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by Jaxson Kidman

  And my mother had been taken because of my father’s job.

  So it was the vicious cycle that was on a constant repeat in my life.

  Even there, standing on that deck. I should have had a boyfriend with me. Someone to hold me, kiss me, flirt with me. Maybe someone wild enough to shut the door and curtains and start to fool around right there outside.

  I swallowed hard and felt my body tingling. I was at that point in my life… thinking things and getting turned on.

  I hurried to drink the rest of my drink, wanting to chase it all away.

  I could have gone inside and got another drink. Then another. Two more. Then it would be a nice dark haze for me. The night would settle and I could end up in the finished basement on the pullout couch.

  And then it could just happen.

  I heard the door slide open behind me.

  I looked back and saw Kyle coming out, beer in hand.

  “Hey there,” he said.

  Kyle was cute in his own dorky, tech-guy kind of way. He reveled in the fact that he was a dork and that was fine by me. The first thing I did was eye him and wonder what kind of body he had. Did I want to lose my virginity to someone who wasn’t…

  Stop, Belle.

  “How’s your night?” he asked me.

  “It’s a night,” I said. “How’s the poker?”

  “Great. I’m cleaning up. They get so pissed when I do. Truth is, I just read them. They all have tells. For example…” Kyle grinned. “You don’t give a damn, do you?”

  “No, I don’t,” I said. “But that’s good you’re cleaning up.”

  “That’s not why I came here, Belle,” Kyle said.

  I watched as he slowly put his beer down. He then slipped behind me, leaving very little space.


  “Just look forward,” he said.

  I don’t know why but I did.

  I felt his fingers brush my neck as he moved my hair out of the way.

  “Belle, I know your position. I’ve always thought you were beautiful. We could make this work, just so you know. I’m not the kind of guy who is going to make you some conquest. I’m just offering myself to you, like you could to me.”

  I was sort of shocked. I had never been propositioned like this before. Honestly, for a split second, I saw it happening. Maybe I could just get on my hands and knees. Or better yet, just do it there, him behind me, right on the desk.

  His lips grazed my neck. “Oh, Belle. I’m so hard right now. Can you feel me?”

  Kyle thrust at me and I let out a little yelp. I felt something like a small nub press against me. I grabbed the railing and wished I had ten feet to move forward.

  “Kyle, no,” I whispered.

  “Don’t say no, Belle. That’s the wrong answer. Look, I won’t tell anyone. I’m really good at sex. I have a lot of money too.”

  I wasn’t sure how the two correlated.

  “That’s not how it works with me,” I said.

  He kissed my neck again and put his hands to my waist. I smelled the alcohol on his breath spread across my neck and it made me shiver. He was drunk. I wasn’t sure how far he would take this or how hard he would push.

  I shook my shoulder and Kyle then clamped a hand down on it. I quickly threw an elbow and hit him in the shoulder, knocking him back. That gave me a chance to spin around and face him.

  “What the fuck, bitch?” he asked.

  I gasped and swung my hand, cracking him across the face. “I said no!”

  Kyle grabbed his face. “You know what? Fuck it. Fuck this. People talk about you, Belle. Just know that. They wonder if something is wrong down there on you. That’s why.”

  “Fuck yourself, Kyle. Dork.”

  “Prude cunt,” he spat and grabbed the door.

  Suddenly I was back in high school trying to defend myself with dumb word wars.

  I faced the railing again and stared out to the night.

  I knew everyone was right. But I still held out for something.

  In the distance I heard the rumble of a motorcycle.

  I don’t know why, but it made me smile…

  I woke up the next morning and made coffee. It turned out I was the only one who spent the night. That made me feel even more awkward. Ashley came downstairs and I poured her a mug of coffee. I knew how she liked it and I then sat across from the table, staring at her.

  She raised an eyebrow and I looked away.

  “You called Kyle a dork,” she said.

  “He called me a cunt.”


  “Exactly.” I sipped my coffee. “He just came onto me like I was… I don’t know. That’s not how it’s going to happen.”

  “Then how?”

  “Why is this a big deal? We all have lives and jobs now,” I said. “You and Brett have a wedding to plan. I have my own stuff…”

  “Okay,” Ashley said. “I’m sorry. I just… you know, you like to hang out and have fun. Then it just seems there’s something missing.”

  “Maybe I should do what Megan said,” I said. “Just go out and bang it out.”

  I stood up.

  “Hey,” Ashley said. “No. Don’t.”

  “I have to go. I have to get ready for work.”

  “At the same restaurant since high school,” Ashley said.

  “Way to push the knife deeper.”

  “I’m sorry then. You’re stuck, Belle. I know a lot of it is because of your father. But you’re not under his watch anymore. You’re an adult. Nothing to worry about or fear.”

  “Fair enough. Thanks for the drinks last night and the coffee this morning.”

  “Come on, stay. I’ll make something.”

  “You have a man in bed,” I said. “Go take care of him.”

  “Maybe I already did,” Ashley said with a grin.

  Right then I became jealous. And mad. Jealous of Ashley and mad at myself.

  “There hasn’t been one time you just… saw someone and said fuck it?” she asked.

  “No,” I said.

  It was a complete lie.

  There was one time… at a bar… a monster of a man…

  And the time I saw him again…

  But he was the extreme.

  I was far from extreme.

  I was just extremely desperate.




  My hands held her thick ass tight. My thumb pressed against the lip tattoo on her right ass cheek. I pulled at her as I thrust forward. Her screams were like a fucking murder scene, but I couldn’t really blame her. It had been a chore in prison to get fucking laid. And even then, I only had a few minutes and what was offered to me.

  At least here, in the clubhouse, in my fucking room, I could do what I wanted, when I wanted.

  I looked over my shoulder and saw my next target sitting in a chair, fucking naked, two of her fingers rubbing between her legs. Her other hand touched her tits, her drunk eyes locked to me.

  They were both beautiful women, a sponsored treat from Uncle Jakey to me for doing time for the MC. I didn’t know how much he paid for them but I hoped not too much.

  I hated wearing a condom, too. But with this shit, I needed to. I wasn’t taking any chances. I didn’t need to get sick or something. Not to mention have a fucking kid because some stripper forgot to take a pill. I knew a guy who knocked up a stripper and his life went straight to hell. So did hers.

  Fuck that.

  “Come here, babe,” I said in a rough voice as I kept fucking the first woman.

  The second climbed off the chair and walked to the bed.

  “On your knees,” I ordered.

  She listened.

  I slipped my left hand up the first woman’s body and took a handful of her hair. I pulled hair and grunted, now riding her like she was meant to be ridden. The other woman dropped to her knees at the side of the bed. She looked like
she was about to say her bedtime prayers.

  How fucking sweet.

  That was fine because I had something Godly for her to enjoy.

  I felt my balls twist up tight. My cum raced through my long shaft. The first woman let out another yell, screaming my name.

  “Slam! Fuck!”

  That’s what I did. I slammed them. I slammed my cock deep into her pussy. I felt my dick explode and I quickly pulled out of her. Normally I’d just hang inside there, pulsing, feeling that warmth squeezing tight against me.

  But I had something else in mind.

  I pulled out of the first woman and pushed her to the bed. I turned and my cock was an inch from the second woman.

  “Hurry,” I ordered.

  I slid a hand behind her hand.

  She reached up and knew just what to do. She peeled the condom off my dick and let it fall to the floor. Then, with two hands (because that’s what it fucking took), she grabbed my dick and finished me. Her lips wrapped tight around the head of my cock and she sucked the rest of my cum out of me. I wasn’t done there though. I stayed there and fucked her mouth for another few minutes, just for the feeling.

  It was good but not great.

  I had been in the goddamn room for almost three hours with the two of them. They were both exhausted. The first woman was already sleeping, her hand reached across the nightstand for a mostly empty bottle of vodka.

  I got off the bed and got around behind the second woman, still on her knees. I lifted her up to her feet and she giggled. She leaned into me and my hands explored her tits. They were a little small but really firm. She placed her hands over mine and leaned her head back.

  “I can do this all night,” she whispered. “And all day tomorrow…”

  Yeah, right.

  I took hold of her hips and tossed her to the bed. “Get some fucking sleep. Wake up and leave. I don’t want to see you in the morning.”

  “What the fuck?” she asked.

  I walked to my jeans and grabbed a smoke and lit it. I laughed. “What did you think this was? A date? Want me to fucking propose?”

  “Asshole,” she whispered.

  “Exactly.” I took a deep drag. “Now, if you two start up on each other again, someone better get me. I refuse to miss that shit. You kiss better with pussy on your breath.”

  Her face turned bright red. Anger flashed in her eyes. It was kind of cute. I thought about fucking her again but I was good for the moment. Plus, the second she put her head to the pillow, her eyes started to shut. Hell, I was doing them a favor just by letting them stay. I could have kicked their asses out. Then what? They’d be scrambling for a ride or sucking someone else off, begging for a place to sleep.

  Asshole? Me? Nah. Not much.

  I got dressed and left the clubhouse. The garage bays were all closed up, floodlights shining down to the ground. We had worked our asses off to make the business profitable and make the MC profitable. Any law that came our way was faced with legit books, taxes, and all that real world shit. We kept our chapel room open for them to search. They could look but not touch a fucking thing.

  We had worked out a deal on an old warehouse where we stored anything that needed to be hidden. It was a hard to find building, but even if someone did find it, they’d see nothing but skeletons of motorcycles. So it looked like we were a bunch of filthy bikers who couldn’t let go of the past.

  In reality, we didn’t give a shit about the past. And we owned the present. And we were going to control the future.

  I sucked on my smoke hard, my mind racing.

  I had to get this shit worked out. I never let anything go without revenge. It was just how I was. It’s what made me Slam.

  “So there he is,” a voice said. “He emerged.”

  Knox approached me as I leaned against a light post.

  “Knoxville,” I said.

  “Spencer,” he threw back.

  “I will fucking kill you.”

  Knox patted my back. “I know, brother. I know.”

  We stood there together, brothers, staring out to the night.

  “Just say what you have to say,” I said to Knox.

  “Enjoy the pussy,” he said. “All of it. Tons of it.”

  “Why? You upset you got settled in with your old flame?”

  “No,” Knox said. “And don’t discount Ana and her innocent look. We’ve had company in the bedroom more than once. She knows how to keep me happy.”

  I laughed. “Good to know, VP.”

  “Slam, it took a lot for us to get you out,” he said. “It wasn’t your fault what happened and what went wrong. We took a vote on whether to let you back at the table to discuss retaliation. Uncle Jakey is nervous but we all made damn sure you’re going to be at the table.”

  “But I can’t fucking do a thing about it,” I said.

  “No. You get tangled up and you’re looking at life,” Knox said. “I can’t save you from that. Look at my old man. He was killed in prison. And look at King. Fuck, man, Kingston. On death row.”

  “I know. I saw him. A few times. He’s the same as ever. He just lives normal, man. Like he’s waiting to get out.”

  “He’s a true outlaw,” Knox said.

  “Amen to that, brother.”

  There was silence again as we both thought about Kingston.

  I tossed the butt of my smoke across the lot. I folded my arms and felt the tension build up inside me.

  “I know you’re ready to explode on me,” Knox said. “I can smell the smoke, brother.”

  “I’m going to get revenge,” I said. I looked at Knox. “You guys can’t stop me. I’ll stay out of trouble. I’ll stay out of jail. But I’m going to fix what was wrong. I need you to understand that, Knox.”

  “That’s why I’m here. You’re fucking pissed because Chief Richards grabbed you. You’re taking it personally.”

  “I have my reasons.”

  “Okay. What can I do to help?”

  I looked right at Knox. I knew what I wanted to do. I knew what I had to.

  “Find out everything you can about his daughter.”




  Timmy, Tommy, and Don. I had repeated their names in my mind a hundred times, making fun of them for sounding like some dumb TV show. They were the ones with big money and big ties to other work for the MC.

  But the way they talked and acted, they always seemed skittish to me. Yet when it came time to vote, I threw my hand up with a yay because I wanted the cash and I didn’t want to go head to head with the entire MC. Granted, I had been pounding whiskey when we went to chapel, so maybe my best judgment wasn’t present.

  Either way, I was first in line, cruising along a normally quiet road, the back of my ride stuffed with pieces of weapons. The plan was simple. If I got knocked over in any way, shape, or form, the guns I had could be worked out through the lawyers and court. Not to mention most of the PD was on our side with things. It was just the chief and a few of his brown nosed buddies that wanted to fuck us over big time.

  Behind me, Ari drove a truck. If that was opened, there would be a big stack of just-about-to-turn seafood. Enough to make your stomach turn and want to get away from the truck.

  If shit did hit the fan with me, then Ari was to park the truck and bail. Then when the coast was clear, we’d have an alternative route.

  Most of our runs were flawless. Sometimes we ran into hiccups.

  But this one…

  This was a fucking set up.

  Chief Richards put his foot to the middle of my back and pointed his long ass revolver to the back of my skull.

  “I got ya,” he growled. “You filthy piece of shit.”

  “Fuck off,” I said.

  I knew how to play off getting arrested. Jail time didn’t bother me at all. I could get in and get out, just like nasty sex, you know? Do it because it needs to be done. Then be go

  Chief had two of his guys stand me up.

  He was a little shorter than me. Years on the job had left him with salt and pepper hair, a rough looking attempt at a beard, and crow’s feet big enough that he looked ready to grab dinner and fly away.

  His breath stunk of cigar and whiskey.

  “Guns. Always the guns with you guys.”

  “I have no idea what you’re talking about,” I said.

  “Yeah fucking right,” Chief Richards said. “I’ve been eyeing you for a long time. And we have a box truck about two miles back that’s full of weapons.”

  Now that got my fucking attention.

  I looked right at Chief Richards and he knew I knew he fucking had me good.

  Right on cue one of the police cruisers moved and I saw Tommy standing against another cruiser, his arms crossed, body shaking.

  That’s why I didn’t trust those pricks. They were junkies. They were on the search for the next high. It was the only thing they knew. They couldn’t exist beyond it. And they had sold the fucking MC out big time. My name was thrown all over the place and since I was the first guy they grabbed, I was the one who got fucked.

  I had no reason to talk as Chief Richards walked me to his SUV. He took me to the box truck and tried to get me to sell out the rest of the club. One thing about the guys in the Reap: we never fucking sold each other out. No matter what.

  My lips were shut and stayed shut.

  Chief Richards introduced me to his baton half a dozen times and all I did was spit blood on the ground. His biggest deputy slammed my face off the side of the box truck, leaving a bloody smear.

  They had their fun.

  I would serve my time.

  And I would get my revenge.




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