LOVE in a Small Town (Ladies of Legend Boxed Set)

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LOVE in a Small Town (Ladies of Legend Boxed Set) Page 3

by Janet Eaves

  Lilly reached the kitchen and all eyes turned her way. Something in them had Suzie leaving a fussing Mrs. Hertz and coming to her side. “What is it?” She looked up, over Lilly’s head and then back at Lilly before turning to the room at large. “Okay, guys. Get your pastries in the oven and I’ll be back in just a minute.” She pointed at the man standing at Lilly’s back.”You. Stay here.” And added to him under her breath, “Watch Broomhilda.”

  With that parting remark she took Lilly’s hand, pulled her from the room, through the living room and up the stairs, through the bedroom door and closed it with a soft click. Then she turned to Lilly. “It’s okay. He has that effect on women. I’m only immune because I’ve known him since both of us were in diapers and we went through puberty together. Not so pretty then!” Suzie laughed at her own joke, shaking her head. “But neither was I. Still and all, he’s eye candy at its finest now.”

  Lilly exhaled. “Thank you for getting me out of there. I’ve never done that before. I must have looked like an idiot. I feel like a fool. I can’t go back and face those people. Him. Who is he? Oh gosh, I’m babbling.”

  Suzie laughed with delight. “You are really struck, aren’t you?”

  “This isn’t funny. It’s crazy. People don’t get struck. I don’t get struck. Who is he?”

  Lilly couldn’t believe she had asked again. But she had to know. Maybe knowing he was just a regular Joe would knock some sense into the brain that had deserted her.

  Suzie took her hand and pulled her over to sit on the side of the bed, facing her with one knee bent up on the bed’s edge. Lilly assumed the same position. “Okay. I don’t have much time because Mrs. Hertz, or Broomhilda as she is known in these parts, will probably burn my kitchen down for spite, so here goes:

  “His name is Jim. James actually. Hood. He’s known personally by every member of Legend’s community. He was a star football player that took the Legend Dragons to the National Championship his senior year of high school. Once he graduated he was offered a full scholarship from so many colleges it was ridiculous. He stayed here and played for Tennessee because Jim is at heart a hometown boy. He finished college with a degree even though the NFL tried to draft him every year. Once out of college he played professionally, but only for a couple of years.”

  Lilly shook her head. No regular Joe here. Great. “Why did he quit?”

  “Coach Prosper was retiring and the school board offered Jim the position of head coach. He snapped it up. It brought him home again and coaching those kids is his passion. They idolize him.”


  Suzie grinned. “Yeah, and that’s just his past. I’ve got to get back to the kitchen. We’ll talk more later. But come on back down and meet him. He’s a good guy.”

  Lilly declined and stayed up in her room thinking over all the information Suzie had shared. This was the living legend Suzie had mentioned the night before. He fit the moniker nicely. But that still didn’t explain her reaction to him.



  Maybe both?

  Lilly giggled then covered her mouth. She never giggled. But she had never felt so young and wildly alive. She felt buzzed. Jazzed. A little out of control. She had never felt this way. She giggled again with the joy of it.

  Everyone deserved to be young once. Her life to this point hadn’t allowed for it. Maybe she should check out this high school football coach, see if he had the same effect on her a second time. See if he was available. Maybe even see if she could manage a casual fling just for the thrill of it.

  Lilly felt her cheeks flush at the thought. She’d never had a casual fling. She’d never had any kind of fling. And every woman deserved at least one, surely. After all, he was just a man who had been a good, no, great athlete. But that still just made him a man. Well, maybe not just a man. A very sexy man.

  Lilly laughed to herself, glad no one could see that she had lost her mind. Yes! She was going to pursue the legend of Legend. All she had to do was figure out how to keep her brain cells functioning while in his presence.


  “Bye, now,” Suzie closed the door and laid her head against it. “Dingbat.”

  Jim had grown impatient waiting for Suzie to get Mrs. Hertz out the door. The old witch was the last to leave Suzie’s cooking class by a full ten minutes. “So, who is she?”

  Suzie pressed her smile down and lifted her head off the door. “She’s a guest.”

  Jim followed her as she flowed, because Suzie had always flowed instead of walked, back to the kitchen. He stood behind the counter and started gathering dirty mixing bowls. “What’s her name?”

  Suzie took the bowls from him and turned to the sleek, stainless steel dishwasher. She opened the door and loaded them then turned to take more. “Lilly.”

  Jim held the next set of bowls just out of her reach until she was forced to look him in the eyes. “Lilly, what?”

  Devils danced in Suzie’s sparkling eyes, now. “Peach.”

  He handed over the bowls, but didn’t release them completely. “Where is she from?”

  Suzie tugged the bowls from his hand and turned to load them. “You know I never ask my guests personal questions.”

  Jim grunted.

  “I don’t. They just usually tell me all about themselves anyway. Lilly hasn’t.”

  “How long is she booked for?”

  Suzie ran water over all the mixing utensils before loading them. Then wet her large sponge to begin washing off the stainless counter. It was obvious she was having a ball stalling. Jim hadn’t expressed this much interest in a woman in a very long time and she was making him suffer. The brat!


  Jim reached out and held her hand, sponge and all, hostage against the counter’s top. “Nobody books indefinite. You don’t have that many rooms. What gives, Red?” Jim grinned. Two could play and he knew just how to get her dander up.

  “I saw you naked. If you’re interested in my guest, I think you had better think about that.” She started humming the Itsy Bitsy Spider.

  Jim laughed and released her. “I was five, moron. I can show you how much I’ve grown if you’re interested. He reached for his belt, started undoing it when Suzie’s gaze shifted past his head, she lifted her brows, snagged her glass of melted-down iced tea, and headed for the sun porch as if the house were on fire.

  “So, you guys are either lovers or very old friends.”

  Jim bit his bottom lip, grinning down at his unbuckled belt, and turned to face Lilly Peach. He hadn’t heard her approach, and Suzie, being Suzie, was out back laughing her head off at him right now, he was certain. “Old friends might be stretching it. She’s poked at me since we both crawled.”

  “Sounds like you know how to poke back.”

  Jim watched Lilly slowly walk from the kitchen’s entryway, around the counter, and to the refrigerator where she pulled out a diet drink, popped its top, and leaned her head back for a long, slow drink. She lowered the can to her chest and stared back at him, her eyes, a drown-into deep blue, sparkling with mischief.

  Jim swallowed. This was interesting. If he wasn’t mistaken, she was flirting. Testing the waters he reached over and took the can from her hands, gave her enough time to object, and then put it to his mouth, locating the opening without taking his eyes from hers. He took a long swallow and then held it back out to her.

  Her nostrils flared. Outright laughter filled her eyes. “You didn’t say, please.”

  “I never say please.”

  Jim saw his remark hit its mark as her eyes opened wider. But he saw something else, too. Caution. False bravado. Confusion. Uncertainty. Her expressions were an open book. Her reactions, one after another, were intriguing.

  He backed off. “I have to get back to work shortly, but I’d like to take you out for a bite afterwards if you’re interested. It would be late, eight-thirtyish.”

  She stared at him for several seconds, her expression now neutral, as if
she realized how intently he’d studied her and was building walls.


  Jim grinned, delighted with her response, choosing to ignore the caution in her voice. “Okay.” He tilted his head towards the open back door. “Tell Red I said bye.”

  Chapter Three

  Had she actually done that? Had she actually flirted so outrageously with a man she didn’t even know? Lilly didn’t know what to think of herself as she headed to the sun porch and Suzie. “I can’t believe I did that. It was so cool. I’m out of my mind! But it was so cool!”

  Suzie laughed. “I have to admit, I haven’t seen this much hormone driven attraction since I was in high school. Stupid kids have all the luck. Well, them and you two.”

  Lilly sat down then jumped back up and paced the small space. “He wants to take me out. For a bite. Tonight.” She felt a flutter of panic. “He said eight-thirty. You do think he means food, right?”

  Amused, Suzie nodded. “Yes, I’m pretty sure he means food. Jim can put it away. And other than whatever he consumed for breakfast before his first practice, he probably hasn’t had another chance to eat today. Mrs. Hertz pretty much ruined class and what would have been a wonderful afternoon snack.”

  Lilly blew out an audible breath. “Okay. So, hmmm, what do I wear? Jeans and a shirt? A skirt? No…jeans. Unless he’s taking me somewhere fancy… Oh, good grief!” She flashed a panicked gaze to Suzie. “I should have asked. Now I’ll look stupid. I’ll either be overdressed or underdressed.”

  “You act like you’ve never been on a date before.”

  Lilly shrugged. “Not one that mattered. Not that this one matters! It doesn’t. I just don’t want to look stupid. I’m such a dork.”

  Suzie got up from her lounger and took Lilly by the shoulders. She led her through the house, up the stairs to Lilly’s room, and opened the closet. She stood there for several moments without a word. Lilly heard the unasked questions: What was in the suitcases? Where were the clothes of the woman who had paid for a full month with the option for more time? Lilly closed the closet and turned to her hostess. No, her friend. “I don’t have much, yet. I’m starting over. It’s all I can say.”

  Suzie nodded decisively. “Okay. Then let’s get busy. We have less than two hours to shop.”


  Having a woman friend like Suzie Schul was a new experience. She was brisk, efficient, and knew what she liked. Fortunately, Lilly decided, as she stood pirouetting in the full-length mirror on the back of her bathroom door, she also had excellent taste and an eye for style and color.

  She had whirled Lilly in a dress shop, took a quick visual measurement and grabbed what she’d deemed the perfect dress. Then sent Lilly to pay for it. The same had happened in the shoe store, only this time Lilly got to try on the items before purchasing the pair. Then on they went, for a new bra and panties. Not that she thought she had needed a new bra or panties, but Suzie had, without a word, changed her mind with one look. Those at least she got to choose herself, well, after Suzie rejected her first choice.

  So now she stood in a knee-length, contour fitted, ebony trimmed, tan halter dress that could go either classy or casual, depending on the accessories. Suzie had chosen those as well from her own extensive collection of jewelry; a long beaded necklace with a large flat bronze disc, matching earrings, and several bronze and wooden beaded bracelets. The effect was a young and funky casual look. The beaded, tan, spiked heeled sandals took causal up a notch to classy-casual.

  All in all, the outfit, one she would have never picked for herself, worked. She could go to dinner in a nice restaurant with a feeling of confidence that she wasn’t over or under done. She just hoped she could feel as confident about the rest of the evening.

  Her flirty manner with Jim Hood this afternoon after their disastrous first meeting had taken every ounce of nerve she’d possessed. That nerve was changing to nerves now that it was time to actually see him again.

  No. She wouldn’t allow fear to stop her. She hadn’t in the past when her own life was in danger, so she wouldn’t now with nothing more at stake than an overblown case of lust. After all, it was time she lived a little. Laughed a little. Played a little.

  Lilly felt herself relax. She would keep it all casual and fun. Enjoy the attentions of an incredibly good-looking man who had been attracted enough to ask her out. Where was the harm? The sound of the door’s chime caused her heart to thump. But that was okay. It just meant she was still alive. And ready to start living.


  Jim stood in the doorway drinking in the sight of the woman who answered his knock. Simply put, she was beautiful. Her nearly black, curly hair was short, framing a delicate heart-shaped face. Her large, deep blue eyes and long spiked lashes stood out against a flawless complexion he was certain had never seen the sun. Her lips made him think of plump ripe berries, and he licked his own in anticipation of a sweet taste.

  Lilly Peach was a woman that reminded a man that he was a man. “Hi.”

  She actually blushed, which sent a jolt though his system. He grinned, pleased with the sensation. It had been a long time since a woman made his body hum.


  “Jim? Come on in,” Suzie called from inside the house.

  Jim broke eye contact with Lilly as Suzie came into view. “Hey.”

  Suzie smiled at Lilly as she backed away from the entrance, then at Jim as she sent him a look he knew all too well. The one that said: I want to talk to you. In private. Now!

  She turned to Lilly. “Would you mind if I borrow Jim for just a second before you leave? I need him to get a bowl down from one of the higher shelves in the kitchen.”

  “Of course not. I’ll wait out front. I wanted to get a look at your gardens anyway.” Lilly sent Jim a small smile before strolling past him.

  Before Jim could say anything, Suzie grabbed him by the hand and pulled him into the kitchen. She looked back before speaking. “Be careful with her. She’s been hurt in some way or is running from something. I don’t know…but I don’t want her hurt. Mostly though, I don’t want you hurt.”

  Jim pulled her to him and locked her in a hug. He and Suzie had almost been lovers once when they we still in their teens, but had realized that it could jeopardize the friendship they had always known. She was more like his pain in the ass cherished sister. He loved her completely. “Okay. So, are you telling me I need to back off?”

  Suzie moved back to look up into his face. “Are you kidding? I’d give my best mixing bowl set to be as excited as you two are when you see each other. There is enough electricity in the room to bake the entire team their pre-game muffins.”

  She stepped out of his arms. “I just wanted to let you know. She has some baggage. I don’t know what it is, and I would never say anything to anyone else, but you are mine, and I don’t want you hurt.”

  “Thanks. I love you, too.” Jim gave her a quick kiss on the forehead. “I’ll tread carefully,” he promised and headed toward the front of the house, certain he heard Suzie mumble, “Sure you will.”

  Jim stepped into the floodlight illuminated darkness and stopped as he scanned the yard for Lilly. He finally spotted her near the edge of the yard where the more wooded acreage began. He headed towards her, taking the opportunity to study her long, slender frame. Some women, he decided as he approached her, were meant to wear backless dresses. Lilly was one of those women. “Hey.”

  She turned, a smile on her lush lips. “Have you ever seen anything so beautiful in all your life? Suzie is amazing. I would love to have a yard like this.”

  The hum was in full throttle. He wanted to take her into his arms and kiss those lips. Slide his tongue over those straight white teeth. Burrow in the swanlike neck. “Yes, beautiful,” he agreed but he couldn’t have told anyone what the yard looked like. The woman had him completely captivated.

  A slightly cautious look came into Lilly’s eyes. “I don’t really date.”

  Jim studied her. “
What do you mean?”

  She swallowed, looked away as if embarrassed, and then back. “I don’t really know what you expect from me.”

  Relief washed over him. She was experiencing nothing more than first date jitters. “I don’t have any expectations. I’m attracted to you. I’d like to get to know you. We can share a good meal and see where it goes from there.”

  She grinned. “I’m attracted to you, too.”

  Satisfaction settled into his gut. “Well then. Let’s get that meal.”

  Chapter Four

  True to his word, Jim provided her with an excellent meal. “I’m embarrassed to have eaten so much.” She pushed her plate away and watched as he took his last bite, cleaning his plate completely. “The meal was wonderful.”

  Jim looked her over. “Over-eating obviously isn’t a problem for you, though I over-indulge every time I come here. The owner was a good friend of my father’s. He makes the best steaks in the state as far as I’m concerned. Suzie provides him with desserts sometimes.”

  Lilly relaxed into her seat. “She’s amazing. I’ve never known anybody like her. She seems to lead the perfect life.”

  Jim shrugged. “Not always. She was married to a jerk who didn’t appreciate her. I’m glad she got rid of him, but it changed her some.” He folded his napkin then placed it upon his plate. “Put a little steel in her soft edges.” He nodded to the waiter who brought them both cups of coffee. “She is still the best person I’ve ever known.”

  Lilly toyed with the rim of her cup, watching the steam rise. She had to ask. She knew she might be setting herself up for disappointment, but she had to ask. “Is my being here messing something up between the two of you?”


  He said it so firmly Lilly couldn’t help but smile. “Good.”

  Jim slid his chair back. “Are you ready to go?”

  Lilly felt a flutter, one she refused to identify in case it was fear. She hadn’t experienced any other kind of reaction for so long she was afraid to label it now. But she refused to let it intimidate her as she rose from her seat to precede Jim out to his SUV. He stopped her at the door and gently turned her to face him.


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