Mountain Wolf

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Mountain Wolf Page 9

by Amber Ella Monroe

  "That was remarkably fast, which proves what can happen when every citizen comes together to make their neighborhoods safe."

  "I haven't heard anything from the Alpha yet," Luke said. "It's likely that our work isn't done. He's not going to stop until he finds every last damn gang member involved."

  "And he shouldn't. All the Packs shouldn't stop fighting to take down every last one of them," she agreed.

  Chapter 22

  The moment Cassie heard the keys turning in the lock of the office cabin, she closed up her journal and met Luke in the foyer.

  "Hey." She threw her arms around him.

  "Hey yourself." He hugged her and then held out his arm, revealing some bags. "You've been in here working all day so I thought you could use something to eat. I brought you some lunch."

  "Thank you." She took the bags from him and placed them on top of a file cabinet to the right of him. "We'll get to that soon. I'm not as hungry for food as I am hungry for you." She hooked her fingers into his belt loop and pulled him toward the sofa.

  When she got there, she undid his belt, opened his fly, and then allowed his pants to hit the floor in a heap around his ankles.

  "What have I done to you?" he said, grinning and shaking his head.

  "Who said this was all your doing?" she teased, maybe this was me all along.

  She got on her knees on the floor and ran a hand over his heavy cock. The moment she wrapped her fingers around him, he hardened and lengthened within her grasp.

  "Oh Cassie," he groaned, looking down at her as she stroked his now massive erection. She couldn't wait to make him growl and call out her name when he came to climax.

  She slid her mouth over the bulbous cockhead, taking him inside her mouth greedily until he hit the back of her throat. There was still more of him to please, but she planned to take care of that. She ran her tongue along the full length of him, leaving no part of him un-licked. She made sure the entire shaft was wet and slippery, and then she used both hands to stroke him, making him lengthen and grow firmer. She squeezed his taut flesh on the downstroke and sucked him hard between her lips on the upstroke over and over again until his legs looked like they were going to give out from under him.

  He was making all kinds of noise. His fingers were threaded so tightly through her hair that she thought he was going to pull her hair off as he directed her mouth up and down his turgid shaft. He held her head steady and throat fucked her until she couldn't hold her breath anymore, and only then did he allow her to let it pop out before plunging it to the back of her throat once again.

  She slurped at his cockhead sloppily, letting her wet hands glide effortlessly along his rod--just the way he liked it.

  "Oh Cassie. Fuck…that's it."

  His cockhead seemed to swell at the back of her throat, causing her to gag on him. Before she could suck him to completion, he tore her mouth off him, turned her around, bent her over the desk, and ripped her frilly lace panties off of her. Some of the lace threads hung on for dear life, and the garment only got as far as mid-thigh.

  After slapping her firmly on the ass one good time, he speared through her like a rocket. As he pounded her from behind, his balls slapped against the back of her thighs. He fucked her with so much vigor that her feet came up off the floor until eventually, she was propping herself on her toes. He plundered her so roughly that it took her breath away. She was too ravished to speak any words of endearment. All she could do was scream as he fucked her senseless.

  He loved to wrap her long hair around his wrist, and he did just that, pulling her head upward to make her arch her back so that her ass was suspended mid-air and her pussy was exposed enough for him to drive thoroughly into.

  Her orgasm came without warning and the feel of his hot semen pouring into her pussy caused the most mind-blowing sensation Cassie had ever experience. They climaxed together and came down from the climax together.

  They were so caught up in the aftermath of it all, that they didn't hear the doorknob turning…and they definitely didn't hear Neil Gray coming through the door.


  All hell broke loose and there was nothing little petite Cassie could do as Neil came charging from Luke. Everything thing happened so quickly…

  It was chaos. Luke tried to dodge Neil's punches without first punching the light right out of her brother. And it took her several tries to convince Neil to stop coming for Luke.

  "I didn't want you to find out like this," Luke exclaimed panting.

  "Dude? Seriously. I left her here with you…Oh my God."

  Neil paced the small space of the little foyer with Cassie still preventing them from coming at each other again.

  "Neil, it's not what you think. I wanted this. We both wanted this. I know you're angry right now but let's calm down so we can explain to you how this happened."

  "Explain right now. Because the way I see it, there is no reason why I shouldn't just beat his ass." Neil pointed to the desk. "He was fucking you! I can't get it out of my head!"


  Neil rushed out of the door and onto the porch. "I'm gonna go. I'm going right now because if I don't I'm gonna kill him."

  Luke came out on the porch and watched Neil leave. "Let him go. He needs to calm done."

  "Somebody needs to talk to him."

  "We will. Just let him calm done."

  Neil jumped in his truck, backed out of the driveway, and drove off, leaving Cassie and Luke in the dust glancing out after him wondering where he was going and if he'd return.

  Chapter 23

  Cassie folded her hands together and placed them on the patio table as Luke and Neil talked about the mating bond and what it meant. Neil didn't look convinced, but she was glad that he'd finally come back and that he and Luke could sit down like two grown men to discuss what had happened while Neil was gone. They were outside on Luke's back porch talking over beers.

  "I can understand about you not wanting me to know that you were a shifter and all that shit, but you're a good friend. I consider you brother. Why couldn't you have just told me that you were into my sister?"

  "It happened so fast," Cassie replied. "I've respected Neil all this time. I developed an innocent crush on him after meeting him for the first time that evening at your graduation. Little did I know, that innocent crush wasn't just a crush. I know you think it's silly, but Luke and I are mated. You see the evidence right here on my neck."

  "That looks like a hickey to me," Neil said. "You could be feeding me some bullshit so I won't kick his ass."

  Cassie sighed. "If it helps, I pursued Luke. He tried to convince me to wait, but I wanted to have sex with him right away."

  Neil scratched his head and pushed away from the chair. "Man, you two could have warned me. You were fucking and that's what I had to come back to see. I didn't want to see that. All you had to do was call and say…well hey, we're getting ready to smash."

  Cassie giggled. "It wasn't going to be that easy, and you know it.

  Neil held up his hands. "Well, is it any easier now?"

  "You accepting us is going to take some time to get used to, I know, but I'm here to tell you that I'm not leaving Luke. I feel so at peace here, like I have a home finally. Every time he walks into a room all I want to do is see him smile and to please him. I remember when mom and dad were like that and I want that. I want that so badly."

  Neil sighed. "I love you, sis, and you're right. But you're only partly right. If you feel this way about Luke, I accept it. What I have a hard time with is that you'll probably no longer need me. I'll no longer be the guy you call when you have a flat tire or when you manage to clog the drain with all that hair of yours."

  Cassie rolled her eyes and laughed. "TMI, brother. And you'll always be that guy in my life. I'll just have two guys now. My big brother and my honorable mate. And you know what's even better? You two are best friends. That didn't happen by mistake. We're supposed to be here together."
  Luke rose from the chair, pulled off his shirt, and hung it on the chair next to him. "I'll be right back, you two. I need to show you something."

  When Luke left them alone at the patio table, Neil grabbed her hand.

  "Sis, are you serious? Are you happy?"

  She nodded. "I am. Now I see what you saw in him as a friend. You can't say that he's not honorable."

  "I won't deny that. I admire his ways and I sought his advice all the time. I'm sorry we grew apart," Neil said.

  "And now you have time to get to know each other again," she added.

  "And I should say that I'd rather you be with him than any of those other young hooligans in Aspen Valley."

  Cassie was grinning from ear to ear. Out of the corner of her eyes, she noticed something huge and brown in the backyard. It was a wolf. It prowled leisurely toward them as if it knew them. When the wolf reached the steps leading to the back porch with eyes the color of golden honey, Cassie knew. She knew the being was Luke Lombardi in his shifter form.

  She rose from her chair, leaving her brother behind with a stupefied expression on his face.

  Just before she reached the wolf, he shifted. It happened quickly and fluidly--as if by magic. Luke was stark-naked and so temptingly handsome in his human form that she couldn't help but to close the distance between them and fall into his embrace. He lifted her chin upward and took her mouth in the sweetest way imaginable. She gave herself up to him, letting her weight fall against him.

  In that moment, Cassie knew that nothing could ever separate them. No one could ever convince her that Luke was not meant for her and vice versa. She would forever crave this man. Her honorable, loveable, mountain man.

  "Well, I think that's my cue to exit stage left. I'm gonna leave you two lovebirds out here and go watch some ball," Neil said from behind them.

  When Neil was gone, Cassie said, "Wow, that was something else."

  "Easier than I thought too. That was actually the first time I've ever revealed myself like that to any humans," he said. "Two humans at once."

  She chuckled. "Well, there's a first time for everything, huh?" She pressed her body against his hardened core. "Shall I take advantage of the fact that I have a hot, naked man right in front of me right now?"

  He laughed. "Be patient, mate. We have all the time in the world."

  Message from Amber Ella Monroe


  Thank you for reading MOUNTAIN WOLF. If you enjoyed the story, don't forget to leave a review and tell others what you loved about it. Even a couple sentences can say a lot.

  Visit Amber Ella Monroe on the web at

  Shifter Untamed


  Dane Magnus fought for and won the position of Pack Alpha, but to legally inherit the land left by his late human mother, the shifter needs to marry a human. His plan is easier said than done, especially when not just any woman will do.

  Trina Daniels needs six figures to pay for her dad's surgery. Money she doesn't have. She's willing to do whatever it takes. Even if it means pursuing drastic measures, such as entertaining a scandalous, but lucrative offer by the womanizing Dane Magnus.

  One steamy night leads to another. With the mate bond intact, there’s nothing either of them can do to tame their luscious desires.

  But when outsiders begin to threaten their lives and their chance at happiness, they only have each other to rely on.


  "Ms. Daniels, I’m calling to tell you that we won't be able to ship your last order to you."

  "What?" Trina's eyes widened and her mouth fell open. "Hold on a second." She dropped a set of keys and handbag on the counter and took shallow breaths in an attempt to calm her escalating pulse. She pressed the cell phone to her ear to make sure she was hearing correctly. "Did you just say that you're not shipping my order?"

  "That's correct. We weren't able to ship your order."

  "There's a large convention in town all next week. I need those supplies on time to run my business."

  The sound of the representative typing rapidly on the keyboard came through loud and clear. "We tried to process your credit card for payment three times between yesterday and this afternoon. Your bank declined all three transactions. Do you have another form of payment?"

  Trina's heart dropped to her stomach. "You're kidding, right?"

  There was money in her checking account. She'd just deposited the business earnings last week. How could the bank decline her purchase?

  "I'm sorry, Ms. Daniels. Maybe there's a misunderstanding. You should call your bank. We can hold your order for an additional three business days so you can get this straightened out. I've notated on your account that you need the supplies as soon as possible. Just call us back when you have a valid form of payment and we'll expedite the shipping for you free of charge."

  "Thanks," she grumbled.

  Trina sighed in resignation and disconnected the call. Her laptop was in the back of the store and she rushed through the swinging panel doors to get to it. Her dad's old operating system couldn't power up quick enough and she drummed her fingers on the desk in the little back office as the CPU hummed to life.

  This was ridiculous.

  Last month she'd sat down with her accountant and they'd forecasted every single expense for the upcoming month. She'd gone completely broke before due to lack of budgeting and she promised herself that it would never happen again. But here she was…again.

  Yet, once Trina was logged onto her bank account she realized her mistake. Her bank balance was lower than it was supposed to be. How could she have forgotten that she'd purchased emergency medication for her dad two days ago?

  Money was tight these days and Trina and her father had been living from paycheck to paycheck for the last few months. As soon as earnings from the dry cleaning business rolled in, they rolled right out. Up until now, she'd succeeded in staying out of the red. It hadn't always been this way.

  Her dad's untimely car accident had changed everything for them last year. The terrible crash had resulted in both of his legs being amputated. Without adequate health insurance or savings, the medical bills skyrocketed as a result of his recovery and the surgery. Trina's refusal to place her parent in long-term care led her to make the life-altering decision to quit a six-figure job to return home and help him through recovery.

  The physical therapy, medications, and top-of-the-line prosthetics were expensive. The family dry cleaning business kept a roof over their head and food on the table, but month after month she pinched from her own retirement savings after all their credit cards were maxed out to pay for his care.

  Trina picked up the purchase order for the overhead supplies for next week and compared it to her bank balance. She was a little over one hundred dollars short, which was enough reason for the bank to decline the charge.

  She sat back in her chair and released an exasperated sigh. Something had to be done—fast. There was another ten days left until the end of this month and judging from the amount of money in her account, it was barely enough to get by and run a business.

  The bell chimed over the entry door to the store. The first customer of the day. She should have been delighted to start the week off with the boost in earnings local businesses expected to bring in during the big convention coming to their small town of Cross City, but this morning's news had already put a damper on her spirit.

  "Hello," the customer called out.

  Trina rose from her chair and went to greet the customer, a middle-aged women with a pile of dresses in her arms. "Good morning. How may I help you?"

  "I need these dresses cleaned and I'd like to pick them up in two days."

  "No problem." Trina zoned out as she wrote up the order.

  The woman looked around the shop nervously as Trina keyed the information into the system.

  "How will you be paying today?"
  There was a spark of gold around the woman's irises and her pupils narrowed as she observed Trina. It wasn't a natural reaction, but Trina had witnessed this type of response before. The woman must have picked up on how aggravated she was. Aggravated was an understatement, to say the least. But the reaction wasn't completely out of the norm. Her non-human customers were always very wary of their surroundings—just like the woman standing here.

  Before Trina could stare anymore, the woman averted her gaze, looked down at the counter, and held out her credit card. "Credit, please."

  On the card was an emblem in the corner unique to the non-human population in America, which confirmed Trina's suspicions. The woman was a shifter. Thirty years had passed since it had been discovered that shifters lived among them. To this day, no one could determine if the discovery of two wolf pups and a human-like baby left inside a bassinet outside of a church was by accident or intentional. Many concluded that some poor mother couldn't care for her child, so left the responsibility with the church. At the time, no explanation as to why the wolf pups were in the bassinet with the baby—except to keep it warm—was given.

  The wolf pups were released to a wild life conservation center, but the baby was taken into the custody of Child Protective Services. When doctors investigated her DNA in an effort to find the parents, the results revealed some not-so-human qualities. The information was leaked by a scientist and the government had no choice but to reveal that non-humans lived among us. Just like the woman standing in Trina's dry cleaning store.

  The woman cleared her throat and thrust the card toward Trina again. "Don't you still accept our payments?"

  "Sorry, yes I do."

  Trina completed the transaction at the cash register.


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