Mountain Wolf

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Mountain Wolf Page 26

by Amber Ella Monroe

  Simon shoved Edward roughly into the ground. “Shoot him,” he ordered Charlie, the man with the gun.

  Not even a second passed, before Charlie put a bullet in Edward’s side.

  “No,” Autumn screamed.

  Edward writhed on the ground for a moment before rolling over onto his hands and knees. Then he began to shift. At least, that’s what it looked like he was doing from Autumn’s position.

  A full-grown wolf pounced out from the same spot where Edward once knelt. The wolf rushed the shooter and chaos ensued.

  Garrett turned and growled at her, “Get out of here.”

  She didn’t bother responding or resisting when she witnessed him dropping to his knees and tearing off his shirt.

  Bones cracked and shifted, limbs lengthened and reformed, fur appeared where there was once cloth and skin. The second half of the transformation happened swiftly and rapidly, as if by magic. The only human on the field was Autumn and the dead man on the ground. But was he really human or was he wolf like the rest of them? Either way, he was dead.

  Autumn held up her gun and shot a few rounds in the air in an attempt to stop the chaos. The wolves didn’t care. They were too busy trying to tear out each other’s throats out. While she was standing there, yelling for them to stop the fighting or she’d call the police, one of the wolves with auburn-colored fur came charging at her. At this point, she couldn’t tell who was who. She released a blood-curdling scream and raced in the other direction, but the wolf mowed her down.

  Its claws were on the ground and she was between its legs. Its fangs were bared and he snapped and growled at her. Spit and sweat flew into her face and she shielded herself, trying to shove the wolf off of her. The animal was heavy as hell and had to have weighed at least two hundred pounds, maybe more.

  She stretched her arms outward, trying to reach the gun that had fallen on the ground next to her. She was too far away to reach it and she scratched at the ground, only bringing up grass and dirt.

  Suddenly, a load of weight lifted off of her and she saw blue skies and clouds again. When she regained her focus, she spotted the wolf that had been on top of her being tackled by another. The wolf who’d saved her had deep brown fur with hints of white at the throat. The eyes somehow reminded her of Garrett, and in that instant, she knew he’d saved her. Again.

  As the wolves fought in the middle of the field, Autumn acted quickly. She raced back to the front of the car and yanked the door open. The keys were on the floor mat as if someone had dropped them while they were getting out. There was blood on the inside of the car. On the doorknob. On the steering wheel.

  Autumn managed to get the keys in the ignition and started the engine. She slammed her foot on the gas and the car lurched forward. When she glanced in the rearview mirror, she spotted a wolf chasing the car. It was the wolf with the auburn colored fur who’d jumped her.

  “Oh God, please.” Don’t let it catch up to me.

  But her plea wasn’t answered in that moment. These wolves were big, fast, and not like any other regular animal. She’d heard they could run up to speeds of sixty miles an hour. The loose gravel on the road made it difficult for the little sedan to catch any real traction or speed.

  The wolf had caught up to the driver’s side window. Suddenly, it lunged upward at the car. She jolted to the right in an effort to prevent contact with its gaping jaws but lost control of the wheel. The car jerked and flew off of the highway into a ditch. The impact was more painful than she anticipated. She bit down forcefully and tasted blood. Her blood. A ringing sound resonated in her head and her eardrums pulsed wildly. She was stuck in the car between the ditch and the doorframe. Her leg hurt like hell. Something was holding it down. Still, she wasn’t prepared for what was to come next. She felt the lick of a cold tongue on her forearm and then canines sinking deep into her flesh, causing the most excruciating pain ever.

  “Ahhh,” she screamed, immediately jerking her arm away, but it was too late. The wolf had already bitten her.

  A few gunshots rang out in the distance and then there was silence.

  The next face she saw brought back a shred of hope. It was Garrett.

  Her voice was too hoarse and dry to form words, her tongue felt too heavy to lift, and she was too weak to get up. She lifted her arm slowly and tried to reach out to him…

  The pain was too much for her and her head was spinning out of control.

  Autumn never remained conscious long enough to experience what happened next.

  Chapter 12

  After one of the Pack doctor’s left the cabin, Garrett took in the sight of the resilient, beautiful woman on his bed. Autumn surprised him in more ways than one. Something he didn’t tell her the other day when she had been asking so many questions about his love life and sex life was that ever since that painful breakup ten years ago, he rarely dated human women—women who wouldn’t understand his nature. And in the case of Autumn, his mating and possessive urges.

  While bringing Autumn to his home, Garrett realized that he wanted to keep her safe more than he wanted to complete his assignment. After all, he’d let his prime target get away so that he could get her help for her injuries. She hadn’t opened her eyes since he pulled her from the vehicle. Even now, he missed her giving him the ninth degree on his wolf anatomy and the sound of her voice.

  Garrett took a lock of her hair between his fingers while she slept peacefully and lifted the strands to his nose. Her scent would not leave him. It was somehow ingrained in his memory and even if he wanted to he couldn’t possibly forget it.

  His phone vibrated on his hip. He reached down to view the caller ID. Dane Magnus. It was the call he’d been waiting for.

  He pulled the covers up over Autumn’s chest, exited the room quietly, and took the call.

  He was outside on the back porch before he spoke a word. “Hey, brother.”

  “Garrett? What’s going on? I tried to call you last night but the phone went straight to voicemail. We have a mission we kind of need your help on.”

  “Yeah. Understood. I’ll do what I can. Since the last time we talked I kind of got myself in a bind.”

  “Yeah, I heard. Edward’s sister has been calling me all afternoon about her brother being shot and bitten during the attack near County Line Road. I had to ensure her that our Packs weren’t at war. In fact, I’m still considering Benjamin’s offer. I have no gripes with the Cross City Wolf Pack, I just need time to weigh these things. What the hell kind of trouble did you guys cause in a matter of days?”

  Garrett dragged his fingers back through his hair. “There was a setback in my plans. I was escorting someone out of the city when Simon—the Beta of the Cross City Wolf Pack—followed and attacked us. He killed the driver that Johnston arranged to meet us by the time we got there. Words were exchanged between Simon and me, and we got into it. Edward and I made it out, but we had to flee the scene on foot. Simon had an Omega from his Pack with him who put a bullet in Edward. Needless to say, I ripped out his throat after he shot me in the shoulder while I was fighting Simon. If I hadn’t dived out of the way, the wound could have been fatal for me. ”

  “You fought with the Cross City Pack Beta? Montague’s the last name, right? Isn’t this the same guy you’re supposed to apprehend?”

  “Yes. The woman that I’m helping turns out to be their Beta’s arranged mate. He came after her. Quite frankly, I don’t even think he knows that I’m the one his Pack leaders hired to capture him. He thinks that I came onto his territory to ruin the chances of him going through with his claim on Autumn.”

  “Shit! And you let him get away. Seriously?”

  “When Simon realized that he couldn’t get to her, he bit Autumn and took off in a truck. I had to choose between running him down and helping the injured. Edward was healing, but I couldn’t leave her in the ditch. That wasn’t the first time they’ve tried to take her.”

  “Are you home now?”


; “With the woman?”


  “He’s bitten her and you know what th—.”

  “I know. The bite will allow him to track her anywhere.”

  “Track him…and you now that you’ve got her,” Dane added.

  “If he steps a foot on my property or lays another hand on Autumn, I’ll kill him. There’ll be no live capture or reversion of the target to Benjamin. If he comes here, he’ll be a dead man on site.”

  Dane scoffed into the phone. “He killed one of our Pack members. I’m not forgiving that. I have some of my Enforcers and about a dozen others monitoring our borders. He won’t be able to slip pass anyway. If he comes near them, you’re damn right he’ll be a dead man on site. I’ve already given the orders.”

  “I hope you’re right because I don’t want to commit another murder if I don’t have to,” Garrett replied. “The only reason I haven’t gone back to maul that bastard to death is because I’m watching over Autumn. As soon as I know that she’s safe and well enough to be on her own, I’m heading out again.”

  “I can send some wolves out to your house if you need some extra security,” Dane offered.

  “Thank you, brother. I’d appreciate that.”

  “In the meantime, I need you to be thinking about taking on one of the Head Enforcer positions. I’ve been looking into it, and if I accept Benjamin’s deal, that means more property and an increase in our population. There aren’t many who are qualified to do what I need them to do, but you are.”

  Garrett paced the floor. Dane knew damn good and well that becoming an Enforcer meant giving up his famed outlaw belt and settling down in his Pack.

  “Now’s a fine time for you to bring this matter up,” he said.

  “I am the little brother, after all, and you swore to protect me,” Dane said.

  Garrett could see him grinning on the other end of the phone right now.

  Dane continued, “I need the help. I trust my family above all others with important matters. Besides, father always wanted us to run the Pack together. That’s why he tried to keep his sons together. Even though he couldn’t rule as long as he wanted, he succeeded. Even with our differences of opinions, we’ve always looked after each other.”

  “Indeed. We have.” Garrett nodded. “I’ve gotta job to complete and if the pay is right, I’ll entertain your offer when I get back.”

  Dane chuckled. “I’ll be prepared for negotiations.”

  Garrett grinned. “Ditto. Bring your A-game.”

  “Well, let me get back to work. You’re not the only one in a bind,” Dane said. “I’ve got a possible solution to stop the eminent domain takeover planned on one of our tracts of land. Soon as that’s done, I’ll give old Benjamin a call.

  “Talk to you later, brother.”

  Chapter 13

  Sharp pain throbbed at Autumn’s temples and she pressed her hand to her forehead as her vision adjusted slowly to her surroundings. She sat up on the bed and leaned against the headboard. Her right arm was partially wrapped in some cloth bandages. The muscles were sore, but the main source of pain was her throbbing headache.

  She looked around at unfamiliar surroundings.

  “Where the hell…?”

  She was in a room she didn’t recognize. On a bed she didn’t recognize. What she did recognize was the telltale sign that Garrett had been in the room. His potent almond scent was everywhere. Her memories came crashing back to her like a movie on fast replay, but only in reverse. The last thing she could remember was seeing Garrett’s face and then passing out.

  As a wave of heat and nausea hit her, Autumn shoved the blankets off of her and swung her legs over the bed. Her toes connected with the cold hardwood floors. The room was small and cozy. The curtains had been pulled closed so she couldn’t tell if it was night or day but she had that sick-in-the-stomach feeling like she’d overslept. She was wearing an oversized shirt that came past her knees. Thank God that her bra and panties were still intact. Oh shit! They weren’t even matching. The bra was black and her panties were a peachy shade. At least these were the pair that didn’t have any rips or holes or anything. She really needed to buy some new matching underwear to be prepared for the next time she got into a car accident, had to go to the hospital, and people had to disrobe her or something. It seemed she was running out of what luck she had left around every corner she turned.

  Autumn groaned.

  She inspected her body, looking for any other wounds. Except for some slight bruising on her knee and her bandaged arm, everything appeared normal. Or not…

  The horrid image of a wolf biting her assaulted her memories like a slap in the face. She couldn’t believe a shifter had bitten her. She’d practically lived her whole life among them. Who in their right mind would run down and bite a human? She already knew the answer to that and the memory was clear. The wolf had red and auburn fur. Her biter was Simon. She lifted the edge of the bandage and peeked under it to see exactly how much damage he’d done. The skin there was puffy and a little red. She tried to peel it back some more…

  The floorboards creaked just outside the doorway. The doorknob spun slightly to the right. Feeling naked, she lifted her legs back onto the bed and covered her exposed thighs with the blanket.

  Garrett entered the room holding a small tray with some fresh fruit, a sandwich, and a bottle of water on it.

  She breathed a sigh of relief. “I’m glad to see you.”

  “Hey, I’m glad you’re up. I meant to be here when you woke up, but I had to take a call. How are you feeling?” he asked, kicking the door closed behind him and then setting the tray on the nightstand near the bed.

  “This headache is killing me, but I’ll be okay. How long have I been sleeping?”

  “Since yesterday.”

  She gasped. “Since yesterday? What time is it?”

  “Almost eleven,” he said. “In addition to the accident and with everything that’s been going on, I think you were extra tired. Doc said it was okay to let you sleep.”

  “Yes, I was tired. I guess.”

  He lifted a small bottle off the table with some pills inside and showed her the label. “Aspirin. The family doctor just left. He checked your vitals, blood pressure, and everything. You’re tough. You’re going to be fine. He says you should limit your activity outside the home, though. He wrote you a doctor’s note for work before I told him what really happened and why you were with me.”

  Autumn chuckled. “You know, I probably will need an excuse for the days I’ve been out. I own an itty-bitty small stake in the restaurant, but I’m still on the payroll. Simon's payroll.”

  He frowned. “After what he did to you, that jackass needs to be staked in the heart. Don’t worry. You’ll have your restaurant back, and then you’ll be the boss.”

  “I hope so.” She lowered her stare, avoiding his eyes. She took an aspirin pill from him and swallowed it with some water. “Simon was the one that bit me.” It was more of a statement than a question, but she was still a little shocked about everything that had happened.

  He nodded and then took her arm gently. “It’s healing already.” He untied and began to unwrap the bandage. “Still a little swollen though. The thing about a bite from a wolf shifter is that the healing properties from the wolf are transferred with the bite.”

  When he revealed her arm, she noticed some faint marks from the wolf’s canines. Garrett was right. The bite wound had sealed miraculously as if an animal had bitten her months ago.

  “That’s so weird,” she mumbled.

  “Yes, but what also gets transferred in is the essence from the wolf.”

  Autumn grimaced. “What does that mean?”

  “Remember when you asked me about marking and imprinting?”

  She nodded.

  “Well, he’s marked you by bite.”

  Autumn balled her hands into fists. “That bastard. I knew he would do something like that. Anything to trap me with him.”

; “It’s likely that he still knows you’re with me. He can track us as long as his essence remains with you, but he’d be a damned fool if he did.”

  She shook her head. “I’m sorry I got you into this. Look, I’ll leave. I don’t want anybody else getting killed over me.”

  “No. Stay here,” he said, firmly. His features softened up a bit and then he said. “What I meant to stay was you’re safe here. I want you to stay.”

  “I’m feeling okay-ish, really,” she said. “It’s just this darn headache.” She glanced down at her arm again and ran her fingers across the swollen skin. “How long will the essence stay?”

  “A couple days to a week. He didn’t bite that deep,” he said. “That’s the other reason why I want you to stay here in Aspen Valley. As long as you’re here, in the territory of another Pack, he can’t get to you.”

  She sighed. The more she thought about it, the more irritated she got and she began rubbing aggressively at her skin in an attempt to get rid of the thing altogether. She became so overwhelmed by her feelings of defeat that some tears welled up in her eyes, but she held them back. She wouldn’t let Simon get the best of her, and she definitely didn’t want Garrett to see her lose her shit. She was more angry than scared. She wanted to lash out in ways that shocked her. She wanted to murder Simon.

  “Hey…” Garrett moved closer on the bed and pulled her against him. “Everything’s going to be fine. I’m here for you.”

  She swallowed. “But I’m taking you away from your responsibilities. I doubt doting on me at my bedside is part of what an outlaw does.”

  He laughed, and she couldn’t help but chuckle right along with him.

  “Remember what else I told you?” he asked, pulling back to look at her face. “I’m whoever and wherever I need to be to complete a mission. I do what I have to do. I let him get away back there, but I won’t stop until I do what I told Benjamin I’d do. But your life is more important to me.”

  “But why? You don’t even know me,” she said.


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