Mardi Gras with His Omega

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Mardi Gras with His Omega Page 11

by Lorelei M. Hart

  “Quit teasing me. I need your knot,” I whined because I so did. It had been too long, and after the babies came, it would be another bout of too long.

  “And I need to give it to you,” he reassured tapping his chin with his pointer finger, that playful bedroom gaze upon his face. Oh, how I liked playful bedroom Jay. “I’m just trying to figure out the best way to accomplish said mission to assure the best knotting time afterward.”

  “And the verdict is?”

  “Well if we face-to-face,” He unbuttoned his pants, painfully slow. “As you know is my personal fave, well babies are so in the way and I’d probably end up standing by the side of the bed.”

  The zipper was next, and I swore he took longer than sewing the darn thing on the pants to begin with for him to get it all the way down.

  “True story.” We knew this from a month ago when my belly was significantly less whale-esque. “But if you take me from behind, my belly is in the way”—which we also knew from past experience—“which leaves me on my side.”

  He let his pants fall to the floor before pushing down his boxer briefs and setting his engorged member free. Oh yeah, there was no doubt he was completely into hot-naked-just-married-to-a-super-prego fun.

  “You, my omega, are a genius.”

  He took my lips with his, and I moaned into his mouth. I was so ready for him, I could already feel my slickness. He took advantage of my moan to let himself into my mouth, exploring it as if it were his very first time kissing me so thoroughly. I stepped back toward the bed, taking him with me. As much as I’d love to keep kissing him like that, my legs needed reprieve after all the standing and dancing of the day.

  As my legs hit the edge of the mattress, I broke our kiss, climbing onto the bed, beckoning my mate, my husband, my alpha with the crook of my finger. He didn’t need any more encouragement.

  I settled on my side as his front pressed into my back and he reached around to give me a single pump before sliding to the back where he found me slick and wanting.

  “Always so ready for me,” he praised as he slid his finger inside, giving me a slight taste of what I so desperately wanted.

  I pushed back needing more, and was rewarded with his rich laugh before he removed his finger and brushed my ready hole with his cock.

  “Yes. I need,” I whimpered while I tried to hurry him along by pushing back into him.

  He responded by giving me what I wanted and entering me. I didn’t think I’d ever get over the way he’d filling me that first time we made love.

  It was awkward like this, physically. He could never get fully seated, and his motions were limited, but somehow it was perfect. We rocked back and forth, enjoying the feel of each other as we rose to climax, his hand reaching around to my aching need just as I couldn’t take it anymore. My cum shot onto the bed as his shot into me. It was perfect.

  As his knot grew, my eyes closed. The last words I remembered hearing before falling asleep were, “I love you with all that I am, omega mine.”

  I woke with a yelp. The pain in my belly not the best way to wake up until I figured out what it meant. I’d gotten used to sleeping through Braxton Hicks. This was very much not that. When the nurse teased me that I would know, she was in no way kidding.

  “You okay, love?” Jay’s worried voice, still heavy with sleep didn’t contain his normal nurse calm.

  “Umm, yeah. I think it worked.”

  “What worked?” Poor sleepy alpha.

  “Our induction methods.”

  He was out of bed and had clothes on in fifteen seconds flat.

  Baby time.

  Chapter Twenty-Six



  Brent was an absolute trouper on the way to the hospital. He had turned down Lamaze classes, but I’d caught him a time or two looking at breathing technique videos on YouTube.

  “You’re doing so well, Brent. Hang on.”

  He rubbed his belly like he was on a desert island trying to make fire with his hands.

  “Are you rubbing our babies into submission?” I joked.

  “No, just enjoying my belly one last time.”

  I looked over at him, biting my lip to keep from crying. “Maybe it won’t be the last time. We have four bedrooms.”

  He huffed out one giant breath. “Not now, lover boy. Let me get these two out and then you can sweet-talk me into more. Did we get my bag?” He started to frantically look around.

  “We got your bag and my bag and the babies’ bag. Car seats are installed in the back, and I’ve already called the doctor and told her we are coming.”

  “Okay. I can do this.”

  “Yes, you can.”

  I built up his confidence on the way to the hospital, but as soon as we pulled into the parking lot, everything got a little too real for him. His breathing techniques went out the window along with his head as he threw up right there.

  “Is it the pain that’s making you vomit or nervousness?” I asked before going around the front of the car to get him out and help him inside.

  “It’s not the pain. It doesn’t even hurt, it’s just tight and achy on my back.”

  “Can you walk, or should I get a wheelchair?”

  He took a few breaths and held onto my arm. “No, I can walk. One more walk with my babies.”


  The nurse settled us into a room immediately and got Brent on fetal heart-rate monitors and an IV.

  “What’s next?” he asked me. His complexion wasn’t his normal color, but not as pale as before, either.

  I explained the procedure to him, already seeing that the heartbeats were not loving the contractions, especially baby number two’s as the nurse so eloquently labeled them. He was going to need a C-section, and while he’d known that was a real possibility, having me say the words had him quaking just a little bit. I climbed into his bed and snuggled him, let my scent calm him.

  The doctor came in a few minutes later and explained the same exact things, but this time my mate was prepared and he asked good questions, questions not dictated by panic or fear. Our babies were so lucky to have such a strong, brave omega for a dad.

  “Let’s get you into surgery, Daddy.”


  Our sweet babies were a boy and a girl. In one blink of an eye, I had a daughter and a son and a husband.

  It was all a dream come true.

  “I don’t know what to name them, do you?” Brent asked. Almost instantly, all of his blood pressure issues had subsided, and the look on his face when he saw our children was priceless.

  “How about Enrique for the boy? It’s the common translation Henry in Spanish. But we don’t have to tell Henry that, if we don’t want to.”

  I rocked our baby girl in my arms standing next to the bed while Brent fussed over the little boy.

  Damn, my heart was beyond full.

  “That’s cute. What about for our little doll?”

  “I don’t know. How about Oaklyn?”

  “Oaklyn? That’s actually really beautiful. How’d you come up with that?”

  ,I shrugged. I’d read the name on a website. I’d been trolling baby name websites forever and for some reason Oaklyn just stuck with me.

  “How about Daddy comes up with the middle names?”

  When the nurse came in to ask if they had names, we’d settled on Enrique Anderson and Oaklyn Maria, the middle name after my mom.

  We kept the room quiet, even asking Kayson, Reid, Vivian, and the others to keep their voices down while they visited. Soon enough, the world would be loud in the babies’ ears, and we wanted them to have a little peace while they could.

  Two days later, I snapped little Enrique and Oaklyn into their car seats, and our family of four went home.

  Bucket list almost complete.




  Life with tw
ins was, well it was a blend of insanity, sleeplessness, spit-up stained shirts, and love—so much love.

  My father-in-law had already left town by the time we went into labor, and when he got the news as he landed, he immediately booked the next flight to us. He missed our babies’ birth but showed up only hours after we got home and stayed put. He was with us for three full, weeks and I would forever be grateful.

  The C-section recovery when you are trying to feed, change, bathe, and snuggle your precious bundles wasn’t easy, and having him there was a godsend. He loved to sing to them, and it never failed to lull them to sweet slumber.

  “Los pollitos dicen pio, pio, pio…”

  I hid with my camera and stealthily videod him singing to Enrique one morning when he didn’t realize I was even up yet. #AubuelosMagicalLullaby blew up. It turned out that we weren’t as irrelevant as most viral Internet sensations were fifteen minutes into their fame. It was still weird.

  Tears were shed when he had to eventually leave to go home. But at least he left with the promise of returning the next time with the intention to stay in town. I had a feeling he wasn’t going to be alone, given the way he blushed just the slightest bit every time his new lady love’s name was mentioned. Pink looked good on him.

  Jay’s new unit had miraculously not been completed until after we had gotten into a routine, allowing him to have an extended paternity leave of sorts. During the day, it was basically: lift, diaper, feed, put down, repeat. There were so many diapers, but Maria had come over and shown us how the fancy new cloth diapering worked, and that made me at least a little less guilty of our carbon footprint.

  She was so gleeful when she heard Oaklyn’s middle name we didn’t bother to correct her assumption that her baby-care class had inspired us so. It didn’t hurt anyone, and she was such a hardworking, giving woman as well as being a lifelong friend that it worked for me.

  “They both asleep?” Jay’s arms wrapped around me as I wore Enrique and settled Oaklyn into her cradle. Enrique preferred the warmth of being all snuggly when he slept, whereas, Oaklyn preferred to be worn while she was awake, which worked out perfectly because as many times as I tried to dual wear the twins, it wasn’t even a fraction of the easy-peasiness the videos made it seem.

  “They are. You sure you have to go to work?” It was his first day back, and while I knew Mom was just a speed dial away, I was a bit nervous about my first day alone with both babies. My incision was completely healed, and I was cleared to drive, so the only thing getting in my way was my own insecurities.

  “I have an organizational meeting and then I’ll be home. We have the staff lined up, just waiting for the final inspections.”

  The unit was gorgeous. We’d been able to get a tour, seeing as I had connections. From the single rooms complete with room-in beds for parents to the education room to the community area so parents didn’t have to feel alone, it was awe-inspiring.

  “You must be so excited.” I leaned back into him, and he rewarded me with a kiss on my neck.

  “I am. The unit is going to allow babies to not need to be hele-vacuated away from their parents to get the treatment they need. It is so good for the community.”

  I turned around in his arms, careful not to disturb my sleeping wonder.

  “I’m so proud of you.” I stood on my tiptoes to kiss him.

  “As I am of you.” He must’ve noticed my confused look for he instantly added, “You are such an amazing father to our babies.”

  “I don’t feel that way sometimes,” I confessed. In fact, most of the time I felt like a chicken with my head cut off, just running in circles. “When one is crying as I’m changing the other, or when I inadvertently put the wrong clothes on the wrong baby.”

  “Trust me, you are doing amazing. At least you didn’t put the diapers on backwards.”

  “There’s a learning curve to them, and you only did it once,” I countered.

  “Once if you only count the times I didn’t fix it right away.”

  I belted out a laugh before reeling it in when Enrique stirred the tiniest of bits. Never wake a sleeping baby was my golden rule of parenting. So far, it did well by me.

  “You’d best leave so I can miss you,” I faux scolded, not really wanting him gone but knowing it was a must.

  “I’ll be back in no time.” He kissed me soundly.

  Maybe goodbyes for work weren’t that bad.

  “And remember, mi amor, I’ll always come home to you.”

  “Don’t you realize, alpha mine, you are my home.”

  And then it was my turn to kiss him senseless.

  Other titles by Lorelei M. Hart and Ophelia Heart

  All he wants for Christmas is a safe place to have his baby. Santa has other ideas.

  When Pierce finds out the couple he is carrying a baby for is backing out of the arrangement, he has very mixed feelings. Ecstatic to be no longer legally obligated to give up the baby he has long since thought of as his, he’s also terrified he’ll be unable to provide for his new little treasure. Almost eight months pregnant, he sets off to find refuge at his grandmother's house, back in the town he called his own many years earlier, the town where he found and lost his one and only love, Rhone.

  Rhone has a good life—an amazing career doing what he loves and a beautiful home. But even after the passage of many years, he still longs for the one thing he no longer has. Pierce, the omega who got away. After his family “moved” in the middle of the night to avoid his father’s gambling debts, Pierce never returned, leaving a vacant place in Rhone’s heart until one day when Pierce shows up at the diner where their love began.

  All the feelings as well as the lust returned the moment they saw each other, only this time they weren’t two young men with no responsibilities. This time they had a third to think about, the sweet baby growing inside Pierce.

  Christmas with His Omega is a holiday novella with sweetness, heat, and more than one Christmas Miracle.

  Available now

  Hollywood, California is a world apart for a young cook, on his own for the first time, disowned by his family and about to find out he’s pregnant—something he had no idea was even possible.

  What a terrible time to be starting a relationship.

  Andrew Tweed – Super hot, blond, hazel-eyed celebrity chef. Owner of several restaurants including Bliss on the Strip. His mysterious past never far behind him.

  Scott Jardin – Young dark-haired, blue-eyed diner cook. Life has waylaid his plans to attend culinary school, but he hopes with hard work the venue his meals is turning from a greasy spoon to a local hotspot can lead him to a job at a place like Bliss.

  Both career obsessed, neither looking for love. Neither inclined to trust. This is not a recipe for a happy ever after. But maybe with a dash of attraction, a pinch of heart and soupcon of pleasure, they can get it together before the baby comes.

  He’s Pregnant is a sweet with heat male pregnancy romance with a little sci fi twist.

  Available Now

  Attending a Valentine’s Day wedding solo, when your “plus one” just dumped you, is about as romantic as a visit to the dentist

  Reid hesitates to accept the invitation to his college roommate—and onetime lover’s midweek wedding, but at least he has an enviable date in hotshot lawyer, Topher. Until, after Reid’s bought their plane tickets and made all the plans, Topher dumps him. Rather than stay home and mope, he chooses the possible lesser evil and heads for Mapleville. He’ll deal with his misery and the snowball of ways his life is falling apart when he gets home. One thing for sure, he’s not going to make important decisions based on the vagaries of an unreliable love life. Maybe the good things of life are just not meant for him.

  Kayson lives a good life, by most accounts. He works with his aunt at her local florist shop creating beautiful arrangements and spreading sunshine through botanicals. He lives in a town he adores. He has the finances to live peacefully witho
ut financial stress. Only problem is, he is lonely. He longs for a mate, someone to spend his life with, raise a family with and in small town Mapleville, there just wasn’t anyone who fit the bill.

  When Knox and his future bride, Celeste, hired Vivian’s Roses to do their wedding flowers, it appeared to be just a typical gig and then bridezilla came out. Between switching orders and outbursts there was nothing more he wanted than to have the wedding be over and done with. Until a coffee shop encounter with Reid turned his world on its axis. Instant chemistry and a connection like none he’d experienced before had him wanting time to slow giving him the opportunity to convince Reid to stay in Mapleville and be his omega, his mate.

  Roses for His Omega is a Valentine’s novella filled with enough sweetness to cause cavities, a touch of knotty heat, and enough love to go around.

  Free Short Story…

  Catch up with Pierce and Rhone from Christmas with His Omega Here

  Coming Soon!




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