Bitter Sweet Hell (Hell Night Book 2)

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Bitter Sweet Hell (Hell Night Book 2) Page 5

by Alex Grayson

  As my pants are yanked down to my knees, I’m reminded of what’s about to happen. I wonder what I’ve ever done to my brother to make him do these things to me. Why does he hate me so much? How can he hurt his little brother? I know if I had a little brother or sister, I’d do all I could to protect them. Just like Trouble does for his sister. He’s not always able to protect her from the evil of Hell Night, but there’s been a few times he did.

  Pain enters my backside and the base of my spine. I drop my forehead to my crossed arms in front of me and suck in a sharp breath, then blow it out through the piercing pain. Tears pool in my eyes but I refuse to let them fall. Trey knows he’s hurting me, but I won’t let him see how much. It seems to spur him on more if I do.

  I squeeze my eyes shut and block out what’s going on around me. As much as I try to push away the pain though, nothing works. I still feel it in every part of my body. Even the parts Trey doesn’t touch.

  I dig my nails into my arms, hoping that will override the pain in my lower half. It doesn’t work. I stifle a cry when my hips are yanked back, and agonizing pinpricks radiate through my bowels. Blood coats my mouth, and I realize I’ve bitten my lip. It’s weird because I don’t feel it.

  Holding my breath, I send up a silent prayer that I’ll pass out from not breathing, but just as I become lightheaded, my body’s instincts take over and I suck in air.

  There’s nothing I can do to make the terror of what’s happening to me go away. There never is.

  All I can do, all I can ever do, is endure it and wait for the hours to pass….


  THE CALL COMES IN RIGHT as my ass hits the seat of my truck. Sometimes when things are slow in Malus, which is pretty much always, I make a few rounds around town to check things over. I also like to hit the farms on the outskirts.

  Grabbing my phone, I expect the call to be from the station, so I’m surprised when I see Eden’s number flash across the screen. I close my door and start my truck as I swipe and accept the call.

  “Sheriff Ward.”

  “Hey. This is Eden,” she starts. My hackles rise when I note the tremble in her voice. “Can you come to Jenny’s?”

  “What’s wrong?” I ask. Checking my mirror, I pull away from the curb and whip a U-turn.

  “It’s not really something I want to describe over the phone. It’s better if you see it.”

  Concern seeps in my blood, causing my foot to press harder on the gas pedal. “Two minutes. I’ll be there in two minutes. Is everyone okay?”

  Her breath fans across the line. “Yes. It’s just….” She trails off. “Just get here quickly.”

  “I’m only a few blocks away.”

  I toss my phone on the dash, my mind whirling with what could be wrong. I only saw her not even two hours ago. What could possibly go wrong in that short time? And does it have to do with Diego? At that thought, I accelerate, going too fast for the center of town, but unable to slow down.

  A minute later, I’m breaking in front of Judge and Jenny’s house and jumping from my truck. Not bothering to knock, I open the door and stalk inside. My eyes light on Eden and Jenny on the sofa. They’re sitting close, huddled together. They both turn at my entrance and Eden gets to her feet, a look of relief sagging her shoulders.

  “What’s happened?” I demand, striding across the living room.

  “Come look.” She gestures to the door leading to the back yard.

  When I step up to the door, the sight that greets me turns even my stomach, and I’ve seen some gruesome shit in my life, even being the cause of it a few times.

  “Damn.” I mutter. It’s not uncommon for a wild animal to hunt pets and their carcasses to end up on someone’s property. We are in the wilds of Texas, after all.

  Turning, I find Eden right behind me, her eyes leveled on the poor dog. “Go back and sit with Jenny. I’ll take care of this.”

  Her eyes flit away and meet mine. Sadness lurks in their green depths. “I wanted to wait for you, but I need a closer look at him.”

  I scowl. “What the fuck for?”

  Her eyes glisten with unshed tears. “Because I think he’s my dog, Sampson.”

  My brows shoot up, and I glance at the dog over my shoulder before looking back at her.

  “You didn’t have a dog with you in the car when I pulled you over,” I remark.

  She nods and her throat bobs when she swallows. “I know. I left him behind and a co-worker was supposed to check in on him. If I wasn’t back in a few days, she was going to take him for me.”

  Fucking hell. This shit just got messier.

  I grab her hand and push open the door. I don’t know how long Eden and Jenny were at Remi’s house, but the dog had to have been left while they were gone, or they would have noticed it before now. The dog couldn’t have been out here long, but even so, with the heat of the Texas sun blaring down on the carcass, the flies have already started their feast. It won’t be long before it begins to smell.

  Eden’s fingers tighten in my hand and her breath hitches the closer we get. Her bracelets jingle when she throws her other hand over her mouth and releases a choked sound. I step in front of her, blocking her view. She’s seen enough.

  I grab her hand from her mouth and place it on my chest. “Is it him?”

  From her reaction, I already know the answer, but I need her to confirm it.

  “Yes,” she croaks. Her head falls forward and her forehead lands against my chest. “Even without recognizing the nametag I bought him, I’d know it was him.”

  My jaw tenses in anger. I manage to unlock my fingers from a fist and gently rub up and down her back. I’ve no doubt she can feel the tightening of my muscles though.

  “It was him. Diego did this. He had to have.”

  Damn straight it was Diego, and he’ll fucking pay even more for what he’s done.

  “Yes,” I answer tersely.

  Eden lifts her head and wipes away her tears, but her eyes are still sad. “I need to go call Marian. She’s the one who was watching him. I need to make sure she’s okay.”

  I nod, but before she can walk away, I grab her chin and make her look at me. “We’ll get him, Gypsy. I promise.”

  She looks at me strangely for a moment, her brows puckered. I’m sure it’s from me calling her Gypsy. She’s in another one of her long flowy skirts, loose spaghetti strap shirt, with her hair in a silk scarf, hiding the flaming red hair. Once again, she reminds me of a gypsy.

  After several seconds, she nods and turns away, walking back into the house. I close the door behind her and pull out my phone.

  “I need you at Jenny’s house,” I tell Emo once he answers.

  “Got it. Be there in ten.”

  Just as I hang up, the door opens behind me. Judge steps up beside me as I look down at the remains.

  “Motherfuckin’ hell,” he snarls, throwing his hands in his slack pockets. “Any clue who did this?”

  “Has to be Diego. The dog is Eden’s.”

  His head snaps my way. “She sure?”

  I jerk my chin up. “She left the dog at home for someone to watch while she was gone. That means he’s already here. That or he’s sent someone in his place. I don’t think that’s the case though. The day I brought her into town, I pulled her over for speeding. She said she thought she saw him following her. I didn’t see anyone, but that doesn’t mean he didn’t stop somewhere close by out of sight.”

  “What kind of sick fuck decimates a dog like this?”

  “The same kind who beats the shit out of women or kills them,” I answer his rhetorical question. “Diego’s unstable at best and a psycho at worst. That’s why he can’t get his hands on Eden. There’s no telling what he’ll do to her.”

  “I want a piece of him when he’s found,” Judge remarks darkly.

  “Not until I’m done with him. And I ain’t promising there’ll be much left.”

  It turns quiet before Judge says something that has my molars grinding toget
her and more anger slamming into me.

  “Right before Jenny called me, I got an email about Richard. He’s been located.”

  I hiss out a breath and lock down the violent need to smash my fist against something. Richard Panelly is one of the men on our list from our past. Any time one of them is mentioned, my temper skyrockets, just as my brothers’ do.

  “You want in? Or do you want one of us to take care of it?”

  Fuck yes, I want in. Apart from certain names, we all share taking out the people from our pasts. This is supposed to be my turn. Except…. I turn and look through the glass of the back door. I spot Eden sitting on one of the stools at the bar, her head in her hand as she talks on the phone.

  The thought of leaving her when someone like Diego is close by sends a sharp pain to my sternum. I know my brothers will protect her, but it’s not the same as doing it myself. There’s something about her that draws me in, and I’ve yet to figure out what that something is. I just know if something happens to her, Hell will reign and there will be no stopping my wrath.

  “Where,” I grunt my question and look over to Judge.

  “Southern Cal.”

  “Damn it to hell,” I grit out. Too fucking far for a day trip. No way am I taking a chance and leaving Eden for that long. As much as it pisses me off, I’m going to have to pass this one onto the others.

  “One of you guys go. I’ll catch the next one.”

  Judge’s brows lift in surprise. Yeah, join the club. I’m still trying to figure out what in the hell I’m doing too. None of us has ever given up our opportunity to slay someone from our past.

  “Any update on Trey and my mother?”

  It’s a useless question, because the answer’s always the same. We’ve had a few clues come in on the whereabouts of my brother and mother, but none of them ever pan out. If there’s one thing in life I want to do more than anything else, it’s find them and see their faces when they realize death has come for them.

  That is a meeting I plan to relish in and take great enjoyment from. If we can ever fucking locate them.

  Judge’s face is grim when he gives me the same answer as always. “No.”

  The door opens behind us, and I don’t need to turn to know it’s Emo. He always brings ominous vibes with him, and I feel them now. Like slivers of ice sliding down my spine.

  His silent form appears between Judge and I, and I glance over at him. His haunting eyes, so dark you can’t see the pupils, settle on the mangled mess of Eden’s dog. Something flickers in their depths. Fascination and enchantment. Blood has always been an enticement for Emo. Hunting the ones who hurt others and torturing them is his foreplay.

  “What do you see?” I ask him. Emo’s the coroner of Malus. As such, he works mostly with human bodies, but I know he’ll be able to tell what did this to the dog.

  Quietly, he squats and regards the dog.

  “A knife. Sharp one, because there’s no jagged edges. Someone slit him from neck all the way to the groin.”

  I nod, already knowing it wasn’t an animal attack, but needing to make sure. The layout of the entrails are too perfect. Besides, a person has more of a chance winning the lottery than Eden’s dog showing up here on his own and being attacked by an animal.

  “I need to get this shit cleaned up. Once I’m done, I’m going to do some more digging and put the word out around town to let one of us know if they see anyone new in town. You two do the same.” I look to Judge. “When are you due back here?”

  “Not until the weekend, but I’m changing my plans. I’ll be here until this is taken care of.”

  “Good.” With this new development, I really don’t like the thought of Eden and Jenny being here alone. Judge is protective of each of his women, so I know he’ll keep an eye out for anything out of the ordinary.

  Judge goes back inside to check on the women and Emo leaves. I grab a shovel, some thick plastic, and some old chicken wire from the garage. After digging a four-feet deep hole, I gently place Sampson wrapped in the plastic inside. I replace the dirt until there’s only about a foot left then place the chicken wire in the hole before putting the rest of the dirt on top. We often get wild animals in these parts. The depth and chicken wire will hopefully prevent them from digging up the grave. Next, I clean the porch with baking soda and bleach before hosing the wood down.

  When I walk inside, I find Judge on the couch with Jenny sitting in his lap, talking quietly. Eden is still at the bar, no longer on the phone, watching Judge and Jenny with a perplexed expression. Her head swings my way when I close the door. Her shoulders sag and her eyes droop with sadness, her hands twisting in her lap. I hate the look as soon as I notice it.

  I stop in front of her, so close her knees touch my abs. I put both hands on her knees.

  “I buried him in the back yard by the flower bed. Are you okay?”

  She nods, but I know it’s bullshit. She just found her dog brutally murdered. She’s not okay.

  “Did you get in touch with your friend?”

  “Yeah.” She runs her hands up and down her arms, like she’s trying to ward off a chill. It can’t be any cooler than seventy-two in here, so I know it’s from the situation and not the temperature. “She’s fine. Freaked because Sampson was gone when she went to go check on him this morning and was worried about telling me. I’m just glad she wasn’t there when Diego took him.”

  “Judge is going to stay here until all this is over. I’ll do a bit more digging and put out an alert in town.”

  Her eyes flicker over to Judge and Jenny and she bites her lip. I know what’s coming next when her questioning gaze meets mine again.

  “Is there something going on between them?” She juts her chin their way. “Because I just saw him kissing another woman on our way back here from Remi’s.”

  I move my hands on the outside of her legs and shift them upward a couple of inches. The temptation to spread her legs and step between them is great, but I force the desire away. Now’s not the time for seduction

  “That’s something you’ll have to ask them,” I answer.

  It’s no big secret that Judge and his ladies share an open relationship, but it’s still not my business to tell Eden about it. Besides, they’re better at explaining the situation than I am.

  She frowns, but drops the subject.

  “I’m going to head out. You’ve got my number if you need me.”

  Her tongue darts out to wet her lips and my eyes follow the movement. Of course, my body plays the insensitive prick and twitches in my jeans. Eden is a beautiful woman, and I’d give my left nut to have her in my bed, but that’ll have to come later. When her emotions aren’t so fresh from losing her dog in such a horrific way.

  I give her leg a squeeze before turning for the door, giving Judge a chin lift on my way. Before walking out, I cast my eyes to Eden one more time and find her watching me, an inquisitive look in her eyes. Breaking my eyes away, I walk out and close the door behind me.


  STRETCHING AND THEN GROANING at the ache in my ribs, I get out of bed. The stress of yesterday has left me with a bitch of a headache. I grab some clothes and my travel bathroom bag and carry them to the bathroom. After doing my morning business and downing a couple of pain pills and my birth control, I get dressed in a black ankle-length skirt, a pale-blue off-the-shoulder peasant top, and toss my long hair into a half ponytail before tying a scarf around it.

  Leaving the bathroom, I drop my bag just inside my bedroom doorway and walk out to the living room. The delicious smells of coffee and bacon greets me and my mouth waters. I lost my appetite yesterday, so I skipped dinner, opting to go to bed early.

  Expecting to see Jenny in the kitchen, I’m surprised when it’s Judge I find instead. He’s standing at the stove, clad in dark-grey slacks, a light purple dress shirt, and dress shoes. He turns and looks at me over his shoulder, his expression cool, but not quite as much as yesterday.

  After seeing him kissing the woman i
n the driveway and then him with Jenny on the couch, I’m unsure how I feel about the man. I’m leaning toward dirt bag at the moment though.

  “Morning,” I mutter and walk over to the coffee machine. “You mind?” I gesture to the machine.

  “Help yourself.” His voice is rich and deep, gravelly.

  I pour myself a cup, keeping it black, and carry it with me to the bar. If my memory serves me correctly, Jenny said Judge lives here sometimes, something I find very strange after seeing him kiss another woman. I haven’t spoken with him yet. Might as well get to know the man since we’ll both be under the same roof for a while.

  “Where’s Jenny?” I inquire, then take a sip of my coffee.

  “Still in bed,” he throws over his shoulder.

  Switching the burner off, he lays strips of bacon on a plate already piled high with scrambled eggs. He grabs more plates from the cabinet and starts divvying up the food. Picking up two of the plates, he sets one in front of me and carries the other one out of the kitchen. A moment later, he’s back, sans plate, which I’m sure he gave to Jenny. Leaning against the counter, he picks up a third one. His eyes bore into me as he lifts his fork and shoves eggs in his mouth.

  “Just spit it out,” he says calmly after swallowing.

  I set my fork down and regard him warily. I’ve always considered myself a straight forward person, and now will be no different. I’m new to this town, new to everyone here. I’ve got no ties to anyone and no one owes me a thing. The answers are none of my business, but I still find myself wanting to know. Jenny’s been nice to me, so the thought of her being hurt in anyway, doesn’t sit well with me.

  “I don’t get it. Jenny and I both saw you kissing another woman yesterday, then you showed up and she literally crawled in your lap.”

  He shrugs. “Maybe I’m her concerned brother and we’re close.”

  I level him with a look that says I’m not an idiot. “Unless you’re kissing siblings, don’t try to bullshit me. I saw the way she looked at you and you her. It was an intimate look only lovers share.”


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