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A Coin of Edward VII: A Detective Story

Page 22

by Fergus Hume



  This communication was so extraordinary and unexpected that Gilesthought the Princess must be out of her mind. But although overcome withemotion, she was sane enough, and seeing his astonishment repeated herstatement that Anne Denham was her daughter. The young man sat down tocollect his thoughts.

  "Do you mean to say that she is Mademoiselle Olga's sister?"

  "Her half-sister," corrected the Princess, sobbing. "I never thought Ishould find her again, and like this. It's too dreadful!" And in strangecontrast to her usual indolent demeanor, she wrung her hands.

  Giles was still bewildered. "And you--were you the wife of WalterFranklin?" he stammered helplessly.

  "There is no Walter Franklin," replied the woman, drying her eyes andsitting up. "George Franklin is Anne's father. He was my husband."

  "But you are the wife of Prince Karacsay."

  "Certainly. I eloped with him from Kingstown in Jamaica, and Georgedivorced me. I afterwards married the Prince."

  "Then the man at the Priory is your first husband?"

  "No!" cried she vigorously. "He is not George Franklin."

  "He calls himself so," muttered Ware, quite puzzled.

  "Only to keep hold of the money left by Mr. Powell," explained thePrincess. "He is really Alfred Denham, who caused all the misery of mymarried life with George."

  "Anne's father."

  "No. I tell you he is not Anne's father. George was the father of Anne.He is dead. He died shortly after divorcing me."

  Giles felt his heart swell with gratitude to learn that Anne was notconnected with----Here he paused, more bewildered than ever. "I don'tquite understand, Princess," he said, trying to arrive in his own mindat some solution of this complicated mystery. "Had not your husband abrother called Walter?"

  "No. George was an only son."

  "Then did Alfred Denham have a brother of that name?"

  "No. Don't you understand, Mr. Ware. You have been deceived. Denham, whocalls himself by my husband's name pretends to be Anne's father, was theman who went down to Rickwell."

  "The man whom Anne helped to escape."

  "Yes. Under the belief that he is her father, poor child."

  "Then there is no Walter Franklin. He is a myth?" The Princess nodded.

  "Invented to throw you off the scent."

  "And Denham, who calls himself George Franklin, really killed Daisy?"

  "I believe he did," declared the Princess fiercely. "That man is one ofthe most wicked creatures born. He is capable of any crime."

  Ware said nothing. His brain refused to take in the explanation. That heshould have been so deceived seemed incredible, yet deceived he hadbeen. All this time he had been following a phantom, while the realperson was tricking him with masterly ingenuity. "But Anne told meherself that she had an uncle called Walter," said he suddenly.

  "Of course! To save the man she believed to be her father."

  "Wait! Wait! I can't grasp it yet." Giles buried his face in his handsand tried to think the matter out.

  The Princess went to the window and drew aside the curtain. "I seenothing of Anne and Olga," she murmured. "Where can they have got to.Oh, am I to lose her after all?" She paused and came back to the couch."Mr. Ware," she said, "I will tell you all my sad story, and then youcan judge what is best to be done."

  "That is best," said Giles, lifting up his worn face. "I am quite in thedark so far. The thing seems to be incredible."

  "Truth is stranger than fiction," said the Princess quietly. "That is atruism, but no other saying can apply to what I am about to tell you."

  "One moment, Princess. Who found out that Denham was masquerading asyour late husband?"

  "Olga found it out. I don't know how. She refuses to tell me."

  "And she asked you to come over to identify the man?"

  "Yes. That was why I went with her to Rickwell. I called on Denham, andsaw that he was not my husband."

  "I see!" murmured Giles, remembering what the gardener had told Mrs.Parry about the pallor of the so-called Franklin when he came to thedoor with his visitor. "I am beginning to gather some information out ofall this. But if you will tell me the whole story----"

  "At once, Mr. Ware. I want your advice and assistance. First you musthave some whiskey."

  "Not in the morning, thank you."

  "You must have it!" she replied, ringing the bell. "What I have saidalready has upset you, and you will require all your courage to hear therest."

  "Anne," said Giles anxiously.

  "My poor child. I fear for her greatly. No! Don't ask me more. So longas Olga is with her I hope that all will be well. Otherwise----" Shemade a quick gesture to silence him, for the servant entered to receiveorders.

  So Giles was provided with some whiskey and water, which the Princessmade him drink at once. She had thrown off her languor, and was as quickin her movements as he usually was himself. The discovery of Denham'smasquerade, the doubts about Anne's safety had roused her from herindolence, and she had braced herself to act. A more wonderfultransformation Giles could scarcely have imagined. Shortly he wasordered to smoke. The Princess lighted a cigarette herself, and beganabruptly to tell her tale. It was quite worthy of a melodramaticnovelist.

  "I was born in Jamaica," she said, speaking slowly and distinctly, sothat Giles should fully understand. "My father, Colonel Shaw, hadretired from the army. Having been stationed at Kingstown, he hadcontracted a love for the island, and so stopped there. He went into theinterior and bought an estate. Shortly afterwards he married my mother.She was a quadroon."

  Giles uttered an ejaculation. He remembered that Anne had stated she hadnegro blood in her veins, and now saw why Princess Karacsay and herdaughter had such a love for barbaric coloring. Also he guessed thatOlga's fierce temperament was the outcome of her African blood.

  The Princess nodded. She quite understood his interruption.

  "You can see the negro in me," she said quietly. "In Jamaica that wasconsidered disgraceful, but in Vienna no one knows about the taint."

  "It is not a taint in England, Princess--or in the Old World."

  "No! Perhaps not. But then"--she waved her delicate handimpatiently--"there is no need to discuss that, Mr. Ware. Let me proceedwith what I have to tell you. When I was eighteen I married GeorgeFranklin. He was a young planter of good birth, and very handsome inlooks."

  "Anything like Denham?" asked Ware quickly.

  The Princess blew a contemptuous cloud of smoke. "Not in the least, Mr.Ware. George was good-looking. What Denham is, you can see for yourself.Denham was George's foster-brother," she explained.

  "And his evil genius," added Giles. "I am beginning to understand."

  The Princess flushed crimson, and her whole body trembled with passion."He ruined my life," she cried, trying to restrain her emotion. "If Icould see him hanged, I should be pleased. But such a death would fallfar short of the punishment he deserves."

  "Has Denham negro blood in him?"

  "Yes. He is a degree nearer the negro than I am. George was a native ofJamaica, and very rich. When his mother died he was quite a baby, andDenham's mother nursed him. Thus he became Denham's foster-brother, andthe two boys grew up together. Powell tried all he could to neutralizethe bad influence of Denham, but it was useless. George was quite underDenham's thumb."

  "Powell! The man who left the money to Daisy? Was he in Jamaica?"

  The Princess nodded. "For a time," she said, "George was at an Englishpublic school--Rugby, I fancy. He met Powell there, and the two becamemuch attached. There was also another boy called Kent."

  "Daisy's father?"

  "Yes. George, Powell, and Kent were inseparable. They were called theThree Musketeers at school. Afterwards George lost sight of Kent, butPowell came out to Jamaica to stop with George. That was before andafter my marriage. Denham was ruining my husband body and soul, and inpocket. Powell tried to remonstrate with George, but it was no use.Denham was the overs
eer, and George would not dismiss him. Then Powellreturned to England. Afterwards when he heard from me that George wascompletely ruined, he wrote about the money."

  "Did he say he would leave the money to George?"

  "Not exactly that. He said that Kent was ruined also, and explained thatif he could make a fortune he would leave it equally divided betweenGeorge and Kent, as he did not intend to marry himself."

  "But he did not leave his money equally divided," said Giles.

  "No. But at that time Kent was not married, and Powell had not gone toAustralia to make his money. Whether he liked Kent better than George Idon't know, but, as you are aware, he left the money first toDaisy--knowing that Kent was dead--and afterwards, should she die, toGeorge and his descendants."

  "Then the money which Denham holds as Franklin is rightfully Anne's?"

  "Yes. Now you are beginning to see. But don't be in too much of a hurry.I want to tell you how my elopement came about."

  Ware nodded, and composed himself to listen. The Princess resumed.

  "I was happy at first with George. I really was in love with him, andfor two years we were devoted to one another. Anne was born, and shedrew us still closer together. Then Denham chose to fall in love withme. I repelled him with scorn, but did not tell my husband, as I dreadedlest George, who had a fiery temper, should kill the man. I simply keptDenham at his distance. He vowed to be revenged, and gradually ruinedGeorge. He made him neglect the plantation, and spend more money than hecould afford. He induced him to drink, and then George, who had not avery strong will, began to run after other women. I was furious, andtold him about Denham. He was so besotted with the creature that herefused to listen to me. Powell tried to stop George's downward course,but without result. Then he was called back to England, and I was leftto battle against my enemy alone. My father and mother were both dead,and I could do nothing. Denham constantly inflamed George against me.Our house was like hell."

  Here she stopped to draw a long breath and control her emotion. Gilespitied her profoundly, as he guessed how she had suffered. However, hedid not interrupt her, and she continued in a few moments.

  "Prince Karacsay came to the island. He was travelling for pleasure, andin his own yacht. He fell in love with me. Seeing how miserable I was,he implored me to fly with him. But I would not. I had lost much of mylove for George, who, under the bad influence of Denham, treated me socruelly. But there was my child--my little Anne--to consider. I declinedto fly. Our plantation was not far from the seashore. In a creek thePrince had anchored his yacht. Denham was making my husband jealous, andmy life became unbearable. Oh!"--she threw up her arms--"not even theyears of peace that I have had can obliterate the memory of thatterrible time." And she wept.

  Still, Ware did not interrupt, thinking it best that she should not bequestioned too much. With a great effort she controlled herself, andresumed her pitiful story.

  "One night," she went on in a low voice, "the climax came. The Princehad been to dinner. He had to go, because George was so violent. Denhamhad got my husband to drink, and his paroxysms of anger became terrible.The Prince wanted to stop to protect me, but I asked him to go. It was arainy night, a violent thunderstorm was going on. I locked myself in thenursery, to protect myself from the fury of George. He came to the doorand broke it down." She paused, and her voice leaped an octave. "Georgeturned me out into the rain."

  "Great God! Did he go that far?"

  She was on her feet by this time pacing the room.

  "He turned me out into the stormy night. I fled from his fury, drenchedwith rain. At the gates of the gardens round the house I met with thePrince. He had been hanging round the place fearful for my life. Heimplored me to come on board the yacht and stop the night. I was almostdistracted with terror and anger. I went." She paused again. "From thatmoment I was lost."

  "It was not your fault," Giles assured her.

  "No; it was not my husband's fault either, but the fault of that wickedwretch Denham. He came the next morning, guessing where I had gone in mydistress. He brought a note from George, who bade me go with my lover,the Prince. It was a lie. The Prince was no lover of mine then. Idemanded to see my child, but George refused. It was all Denham--Denham.George was under the thumb of the wretch. The Prince behaved like anhonorable gentleman, and spoke up for me. But it was all of no use.George was determined to have a divorce."

  "You mean Denham was determined to have one," corrected Giles.

  "Yes, yes. He was the one who ruined me. Then the Prince said he wouldmake me his wife as soon as the decree was pronounced. I agreed. Whatelse could I do? My child was refused to me. I was blamed by every one,and the whole island was against me. I sailed for Europe in PrinceKaracsay's yacht. A few months later the decree was pronounced, and hemade me his wife. Since then I have been happy--that is as happy as Icould be, knowing that my child was lost."

  "Did you make inquiries about her?"

  "Some years later I did. Then I learned that George, with the child andDenham, had sailed for Europe. The vessel was wrecked. The report saidthat George Franklin and his child were saved. Denham's name was givenas one who was drowned. I rejoiced when I saw that punishment hadovertaken my enemy."

  "But Denham was not drowned."

  "No; it was George who met with that death. Denham, to get what littlemoney remained, took the name of George Franklin. I do not know how hemanaged to deceive the people of the ship; but he must have done so insome way, to get the false report put in the paper."

  "Did Denham not tell you when you unmasked him at Rickwell?"

  "He made some sort of explanation, but I think much of it was veryfalse."

  "How did you come to discover him?"

  "Olga did so. She knew a part of my story. That was why--as perhaps yousaw--she was always uneasy when I touched on Jamaica."

  "Yes; I remember that, Princess. Well, I must get Mademoiselle Olga totell me how she discovered all this. But on what terms did you leaveDenham?"

  "I told him that I would give him a month to make restitution to mydaughter Anne, and then if he did not I would inform the police."

  "Did he agree?"

  "No; the wretch defied me. He told me that Anne had murdered Daisy Kentout of jealousy, and said that if I moved a finger against him he wouldhave her arrested."

  "He could not do that without harming himself."

  "I don't know," said the Princess wearily; "he is so clever that heseems to do what he likes. I have taken no steps, because I wished toget some advice as to how I should act under the circumstances. For thisreason I tell you."

  "I will do my best, Princess. But how was it Anne came with you?"

  "Olga managed that. She knew Anne was at the Priory. I don't know how.Olga knows much. I wish she and Anne would come back again. I hopenothing has happened."

  Even as she spoke the door opened, and Olga entered the room lookinghaggard and worn out. "Anne!" cried her mother. "Where is Anne?"

  "Lost!" replied Olga, dropping exhausted into a chair, "lost!"


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