Bloodline World Seven Book Bundle: 7 Books from the Bloodline Awakened Series and Scarlet Dragon Saga

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Bloodline World Seven Book Bundle: 7 Books from the Bloodline Awakened Series and Scarlet Dragon Saga Page 16

by J. P. Rice

  The Goddess of Poetic Inspiration pulled an unaffected arm out of the cauldron along with a glowing sword blade. She used both hands to present the weapon to me. I accepted the ancient sword, surprised that it wasn’t even warm, not even the glowing blade. It actually gave off a slight hint of a chill.

  I was positive that had to be all, when Alayna approached me with what appeared to be a folded wetsuit. I didn’t plan on doing any diving soon. She walked up and extended her arms. I grabbed the suit and held it up. Yep, looked like a diving suit.

  Alayna said, “This suit has been specially crafted to fit your body. It’s made from space age polymers and Kevlar that can stop the highest caliber bullets from close range. I wouldn’t recommend doing that though. There’s one other thing about the suit.” Alayna clapped her hands seven times.

  Red rune symbols appeared on the black suit for several moments before disappearing. Alayna said, “The runes will automatically activate from your body heat and tattoos when you are wearing the suit.”

  “Well this was an amazing visit to say the least. Does anyone know where the Sendals are hiding out and how I can defeat them? I’ve been told I’m going to need some help. Maybe if you could send some help back to the surface with me,” I hinted.

  The Dagda scoffed, “I believe giving you the weaponry and blessings is more than enough. You need to use your resources, not ours. Start building more friendships in your world that you can depend on. Now you are prepared to take on the Sendals but you will need help, your help. We’ve done this a time or thrice, and we believe in you.”

  The ceremony was over, and Alayna decided to stay in the Deep Burrow so I returned to the earth’s surface by myself. As I walked up the steep hill to get to my house with a bag full of weapons, I tried to piece everything together.

  I know had the right artillery to fight the Sendals. It buoyed my confidence considering my futile fight with the Spirit in my office. I was still going to need help in this battle. I was going to have to ask someone that I hated.

  Even with the runed weapons, suit and my body, I didn’t feel confident taking them on myself. I had to ask the mage for help.

  I stopped by my office before going home. Opening the door, I was smacked in the face with a stench of bodily decay. I’d forgotten about the nasty blood waterfall that had set into my carpet, leaving the black chunks on the surface.

  I opened the windows and propped open the door to relieve the funk. I went to check messages, but my phone was destroyed. Couldn’t check emails because I still needed a new computer monitor. I leaned back against a desk in the corner of the room and pulled out my cell phone.

  I swallowed some pride and dialed up Satoku. It rang and rang and I prepared to leave a message. She picked up, “Hello.”

  “Hey there beautiful, how are you?”

  The momentary silence made my heart beat even faster. She said, “How am I? Let’s see. Felix’s neighbors told me that a group of stone men picked up my car and heaved it into a telephone pole. So obviously my car’s totaled now.”

  “At least you weren’t in it.” I tried to look on the bright side.

  “Apparently, they were hoping I would be in it. What else? The front door of my apartment was ripped off its hinges last night so it appears I have a bullseye on my back. Is there anything else you want to talk about?”

  How can I make this better?

  She said, “Look, I’m sorry. I’m just freaking out right now and I shouldn’t be taking it out on you.”

  “I know things are shitty right now, but I’m working on a solution. I feel awful about all of this and I’m willing to do something strictly with your safety in mind.”

  “And what is that?”

  I swallowed the lump in my throat. “I’m going to ask Felix for help solving this. You were right. We need to work together to defeat this enemy. I wanted to know if you could talk to him for me?”

  “Nope. You want help from him, ask him yourself. Here he is.”

  The mage’s voice came through, “Sup, bro?”

  This was going to take a serious effort. “Hi Felix. I’ve been doing some work on the Sendals and stone men. Not only are they connected but the Sendals are gaining strength by the hour and are a major threat to the safety of the city.”

  “Cool, but I already knew that. What do you want from me?”

  I took a deep breath. “I’m calling to ask if you will help me defeat this problem.”

  “What’s the exact situation?”

  I said, “Not much more than what I’ve told you. I still need to find out where they are hiding out. Do you have the right weaponry to fight against Sendals?”

  “I do, but first we gotta get one thing straight.”

  I asked, “And what is that?”

  “First off, you insult me, I leave. Second, you are going to help me when I need it too.”

  I didn’t really want to help him out, but my choices were limited. “I can do that. No problem.”

  Felix responded, “I’ll bring my blessed samurai sword for the ancient spirits. I will put on my extra protection too. You can count on me, but you better shelf the insults or I’m out in a flash.”

  That was reasonable. “No problem. You’re really helping me out. I’ll call you when I get the details.”

  “All right. I’ll be around.”

  “And Felix.”

  “What’s that now?”

  “Thank you. I really appreciate it.”

  I hung up the phone and my breathing slowed back down. That was harder than battling a demon or vampire even though he had made it rather painless. Although Felix did demand a favor in return, he could have been a real prick about helping me.

  A strange sensation of magic tickled my chest. I brought mine to the surface just in case. What did my wandering eyes see? Victor and Ernesto gliding down the steps to my office, apparently ready for round two.

  Chapter 23

  Both men held their hands up as they entered the building. I manipulated a hellacious fireball and transferred it into my palm.

  Ernesto said, “We come in peace. No fighting today.”

  I wasn’t sure I trusted these men in black characters. I warned, “Lower your magic level or I will be forced to attack.”

  I could feel the substantial drop in the invisible vines around the room. They were safe for now. I dissolved my fireball. “I would offer you to sit down, but I’m in the middle of some renovations.”

  Victor fanned his nose. “You need to renovate that smell coming from this frosty office, buddy.”

  Buddy? So now we are friends? “What do you guys want this time?”

  Ernesto explained, “We’ve seen your power and resiliency, and we are impressed. When we told our masters about the experience, they wanted us to talk to you about becoming the most powerful wizard this world has ever seen.”

  I chuckled. “I would never sell my soul to join a dark entity.”

  Victor pulled a handkerchief from his inside pocket and covered his nose and mouth. “Just allow us to finish our offer. A soul is very overrated by the way. Does everyone take you seriously on a professional level?”

  “Not as much as I’d like.”

  Victor said, “We can help with that. We can make it so that everyone in the world will be bowing down to you, falling at your feet. Wouldn’t you like to run this city?”

  “Run the city? I’m not sure what that means.” I kind of felt like I was running this city.

  Ernesto hovered by the door. “It means that you shall have anything you desire. Want the biggest house? It’s yours. Best, most expensive car? Say no more. You could own this city.”

  “I’m not really into material possessions, sorry to burst your collective bubble.”

  Victor took the handkerchief away, and explained, “Not just material goods. Girls too. But it’s the power that you need. Remember what happened when the Jersey Devil set you up to die. The Celtic Gods would have carried out that false sentence. You
r life is in their hands and you haven’t been able to control that until now. You should be dead right now.”

  How did he know about all that? “If I were to join the Sendals, the Gods would send a hit squad after me.”

  Ernesto shrugged his shoulders. “And said hit squad would be utterly useless. You will have so much power that you can defeat them in your sleep. Join us, and you will defeat your father. You could kill him with your bare hands if you wish.”

  They were tapping in to and appealing to my anger. “Even with that, there is a price to be paid. As soon as my wage is paid by the Sendals, I will become a puppet for the spirits, just like you two. You probably don’t even know that the words coming out of your mouths are being directed by the Sendals.” I recalled the other night when they couldn’t answer a simple question. The mind control didn’t work very well when they were asked sudden, off topic questions. They almost needed to stick to a script to avoid confusion.

  I’m guessing my father had asked them for magical powers to defeat me. He was probably still in control of his own mind, but only until his wish was granted.

  Ernesto said, “You are making a big mistake if you refuse this offer. The Sendals are taking over the city, whether anyone likes it or not. The train is leaving the station; either you are on it, or you are going to get run over. There is no in-between option. Life or death is before you.”

  “I never liked binary choices. What about option C? How about I kill all you men in black creatures and then move on to the stone men? After I kill each and every one of you, I’ll move on to the Sendals and systematically shred through them, keeping the city safe from random killings. How does that one sound to you two?”

  Ernesto shook his head in disgust. “You are going to be very sorry. The Sendals have been nice to you so far.”

  I laughed so hard that if I were drinking coffee, it would have just shot out of my nose. “Sending a spirit, my father, a stone man and you two bozos to kill me does sound quite generous. Whatever do they do to people they don’t like?”

  Victor revealed an ugly grin. “That is my point. Your father is going to torture you for years before he kills you. He made a deal with the spirits and that deal will be upheld. Might as well be written in stone. There is only one way to change that now.”

  “How do I change something that’s been written in stone?”

  Ernesto held up a fist and made a smashing motion. “You break the stone. Are you willing to break the stone or are you going to die like the rest?”

  “We’re all going to die at some point. I’m not joining the Sendals. Look, I’m freezing, so I thank you for stopping by. Another great get together with you fellas. A pleasure as always.” I felt the level of magic increasing, so I readied a fireball.

  Victor held up a hand with his white handkerchief. “No need. You can put that away. We are just preparing ourselves to go back outside where you never know what you will encounter. Please note that you have chosen death, and there is no going back from here. We will give you one last chance to join the Sendal Spirits and defeat your father. What will it be?”

  “Get the fuck out of my office,” I said, pushing them out the door.

  “Death it shall be,” Ernesto uttered on his way out the door. “We’ll be sure to let the spirits know.”

  “Let’s get out of this shit hole,” Victor said, and spat on my floor before storming out the front door.

  That jerk had a lot of nerve calling my office a hole after seeing he lived in a rat’s nest. I closed up shop and went home as the dusky burnt orange horizon mingled with the foggy peak of Montrose Hill.

  Two men sprang out of a car parked in front of my house and I drew my magic out of the reservoir. I built a fire from within when I noticed it was Timson and Roydell, the ridiculously named vampires.

  Energy surged through my chest, running to my shoulder and racing down my arm. Roydell (I thought it was Roydell) held up his hands and said, “We come in peace bearing gifts.”

  His partner was carrying something under a sheet or a covering of some sort. The vamps walked up onto my porch like they owned the place, so I followed them up the stairs. I said, “Not to be smart, but give me the gift and get out of here. It’s not good for my reputation or business to be hanging out with vampires.”

  Timson said, “We understand. Jonathan has sent us to present you with a very generous gift.”

  Roydell added, “He must like you. He doesn’t even give stuff like this out to us.”

  Now I was more than intrigued, but also ready to have a heart attack. If Carolyn walked out that front door, death would follow. For whom, I’m not exactly sure and don’t want to find out. It wouldn’t make sense for her to do it, but the way this week was going, all possibilities were open.

  I held out my hand. “Just give it to me then.”

  Roydell looked around. “It’s better if we come inside. I would hate for it to get dirty out here.”

  “You guys aren’t coming in my house. That’s just not happening.”

  Timson asked in a calm manner, “Why not? You’ve been in our house as an esteemed guest numerous times.”

  I said, “Yes. Upon invitation. It’s not that I don’t trust you two specifically, it’s just that I don’t trust anybody. And this whole secretive gift under a blanket reeks of a classic set up. I’m young, but I’ve puttered around the block a few times.”

  Roydell explained, “I understand how you could interpret this as shady, but I can assure you that we are only here on Jonathan’s behalf. If we came on our own accord, there would be blood on the streets right now. I won’t pretend that we like you, but for some reason Jonathan does.”

  “And he’s your master.”

  Timson said, “He’s our elder. Respect means something among our clan. Apparently, that is something you have yet to learn. Jonathan demanded that we deliver it inside your house or he would have to—deal with us accordingly.”

  “I think I’d rather see you guys piss off Jonathan. How would he know you didn’t deliver it inside my house?”

  Both men just stared at me in silence. Oh yeah, the telepathy. I told them, “I will personally tell Jonathan that you brought it into my house. Now let me see it, the suspense is killing me.” The constant concern was making my chest buzz in anticipation and discomfort.

  The two vamps wouldn’t budge from their position of coming in the house. We had one hell of a Mexican stand off going on. Perhaps a staring contest to decide the winner. First to blink loses. I didn’t care if they staked out my house for the next week, these jokers weren’t coming inside.

  “Fine. I’ll call Jonathan and tell him about the situation.” Ernesto decided to throw down the trump card.

  Son of a bitch. It was like calling dad. Not my degenerate dad, but a good one that would demand answers and accountability. My heart pumped, about to explode out of my ribcage. I said, “Either of you even look at my dog in a suspect way, I’ll kill both of you.”

  My wavering hand pulled the house key out of my pants and scratched around the slot before finally achieving insertion. Worry streaked through my shaking arms as I pushed against the door, opening it only a crack.

  Chapter 24

  I clenched my teeth, peeked at my empty couches, and let the two vampires in.

  I let out a silent sigh of relief as Colossus ran up to me, barking at my guests. Both men turned to each other, and Roydell (I think) said, “Say Timson, are you detecting what I am?”

  I knew that was Roydell. His counterpart said, “I sure am. Who have you had in here?”

  I picked up Colossus. “Don’t worry about who I’m hanging out with. Give me the gift and get the hell out of here.”

  Roydell said, “We still might need to take a quick look around, but first, feast your eyes on this.”

  Timson pulled the cover away and tears rushed to my eyes, but never escaped my eyelids. It was—beautiful.

  I stared at Mother and Child by Pablo Picasso, circa 1921. S
ince I had lost my mother when I was ten, this painting had special meaning for me.

  I almost forgot about the dangerous situation in which Carolyn could stroll down those steps at any time. “Alright gentlemen. Tell Jonathan I said thank you and I’ll give him a call tomorrow.”

  Timson twirled his long mustache. “Do you mind if I use your bathroom?”

  “Yes I do. You can piss on the sidewalk if you have to go that bad.” What are these jokers up to?

  “It’s worse than that.” He grabbed his belly.

  I shook my head. “Then you can shit on the sidewalk. Sorry boys, but the home tour is over. You remember where the front door is.”

  Timson put his foot up on my coffee table and hunched over, pretending to be in discomfort. “Why so anxious to rid yourself of our presence? I will only be a few moments in your bathroom, I promise.”

  I kicked his foot off my table and the vamp pirouetted on his heel, spinning in a complete circle, and lowering his foot back to the ground. Graceful.

  Sounds came from my back porch. Turning to see Reg approaching the back door with Carolyn right behind him, panic streaked through my system. Timson started to walk up my stairs before I took three steps toward him, grabbed his long coat and held him back. “Now you’ve pissed me off.”

  I yanked him down, reached out with my empty hand, and opened the front door.

  I pushed him out and turned to Roydell as I heard the key sliding into the back door. The vampire said, “We will tell Jonathan about this. You can be sure about that.”

  I pulled my phone out of my pocket. “Not if I tell him the story first. Get out.”

  I shoved Roydell out and slammed the door as the back door swung open and Carolyn pushed Reg through the jamb. I put my index finger over my lips and had a crazed look in my eyes as I charged into the kitchen. Luckily, the unlikely lovebirds heeded my warning and quieted down.

  I went back to the living room and peeked out the window to make sure the vampires were really leaving. Check.


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