Obscured Lover (A Paranormal Romance Book): Blackness Falls

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Obscured Lover (A Paranormal Romance Book): Blackness Falls Page 21

by Shania Tyler

  Ethan had actually been taken to Piper’s family’s home. His wife was downstairs at the moment, speaking to an aunt and uncle she’d never known. Theo wanted to be there with her, but he did have responsibilities to those who’d fought at his side, especially the man who’d fought to keep his wife safe.

  Ethan smiled. “You’re not intruding, Theo.” He grabbed Meg’s hand and said to Theo, “You’re good.”

  Theo nodded. “Well, then, how are you feeling?”

  “Great.” Ethan looked at Meg and said, “Wonderful.”

  Theo turned to Meg. “Do you need anything?”

  Meg smiled and shook her head. “No, I have everything I need.” She squeezed Ethan’s hand for emphasis.

  He left the room and was not surprised to see Maurice standing outside the door.

  Theo clapped him on the shoulder and said, “Your brother is fine.”

  Maurice nodded and then gestured down the hall. “Let’s get you back to Piper.”

  Theo followed Maurice down the hall silently.

  “Are you all right?” Theo said. “You seem—”

  “Never been one to share,” Maurice said, cutting in.

  Theo let it go.

  They turned around the corner where Piper was speaking to a pair of older elves and a younger woman who Theo knew to be the conductor of the Sleepy Gala.

  The conductor, who Theo had learned held the name Gie, smiled at Piper and said, “Promise you’ll come back to visit.”

  “Of course,” Piper said and then she turned and smiled at Theo and his heart stopped. She was beautiful. She was his. Forever.

  Piper stood and went to him. As if knowing exactly what she needed, he wrapped her into a hug. He’d been with her when she’d found out that Monrel had in fact been hunting her parents, but not because of them, but because of her. A prophecy of Piper had been revealed to the family and somehow the Ruler of Darkness had found out. Piper’s parents died trying to keep her safe, but the rest of Piper’s family was ready to welcome her in. Theo swore they’d return so that Piper could bond.

  Later that night, they stayed in a room in her family’s home. It wasn’t nearly as grand as the suite they could sleep in at the inn, but nothing mattered more to Theo than the woman in his arms. They could be sleeping on the dirt floor in the middle of the woods and he’d not complain so long as she was with him, her behind resting on his front, his chest to her back, his arm draped around her waist. He was more than content.

  Piper’s sleepy voice carried into the night. “What happens next?”

  Theo whispered, “It is our turn to attack.”

  Piper laced her fingers with the one that he’d placed over her stomach. “Will we be victorious in the end?”

  He kissed the back of her neck and said, “I don’t know. The prophecy only says that the Darkness will end. It does not say who shall rule.”

  “I’m nervous,” she whispered.

  He took his fingers from hers and slowly began to trail them down her side. He didn’t want his wife worried. “Perhaps, you need a distraction.”

  She laughed. “I think I’m too tired,” she whispered. Yet as she said it, her voice was more alert than before and she moved herself closer to him, stirring his already growing erection.

  He chuckled and pressed himself more firmly against her. “Don’t worry, I’ll wake you up.”

  And he did wake her up, stirring her body to life as he’d done when he’d first introduced himself to her. Making her feel alive and giving her something she’d thought she’d never have.


  * * *


  for reading my book and

  i hope you have enjoyed the story.

  Obscured Lover is Book 2 in Blackness Falls Series.

  If you have enjoyed reading Obscured Lover, I believe you will be interested in checking out the next book.

  The next book targeted release date will be 24th June.

  In the meantime . . .

  If you have enjoyed reading Obscured Lover, I believe you will be interested in checking out the previous book: Lord of Shadows.

  I have enclosed a sneak preview of Lord of Shadows.

  Is FREE on Kindle Unlimited (around 330 pages)

  Check it out below . . .

  * * *




  Map of ASEA

  “the further west one goes, the more savage it gets.”

  “Beautiful, don’t you think?”

  Startled, Kelly Green whirled to find herself facing a stranger, a gorgeous man with black hair. His stunning green eyes reminded her of a St. Patrick’s Day Kiss Me shirt. They were the kind of green that only belonged in wild fields and vast grasslands. They glowed in a way that seemed impossible . . . especially considering they were standing in the dark.

  The classical music selection floated through the large space. The engineering department had transformed the first floor of the administration building into a showroom, but the atmosphere seemed straight out of a ritzy lounge in New York.

  Soft purple lighting bounced off tapestries that hung from the walls, and the chandeliers overhead had been dimmed to a muted, romantic glow.

  Small, circular white tables held the projects each of the students had worked on. The winning project would be built in the middle of Morwen University’s open field, or The Square as many of the students called it.

  The Square sat directly in the middle of campus, and Kelly would often head there between classes with a blanket, grab a spot on the grass, and study up for her next course. She wasn’t the only one. Tons of students did the same; some of the guys used part of the field for football, Ultimate Frisbee, and quidditch.

  Kelly didn’t want to see the area filled with gazebos or a pool, as she’d heard some students were presenting. She thought a nice American flag would do. But she’d come to support a friend and planned on staying.

  “You don’t agree?” the man asked, and she suddenly realized she’d been staring at him for far too long.

  He was dressed in a black leather jacket left open to reveal a gray V-neck tee, a pair of dark jeans, and black boots; a look that seemed out of place for the occasion.

  Kelly looked up again and blinked. “Oh, the model.” She looked at the model on the table before her. It was fountain. A beautiful fountain, but a fountain nonetheless, and she wanted it nowhere near The Square. “It’s nice.” Was it just her or had the words held more breath than she’d planned? She glanced his way without fully turning toward him to gauge his reaction.

  There was the slightest tug at the corner of his perfect lips before his eyes became hooded and he said, “More than nice.” Was he talking about her? His eyes held hers without blinking and his message was clear.

  Something about the way he looked at her made her feel . . .

  Her cheeks stung, and she looked away.

  She’d thought that after attending Morwen University for four years and being heavily involved in its student government, she knew pretty much everyone on campus. At the very least, she knew every hot guy. Her friend Piper had made a list of the top twenty hunks, and there was no way that this guy hadn’t made her top three.

  “Do you go here?” she found herself asking.

  He took a step toward her, and Kelly lifted her eyes up to his.

  Big mistake.

  His eyes were straight out of dream, a swirl of the lushest green, like looking into a field of clovers. She could only imagine just how far that grin and those eyes got him with women.

  “Yeah, I go here,” he said in a hushed voice, as though he were sharing a dark secret.

  “Night school?” she asked. It was the only way he hadn’t been picked up on Piper’s radar.

  He chuckled, and his large hand came up to stroke his jaw. “Yeah, night school.” She noticed he wore a ring around his middle finger. The pure-blue stone was spectacular.

  “What are you stu

  His hand fell away, forcing her eyes back to his. “At the moment? You.”

  She giggled and shook her head, sure her face would split into two if she stuck around him long enough. “I mean, what program? Business? Law?” She lifted her hands to gesture toward the room. “Engineering?”

  “What do you study?” he asked.

  She narrowed her eyes, wondering why he’d dodged the question, but letting it go. “History.”

  He nodded and then managed to step even closer to her. “The air is warm in here. Would you like to step outside with me?”

  She lifted a brow. “Uh, it’s actually cooler in here.”

  “Then I change my mind,” he said smoothly. “The air is much too cool in here. Come outside with me?”

  She laughed again and tilted her head slightly. He had the slightest hint of an accent. European almost, but not quite. It was somehow . . . hard to her ears, with a roughness that seemed to come from his throat. “I have a boyfriend.”

  “Great. Does he allow you to go outside?” The playful smirk returned.

  She closed her eyes and managed to hold most of her laughter back. She’d been lying when she said she had a boyfriend. She’d had a boyfriend until earlier that semester, but he didn’t need to know the details. “Not with men in the middle of the night.” Or during the day, for that matter. The stranger’s handsomeness was only matched by his persistence, and Kelly was finding both very appealing.

  “Would it help if I promised to be on my best behavior?” His face was a mask of innocence, which only made Kelly laugh more.

  “Best behavior? I’ve a feeling your best would still get me into trouble.”

  “You’re right,” he smoothly said, a playboy glint sparkled in his eyes. “Honestly, I can’t picture any man being well-behaved with you around.”

  His words were like a blow to her gut, and she looked away. If only he knew.

  “Don’t men compliment you?” he asked. When she gave no reply, he lowered his voice and said, “When I came here tonight, I told myself I’d approach the most beautiful woman in the room. I didn’t know she’d be the most beautiful woman I’ve ever seen.”

  Kelly gripped the edge of the table.

  “And gods, those eyes . . . you should never be allowed to close them. They’re much too stunning to shut away from the world.” After a moment, he said, “Won’t you look at me?”

  She didn’t dare.

  “Shall I stop?” he asked.

  Kelly couldn’t speak, and she didn’t want him to stop, but she nodded. He had to be playing her. No one had ever said anything like this to her.

  An arm wrapped around her shoulders. She jumped, thinking it was the handsome stranger, but instead found her boyfriend—ex-boyfriend—Ethan. She hadn’t even known he was there.

  Ethan narrowed his blue eyes at the other guy and said, “Stay away from her.”

  Kelly’s eyes widened, and she turned to stare at Ethan. “Ethan!” She’d never seen him this way before.

  The other man smiled, holding Ethan’s gaze, but then he looked at her, bowed, and turned away, fading into the crowd.

  Kelly pursed her lips at his departure and then turned and stepped out of Ethan’s possessive grasp. “That was kind of rude, Ethan.”

  “He was standing way too close to you.”

  “We were just talking.”

  Ethan lifted a cocky blond brow, and Kelly had to admit that her ex was hot. He was tall and toned. He’d played football while they’d been in high school, but upon entering Morwen University four years ago, Ethan had given up the game. Kelly didn’t understand why; he was built for it. “That guy was trying to get under your skirt.”

  Kelly rolled her eyes and mumbled, “At least someone is.”

  Ethan looked away. “Look, Kelly—”

  “Forget I mentioned it.”

  They were silent for a moment.

  “You look nice,” he said, finally able to meet her eyes.

  Kelly stared up at him and gave him a tight smile. “Thanks.” She looked down at her dress and thought she looked . . . more than nice.

  The black jersey knit dress had a deep scoop neck, a nipped in waist, and a hem that flared out above her knees. She wore black heels, and her only makeup consisted of mascara and red lipstick.

  She’d somehow managed to get her shoulder-length, unruly blonde hair to defy the humidity and glow like a crown around her head. She had then stuck pearl studs in her ears.

  All in all, she’d spent a good two hours on herself and all she got from Ethan was that she looked “nice.”

  “What are you doing here?” Kelly asked as she looked Ethan over. He’d dressed for the evening in a black shirt and black suit that fit his athletic physique perfectly. He looked great for someone who’d said he wouldn’t show. “Why didn’t you tell me you were coming?”

  “Last minute decision,” he said, as he closed the distance between them and took her hands. “I wanted to be with you.” Ethan was like a work of art. His skin glowed as though it’d been kissed by the sun every morning; there was not an imperfection in sight.

  They had their issues, but he was always willing to go anywhere and everywhere with her if she asked. She never had to beg for his attention. He gave it willingly and without thought. It had been that way since they’d first started dating in high school, though she’d known him her whole life.

  They’d grown up in Morwen, Connecticut and had both attended Morwen Academy. Kelly had always thought him cute, and Ethan had become like a brother to her. They’d never been more than friends . . . until high school, when Kelly had started thinking about boys as more than just playmates.

  During freshman year, Peter Flint, another awesomely handsome guy, had passed her a note in English class asking her to go out with him. Kelly and her friend Meg had squealed with delight, and their excitement had gotten Ethan’s attention.

  When they’d made it to the hall, Ethan had demanded to see the note.

  Kelly had willingly passed it over to him and watched the anger draw his blond brows together. Then he’d crumpled the note.

  She remembered how livid she’d been at Ethan, but in the next minute, all the anger was knocked out of her when Ethan pressed his lips to hers.

  It had been her first kiss.

  His mouth had taste like bubblegum, which had made her giggle later. He’d asked her out, she’d said yes, and they’d been dating ever since.

  Eight long years until a few months ago.

  No breaks ups or time outs, no I-need-some-space, or maybe-we-should-see-other-people. It was always Kelly and Ethan. He’d become like a limb, a part of her that seemed just as vital as air . . . until Kelly had decided she’d had enough.

  “Kelly, you made it!”

  Kelly turned and smiled at Meg, giving her a hug when she approached. “Of course, I did.”

  Meg turned to Ethan with surprise in her green eyes—normal green eyes, not like those of the handsome stranger. “What are you doing here?” Meg asked Ethan.

  Ethan put a possessive arm around Kelly and said, “Thought you might need my support.”

  Meg nodded slowly, her dangling bead earrings bobbing with her head. Her red hair had been pulled into a high ponytail. True to Meg’s style, her outfit was as dressy as it was bohemian. The egg-shell white maxi dress was sleeveless and draped her body flatteringly. “Support is always good. Did you see my model?”

  “Not yet,” Ethan said. “I just got here.”

  Kelly had seen the model throughout the entire process of its creation, and it had sat in their room for the last week undisturbed on a high shelf. She knew its every detail.

  Meg’s eyes grew wide. “You have to see it,” she told Ethan and rushed ahead, her long dress flowing behind her.

  Kelly and Ethan followed Meg over to the diagram, and Meg launched into a speech about why she thought her idea the best.

  Ethan stepped closer to Meg to hear her over the crowd and
Kelly, after seeing a flicker of light, moved to peer at Meg’s gazebo and vegetable garden from a lower angle.

  She smiled when she saw that Meg had added a final touch to the display. It was man in a Greek-style robe, and Kelly wondered what Greek fraternity she’d thought of when making it. It was no secret that the school’s new president, Ted Smith, had belonged to one of the houses. Every speech of his included several shout outs to Phi Kappa Tau.

  Kelly smiled and reached out to touch the figure, finding the wood smooth. She admired Meg’s craftsmanship and found herself looking into the statue’s eyes when something stung her finger. A rapid warmth passed through her, traveling up her hand, arm, chest, and then flooding every limb.

  She backed away from the model and looked at her finger. Surely it must just have been a splinter. She didn’t see a splinter, but that didn’t mean there wasn’t one there. She pushed on her finger but there was no pain. Perhaps the splinter had fallen out already.

  Loud laughter caught her attention, and Kelly saw a group of Ethan’s fraternity brothers. All of them were dressed in their dark suits with their fraternity's pin stuck on their lapels.

  Ethan looked at her, and she patted him on the back. “Go have fun.”

  “Are you sure?” he asked, stepping away. He scanned the room with watchful eyes. His forehead was creased and Kelly smiled, recognizing that look. Sometimes, dating him was like walking around with a Secret Service detail rather than a boyfriend.

  “We’re in a crowded room with half the school staff present. I’ll be fine.” He was very protective of her.

  “But that guy . . .” He looked at her for a long moment and the hesitation was there. “I think I should stay with you.”

  Kelly squeezed his hand. “Ethan, we’re not dating anymore. Go.”

  “I’ll watch her,” Meg said with a wink.

  Ethan’s gaze didn’t leave Kelly’s, though he spoke to Meg. “Thanks.” Then he left.


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