Zoq (Dragons Of Kelon) (A Sci Fi Alien Weredragon Romance)

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Zoq (Dragons Of Kelon) (A Sci Fi Alien Weredragon Romance) Page 87

by Maia Starr

  That is why on my return to Earth to do the cargo trade and pick up the black market plutonium, I decided to take a few extra days to go to the registration office and find my own human female bride. Since I was already on earth, I did not feel the need to go through the long process that the other Drackon had to go through in order to match with the human female. I could just pick one out myself in person.

  When we arrived at the registration building in the large military trucks that the earth government allowed us to utilize while visiting the planet, I was surprised by what we saw. When we stepped out of the vehicles there was a long line of human females wrapped around the building. It was a very delicious sight. We were overwhelmed with multiple pheromone scents hitting us all at once. I was turned on instantly. I felt my staff harden as we walked toward the entrance. There were so many females. It was erotic. They all looked at us with admiration, as was appropriate. I was something to be admired as a strong Drackon captain. They should be losing their breath and swooning over me. I was worth the effort.

  Then a few pages crossed my path and I noticed the female chasing after them. I grabbed them for the weakling. She needed the help. When she looked up at me her beauty struck me. Her skin was delicate and contrasted with her dark black hair. Human eyes intrigued me and hers were brown. But she was obviously weak if she could not hold onto a couple of pages in the wind. She was not good stock to have my offspring. I needed a strong human female.

  Our brief exchange was interesting and she was fiery with a lot of spirit as she called herself a geologist, whatever that meant. I quickly dismissed her and moved inside the registration office to meet with a counselor to find me a human female wife quickly.

  But it was only after meeting with the counselor and picking out a few females from a group that she brought in to meet me that I actually decided on one. We were in the elevator ready to leave the registration office when the weakling human female from the courtyard stepped in. I was immediately overwhelmed by her scent. I inhaled sharply and knew in that moment that I had to have her.

  She said her name was Adriana Adams and that she had registered today. I looked at Lieutenant Rix and he knew exactly what I meant. I wanted this one. I had made up my mind. When she stepped off the elevator we returned to the counselor’s office and made the arrangements. When the counselor pulled up Adriana Adam's file I was astonished to know that she had also chosen me. Luckily we were a match and this was going to be more fun than I had expected. Now I was on my ship with a cargo full of human females, plutonium, and my future wife.

  "Lieutenant Rix, bring my future wife to me," I said, as I sat down ready to eat a meal on my spaceship Beti.

  "Yes Captain Mordikye," he said as he left my sight.

  It had been two days since leaving earth and I had been preoccupied with the mission. Now, I finally had some time to be able to get to know the human female that would carry my offspring, this Adriana Adams, as she called herself.

  "You asked for me?" She said as she walked in.

  "Yes Adriana, I did. I would like you to have a meal with me, the first of many."

  She sat down at the table quietly. A plate and drink were sat in front of her while she was looking at me up-and-down. She was sizing me up, and there was a lot of me to size.

  "How long is the trip to Mooreah?" she asked, while taking a drink.

  "We will be there in a week. But we are not going to Mooreah," I said pouring more drink in her cup. It would loosen her up.

  Her eyes grew wide as she said "What do you mean, we're not going to Mooreah? Where are we going?"

  "We are going to Sala. It is the neighboring planet to Mooreah. It is where I spend most of my time as it is the fleet’s port and I am a ship captain. In fact, I spend most of my time in space. You will spend most of your time in my quarters on Sala, unless I want to take you with me on my cargo missions."

  "You mean I am not to live on a Mooreah? The registration office did not mention that to me in choosing you. This is unbelievable!"

  "Calm yourself, human female. What does it matter which planet you live on? You wanted a Drackon husband, and now you shall have one," I said, eyeing her suspiciously. I did not expect to have this conflict about her living situation. It was a surprise to me. It was unusual.

  "It is just that I had my heart set on living on Mooreah. I think it would be more enjoyable than Sala, from what I have heard about it."

  "The living quarters are much the same on both the planets and I am sure that you will find them agreeable," I said to her while crossing my arms and leaning back in my chair. This was not what I was expecting when I invited her to dinner. I thought we would eat a good meal, get a light buzz from drink, and perhaps initiate some contact. I was on a ship full of human females that were ready to be taken by a Drackon warrior; who were practically begging for it. But my chosen female was giving me argument and conflict over a minor detail.

  She tilted her head sideways and looked at me as she narrowed her eyes. It was sort of cute and attractive. I grinned in response. Then she said, "Do you know my profession on Earth?"

  "No, why would it matter now. You will have no profession, only be my wife and mother to my offspring."

  She huffed in irritation and said, "I am a geologist. I study the land of the Earth. I love it very much and it is my passion. I love the land and would like to be able to see the land of Mooreah. I have seen photos of Sala and it is a desert. Although I can find beauty in the desert it does not have the diversity of Mooreah."

  "I understand. We will take many trips to Mooreah if that will please you."

  "Yes, it would but not as much as actually living on Mooreah would."

  I smiled at her defiance. She was persistent and not the weakling I thought her to be. She would make a strong mother for our offspring.

  "I will take your desires into consideration, but I am a captain and I have a position to hold. Now let us speak of more pleasant matters. Let’s talk about me. Why did you choose me at the registration office? Besides the fact that I am an impressive Drackon captain," I said to her.

  "You really do you think highly of yourself, don't you?" She said to me in return.

  "Why would I not? Look at me. I am powerful and wealthy. I am the Drackon of your dreams, my dear Adriana."

  “Ugh, seriously?”

  I laughed a hearty laugh at her. She was funny and pleasant to be with. “Here, have more drink. It is a lot like wine on earth, but maybe a bit stronger.”

  “Thank you,” she said as I poured her drink. She tasted it and wrinkled her nose. It was sexy. After we ate I sat next to her pouring more drink. Her pheromones were driving me insane. I had never smelled a human female so sweet before. She was going on and on about geology and I had to make her quiet. I pushed my mouth onto hers. She moaned instantly. Her hand went to my chest and rubbed up and down. I knew it. She had been craving to touch me just as I had wanted to touch her. She moaned again as she tilted her body back, giving me permission to indulge. I put my hand on her small waist. She surprised me as she grabbed my hand with her small hand. “Here,” she whispered as she moved her hand over her breast. Her nipple was hard. I growled into her mouth. I kissed her firmly, letting my tongue explore her mouth. She was so petite and delicate. I did not want to hurt her. Then her hand moved down my belly feeling every inch of it slowly until her hand was on my hard cock. I gasped, inhaling a sharp breath. “Fuck, Adriana,” I whispered as I pulled away from her mouth and stared at her. She bit her lower lip. She was turned on. I didn’t think I could stop myself now. I hoped that she would give me more and more access to her lovely figure. But then everything changed.

  "Captain!" Lieutenant Rix shouted, interrupting us. I growled. I had been waiting to taste her lips since the elevator. Now I was indulging myself and my lieutenant was interrupting me.

  "This better be good, Lieutenant Rix," I growled as I pulled myself away from Adriana.

  "It is. We have just found out that Terik
is conducting cargo checks himself on Sala. He is checking every single ship personally," my lieutenant said.

  I growled. I had to force myself from not shifting into dragon form. I hated the Land Sentinel Terik Vuna. We had been at odds for many years now and lately he had been extra annoying to me. Now he was searching for illegal cargo. I knew exactly what this meant. He was on to me. I would not get caught.

  "Stop the ship! I shall make arrangements to transfer the cargo in space before we land on Sala."

  "Yes Captain, right away!" My lieutenant shouted before leaving us.

  "Mordikye, is everything alright?" Adriana asked me. She did not need to be informed about what I was doing. The less she knew the better. She was starting to grow on me and I did not want her to be involved in a dangerous situation more than she already was.

  "Yes, all is fine Adriana. Return to your living quarters. Stay there until I come to get you. You have all that you need," I said pulling her toward me and planting a firm kiss on her soft lips. She melted in my arms and I wanted to follow her to her living quarters and make love to her, but I had other matters to attend to.

  She turned and walked away but not before I slapped her plump behind. She let out a little squeal. It was charming. After she left my sight I moved to the flight deck and made arrangements to contact my plutonium buyer. I was not going to let Terik win this one. I had gone through a lot of trouble to get this plutonium and carry the dangerous element on my ship. I would get the wealth that was coming to me from my buyer even if I had to detour before going to Sala. It would mean putting off my marriage to Adriana a little longer, but it was worth it. The wealth from the plutonium would allow me to buy second living quarters on Mooreah if she desired. There was no way in hell that I was going to be locked in prison for my illegal trade. I would do anything necessary to keep from being locked up, no matter how wrong it was.

  Chapter 3


  “Sentinel Vuna, the report is in. There has been illegal cargo coming in to Sala. The Drackon we captured yesterday has confirmed it. He does not know the source of the information but he overheard it. It is all that we have now."

  "Thank you for the report. I have a good idea of who it is. I have had my suspicions for a while, but have not been able to capture him in action. The King has given me permission to search every ship that comes into Sala starting now. I am leaving Mooreah now for Sala. Contact Sala port and let them know of my arrival," I said as I stepped into my ship.

  As the Land Sentinel I had been assigned to protect the resources of Mooreah. That meant protecting them from leaving Mooreah, but also protecting the planet from unusual imported materials from other planets that could affect the stability of our own. It was one of the many responsibilities of my position and I took them all very seriously. I had little time for anything else, and it was a lonely position to have because it took up all of my time. I took my work very seriously. The king had trusted me with a very important position that our planet depended on. The king trusted me so much that he even allowed Prince Caspin to accompany me on expeditions overseeing the land on Mooreah. Prince Caspin was a very intelligent and strong for his age. He was a Drackon youngling that fascinated me and made me make the decision to have one of my own. So I had begun to take part in the registration of finding a human female from Earth to be my wife. But since I had registered, I had absolutely no time to go through the piles of females and pick out a human wife. I wanted to make sure to make the right decision, and I did not take these things lightly. I was meticulous about every single decision and action I took. Now that this illegal activity had been brought to my attention, I would have even less time to find a human. I was going to be very busy for the next few months on this one mission to keep our planet safe and stop the abuse of power by particular Drackon warriors.

  My solo pod ship arrived at the port of Sala from Mooreah. The planet of Sala was a desolate rocky sand desert. The sands were a soft yellow in color and I found it beautiful, but I was a lover of all lands. The mountains in the distance were barren and made out of hard rock that soared high into the sky. The planet of Sala was a small planet, not even half the size of Mooreah. That is why we mostly used it as a port as it rotated around Mooreah. It was the perfect landing port.

  As I opened the door to my pod, my assistant Luqan was there to greet me. She was one of the few female Drackon that actually held a job position. Almost all of the Drackon females were docile and only worked in the home raising offspring and keeping house. It was the way of the Drackon. Luqan was different because she fought her way to the position and found somebody that would give her a chance--me. I knew her father well and he had convinced me to take her under my wing and train her.

  "Everything is waiting for your arrival, Sentinel Vuna. Here are the latest reports. The next cargo load coming in is the ship Beti, and the captain is Mordikye Nezis. It will be arriving in six hours," Luqan said as she walked alongside me toward the buildings.

  "Keep it quiet, but I want guards loaded and standing by when I greet the Beti. Make sure that we have enough space available in the prisons. I have a feeling we are going to need it," I said to her as I entered the building and made my way toward my office.

  "Yes, Sentinel, right away. There is one other matter on your agenda," she said to me while handing me a file and I knew exactly what it was.

  "Not now, Luqan" I said sliding it away from me. "I am very busy."

  "You say that every day. I know for fact that your schedule is clear for the next fifteen minutes. Take a look. It is all that I ask. I will go to the prison and to get guards standing by. I will return and expect some choices, at least one," she said walking out.

  She was right. I was never going to find a human wife if I kept putting it off any longer. I opened the file and began to read through the paperwork that each female had filled out about themselves. All seemed to be exactly like the females on Mooreah. They were simply looking for a husband. None of them had their own professions, even though on Earth they were allowed to. I wanted more in a wife than just being the mother of my offspring. I wanted a true partner, one that I could share my passions with. Then it happened. I flipped a page and the beauty staring at me from the photograph was something that I could not deny. Her face was exquisite. Her long black hair made me want to run my fingers through it. Her brown eyes were full of fire and passion. Who was this human female? "Dr. Adriana Adams," I read her name out loud. What kind of doctor was she? I began to read the facts on her. She was not a medical doctor, she was a research doctor, something called a geologist. She was a custodian of the land, just as I was here. My heart began to beat faster, could it be? Was it possible that I had stumbled upon a beauty that also managed to intrigue my mind as well? I had never seen any like her when I was searching through the choices before. She was the one. I grabbed her information and put it aside. I noticed the date that she had registered and weeks had already gone by. What if she had already been chosen? It was possible that it was so because who would pass up this intelligent beauty? I began to panic. For the first time I felt rushed to make sure that I could chose her. She had already chosen me. She had picked me out from a group of thousands of Drackon, and she was just waiting for me on Earth. I pressed the button on my communication line and demanded, "Luqan, come back to my office at once!"

  "I will be right there sir," Luqan said on the other side of the line.

  Minutes later she burst into the office out of breath, "What is it? Has Mordikye arrived early?” she asked.

  "No, this is urgent. I have found my choice. I want you to contact the registration office on Earth to tell them that I have chosen her in return. Do it now. It is possible she is no longer available," I shouted as I shoved Adriana's information into Luqan’s hand.

  Her mouth fell open and she stood there frozen staring at me. I had shocked her. I had never been this adamant about the human female choices before.

  "Go! Now!"

  "Sir, these choices are weeks old. Would you like to pick a couple of more human females before I make the communication line to the registration office to inquire about this one? It could be that she is already been chosen by another," she asked.

  "No! I only want that one! Make sure that you do not end communication until they have told you if she is mine," I said to her.

  She was startled and then quickly moved into action, "Yes! Right away."


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