Elwin knew he should be surprised, but he was simply too tired and sore to be surprised or even care anymore. Will this never end, thought Elwin. For days, I have lived in darkness and alone. Now everywhere I look someone appears and in a place where there should be no one. And each time it is never good.
This old man who walked with the aid of a long white staff did not appear a threat, or anything nearly as dramatic as what Elwin had already seen and gone through. More importantly, he seemed human and not some mad god or ghostly aberration. Probably some lost soul who has wandered in from above. But how did he get here? A spark of hope passed before the prince. Another way in! Does he know another way in? If there is another way in, then there is another way out!
At last the man came up to the altar. His gray-blue gray eyes seemed to twinkle as he looked at Elwin. A slight smile came to his old and wrinkled face, but he said nothing. Silently he stood there as if he was awaiting something. Maybe he has been trapped down here for years and thinks I am an illusion, or maybe he is the illusion, and I have finally gone mad.
Finally, Elwin broke the silence. "Who are you? And how did you get here?"
"I am a friend, Elwin, and we need to talk." His voice was solid for such an old man. "I have waited such a very long time for this moment. I am pleased you have come to me."
Elwin stared at the man in shock. “How do you know me? How do you know my name?”
“I know much, and I have been watching you for a very long time. But this is the first time I have had a chance to talk with you.” With a wave of his thin arm, he gestured, taking in the long basilica hall. “This place is of the old world. It is one of the few places I can still walk as I once did. Soon I will not have the strength to come even here. I fear my days are numbered and coming to an end. Then again perhaps that is not such a bad thing.”
“Your home is a mess,” commented Elwin, as he too looked across the ruined hall.
The man nodded, "It is indeed. Children can make such a mess, and they rarely clean up after themselves.” The old man's eyes sparkled, and he gave Elwin a smile, then the aged man raised himself off the floor. Suddenly the wooden staff came to life, giving off a softly white glow. At first, nothing else happened then to Elwin's amazement, the hall started to change. As if time had suddenly reversed itself; the stones and glass that had laid scattered across the hall stared to float into the air. Elwin’s mouth gaped open as the pieces replaced themselves, restoring the hall to its former glory.
Earth Magic, Elwin had felt it as the white figure repaired the hall. The Prince, shook his head, realizing he had been naive in thinking this was simply an old man. He doubted anything down here was as it appeared.
“Do you know the way out of here?” Elwin did not care who he was, all he wanted was a way of escaping this elaborate tomb.
The old man scratched his snowy white beard, smiling at Elwin, "There are ways, but I doubt you would be able to leave the way I will. Still, I think you will find your way. I think you will find you are not quite the same young man who entered this palace. You are capable of doing much more than you think. And you are much more than you think. Young Elwin you are much, much more.”
“You’re not human, are you?” That should scare me. But this man is so kindly. Like a grandfather. And I am tired of being scared. There was also something about this man that put Elwin at ease despite everything that had happened.
Again, the old man shook his head. “No, Elwin I am not.”
“Are you a god? Like the other two?”
Again, he shook his head. "Some have called me a god, but I am not. There was once a time I thought I was, but I have out grown that delusion. Nor are Tuatha or Beli gods, though they certainly believe they are. That makes them very dangerous."
“They seem like gods. Mad. But gods, all the same.”
Again, the old man smiled, “Elwin, to an dog, you seem like a god. And they were not always mad. Thinking they were gods is what brought on their madness as well as the madness in which this world now finds itself. And I, too, had a role to play. They alone are not to blame.”
"Tell me, Elwin, are you a good and kind person?"
“Yes, I think so.”
“So, you have never done anything that could be called bad or wrong?”
"Of course, I have, nobody is perfect."
“It is much the same with Beli, Tuatha, and myself. And there were others, too, that were called gods, that were not. It is true that I have done things that would seem godlike, yet others may say I have done great harm, even evil. And I would find it hard to disagree with them. So I ask you, can a good person do bad things and still be a good person?" He went on without waiting for a response from Elwin. "I think a good man or woman can do a few bad things and still be genuinely a good person, yet I do not believe that a god can do evil things and still be a god. A god should never do evil things, even if by accident. A god should be beyond all that is evil, and thus I must not be not a god, and following such logic, I would say that none of my family could be gods either.”
Elwin shook his head totally confused by the man or god or whatever he was. “If they and you are not gods, what are you, and why are you here?”
"What I am, or the others like me are is of little real importance. Elwin, it is you that is important. My days have come and gone. I am the past, you, however, are the future. So I have come in hopes to undo what I have done, to help fix what I destroyed and to see that you have a chance for a future. So, Elwin, I am here to talk to you, and ask a favor."
“Me?” Elwin said with surprise. “I am trapped here. I can’t even help myself.”
“You have done well so far. I am pleased with you and all that you have accomplished. It gives me some hope that the future can still be saved. Perhaps the future will not be as black as I fear. Yet I was always one to hope.
“May I sit?” the god who was not a god asked. “I think I have some answers you have been looking for. Though you’ll probably have more questions when I must leave. And I must go soon. I no longer belong to this world. Still, I have to undo the evil I have done and for what my sons have done. Or to be more truthful, I have come to ask you to help me undo the evil that has been forced upon your world. I fear my kind have left you with a heavy burden to carry. For that, I am deeply sorry.”
Elwin nodded. Answers. This man has answers…. Sons! Then the shock of the man’s word hit Elwin. “Sons!” he said out loud. “Tuatha and Beli?! They are your sons?!”
The man's smile turned sad, "They are. And they are not the sons to make an old father proud, but they are mine nonetheless. And much of what they have become is my fault. That is why I have remained in this place." He swept his staff before him taking in the great hall. "I have stayed here waiting here for you."
“So, you truly are not gods?”
“Once we were called gods. Still, I believe there is a god. A great god, an unseen god, a god who does not do evil, a true god of light, a god that created us all, and a god who gave us free will. I am what the true god created, and I chose poorly how to use the gifts the unseen god gave to me. And as for my sons, they are worse than even I am. Now, I, at last, can see myself as I truly am, and all the limitations that comes with being me. My sons do not see their limitations, they do not see who they really are, and there lies the danger. They Truly think they are gods, and believe that they have no limitations and fewer responsibilities. Believe it or not, they once wanted to do good and were good.”
“Forgive me, my mind grows frail.” The old man said changing the subject. “I have failed to properly introduce myself. My name is Llyr. Once I was known as “Llyr of the Earth.” There was a time, I, and others like myself, called your world home. Those days are passing. There are still a few of my kind that still call this world home. Their time, too, is passing. But my sons refuse to see that. This is no longer our world. It is yours. My people are leaving this world to you and the other races. Where we are going, only the great unseen go
d knows. But I have chosen to stay, it is long past my time to leave, yet still, I am here. That is because of my sons. After all, they are my responsibility, so I have remained behind. Yet even though my people are leaving, we still hold this world dear and do not wish to leave it in ruins. That is why I have stayed here. I have remained connected to some places of this world in order to help. Help stop my children from doing any more harm." He gestured to the hall with a wave of his wrinkled hand. "This is one of the few places I can still come to. Many centuries ago this was my home. It was a time when I ruled as god and king.”
Llyr gave a great sigh; a sigh that seemed to come out of untold centuries. "The World is in danger, Elwin, and I can no longer control my sons as I once did. You see, your ancestor, King Coinneach, helped me trap my sons so they would be stopped from destroying this world. Most think the Battle of Ban-Darn was meant to imprison my dark son, but in truth, it was to capture both my sons. As you can see, they are both mad. Their hatred of each other has driven them quite insane. And today you have set Tuatha free."
Elwin looked shocked, "You mean I …"
The old man cut him off with a wave of his wrinkled hand, "In truth, you could not have stopped it. Do not blame yourself. The Earth power that you called up with the sword, is what Tuatha needed to free himself. It was inevitable. In time, he would have found a way to free himself anyway. As will his brother. It is better it happens now, while there is still hope. We cannot wait for them to release themselves. When that happens, they will be too strong, and no one will be able to stop them and their mad ambitions."
“But that means the blue knight will now search out his brother and destroy the world!” exclaimed Elwin.
"Maybe. Time will tell. But Elwin, Tuatha will not find his brother anytime soon. Beli is in Ban-Darn. He cannot reach him there, at least not without help. You are still the only one you can free my other son. Until then there is little damage my misguided child of light can do. He cannot even call up as much of the Earth power as you can. That is why you must learn to control it. You cannot let Tuatha or anyone else take the power from you, as my son did today. And you still have another role to play. It is with the use of your ability that you well free my other son."
“I will never do that!”
“I do not know if you can stop it. You did not mean to free my first son, but you have; no fault of your own, yet he is free nonetheless. Some things are beyond our control. It is the wise that can recognize that, and try to change what they can. Once, I, too, was strong in the power of Earth Magic. Strong enough to control my mad sons. But that was long ago and my ability wanes as my time here comes to an end. You are the last who can free Beli and to stop both my children. Only you have the power. And the world can only be saved through you freeing both my sons.”
“That is madness! The sword should never leave this hall so that none will release that evil.” Stated Elwin. “I cannot free him without the sword. That is how I can save the world. Bury the cursed blade where none will ever find it.”
"It is too late for that, Elwin. My first son is freed or at least in part. But more to the point, the sword is not the problem, you are."
"The sword was never the source of the Earth Song, Elwin, you are. You have always had the power within you, the sword simply released it. Though the ancient blade may still play a role, it is not the source of your strength, the earth is. And it is you that the power answers to. The sword just set the potential in you free, or more accurately the sword simply showed the Earth who the chosen one is. And that is you.”
“And if I die?” Elwin asked with a coldness settling in his chest. “If I am dead, the god, or whatever, cannot be freed.”
In a way, Elwin was relieved when Llyr replied, "Then earth would choose another, but by then it will be too late. You are the world’s last chance. Only you. Die, and so dies the world.”
Llyr hesitated before going on. "Hear what I have to say, my young prince. You can judge me after that, and then you can choose if you are willing to help me or not. But know that there is great risk, and I can do little to assist you once you leave here. And rest assured you will leave here. If you choose to help me or not, I can get you out of this lost world and back to yours. It is the least I can do since I am responsible for bringing you here. For that too, I apologize. However, I hope you understand my need is great, and my choices are more limited than they once were. If my sons are not stopped their madness will destroy the world. It is a shame that no father would want. And there is more.
“Will you hear my story?”
Beyond amazement now Elwin stared in wonder, and he could only nod. Do I have a choice? Did I ever have a choice?
“Thank you. Let us sit. This may take a while.”
Odary, Leina and Colin stood in the High Council chambers discussing and wondering about Elwin.
"Five days," said a frustrated Odary. "And he has not come back. You must come to accept that he won't."
"He will return," Leina said stubbornly. She shook her head almost angrily. Her eyes intensely locked onto the elder Guardian. "I know he will. If he were indeed gone, I would have felt it."
Odary nodded at Colin who was standing a short distance away. The large young man stood staring out a window and across the silver lake that was outside the white castle. "Even the outsider Colin, knows Elwin is gone to a place where we cannot help him."
Leina gave Colin a quick glance. At the mention of his name, the youth turned away from the window. A frown was chiseled across his face, and with arms crossed over his chest, he leaned against the wall. He returned Leina’s stare with cold, angry eyes. Ever since Elwin had locked himself beyond the Sun Door, Colin had been at her side. He had decided that since she was the next in line to the throne of Ceredigion, she needed a guard. As if she could not take care of herself. Blast you, Colin! At least you could talk to me. You don't have to treat me as if I wanted this to happen. He was... is my brother. I should have left you standing outside my door like a lost puppy. You looked so sad, and you are a friend. But I did nothing wrong! Elwin was trying to protect me. I didn't ask him to do that. I didn't! She turned to Odary, grateful for not having to look at Colin's judging eyes. "But he is alive, Master Odary. I know he is." Colin mumbled something.
Leina could not quite make out what he had said, but she was sure he was blaming her for Elwin sealing himself behind the sun door. He had never actually said she was to blame, but she saw it in his eyes. Every time she looked at him she could feel the accusations. Now, as she had for the last five days, Leina resisted the urge to scream at him what she was thinking. Stop blaming me! She wanted to yell. Some guard you are. You’re more like a punishment than a guard. I did nothing wrong. Did I? Leina had to admit, if only to herself, that maybe Colin was right. Had she done all that she could have done? Was there something else she could have said to persuade him from giving up his foolish quest for the crown. I was better prepared, why could he not see that? And to imprison himself. Leina knew her brother's reasoning, everyone had. Elwin had seen to it that no one especially Leina was going to be following him. But he is alive down there somewhere. I think, or is that just what I want to believe? Am I unable to accept that my brother threw away his life for me? I did not need for you to do that. I could have made it. I could have!
Odary shook his head. "Even if you are right,” he stated, bringing Leina out of her own deep thoughts. “He cannot be saved. That earth quake we felt two hours ago was the judgment of the Light.”
"You don't know that!" snapped Leina, "We live on top of an ancient volcano. We are bound to have earthquakes from time to time."
“In truth, it doesn't matter if that earthquake was Light's test of Elwin or not. Alive or dead, he is gone and beyond our help. I know it sounds cruel, but he has not or will not survive the testing. If the prince still lives, he has sealed himself below the castle. He also has no food or water, and by now no lig
ht. Even if he is never tested, he cannot survive, Leina. I am sorry. Yet the living must go on. You must go in and become our High Queen."
"How?" asked Leina. There was a harsh tone to her voice. "Elwin has locked the Sun Door from the inside, and he has the only key. I can't pass through the door unless Jael and Cerise have found another way to open the Sun Door." Her solemn face revealed a spark of hope. If only she could get past the Sun Doors, maybe she could still save her brother. If he is alive? “Have they made any headway in opening the door?”
Sadly, the Guardian Master dashed her hopes with a shake of his head. "No, I fear neither Jael nor Cerise has had much luck. For days, they have been studying the Sun Doors, yet they still have not found a way to get past the great doors. It defies all their attempts. They have tried every spell they can think of and have pored over the ancient texts, but still nothing. Last night they even tried smashing their way through. They could not even put a dent in the great stone. I don’t know if they will ever find a way in. But if He Who is the Light wants you to be tested, a way will be found. In the meantime, you must stand ready."
Leina nodded, but it was Colin who spoke. "To kill her as well?" He spat with venom. It was the first thing he had said in days.
Sadly, Odary looked at Colin but said nothing. He could understand the young man’s anger.
Leina, too, sadly shook her head, Colin had been her friend once. Yet, she knew he was only lashing out due to his own loss and pain. Colin, you never did know how to handle anything you could not understand. You are only now beginning to see that your physical strength cannot always fix things. You are a soldier and have always thought like one. This is one time your muscles will not solve anything.
Leina tried to think of what she could say to ease his pain, but before she could speak, the floor suddenly and violently heaved upwards. An explosion ripped up from beneath them. The castle began to shake, and the walls trembled. Leina screamed. It was as if a thousand thunderbolts were striking against the castle at once. Again, and again, the thunder roared, and the castle trembled, tables and chairs turned over, glass shattered, and books fell off their shelving. Parts of the ceiling and walls crashed to the floor. So violently did the castle shake that Colin, Leina, and Odary were thrown to the floor and could not regain their feet. This time, the earthquake was much more intense than the one they had all felt earlier in the day and then just as suddenly as it had started, the violent upheaval of the earth stopped. The castle moaned, then was still. Leina slowly climbed to her feet. With wide, fearful eyes, she slowly took in the room. Pieces of mortar and debris lay scattered across the floor. Over all the castle still seemed intact and structurally sound.
Earth Magic: A Kingdoms of Kambrya novel (The High King of Kambrya Book 1) Page 51