Uncle Dominic's Touch

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Uncle Dominic's Touch Page 5

by Jenika Snow

  “Oh God, Dominic. Yes.” His mouth on her nipple, sucking, drawing the blood to the surface, drove her crazy. His teeth tugged at the engorged flesh until it bordered on painful. Chloe speared her hands through his hair and pulled him closer. He alternated between her breasts, sucking one nipple into his mouth and then going to the other. She didn’t have large breasts, but Dominic didn’t seem to mind, in fact, the grunts he made against her flesh hinted that he liked them just as they were.

  Finally breaking away from her, he sat between her legs. He placed his hands on her inner thighs, so close to her cunt she could feel the tips of his thumbs tease her lips.

  “I know I shouldn’t be doing this, Chloe, but I can’t help it. I can’t make myself stop. God help me I can’t stop.” He covered her body with his and sucked her bottom lip into his mouth. The thick head of his cock pressed against her pussy.

  He gently started to push into her body and her hole greedily sucked at the bulbous head, trying to draw it in deeper. He was so big, so thick, Chloe could feel him stretching her, filling her. The pain was there, but the agonizing pleasure far outweighed it.

  “Fuck, Chloe. I don’t think I’ve ever felt anything so tight.”

  Dominic’s coarse language inflamed her and she lifted her hips to take more of him. The movement caused him to slide further into her, her wetness making it easy. He stopped half way through, and when he swore under his breath, Chloe knew he came against her hymen.

  “God, baby.”

  “Do it, Dominic. Please.” He groaned once before he reared back and gripped her hips tight. With one swift move he buried himself to the hilt inside of her. The feeling of his balls slapping against her ass didn’t distract her from the burning pain she felt when he broke her innocence.

  Chloe squeezed her eyes shut, her pussy clenched tightly around his cock. With every spasm her inner muscles made, Dominic moaned in response.

  “Are you okay, Chloe.”

  She nodded because she couldn’t find her voice. Chloe wrapped her arms around him and kissed his neck. He started to move then, pulling his hips back and then pushing them forward. Every time he thrust back into her she could feel her pussy stretch. It was like nothing she had ever felt, like nothing she could have ever imagined. Faster and faster he went, never relenting no matter how loud she cried out, no matter how hard the bed shook.

  Another mind blowing climax approached and she breathed hard against his neck, begging him for it harder, faster, rougher. Before she came, Dominic pulled his cock from her and she made a sound of disappointment. He flipped her over and lifted her ass. Chest on the bed, ass in the air, she could feel his warm, humid breath on her lower back. She felt his thigh move between hers and force them apart. The muscles of her inner thighs stretched and strained, but when she felt his cock nudge at the opening of her pussy, the pain receded.

  “I’m not hurting you, am I, baby?”

  Oh yes he was, but she loved it. She shook her head and knew that if she admitted he was, despite the fact she loved it, he might stop or go slower. “No, I’m fine.” The words were all but a shaky whisper from her mouth.

  As if that was all he needed to hear, he slammed into her in one, quick thrust and they both moaned in pleasure. He didn’t go slow, didn’t let her body adjust to his girth. He pounded into her like a madman, holding her hips so tight she knew there would be bruises in the morning. The sound of wet sex, of her pussy sucking at his cock, drove her to the brink of madness and she came hard.

  Wet flesh slapped together and filled her ears. When she heard him cry out, deep and long, she knew he was about to come. He covered her back with his chest and reached in front of her to rub her clit with swift flicks.

  “One more time, baby. Come for me once more.” That was all it took, his talented fingers and his gruff, erotic words to send her over the edge once more.

  Chloe couldn’t catch her breath, couldn’t think as agony and ecstasy became one. He tensed behind her and let out a long, loud grunt before his cock jerked inside of her and he filled her up with his cum. His orgasm seemed to go on and on, but when he was finally spent they both collapsed onto the bed, breathing heavily.

  Chloe couldn’t keep her eyes open, but she was still aware that Dominic was buried in her cunt. His cock gave small jerks every so often and his semen slipped down her inner thighs. She fell asleep that way, Dominic inside her, his arms wrapped around her.

  The last thing she whispered was probably the one thing that ruined everything. “I love you, Uncle Dominic.”

  Chapter Eight

  Chloe woke to the sound of cupboards banging shut. She meant to get up, to see why those cupboards were being slammed, but even the slightest movement caused her body to scream out in pain. She couldn’t help but smile, immediately remembering why she was so sore. Between her legs felt sticky, another reminder that made her whole body tingle. She felt herself start to fall back into oblivion, but not before she heard a door slam shut.

  When Chloe woke again she was staring at the clock. Blinking several times, she lifted onto her elbows and pushed the hair from her face. She couldn’t be reading that right. It couldn’t be after one in the afternoon. She rolled over and looked toward the bedroom door. She glanced toward the empty spot next to her and ran her hand over it. The sheets were cold.

  When she rolled out of bed and grabbed a change of clothes, she felt the stickiness of what she had done last night between her legs. The shower called to her and she made her way inside. She looked at herself in the mirror. Her hair was knotted on one side, the “just fucked” look instantly came to mind. She had heard her friend’s use the term before and never really imagined what it might look like, but staring at herself now, she knew she had that look.

  As she waited for the water to warm, she couldn’t help but glance down her body. Her pussy ached and she could see a small smear of dried blood mixed with Dominic’s cum on her inner thigh. She had finally done it, had finally lost her virginity, and to none other than Uncle Dominic, the man she was in love with.

  The reality of that thought had her legs becoming weak. She sat on the toilet and stared at the wall and really thought about what that meant. How did he feel right now? She knew he would feel guilt over what they did, and she knew that no matter how much she wanted to tell him it had felt so right, nothing would change his outlook.

  When she stepped into the shower the water was scorching hot, but it was just the way she liked it. She made quick work of washing and then stepped out and dressed. When she made her way downstairs and into the kitchen, it suddenly occurred to her that the house was eerily quite. Every room she went into showed the same thing—nothing. Grabbing some fresh fruit and a yogurt from the fridge, Chloe went outside and sat in one of the chairs that overlooked the lake. Maybe he was working out or running around the lake. No, she remembered he always worked out first thing in the morning, before the sun had even risen over the horizon. Not letting herself worry about it, she realized there could be a million different things that he could be doing. She wasn’t his keeper and he didn’t owe her an explanation on where he was going. Resolve settled within her and she realized she was acting childish. She relaxed and enjoyed the warm weather and the sound of the water lapping at the shore.

  After she ate, she sat outside for another hour before she decided she needed to call Dominic and see where he was. Although she wasn’t his keeper, she couldn’t shake the uneasiness inside of her. Chloe grabbed her cell phone and dialed his number. When the voicemail picked up she ended the call, not bothering to leave a message.

  She felt the phone start to vibrate in her hand and looked at the caller ID. It was Dominic— she smiled and breathed a sigh of relief. “I was wondering where you were.” Silence greeted her and her brow knitted. “Hello?” The sound of riotous male laughter filled the background. “Hello? Uncle Dominic.”

  “Hey, Chloe.” Dominic sounded different.

  “Where are you?” She didn’t mean to so
und so accusing, but from the sound of it he was at a local tavern. She could tell as much by the blaring noise and clanking glasses in the background. This worried her because Dominic wasn’t known to hang out at the local taverns.

  “I’m down at T-Pubs. Everything okay?” His slurred voice confirmed her suspicions that he had been drinking.

  “Yes. I was just wondering where you went off to. Kind of early to be drinking isn’t it?” She waited for his reply.

  Her heart sped up at his clipped, angry tone. “No, Chloe. I don’t think it’s a little too early to be drinking. If you didn’t need anything then I’ll see you when I get home.”

  He was angry and that anger was directed towards her. Things were definitely not right. Dominic’s attitude, the fact that he was drinking in the middle of the afternoon at a bar he never frequented, had a wave or dread washing through her. Never had Uncle Dominic raised his voice at her. His words had only been comforting and gentle, as if he thought she would break. This was like a demon inside of him, a total one-eighty that had fear, hurt, and an array of other emotions filling her.

  “Okay.” She didn’t know what else to say. The phone went dead and she looked at it, verifying that he had indeed hung up on her. Oh God, what have I done? This isn’t how she saw this whole situation playing out. On one hand, she could see all the awful things that could and did happen after she had sex with him, but she had pushed those thoughts away and focused on how right it all felt. It was clear he didn’t feel the same way, and she worried that she had just ruined her relationship with the man she loved the most.


  Hours had passed since she had spoken with Dominic. She hadn’t called him back, no matter how much she wanted to, and he hadn’t called her. The sun had long set hours ago when she heard a car pull into the driveway. Chloe rushed toward the window and saw a taxi stop in front of the house. Dominic climbed out, his steps uneven and off balance. He was drunk. That much was clear.

  As the taxi left and Dominic made his way up the front steps to the house, Chloe couldn’t find the strength to greet him. She had seen Uncle Dominic drink on more than one occasion, but never had she seen him so wasted he couldn’t even stand up straight.

  Watching from the shadows of the living room as he stumbled into the kitchen, she held her breath. The sound of cupboards slamming and glasses clanking together drew her closer. Now in the entryway to the kitchen, his back to her, she watched as he poured himself a drink.

  “Did you eat dinner, sweetie?” Words garbled and slurred, Chloe should have known that despite his intoxication he would have known she was there. There wasn’t anything that got by him. Ever.

  “Yeah.” Her voice was nothing more than a whisper but she knew he heard her by the way he nodded in response. He kept his back toward her and so she took a tentative step forward. What could she say? How would she say it even if she knew what to say?

  “It’s getting late, Chloe.”

  He was dismissing her. She wanted to argue, wanted to ask him to come with her, to touch her, kiss her, love her. All those things were on the tip of her tongue but she couldn’t find the strength to say them. Instead she whispered, “Uncle Dominic, please.” He turned so quickly that she stumbled back a step. Glossy eyes and lids half mast, he looked like a drunk, smelled like one too.

  “Why won’t you talk to me?” About us, about what happened, hell, about anything.

  “Don’t you get it, Chloe?” He held the crystal cut glass in his hand so tightly his knuckles were white. “What we did is wrong on so many levels. I am your fucking uncle! Your God damn uncle!” He all but screamed and Chloe winced, never seeing this side of him before, this raw, painful anger. “The ink hasn’t even dried from my divorce!”

  Chloe felt the tears start to come to the surface. She wanted to be strong, needed to be because showing weakness wouldn’t help this situation. “You know as well as I do that what happened last night wasn’t wrong. I know I wasn’t the only one that felt the connection.” The laugh that came out of him had her skin prickling. It wasn’t one of happiness, no, it was one of sarcasm.

  “We fucked, Chloe. It should have never happened, but it did. Don’t be delusional to think it was anything other than that.”

  He said it so matter-of-factly that Chloe couldn’t help the hurt that enveloped her. “It was so much more than just a fuck, Dominic. Be a man and admit you are just too scared to say so!” She raised her voice as loud as he did and didn’t care if the whole damn town heard them. His face became a deep shade of red and she knew the anger that she had seen from him was nothing compared to what was about to happen.

  The glass flew out of his hand and shattered against the wall. She watched the amber colored liquid slide down the immaculate wallpaper before it made a pool on the ground. The light hit the shards of glass and cast sparkling designs across the hardwood floor. It would have been beautiful if the result of its destruction hadn’t been so ugly.

  “I’m a sick man! Can’t you see that? You’re a smart girl. Use that brain of yours, Chloe! What person in their right mind would fuck their niece? Blood related or not, that’s what I consider you, my fucking niece! There will never be anything between us, Chloe. Last night was a mistake. One big fucking mistake.”

  When he stormed out of the kitchen, Chloe didn’t go after him. She could have crumbled to the ground and wept until there were no more tears inside of her, but she didn’t. Looking at the broken glass again, she grabbed the broom and dustpan and cleaned up. What else could she do?


  The next morning Chloe packed her bag and called a taxi. A bus was scheduled to leave in an hour and she planned to be on it. She hadn’t seen Dominic again after the blow up in the kitchen, but that was okay. She didn’t think she could face him anyway. He had made himself perfectly clear, made how he felt about her crystal clear.

  All she could do now was go on with her life, despite the shattered heart that lay inside her chest. The sound of the taxi’s tires crunching along the driveway sounded and Chloe laid the goodbye letter to Dominic on the table. It was short and right to the point. She didn’t mention anything that they had done, didn’t even mention the fight. A simple, “thank you for letting me stay at your cottage, but I think my time here is done,” was all that needed to be said.

  She made sure to let him know when her bus would be leaving, not so much because she thought he needed to know, but more so because she hoped, in the back of her mind, he would come to her. She could see it as clear as day, could see him wrap her in his arms at the bus station and tell her to come home with him, and that everything would be okay. Of course she hoped that would happen, but she knew it wouldn’t. Chloe wasn’t stupid, no matter what she had done recently that said the contrary.

  Chapter Nine

  June 2010, eight years later

  The road beside Chloe’s car sped by like a blur of grey and yellow. Finally, after eight grueling years of school, she was finished. She was a doctor. It seemed surreal in a sense, almost like she was locked in a dream, a very good one at that. Now, she had another four years of internship to look forward to, but she wasn’t going to let that creep into her mind right now.

  Where she was going might be one of the worst decisions of her life, but despite that, she couldn’t stop herself from making the journey. She was going to the cottage, going to the one place she had told herself she wouldn’t go to ever again. Dominic wasn’t there. She knew that from one of the rare phone calls from her parents.

  In the past eight years a lot had changed. Her parents had decided to practice medicine in California. It wasn’t too much of a shock to Chloe given the fact she knew they wanted to expand their profession and look into plastics. It wasn’t like she wasn’t used to being put on the backburner, though. Hell, the majority of her life had been only about her grades and future professional status to them. If she looked good, they looked good.

  Her parents had moved a year ago, and although they still
spoke, rarely, it was like they were much too busy with their own lives to care about hers any longer. Maybe they were sick of everything too, and moving was the only option they saw fit to rectify the shitty life they had wrought?

  The one person that was always in the forefront of her mind, though, was Uncle Dominic. When everyone had found out Clara and Dominic had divorced, surprise was everyone’s emotion. Chloe knew that her, along with everyone else, had thought Clara and Dominic would last forever. There was no talk about Clara cheating on him, and Chloe knew that if she hadn’t overhead her aunt and uncle’s conversation she would have never known either. The blame was squarely placed on Dominic and his “inadequacy to be a good husband.”

  She hadn’t spoken to her uncle in the past eight years. All of her information came from her parents when they felt like calling, although she wasn’t even sure why they cared anymore. After the divorce, it was as if they had never liked him.

  Through her parents, she had found he had reenlisted as an active Navy SEAL and had gone overseas. He was now back in the frontline which scared the shit out of Chloe. With the wars waging all over the world, she feared receiving that phone call that said Dominic was dead. Although she had no idea who would even call her. She was just, after all, his niece.

  She knew he beat himself up about what they had done and she wished she could take his pain away. If he didn’t feel guilty why else would he have ran away and became an active SEAL again? She thought of him every day—but to actually speak to him again, see him again, after what had been said—was too much.


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