are you quite finished?

  Governess started forward, but Pando held out a hand, halting her. Humans are our greatest enemy! Pando seethed, craning to look up at El Tule as the golden forest around the clearing shook with what Breanne was sure was rage. As we speak, a human boy rides a dragon and burns our people by the tens of thousands. And you stand before me in their defense!

  El Tule said, We know the one who rides the dragon is the mortal enemy of the descendant! Now the dragons and the giants know we are at war against them! Humans are no longer the worst thing in this world, my queen.

  Governess pushed forward, unable to contain herself any longer. No longer rooted, she yelled aloud, “You make me sick! You stand before your queen and defend humans!”

  Breanne looked over at David, desperation in her eyes.

  David’s face screwed up in confusion and Breanne realized that except for Governess’s outburst, the others couldn’t hear the conversation unfolding in the minds of the trees.

  “No, Governess. I don’t defend humans! I defend these humans. It is you who hold them accountable to expectations they were never given!”

  The dirt had apparently pushed loose the foliage gag covering Lenny’s mouth enough so he could shout around it. “Did that big-ass tree just say it was going to defend us?”

  “Mmmm!” Breanne groaned, willing Lenny into silence with her eyes, not wanting to miss anything.

  Please, my wise queen, let these humans try to help us! As Breanne Moore said, what do we have to lose? Turek isn’t coming.

  Queen Pando bent forward at the waist until her forehead nearly touched the ground. Her neck creaked, twisting back at an unnatural angle until the back of her head rested between her shoulder blades and her face was even with Breanne’s. And how will you and your descendant help us get a God Stone?

  Breanne swallowed down her fear. The truth was, Breanne had no idea. Nor did she know if Pando having a God Stone was even a good idea, but right now she didn’t care. No matter what, Garrett couldn’t die.

  Free Garrett from the dirt before you kill him, and we will tell you how!

  Pando, still bent, whispered aloud in Breanne’s ear, a fast, certain stream of words. “He is a fighter, this one. He fights my will with his last breath. He fights me with the Sentheye, but I am all-powerful, Breanne Moore. I am the mother of this world. I am the oldest living thing on this planet. I could crush your pathetic descendant with a single thought. Never forget that, Breanne Moore.” Her neck twisted and with it her face as she looked to the ground where Garrett had sunk. “He is almost gone. Even now his heart slows, as he sucks in the dirt,” Pando said, turning her green eyes back to Breanne.

  Breanne’s eyes went wet again, begging without words.

  “Never forget that on this day, Queen Pando the Trembling Giant allowed the one you love to rise from the grave. You are in my debt, Breanne Moore. You owe me.”

  Breanne’s eyes searched the queen’s, but there was no compassion. Pando hated humans, and she clearly hated Breanne. And Breanne hated that she owed her, but she didn’t hate Pando, not yet. If she killed Garrett, that would change in a heartbeat.

  Queen Pando untwisted her crooked neck and back and stood erect. She pointed to the ground next to Breanne. The dirt roiled up until finally, Garrett, covered in dirt and choking, rolled out from the churning forest floor.

  Breanne exhaled a sob, watching Garrett as he lay there spitting soil from his mouth and rubbing his eyes. He gagged and coughed, trying to grab air, but he must have breathed in a mouthful of dirt.

  Free David – he could help him!

  Pando ignored her as she addressed the trees of the world. My lovely children of the wood, in light of recent events, I am forced to do something horrible. I am forced to choose what I hope is the lesser of two evils, but make no mistake – I am choosing evil nonetheless!

  Turning to Garrett, she said, “Garrett Turek, your sage said you can obtain for us a God Stone. How will you do this? We must allow the army of dragons and nephilbock to exit this planet or they will burn and consume everything until there is nothing left.”

  Garrett vomited into the leaves. “What… are you… talking about?” he said, still trying to wipe dirt from his eyes and mouth with his hands.

  Pando nodded to Jurupa and Governess.

  The two women reached down, lifting Garrett to his feet.

  “I ask you again, descendant, how will you allow the portal to open but also bring us a God Stone? Your sage has promised your service for our cause. You owe me a God Stone!”

  “Sage promised? What?” Garrett looked down at Breanne stuck in the ground up to her neck and pulled a face.

  She shook her head to the side and motioned with her eyes. She had no idea what her own signal was supposed to prompt, but she had to do something.

  “Ungag… her, Pando,” Garrett choked.

  The gags on Breanne and the others withered and fell away.

  “Breanne, what’s… what’s going on?” Garrett asked.

  Breanne stretched her jaw. “We are being allowed to live in exchange for acquiring a God Stone for Queen Pando. She’s asking how you are going to do it,” Breanne said.

  “You promised her a God Stone?!” Garrett asked in disbelief.

  Breanne smiled weakly. “Well, you’re alive, aren’t you?”

  “I am waiting, descendant of Turek,” Pando said.

  “Free my friends first, Pando! I won’t tell you anything with the
m buried up to their necks!”

  Pando flicked her wrist and the ground loosened enough for the others to climb out. They all stood now, brushing dirt from their clothes and rubbing their wrists.

  Garrett stared at Breanne. She could see in his eyes that he longed for her and now was not the time. But she felt it too, and she wanted to feel his arms wrapped around her, hugging her, kissing her.

  Breanne! Gabi said, smiling.

  Shit! She had been thinking all that with her mind wide open, hadn’t she? Garrett still stared, his eyes locked on hers. “Ahem, Garrett? Shouldn’t you tell Pando your plan?” Breanne asked bashfully.

  He held her eyes a moment longer, and for a second she thought he might grab her and kiss her despite everything.

  “Um, right? My plan,” he said finally. “We will go to the portal, through it, and then once on the other side, we will send someone back through with a God Stone that gives you the same ability you have now.”

  “No,” Pando said.


  “You cannot open the portal and come back with only one God Stone when it takes all seven united to open it in the first place.”

  Garrett shook his head, his expression searching then hopeful. “You can come with us. We can all go to the other side and you can start new. You can help us win this war and join us on Karelia. It is twenty-five times bigger than Earth, Pando. You will be free to walk there! You will be unbound. You can do any—”

  “Silence! Earth is our home! There are over three trillion of us here, and some are too young to be mobile. You expect what – I would abandon my people? Besides, the portal will only stay open for a finite amount of time before it becomes unstable and destroys this planet! The longer it is open, the more risk the world will be pulled apart. We cannot all go, and I will not leave my people. No, little mage, Earth is my home. Here, I am the queen. The oldest being in existence!” She stepped in close to Garrett. “Last chance before I send you and your sages back below the dirt. How will you make good on Breanne Moore’s promise?”

  Garrett glanced back to Breanne again, his eyes twitching side to side as he desperately searched for an answer. All she could do was shake her head, hating that she had nothing – hating that she couldn’t help. Then Garrett’s head went still, his brow furrowing in what she knew was some revelation. Her eyes went wide with hope as Garrett shifted his eyes back to Pando.

  “What if you send someone with us? Someone you trust. I promise we will find a way to free your people from being bound. I will get the Sound Eye away from Apep, and when I do, I will make you an item myself if that’s what it takes!”

  “If these empty promises are the best you can do, I would have been better to leave you under the dirt to feed my roots,” Pando said, as roots tangled Garrett’s feet once again. “You would sooner destroy yourself meddling with that kind of power! I am skeptical Apep would have even been able to create an item to keep us unbound.”

  Garrett looked down at his feet, then back to Pando. “Wait! God Stones are not the only magical items on Karelia. They are just the ones the gods gave to their favorites to set balance, but Karelia isn’t like Earth. It is a magical world, a world that is full of possibilities. Once on the other side, I will find a way to make sure your kind stays free, and I will bring back the magic that will keep you unbound. This is my promise to you, Pando!”

  Pando stood still for what felt to Breanne like forever. Then she finally spoke. “Tell me, little mage, did Turek tell you all this in a dream too?”

  “No. Apep’s brother told me in his journal.”

  “Syldan, the Dragon Master? Tell me what became of him? He went under the ground in Petersburg and never came back up?”

  “He is dead. But he left me his journal, and it told of Karelia and its magic,” Garrett said.

  “So, the stories are true. Those foul creatures the nephilbock told stories of Karelia and all its glorious magic, but nephilbock are famous frauds. They would say anything to trick humans to do their will. Although…” She paused, thinking. “If Syldan told you this, it is likely to be true. Tell me, little mage, how will you do it? And why should I trust your promise? Once I allow you to leave, there is nothing to force you to keep the promise you make here today.”

  The spark of hope blossomed as Breanne caught the interest in Pando’s voice. They had a chance.

  “How long before you can no longer walk once the God Stones are gone?” Garrett asked.

  “Six to nine months and we will be rooted once more,” the queen said.

  “Then in no more than six months from the moment I step through the portal, you will have the magic needed to keep your freedom. If six months pass and I have not returned to you a way to be free from the binding, then…”

  Pando smiled. “Then I will kill every human left on this planet.”

  Garrett swallowed. “Yeah, that.”

  “Hold on a minute, Garrett!” Pete started.

  “Garrett, that’s a dangerous promise!” Paul said.

  “Garrett, are you sure you want to agree to this?” Breanne asked, her heart suddenly pounding at the implications.

  “Of course I don’t want to,” Garrett said, looking at all of them, his own smile weak and unsure. But there was something there in his eyes, and she could see it firming up as he looked at her. “You have trusted me this far. Trust me a little further?” he asked, and she knew he was asking her. His forehead softened as his eyes begged, but more, his eyes… his eyes knew her heart. He was asking her and her alone for trust in this.

  Breanne realized something in that moment, and it scared the hell out of her. It didn’t make a bit of sense. Jesus, she had only known him for hours. No. That wasn’t true, was it? No, she’d known him for much longer in her dreams. God, she had never loved a boy. Never really been in love, but there it was, and she knew it was arrow true. She loved him. She loved Garrett Turek. Her eyes filled as emotion threatened to embarrass her. She blinked back the tears and nodded. “I… I trust you.”

  “Garrett, this is crazy!” David said.

  “Well, unless one of you guys have an extra God Stone in your pocket, I don’t see another way,” he said, holding out his hands.

  “You’re gambling with all the human life on this planet!” Lenny said in a tone that was as serious as Breanne had ever heard.

  Garrett shook his head. “I’m not gambling, Len. At worst, I’m buying a bunch of dead people time. Time we desperately need to save their lives!”

  Hesitantly, heads nodded all around.

  Pando glanced toward the woman with the red hair. “Governess will go with you, to ensure my interest are served!”

  “Fine, but she goes as one of us, not as a prison guard,” Garrett said.

  “Yeah, none of this silent observer crap,” Pete said.

  “Governess will never be ‘one of you’ – however, she will be allowed to assist you in our mutual interest. But make no mistake, little mage, she will be watching you, and if you try and cross her or my interests, she has my permission to kill you – all of you.”

  Breanne glanced at Paul, who stood stone still and said nothing. But his look was one of pure rage. If Governess came with them, he would kill her or die trying.

  “Agreed,” Garrett said, holding his hand out toward the queen.

  “Agreed?” Pando said, as if tasting the word. She looked down at his hand in disgust. “Another Turek stood in this very place and made promises. Promises he broke. I hope your promises are better than your god’s because I have a promise for you, little mage. If we are forced to be bound again, I will see to it every single human is wiped from this planet before our roots seize to the earth. We will not be forced into slavery again! We will not stand by and watch your kind torture and destroy us! You can be sure that, unlike your god, I keep my promises.”

  “We need our weapons returned to us,” Lenny said.

  Breanne heard a strange sound come from Pando that reminded her of a tree creaking in
the wind. Jurupa and Governess made similar sounds in response. They were talking.

  “Why would we use our weapons on Governess? I made a deal, and I plan to keep it. Just give us our weapons and let us worry about getting through the portal,” Garrett said.

  Breanne’s brows stitched together. Garrett had understood the trees, but how?

  Pando stepped close to Garrett and put her lips right on his ear. Breanne felt her face get hot as the beautiful woman practically pressed herself against him. She had to remind herself Pando was not a woman at all, and no matter how gorgeous she appeared, she had just tried to kill Garrett. No need to be jealous of an old crotchety tree.

  Pando whispered, but she did so loud enough for Breanne to hear every word. “You understand our language? Well, you are just full of surprises. I have a surprise too.” She withdrew her face and looked at Breanne. “I have decided these assurances are still not enough.”

  “What? You are holding the whole world hostage! What more do you want?” Garrett asked.

  “I fear the humans of this planet may not be… how do I say it, personal enough for you? Your kind seems to have little problem committing atrocities not just on the world, but on their own kind.”

  Breanne and the others traded confused looks.

  “Have you not been listening, little sages? Everything you have ever discussed in the presence of trees, we know about. We communicate via roots. As long as trees are present, I have the ability to see and hear anywhere in the world.”

  “How? How could you see overseas?” David questioned.

  “The roots we communicate through do not have to be those of trees, David Leigh. Any vegetation will do as a conduit, and as you know the ocean is full of vegetation,” Pando said.

  Breanne didn’t care about that. “What do you mean ‘not personal enough’?” she asked, a sick feeling creeping into her stomach.


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