Chaos Born: A Sci-Fi Menage Romance (Warriors of the Seven Stars Book 2)

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Chaos Born: A Sci-Fi Menage Romance (Warriors of the Seven Stars Book 2) Page 3

by Kallista Dane

  She bristled at that, as I knew she would. Melisandre might know a few moves, but she was unskilled at controlling her emotions when facing a foe. Clearly, her training never included learning to keep her cool when being taunted by an opponent, a challenge nearly every male faces while he’s still in the schoolyard.

  I pressed my advantage. Not very chivalrous of me. Not the role of a warrior whose code is honor. But when I fought, I fought to win. And I was determined to win a night with my queen.

  The oracle said she’d be mine to claim. It was my destiny, part of the role I’d play. Since the moment I first saw Melisandre at the altar and heard the savage drumbeat, one part of my mind had been busy imagining all the ways I wanted to master her. Reluctant though it might be, her submission would be even sweeter if her own code of honor demanded that she obey me.

  I studied my queen as she considered the wager. I’d seen her often enough in visions, but this was the first time I’d been with her in the flesh.

  She stood taller than I imagined she would, taller than the average female in our world, with surprisingly full tits for her slender frame. Dark-red nipples poked out under the thin white shirt she wore, as though I’d already pinched them between my fingers then sucked them into tight little peaks.

  Skin-tight leather trousers showed off a trim waist and curvy hips, and hugged her firm, rounded ass. I hungered to grab it in both hands, pull her close, and pound my cock into her.

  Reluctantly, I tore my gaze away from her gorgeous ass and transferred it to her face.

  High forehead, emphasized by a mass of golden brown hair pulled back into a casual braid that hung nearly to her waist. Skin kissed by the sun. I wondered if the hours she spent training had all been outdoors. Thick brows, darker than her hair, set off warm-brown eyes flecked with gold to match the highlights wound through her braid.

  Her shoulders were rigid, her body tense instead of supple and relaxed. I recognized the posture. It came from straining to hold the body erect, never showing weakness even when every muscle was screaming for rest. Though her face bore the tan of a country lass, I could see faint smudges under her eyes, as though she’d gone without sleep for too long. I had a strange impulse to call off the mock battle, take her in my arms, and tell her to lay her head on my shoulder.

  Her mouth opened slightly, and I saw the tip of her pink tongue run along her upper lip as she considered my bet. All thoughts of cradling her as she slept flew out of my mind, and my cock took over, filling my head with other plans for that pink tongue and those soft lips.

  It was all I could do to wait in silence while she made up her mind.

  Finally, she nodded. “I’ll accept that wager.”

  “Repeat the terms so I know we are in agreement."

  She hesitated.

  “I thought you said you were familiar with the practice of wagering. Having both parties recite the terms of the wager is common practice among soldiers when sparring. Then no one can cry foul when it’s time to pay up.”

  It sounded reasonable enough but truth be told, I’d tricked her. I’ll confess it. It was clear my queen had never made a sparring wager in her life since she didn’t challenge my statement. I was making up the rules as I went along, just to see if I could get her to agree to my wickedly improper wager.

  I carry no shame for goading her into a contest. If the oracle was right, Melisandre would soon be accompanying me into battle. I didn’t want her to be under any illusions about her ability to handle herself in combat. Besides, now that I could feel her warmth when she drew near, breathe in her scent, the male in me hungered to make the visions I’d seen of us come true. I wanted to win, needed to win, so I could peel off those tight leather pants and bury my face in her sweet pussy. Command her to kneel before me and watch that pink tongue lick up and down my shaft.

  “If I draw blood again, you’ll take a knee, renounce your title, and proclaim me the true Warrior of the Seven Stars,” she repeated. “But if you manage to take away the dagger before that happens, I’ll…” She stopped. Her cheeks turned a fetching shade of pink, but she took in a deep breath and went on. “I’ll kneel before you, call you Master, and do whatever you command – until sunrise.”

  I gave a solemn nod and ordered my raging cock to stand down. Melisandre had learned a few slick moves from her trainer. I needed to keep my wits about me, or she might slip under my guard again.

  We took up our positions. After we’d circled each other a few times, I allowed her to get close. She took a swipe with the dagger and I pivoted, twisting away just before the blade connected with my side. I backed away, gave a fake sigh of relief. “You are fast, my lady.”

  I felt a twinge of guilt when I saw her triumphant grin.

  “Still think you can best me, great warrior?” she taunted.

  She backed away, watching for my next move. I developed a grudging admiration for the guardsmen who taught her. Unlike most novices, my queen kept her eyes on my hands and on the lower part of my chest, my center of gravity, instead of on my face. She wouldn’t be fooled by a glance to one side or the other if my body wasn’t poised to dart in that direction.

  Raw and primitive, the drumbeats intensified, echoing through the vast chamber. Distracted for a moment, she took her focus off me and glanced around as though trying to find their source. I saw her chest rising and falling as her breathing quickened, keeping time with their cadence, and came up with my plan.

  I circled her, this time swaying to the hypnotic beat. She followed with her eyes. Gradually, subtly, I turned my movements into an erotic dance. Thrusting my hips forward suggestively. Letting the primitive beat take over my body.

  I wasn’t completely inexperienced. I’d watched women dance for me in brothels and bedrooms, seducing me with their bodies. Making my cock stiffen, their moves a preview of what was to come. My role was always that of spectator.

  But now, the tables were turned. I found myself becoming wildly aroused as I allowed the savage rhythm to flow through me. Becoming bolder and more lewd as I watched her react. Her eyes glazed over and, before long, her hips swayed in tandem with mine as I closed the distance between us.

  When she glanced down for the third time at the now-prominent bulge under the garment slung around my hips, I made my move. My hands shot out, one gripping her wrist to force the dagger away from our bodies while the other circled her waist, drawing her against me.

  Her eyes flew open, and she struggled. I increased the pressure and pried her fingers apart. The dagger clattered to the floor. Though she’d clearly lost the wager, she fought me silently. Writhing as she tried to break my hold on her. Clawing at me , raking her nails over my bare chest.

  I captured both her wrists, trapping them behind her back, and pulled her in tighter.

  “Are you ready to kneel before me?” I asked playfully. “Yield to your Master?”

  “I am the queen! I yield to no one.”

  The blood of a warrior pumped through my veins, stirred by her rebellious response. I tamped down a flash of anger. “Take care, my lady. I took you at your word. If you don’t honor your wager, I’ll have to punish you – until you agree to submit to my every command.”

  Chapter Four


  Punished – until I submit. The stern tone in his voice sent a wicked thrill coursing through me. But as queen I’d grown accustomed to being the one in control. And whether the character trait came from my royal lineage or my stubborn pride, I would not yield so easily.

  “I declare our wager null and void. You…you cheated!”

  Even as I shouted out the accusation, I knew it wasn’t true.

  But I was desperate. My body was pressed up against his bare chest. His distinctive scent filled my lungs. Dark and musky, it had my heart racing. He’d trapped both my wrists in one huge paw so I couldn’t fight back. And damn him, all I could think of was how it would feel to be turned over those hard thighs and feel his h
ot cock against my belly as he yanked off my pants and bared my ass.

  I didn’t have to wait long to find out.

  Magnus backed up and sank down onto the steps to the dais, pulling me facedown over his lap. “Cheated? That’s a harsh accusation. Exactly how did I cheat?”

  He still had my arms pinned behind my back. I writhed against him, trying to kick his shins with the toes of my heavy boots.

  “What you did – that wasn’t fighting! You were trying to seduce me.”

  “I was trying to win our sparring match,” he replied. “Using whatever means necessary. I did – and now you’re pissed because you lost. I can’t help it if you got distracted and let your guard down. Now, are you ready to get on your knees and call me Master? Do what you’re told until sunrise?”

  I responded with a very unladylike suggestion. Magnus chuckled.

  “I would never disobey a direct order from my queen, but you know that’s not anatomically possible for me to do, my lady. So unless you’re willing to apologize and make good on your wager, you leave me no choice.”

  He reached under me and deftly unfastened my trousers with one hand, while the other one pinned both my wrists at my waist. When he yanked my trousers down to my knees, I let out a shriek that nearly drowned out the drumbeats pounding in my head.

  My cries were cut off by a gasp a moment later when his broad palm came down on my bare bottom. I heard the loud smack echo off the stone walls of the temple a millisecond before the harsh sting registered.

  “Stop! I command you to stop!”

  Magnus ignored my protest and spanked me over and over. Frantically I tried to wriggle away. He caught my legs between his and tightened his hold on my wrists. Every whack from his rough palm was a lick of fire on my naked ass. I hardly registered his words when he began speaking.

  “You’re in no position to give commands, my lady. It’s time you learned another lesson of combat. Sometimes it’s wise to surrender and live to fight another day.”

  The brute punctuated his words with stern smacks. This punishment was nothing like I’d imagined. It hurt!

  “It’s time to kneel before me. Show me you’re ready to obey my every command.”

  “Never!” I shrieked.

  “Very well.”

  I’d thought he was spanking me hard when he began, but it was nothing compared to what happened next. His palm took up a rhythm that matched the beat of the drums. Sharp, staccato whacks sent the fire on my backside deep into my core. The smooth hot steel of his erection pulsed against my mound. The rational part of my brain realized my wriggling had worked his garment up so we were skin to skin. The primitive part screamed yesyesyes and urged me to grind my pussy over his cock.

  Pain morphed into pleasure as each firm whack rocked me against him. My clit throbbed in tandem with the drumbeats. My angry shrieks turned into low moans.

  “Does my queen enjoy being spanked like a naughty girl?”

  Oh yes, the slut in me whispered, but pride wouldn’t allow me to say it out loud.

  He stopped spanking and slid his hand between my thighs. To my shame, I opened my legs as far as I could.

  “You’re wet.” He ran a finger inside me then pulled it out and held it in front of my face. I breathed in the musky scent of my own arousal. To my shock, it sent a bolt of raw lust rocketing through me. My pussy clenched then gushed all over his thighs.

  He gave a wicked laugh. “You may not want to answer, but your body can’t lie. You do enjoy it.”

  He shoved my trousers down to my ankles. “Spread your legs.”

  I’m ashamed to say I did it. I spread my legs willingly. Eagerly.

  Magnus caressed my burning bottom cheeks, rubbing the fire deep into my core, then ran his fingers down the cleft between them. I shuddered when he probed my rear portal with a fingertip, testing the tight pucker. He laughed and slapped my ass playfully. “It seems I found something else you enjoy. We’ll get to that later.”

  Get to that later. Oh dear Goddess, did he mean what I thought he did? I gasped when he stroked the dripping folds of my womanhood.

  “Spread your legs wider.”

  I lay over his hard thighs, helpless. His prisoner. My arms trapped behind my back, my bare bottom hot and stinging, my private parts exposed for him to look and touch all he wanted. Instead of igniting my stubborn streak, the firm command delivered in the deep timbre of his voice sent a wicked thrill racing through me. I did it immediately, shocked at how much it turned me on to obey his command.

  He slid one finger into my pussy. Thick and hard. Working it deeper as I moaned and writhed on his lap.

  “Are you ready to yield? Kneel before me and call me Master?”

  Lost in a fog of lust, I didn’t answer. He pulled his finger out and delivered half a dozen swift smacks to my bottom.

  “When I ask you a question, you will answer!”

  “Yes!” I shrieked.

  He shoved two fingers inside me, pumped in and out, then smacked my bottom again, hard enough to reignite the fiery burn. “Yes, what?”

  My clit was throbbing; my pussy ached to be filled.

  “Yes, Master,” I moaned.

  He stroked the lips of my pussy, coating his fingers with the juices of my arousal, and found the swollen bud of my clit. Caught it between two fingers and rubbed it. I let out a wordless mewling sound.

  “Yes. Yes, Master, I yield.”

  He pinched it lightly then flicked one finger back and forth over the tip. My pussy clenched. I gasped as a wave of heat poured through me.

  “Say it. Say it all.”

  “Yes,” I babbled. “Yes, I yield. I will kneel before you and obey your every command.”

  He stopped abruptly. “Show me,” he demanded, his voice dark and low.

  I slid off his lap onto my knees and bowed my head. “Yes, Master.”

  “Stand up and take off your clothes. I want you naked – from now to sunrise.”

  My hands shook as I fumbled with the buttons of my shirt, then let it fall to the floor. I wore no undergarment beneath it, and I heard him draw in his breath when my breasts were bared.

  I felt awkward and ungainly standing before him naked except for one boot and my trousers in a puddle around my ankle. He’d worked the other boot off and sent it flying somewhere when he yanked that leg free of my trousers then demanded I expose myself to him.

  I crouched, untied the remaining boot, and stepped out of it. Drawing myself up to my full height, I resisted the impulse to cross my arms over my breasts and faced him.

  Magnus took his time. Ran his gaze all the way up my body, making me acutely aware of the evidence of my arousal dripping down the inside of my thigh, the tight, hard peaks of my nipples poking out. The dark intensity in his eyes set off a fluttering in my belly, part fear, part arousal.

  He stood and ripped off his short tunic. His cock sprang free, thick and heavy. So big my fear intensified. I could never take it in. I’d been a virgin till a few days ago, when Drayke barged into my room at the palace and sent my life spinning out of control.

  Drayke! So much had happened since I entered the temple, I’d forgotten all about him. Where was he? Surely the transformation back to human form hadn’t taken this long before.

  Magnus wrapped one huge fist around his erection. “It’s time to kneel before me. Show me you’re ready to obey my every command.”

  I froze. Though I had no personal experience in the matter, I’d always heard men were jealous creatures. The thought of Drayke coming into the temple to find me naked, kneeling in submission before another man’s cock, terrified me. What if he flew into a rage and attacked the huge warrior? In his altered form, my lover was ferocious. But I knew the transformation took a toll on him. He’d need time to recover. Magnus was larger, stronger. I’d nearly lost Drayke once already. I couldn’t bear it if my reckless wager put his life in danger.

  “Before I do, there’s something
you need to know,” I said. “I didn’t come here alone today. I have a lover. A protector, sent to me by the Goddess. He can take on the form of a vicious fire-breathing dragon. He’ll be walking in the door any minute. If he sees me naked, on my knees in front of you, he’s liable to incinerate you in a fit of jealous rage.”

  Magnus furrowed his brow. “A dragon, you say?”

  I nodded. “A huge, fierce dragon.”

  “And you fear he might attack me in a fit of jealous rage?”

  “I’m not refusing to honor my wager. But I needed to warn you. I wouldn’t want a moment of reckless behavior on my part to cause you harm.”

  He nodded solemnly. “How gracious of you, my lady. But I don’t want to have to punish you again so soon for being disobedient. Feel free to get down on your knees in front of me right now and swear you’ll do every wicked thing I demand.” As he spoke, his palm stroked the length of his rigid shaft. I watched, transfixed, as a drop of pre-cum welled up from the tip. “You can start by wrapping your sweet lips around the head of this cock. You don’t need to hesitate for fear of bringing me harm.” He raised his voice. “Does she?”

  “Not at all,” replied a familiar voice from somewhere behind me. “In fact, I’m looking forward to seeing just how submissive our queen can be.”

  I whirled around. Drayke stepped out of the shadows, stark naked, his cock iron hard, and bowed his head slightly. “Forgive me, my lady. I felt it would be rude to interrupt a first meeting arranged by the Oracle.”

  He turned to Magnus.

  “Greetings, brother. I’ve enjoyed watching you at work, especially the spanking. When it’s my turn to punish her, I hope you’ll give me a few pointers. Submissive until sunrise? Excellent choice for a wager. It seems we’re all in for a good time tonight.”

  Chapter Five


  I stared at him, my mouth hanging open.


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