The Choices Series: Pride and Prejudice Novellas

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The Choices Series: Pride and Prejudice Novellas Page 22

by Leenie Brown

  “Well said, Miss Mary.” Rycroft chuckled. “I was afraid I was the only one to receive such remonstrations ─ well-deserved remonstrations, I might add.” He took her hand and with a sideward glance at the ladies who were watching, lifted it, placing a kiss first on her knuckles and then her palm. A satisfied smile spread across his face as Mary blushed, and the gossips gasped. “I must apologize for being late. There was a mishap with a cup of tea, and my solicitor had to redo a portion of a very important document. I was unable to leave until it was completed.” He held up the packet of papers to verify his story both with her and the gossips, who were watching them.

  “Ah, Rycroft, at last!” Mary turned to see Mr. Bingley helping her father toward them. “I was awaiting you in the library.” He settled into a chair that stood near the wall. “Go, have your fun. We shall talk after.”

  Rycroft bowed. “Thank you, sir. It is all here as discussed.” He handed the packet to Mr. Bennet. “I still have your approval?”

  Mr. Bennet’s eyes twinkled with merriment as he gave a nod. “It is not a library, but it shall have to do.”

  Rycroft chuckled. “But it is a ball.”

  Mr. Bennet winked. “That it is.” He made a shooing motion with his hand and then settled in to look at the documents Rycroft had given him.

  Rycroft tucked Mary’s hand in the crook of his arm, gave a nod of his head to the gossips and led Mary onto the dance floor. “My cousin did deliver my message the day I left?”

  “He did.” She smiled up at him and said softly, “I have missed you.”

  “And I, you,” he said as they took their places in line between Jane and Bingley and Darcy and Elizabeth. “It was torturous to know I was going to be late and would cause you to worry.”

  She smiled at him. “I am just glad you have returned.” The first notes of the dance sounded, and she curtseyed to his bow and began the process of working her way through the figures. In sentences broken by the separating and rejoining movements of the dance, he told her of the cat who had upset the tea tray, damaging one page of the document the solicitor had been drafting. She giggled at his recounting. At the end of his story when they once again joined hands, he asked if she wished to know what documents were so important as to have delayed him. She nodded as she circled away from him for a brief moment before rejoining him.

  “They are marriage papers,” he said as he moved down the center of the line, and instead of releasing her hand and allowing her to circle back to her place, he pulled her into his embrace. “I still intend to marry you, if you will have me.” And then, instead of allowing her to reply, he kissed her.

  Had she been thinking, she would have been shocked and horrified to be caught in such a scandalously compromising position, but she was not thinking.

  “Will you have me?” he whispered when he finally broke away from her.

  She nodded and smiled at him. “It seems you have left me no other choice.”

  He chuckled, but she shook her head when he opened his mouth to speak, and so he remained silent.

  She traced the line of his jaw with her finger. “Not because my reputation will be in tatters if I do not, but because my heart will not allow me to refuse. I love you, Samuel Rycroft, and I do not wish to live another moment without you.”

  He kissed her once more. It was a soft kiss, one that lingered on her lips after he pulled away and left her desiring more. He looked around the room and then back at her. “I brought a special license with me, and I see the parson is here.”

  Her eyes grew wide. “You wish to marry here? Tonight?”

  “I do,” he said with a grin. “But, if you prefer, we can wait until tomorrow.”

  Her brows furrowed. “We cannot marry tomorrow. Jane is getting married tomorrow.”

  He shrugged. “I do not plan on returning to London without you as my bride.” He cocked his head to the side and studied her face, his eyes coming to rest on her lips.

  “But such a quick wedding? It just is not done.”

  “If that were true, Gretna Green would not be the busy place it is.” He chuckled as she narrowed her eyes. “Besides, I do believe we have already left the realm of propriety.”

  She sighed. “Very well. If we are to be completely improper…” She paused and looked at Bingley.

  “You are welcome to use my ballroom for your wedding or join us at the church in the morning.” He stepped a bit closer and whispered. “You are also welcome to stay here with your husband tonight. Someone can fetch what you need.”

  She drew a deep breath. “In that case, if the parson is willing, I see no need to delay.” She nearly laughed at the look of shock on Rycroft’s face. It was quite obviously not the answer he had expected. She cupped his face in her hands. “As I said, I do not wish to live another moment without you, so there really is no other choice.” She drew his head down to hers and with a whispered I love you, pressed her lips against his. If she had been thinking, she would have realized that there were preparations being made around her. If she had been thinking, she might have considered that people were whispering, and Miss Bingley was glowering. But she was not thinking.

  She was not thinking of the times he would speak without thought or the moments she would lecture. She was not thinking of the fact that every time this dance played, she would be standing up with him, nor was she thinking of how he would insist on ending each of those dances with a kiss. She was not thinking of the soirees she would attend or the ones she would host. Nor was she thinking of his mother, who was anxiously awaiting a daughter, or the friend who was awaiting a new cousin. She was not thinking of the family that would grow around and within her starting this very night. No, Mary Bennet was not thinking. She was only kissing and loving and embracing what was surely to become her greatest source of happiness. For when one’s heart swells as hers had when she had seen him standing behind her, when one’s lips have tasted such sweet and consuming love, and when one’s mind knows that despite the trials that might come, it will not be at rest without the man whose lips are pressed against hers and whose arms surround her, there really is no other choice.

  His Inconvenient Choice

  Chapter 1

  January 1, 1812

  Colonel Richard Fitzwilliam unfolded the small piece of paper that had been tucked into his pocket as he left Netherfield after the wedding breakfast. He shook his head. Two cousins and a friend married all within the space of two weeks was enough to set anyone’s world on end. It was also the sort of thing that made him contemplate his own future. Such thoughts often made his breathing feel forced. He drew a deep breath, trying to rid his body of the feeling of being crushed, but it was only slightly helpful. He knew that his future was not to be so happy as those of his cousins and Bingley. He was not free to choose where he wished. His marriage would be one of convenience; his father would see to that.

  He looked surreptitiously at the paper in his palm, not wishing to draw attention to it from the others in the carriage. The drawing there brought a smile to his lips and a pang of regret to his heart. Forget-me-nots graced the lid of a box from which spilled strands of pearls and chains of gold. He folded the drawing again and slipped it back into his pocket. If his heart could make his choice for him instead of his father, Kitty Bennet would be his choice. She had stolen his heart when she shivered in the wind on the street in front of the milliner’s shop as she insisted on being introduced to him as Katherine. Upon further acquaintance, she had proven to be a lady who shared many of his same interests and who made him feel at ease. She expected no more from him than to be himself. He did not need to be a military leader or the son of an earl. She was interested in his wooden creations ─ and not as a lady who was trying to make a favourable impression on a gentleman. No, she listened with interest and animation. She had even sketched a few designs that he might like to use.

  “If you could wait but a year,” she had said as they strolled the perimeter of the ballroom last evening, “then your
inheritance would be yours.”

  “He will not allow me to be free. He will insist on my marrying before he gives me one farthing more than I have,” he had replied. Her eyes had filled with tears that she refused to shed, and his heart had broken a bit more at the thought of a life without her. “If I could wait,” he had whispered, “I would wait a thousand years for you.”

  She had smiled sadly at him and said, “And I would wait for you.”

  He ran his gloved finger over the drawing in the pocket of his coat. “Do not forget me,” she had said as she had slipped it into his pocket when he was taking his leave of her. He knew he would never forget her. His hand closed around the paper.

  “You are looking rather pensive, Colonel,” said Caroline Bingley. “Are they pleasant thoughts?”

  “Not all of them,” he said as he turned to look out the window. If the weather had not been so foul, he would have refused Hurst’s offer to travel with him.

  “That is a pity,” said Louisa. “I prefer to think on pleasant things whenever possible.”

  “As do I,” said Richard, “but it is not always possible.”

  “A colonel must have many unpleasant things to consider,” added Caroline.

  “He must,” said Richard. “However, I was not thinking as a colonel but as a mere man.”

  Hurst snorted at the comment. “Do leave him be, Caroline.”

  “I was only attempting to pass the time in conversation,” she replied with a huff. “The light is too poor for anything else.”

  “I find a quiet nap a most refreshing way to pass a trip,” replied Hurst.

  “How dull,” said Caroline.

  “Not at all,” said Richard. “I find I would like to close my eyes. It has been a busy two days.”

  Hurst nodded. “You were out with your men yesterday, were you not?”

  “I put them through a few drills to test them. Those who passed were allowed to attend the ball. Those who did not pass were confined to quarters for the evening.” It had been his plan, and a successful one, to keep Wickham from the ball. He would take every opportunity afforded him by his position to ensure that Wickham had less pleasure than he desired. It was the one pleasure he received from his duty.

  “And, I believe, you danced every dance, did you not?” asked Louisa.

  “All save one.” His heart pinched, for that one had been set aside to stroll with Kitty.

  “Oh, Hurst, you are right. I do believe a nap must be had. What with an early morning yesterday for the colonel, a night of dancing, and another early start to the day today, he must be very tired.” She turned to Caroline. “It would be unkind of us to keep him from his rest.”

  “I thank you,” said Richard with a bow of his head. Then added, “I am indeed rather tired,” as he settled back and closed his eyes.

  Conversation with anyone at present would be unpleasant; with Caroline Bingley, it would be even more so. His fingers once again sought that slip of paper in his pocket. Finding it, he allowed his mind to wander to the lady who had given it to him, and with a deep exhale, he attempted to find some peace in sleep.


  “Mr. Darcy, might I have a word with you?” Kitty turned from the window where she had been watching the Hursts’ carriage drive away. There were not many wedding guests remaining, and she knew that both she and the Darcys would leave soon.

  “Certainly,” replied Darcy. He had not had very many opportunities to speak with Kitty. She seemed to avoid him whenever possible, and so her request surprised him. He watched her twist her fingers together and bite her lip, signs that he had learned through watching his wife indicated she was nervous.

  “I have a little bit of money and expect to receive some more.” She resisted the urge to duck her head and hide from him. His presence had always unsettled her. She was sure he was at any moment going to scold her for some foolishness. She knew she had no reason to feel so, but she did. However, she also knew that he would best be able to advise her, and so she straightened her shoulders and continued. “I have sold some designs to Mrs. Havelston, and she has requested some more. I have not signed them with my name, and it is to be a secret arrangement.” The words rushed from her. “I would like to invest it. I know that you can earn money with money, but I do not know how to do it, and I am not a gentleman, which limits me.”

  He smiled at her. “That sounds like a wise thing to do.”

  Her brows drew together. “It does?”

  “Indeed.” He smiled at her and was rewarded with a small smile in return.

  She withdrew a small velvet pouch from her reticule. “It is really very little. It may not be enough to invest yet, but I dare not place it in my father’s strongbox, for if something happens to him, I do not wish to explain it to Mr. Collins.”

  Darcy took the bag from her and slipped it into his pocket. “I shall care for it. You will keep a record of what you have given me, and I will do the same. You know how to do this?”

  She pursed her lips and drew her brows together. “I will have my father show me.”

  “Very good.”

  “Mr. Darcy, could we save some time and trouble if I request my uncle to give the money to you?” She twisted her hands again. “He regularly receives payments from Mrs. Havelston for her orders, so no one would suspect she is paying me if she gives it to him. And if he meets with you, no one would question the activity.”

  He nodded. The thought she had put into her plans impressed him. If he were perfectly honest with himself, he would not have thought her capable of such well-thought out plans. She had on the occasions before his marriage to Elizabeth struck him as flighty and silly. He chided himself. He had not noted such behaviour since their arrival last week. “I understand. This is an arrangement that is to be private.”

  “Very. If anyone was to learn that I was earning money…”

  “I understand,” said Darcy. “Do you have a plan in mind for the money?”

  The tears that had been threatening all morning sprang to her eyes, and her cheeks flushed in embarrassment.

  “You do not have to tell me,” Darcy said quietly.

  She shook her head. “I have a foolish notion that will probably be unsuccessful, but your cousin should not be forced to give up what he loves. I thought perhaps I could help him find a way to be happy.” She shrugged. “If not, then the money can be added to my portion, which will be of assistance to me when I need to set up my own establishment. I do not wish to live solely on the charity of my relations.”

  “You do not plan to marry?” Darcy asked in some surprise.

  The tears once again gathered in her eyes, and she blinked against them as she shook her head. “I had hoped,” she said softly.

  His eyes followed her gaze toward the window and the drive at Netherfield. “One must not lose hope, Miss Kitty. Circumstances can change.”

  She drew a deep breath and released it slowly as she steadied her emotions. Then, she gave him as much of smile as she could manage. “While I own that it is not an utter impossibility, I think it highly unlikely.”

  He nodded as she thanked him and went to join her father, who was saying his farewells to Elizabeth and Jane. Elizabeth caught Darcy’s eye and gave him a questioning look and in response, he shrugged and smiled.

  “You look troubled, my dear,” she said as she slipped her arm into his and waved to her father’s carriage.

  “I believe I am,” he said as he assisted her into their carriage. Then, he gave one more wave to Bingley and climbed in beside her. Shaking the rain from his hat, he set it on the bench across from them before tucking a blanket across their laps. “Shall we pass the journey as we did on our wedding day?”

  She giggled. “I should like that very much, Mr. Darcy, but not until you tell me what has you troubled. I shall not be distracted by your sweet kisses until I know all.”

  “Is that a fact?” He leaned over and kissed her softly.

  She smiled and pushed at his ches
t. “I would like nothing better than to be distracted so pleasantly, sir, but I am afraid my mind will not be settled until you have told me about what you and Kitty were speaking.”

  He gave her a quick kiss before she could stop him. “Very well. Your sister has asked me to help her with her finances. It seems she has sold some designs and intends to sell some more, and she wishes to have her earnings invested.”

  “And this has you troubled?” Elizabeth’s brows furrowed as one eyebrow rose in disbelief. “Is it that she is earning money which has concerned you?”

  He chuckled and shook his head. “Her selling designs and wishing to invest is not what has me troubled. I asked her what she intended to do with the money, and she nearly cried.” He stroked Elizabeth’s cheek with his thumb and smiled sadly at her. “Based on her answers and my cousin’s strange behaviour last night and this morning, I believe she has had her heart broken by my uncle.” He first gave her pursed lips a kiss and then the deep furrow between her brows. “She wishes to help Richard with her money. She does not wish to see him forced to give up what he loves. She also said she no longer intends to marry.” He wrapped his arms around Elizabeth and drew her closer as he saw the sadness enter her eyes. “And that has me troubled, for I do not wish to see either her or Richard give up whom they love.”

  “What can be done?” Elizabeth peeked up at him from where her head rested on his shoulder.

  “I do not know. My uncle will make it challenging. He wishes a marriage of advantage for Richard, one that will strengthen his political ties and increase Richard’s wealth. It will take some thought. However, nothing can be done at present.” He kissed her forehead again. “And now, Mrs. Darcy, since I have told you all that is troubling me, I believe I may now distract you with kisses.”

  She wrapped her arms around his neck. “I believe you must.” And eagerly, he obliged.



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