by H. W. Brands
Indian Bureau and, 55.1, 66.1
poverty of
Quakers and
reservation system and
Sand Creek massacre and
Sherman and
traders and, 55.1, 66.1
transcontinental railroad and
Ingalls, Rufus, 8.1, 8.2
Interior Department, U.S., 55.1, 65.1, 66.1
Irving, Washington
Italy, 80.1, 80.2
Iuka, Battle of
Jackson, Andrew, 1.1, 1.2, 2.1, 2.2, 9.1, 13.1, 45.1, 57.1, 76.1, 81.1
Jackson, Battle of
Jackson, Claiborne, 16.1, 18.1
Jackson, Thomas J. “Stonewall”, 18.1
Jackson, William
Jefferson, Thomas, 1.1, 76.1
Jennie (servant girl)
Jews, 27.1, 29.1, 29.2, 56.1
Johnson, Andrew, 42.1, 50.1, 52.1, 53.1, 53.2, 55.1, 56.1, 56.2, 57.1, 60.1, 60.2, 61.1, 64.1, 64.2, 65.1, 65.2, 66.1, 76.1
amnesty proclamation of
character of
civil rights bill of 1866 vetoed by
1866 election and
French occupation of Mexico and
Grant’s conflict with
impeachment of, 54.1, 54.2, 54.3, 56.1, 58.1
and jealousy of Grant
Reconstruction Act and, 53.1, 54.1
reconstruction policy of
Sherman-Johnston surrender agreement and
Stanton ousted by, 54.1, 54.2
Johnson, Bushrod
Johnson, Eliza
Johnson, Reverdy
Johnson, Robert
Johnson administration
Johnston, Albert Sidney, 22.1, 24.1, 24.2, 25.1
death of
Johnston, Joseph E., 25.1, 31.1, 32.1, 35.1, 39.1, 41.1, 48.1, 48.2, 49.1, 50.1, 51.1, 87.1
Jones, Russell, 41.1, 65.1
Jones, William
Julesburg massacre
Julian, George W.
Justice Department, U.S., 63.1, 76.1
Kansas, 9.1, 12.1, 45.1
slavery conflict in, 9.1, 80.1
Kansas-Nebraska Act of 1854, 9.1, 11.1
Lincoln’s criticism of
Kearney, Stephen
Kellogg, William, 73.1, 79.1
Kelton, John
Kemp, John
Kennedy, Surgeon
Kennesaw Mountain, Battle of
Kentucky, 14.1, 20.1, 21.1, 24.1, 45.1, 56.1, 65.1
King Philip’s War
Know Nothing movement
Ku Klux Klan, prl.1, 56.1, 63.1, 64.1, 67.1, 71.1, 74.1, 75.1, 80.1
and enforcement of Fifteenth Amendment
Grant’s military campaign against, 63.1, 63.2
prosecutions of
violence and lawlessness of
Ku Klux Klan Act of 1871, 62.1, 63.1, 65.1, 75.1
Kung, Prince of China
Lauman, Jacob
Lawler, Michael
LeConte, Emma
Lee, Fitzhugh
Lee, Robert E., 8.1, 25.1, 33.1, 38.1, 39.1, 39.2, 39.3, 44.1, 47.1, 47.2, 50.1, 50.2, 51.1, 57.1, 74.1, 80.1, 87.1
amnesty question and
at Antietam
in Appomattox campaign, 49.1, 49.2
army shortages and desertions and
becomes Confederate commander in chief
at Chancellorsville
at Cold Harbor
at Gettysburg, 33.1, 33.2
Grant contrasted with, 48.1, 49.1, 87.1
Grant’s correspondence with
in invasion of Maryland, 27.1
John Brown raid and
McClellan’s misjudgment of
in Mexican War, 5.1, 6.1
siege of Petersburg and, 48.1, 48.2, 49.1
Southern cause joined by
surrender of
at the Wilderness
Leggett, M. D.
Liberal Republican Party, U.S., 65.1, 65.2, 65.3
Liberty Party, U.S.
Li Hung-chang
Lincoln, Abraham, prl.1, 13.1, 16.1, 16.2, 18.1, 23.1, 23.2, 27.1, 27.2, 27.3, 28.1, 28.2, 29.1, 30.1, 33.1, 36.1, 36.2, 37.1, 39.1, 39.2, 39.3, 39.4, 41.1, 43.1, 45.1, 46.1, 48.1, 48.2, 50.1, 51.1, 51.2, 56.1, 64.1, 64.2, 67.1, 70.1, 74.1, 75.1, 76.1, 86.1, 87.1
assassination of, 50.1, 79.1, 80.1
“better angel” speech of
Chattanooga operations and
Confederate peace feelers and
congressional war message of
Cooper Union address of
descriptions of, 13.1, 41.1
Douglas’s debates with
Early’s raid and
1858 election and
1860 election and, 23.1, 80.1
1864 election and, 37.1, 42.1, 42.2, 45.1
Emancipation Proclamation and
on Fort Pillow massacre
Fort Sumter crisis and, 15.1, 17.1
Frémont’s emancipation decree and
Gettysburg’s aftermath and
on Grant
Grant’s City Point meeting with
Grant’s correspondence with, 34.1, 48.1
Grant’s first meeting with
Grant’s Jewish Traders Order and
Greeley’s open letter to
Kansas-Nebraska Act criticized by
McClellan as viewed by
on meaning of Civil War
Mexican War criticized by
as public speaker
Republican Party and
secession crisis and
second inaugural address of, 50.1, 57.1
Seward’s co-presidency proposal and
Sherman’s encounters with, 18.1, 18.2
slavery question as viewed by
on Sumner
Thirteenth Amendment and
Vicksburg campaign and
Lincoln, Mary Todd, 38.1, 50.1
Lincoln, Robert
Lincoln administration, 27.1, 46.1
Little Big Horn, Battle of the
Logan, John, 47.1, 47.2, 56.1, 82.1, 83.1
Longfellow, Henry Wadsworth
Longstreet, James, 27.1, 33.1, 33.2, 36.1, 36.2, 36.3, 36.4, 37.1, 44.1, 48.1, 49.1, 84.1, 87.1
Loochoo (Ryukyu) Islands
Lookout Mountain, 36.1, 57.1
Louisiana, 2.1, 14.1, 35.1, 56.1, 65.1, 79.1, 79.2
Colfax massacre in, 73.1, 75.1
Coushatta massacre in, 73.1, 75.1
1876 election in
electoral conflict and insurrection in, 73.1, 75.1
Ku Klux Klan violence in
reconstruction in, 35.1, 50.1
secession of
Sheridan’s command in
White League of
Louisiana Purchase, 2.1, 2.2
Lowell, James Russell
Loyal Leagues, 63.1
Lunt, Dolly Sumner, 46.1, 46.2
Lunt, Orrington
Lynchburg, Battle of
Lyon, Francis
Lyon, Nathaniel
McClellan, George B., 8.1, 8.2, 9.1, 16.1, 21.1, 21.2, 23.1, 24.1, 30.1
at Antietam
1864 election and, 42.1, 42.2, 45.1
Peninsula campaign and
McClernand, John, 21.1, 21.2, 22.1, 22.2, 24.1, 24.2, 24.3, 30.1, 31.1, 31.2, 31.3, 32.1
McClure, Alexander
McCook, Alexander M.
McCosh, James
McDonald, John, 76.1, 76.2
McDowell, Irvin, 18.1, 21.1
McDowell, John A.
Mack & Brothers
McLean (farmer)
McMillan, Dr.
McPherson, James, 24.1, 28.1, 31.1, 35.1, 38.1, 43.1
death of
Madison, James
Maine, 2.1, 73.1
Manifest Destiny, 2.1, 60.1
Marine National Bank
Maryland, 21.1, 56.1, 53.1, 58.1, 65.1
Battle of Antietam in, see Antietam, Battle of
invasion of
Mason, Rich
Mason-Dixon Line, 11.1, 87.1
Massachusetts, 58.1, 65.1
Maximilian, Emperor of Mexico
Meade, George Gordon, prl.1, 33.1, 33.2, 36.1, 39.1, 39.2, 41.1, 44.1, 48.1, 53.1
Medical Record
Meigs, Montgomery, 36.1, 36.2
Memphis & Charleston Railroad, 28.1, 36.1
Memphis Avalanche
Meridian campaign
Merritt, Wesley
Mexican Southern Railroad
Mexican War, prl.1, 11.1, 60.1, 80.1, 84.1
California issue and, 2.1, 4.1
crossing of Rio Grande in
Grant as quartermaster in, 4.1, 5.1
Grant in aftermath of
Grant’s assessment of
Grant’s first action in, 3.1, 4.1
Grant’s initial deployment in
Grant’s leadership and initiative in, 3.1, 6.1
Lincoln’s criticism of
Manifest Destiny and
Mexico City campaign in, 6.1, 6.2
peace treaty in
San Cosme attack in
U.S. declaration of war in
U.S. politics and, 2.1, 2.2, 4.1, 5.1, 5.2
Vera Cruz landings in
see also specific battles
Mexico, 2.1, 2.2, 7.1, 57.1, 81.1, 85.1
Maximilian’s regime in
railroad industry of
Spanish conquest of
U.S. annexation of Texas and
Military Division of the Mississippi, U.S.
Military History of Ulysses S. Grant (Badeau)
Miner, James
Missionary Ridge, 36.1, 57.1
Mississippi, 35.1, 56.1, 75.1, 79.1
electoral conflict in
Ku Klux Klan violence in
Meridian campaign in
new constitution of
secession of
Mississippi Central Railroad
Mississippi Department, U.S.
Missouri, 2.1, 9.1, 14.1, 17.1, 21.1, 65.1
Missouri Compromise of 1820, 9.1, 9.2, 11.1, 60.1
Molina del Rey, Battle of
Monroe Doctrine, 51.1, 60.1
Cuban insurgency and
Monterrey, Battle of, 4.1, 5.1, 5.2
Moore, George
Moore, Thomas Overton, 13.1, 18.1
Morales, Juan
Morgan, John Hunt
Morgan, J. P., 83.1, 86.1
Morrill, Lot M.
Morris, Isaac, 37.1, 56.1
Morris, Thomas
Morton, Oliver, 65.1, 69.1, 71.1, 71.2
Mosby, John, 39.1, 44.1, 79.1
Moses, Adolph
Motley, John
Murphy, Colonel
Murphy, Thomas
“Naboth’s Vineyard” (Sumner)
Napoleon I, Emperor of France, 2.1, 11.1, 46.1
Napoleon II, Emperor of France, 51.1, 64.1, 80.1
Nashville, Battle of
National Labor Council
National Union Party, U.S.
Navy, U.S.
Navy Department, U.S.
Nebraska, 9.1, 66.1
Nevada, 45.1, 55.1, 82.1
New England Emigrant Aid Company
New Jersey, 45.1, 56.1, 82.1
New Jersey Central Railroad
New Mexico, 7.1, 9.1
New Orleans, Battle of, 2.1, 2.2
New York City, draft riots in, 34.1, 45.1
New York Herald, 65.1, 67.1, 80.1, 80.2, 84.1
New York State, 2.1, 33.1, 56.1, 56.2, 58.1, 67.1
New York Sun
New York Times, 9.1, 21.1, 25.1, 37.1, 50.1, 53.1, 65.1, 67.1, 69.1, 69.2, 72.1, 84.1, 85.1, 86.1, 86.2, 86.3
New York Tribune, 9.1, 23.1, 27.1, 34.1, 60.1
New York World
Nicolay, John, 38.1, 38.2
Ninth Corps, U.S.
North American Review
North Carolina
North Carolina (ship)
Northern Pacific Railroad, 69.1, 85.1
Ohio, 58.1, 82.1
Ohio Department, U.S.
Ohio Life and Trust Company
Ord, Edward, 28.1, 29.1, 48.1, 49.1, 50.1, 53.1, 62.1
Oregon Territory, 7.1, 8.1, 13.1
O’sullivan, John L.
Outlaw, Wyatt
Pacific Mail Steamship Company
Page, Captain
Palmer, Colonel
Palo Alto, Battle of, 3.1, 4.1, 4.2
panic of 1837
panic of 1857, 11.1, 59.1
panic of 1873, 69.1, 85.1
Pemberton, John, 6.1, 30.1, 30.2, 31.1, 31.2, 35.1, 74.1
Pendleton Act of 1883
Pennsylvania, 33.1, 58.1
Pennsylvania Railroad
Perry, Raymond
Petersburg, siege of:
evacuation of Richmond in
fall of Fort Fisher and, 47.1, 47.2
final Union offensive in
Grant-Lincoln correspondence and, 48.1
Grant-Sherman-Sheridan meeting in
Phillips, Wendell, 52.1, 53.1
Pickett, George Edward, 33.1, 49.1
Pickett, LaSalle Corbell
Pierce, Franklin, 5.1, 9.1, 70.1
Pierrepont, Edwards, 65.1, 71.1, 76.1, 79.1, 80.1, 83.1
Pike, Corporal
Pillow, Gideon J., 22.1, 22.2
Pinkerton, Allan
Plessy, Homer
Plunkitt, George Washington
Polk, James, 2.1, 2.2, 2.3, 3.1, 4.1, 4.2, 5.1, 6.1, 7.1, 15.1
Lincoln’s criticism of
Pontiac’s Rebellion
Pope, John, 19.1, 19.2, 27.1, 27.2, 65.1, 84.1
Porter, Captain
Porter, David, 29.1, 30.1, 30.2, 30.3, 30.4, 30.5, 31.1, 31.2, 32.1, 42.1, 47.1, 87.1
Porter, Fitz John, 84.1, 87.1
Porter, Horace, 39.1, 40.1, 41.1, 44.1, 48.1, 48.2, 59.1, 70.1
Port Gibson, Battle of
Port Hudson, 34.1, 35.1
Pottawatamie massacre
Prentiss, Benjamin, 24.1, 24.2, 31.1
Grant’s rank dispute with
Price, Sterling, 20.1, 28.1, 28.2, 28.3
“Private History of a Campaign That Failed, The” (Twain)
Pulitzer, Joseph
Quakers (Society of Friends)
Quinby, Isaac
Radical Republicans, 52.1, 52.2, 52.3, 53.1, 53.2, 54.1, 56.1, 58.1, 58.2, 62.1
1866 election and
reconstruction and, 51.1, 52.1, 52.2, 53.1, 56.1, 56.2
railroads, 1.1, 8.1, 9.1, 11.1, 32.1, 69.1, 80.1
labor strike of 1877 and
panic of 1873 and
scandals and
transcontinental, see transcontinental railroad
Randolph, B. F.
Rawlins, John, 15.1, 22.1, 30.1, 33.1, 36.1, 39.1, 42.1, 56.1, 58.1, 60.1
death of, 60.1, 60.2
Grant’s relationship with
Rawlins, Mary
Raymond, Battle of
reconstruction/Reconstruction, 35.1, 58.1, 78.1, 79.1
amnesty question and, 51.1, 51.2, 53.1
black citizenship issue in
black codes and
civil rights bill of 1866 and
former slaves and
Grant’s tour of South and
Johnson’s policy for
Lincoln’s assassination and, 50.1, 50.2
Lincoln’s policy for
in Louisiana, 35.1, 50.1
military rule in
modern view of
Radical Republicans and, 51.1, 52.1, 52.2, 53.1, 56.1, 56.2
restoration of Southern states and
Sherman on
state constitutions and, 53.1, 56.1
suffrage and, 51.1, 52.1
violence and, 52.1, 62.1
Reconstruction Act of 1867, 53.1, 54.1, 56.1, 56.2, 62.1
Red Clo
ud, 55.1, 55.2, 66.1, 77.1, 77.2
Redstone, Albert
Reid, Whitelaw
Republican National Convention:
of 1860
of 1868, 56.1, 56.2
of 1872
of 1880
Republican Party, 15.1, 27.1, 44.1, 52.1, 53.1, 53.2, 54.1, 58.1, 60.1, 62.1, 63.1, 65.1, 65.2, 71.1, 72.1, 79.1, 80.1, 80.2, 81.1
anti-Johnson mission of
capitalist vs. conscience wings of, 65.1, 65.2, 87.1
Conklin-Blaine feud in
enforcement acts and
Johnson impeachment and, 54.1, 54.2, 54.3
Lincoln and
origin of
postwar economic recovery and
reconstruction and
see also Radical Republicans; specific elections
Resaca, Battle of (1864)
Resaca de la Palma, Battle of (1846), 3.1, 4.1, 4.2, 4.3
Resumption Act of 1875
revolution of 1848
Reynolds, Joseph
Richardson, Alfred
Richardson, William, 69.1, 76.1
Richmond & Danville Railroad
Richmond Dispatch
Richmond Examiner
Robeson, George, 71.1, 76.1
Robinson, Mary, 2.1, 2.2, 10.1
Rosecrans, William, 28.1, 36.1
Grant’s firing of
Rousseau, Lovell H.
Russia, 62.1, 68.1, 80.1
Rust, Albert
Ryan, W. A. C.
Ryukyu (Loochoo) Islands
St. Louis Democrat
Sampson, Henry
Sand Creek massacre
Sanford, John
Santa Anna, Antonio Lopéz de, 5.1, 5.2, 6.1, 6.2
Sartoris, Algernon, 68.1, 72.1, 83.1
Sartoris, Edward John, 68.1, 72.1
Schenk, Robert
Schofield, John M., 43.1, 56.1
Schurz, Carl, 56.1, 63.1, 65.1, 65.2
1872 election and, 65.1, 65.2
at Gettysburg
Grant criticized by, 63.1, 65.1
Grant’s criticism of
Scott, Dred, 11.1, 52.1
Scott, John
Scott, Thomas
Scott, Winfield, 1.1, 1.2, 4.1, 5.1, 5.2, 6.1, 6.2, 6.3, 8.1, 14.1, 15.1, 16.1, 17.1, 18.1, 21.1
“anaconda plan” of
Taylor contrasted with
secession crisis, 17.1, 80.1, 87.1
Constitution and, 13.1, 15.1
Fort Sumter crisis and
Grant on
Lincoln and
in St. Louis
South Carolina and, 13.1, 14.1, 14.2
Second Corps, U.S., 33.1, 40.1
Sedan, Battle of
Sedgwick, John
Seminole Wars
Senate, Mexican
Senate, U.S., 2.1, 2.2, 4.1, 6.1, 14.1, 58.1, 65.1, 70.1, 85.1
Alabama claims and
Brooks’s attack on Sumner in, 9.1, 51.1
Civil Rights Act of 1875 in
Dominican annexation treaty in, 61.1, 84.1
1866 election and
1874 election and
Foreign Relations Committee of, 61.1, 64.1
Grant’s campaign against Ku Klux Klan and
Johnson’s impeachment in
Judiciary Committee of
Kansas-Nebraska Act in, 9.1
slavery issue in