Royal Torment (Stand Alone Tales Book 10)

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Royal Torment (Stand Alone Tales Book 10) Page 3

by Viola Grace

  “Yes, slowly, please.”

  Ador pulled her toward him while pressing her clit with his thumb. His fingers dipped in and out of her while he kissed her.

  She met his tongue with her own, and when his fingers triggered her orgasm, she shrieked softly into his mouth.

  The world spun as her body arched and twitched. When her senses settled, she was on her hands and knees, and he was pressing against her from behind. She gasped when he slid into her, the head stuck, and he shuddered. He reached, stroked her back, and leaned over her, covering her completely with his soft hide pressing against her back. He kissed her neck, licked it, and bit as he thrust his hips forward.

  She screamed and threw her head back while her hips tried to get away from him. He held her tight, and she panted and calmed down. When she was shivering with her weight supported on her arms, he released her shoulder and licked the skin he had just punctured.

  Tydella sighed. Her body was clenching and relaxing around him, but there was only an ache from his abrupt entrance. The rest of her was catching on quickly.

  Ador withdrew nearly all the way, and then, he slid in. She grunted at the impact and felt the strange tickle of energy that hit her from this angle.

  “There you are, Tydella. Now, let me hear you.” He gripped her hips and repeated the withdrawal and surge.

  The slapping of their bodies was muted because of the nature of their skins, but she shuddered and focused on staying calm as the sweet friction was pulling her toward release again.

  She let her lips release the soft cries that he seemed to be after. His fingers dug into her hips and pulled her harder into him. She felt the flicker of tension only a second before it released, and she let out a high-pitched whine that ended with her arms collapsing and Ador growling and grunting as he jolted into her again and again, finally pressing into her and remaining there while his cock twitched inside her.

  He wrapped his arms around her waist and pulled her back, astride him as he knelt, facing the wide window where the wind was blowing in.

  “So, did you enjoy your first time?”

  She crossed her arms over her breasts. “It was fine. Thank you.”

  He whispered in her ear. “Fine? What were you missing?”

  She shrugged. He was stirring inside her again.

  He lifted her off him, turned her, and pulled her back onto him. “What was missing, Tydella?”

  She looked up at him and looked away. “Holding on to someone.”

  He sighed and kissed her. “I chose that angle because I would go in easier. It was to make it more comfortable for you.”

  She nodded. “I know. Less stress, less compression, less interference from the pelvic bone. I know.”

  He threaded a hand through her hair. “And yet, you need what you need. Face to face it is.”

  The kiss was slow and hot. She tasted him, and as they kissed, he urged her to rise and fall on him. The slow beat of her body over and surrounding his cock was heady and drove out all thought.

  Her breasts rubbed against his chest, and he stroked her back slowly while she moved on him. The climb toward orgasm was faster this time. The kisses and caresses were waking her senses faster than the friction alone.

  The kiss got more frenzied, and he slid a hand between them. He touched her clit on the upstroke, and with three light contacts, she moaned into his mouth and collapsed against him, shuddering.

  He tipped her to her back and pinned her hands above her head, thrusting rapidly into her while a growl echoed in the room. She held him as he collapsed onto her and wrapped her limbs around him. This was what she had been after.

  He lifted his head after a few minutes and kissed her softly. “How are you feeling?”

  “A slight ache, nothing noteworthy.”

  He smiled. “Good. My control is slipping by the moment. Being inside you is bringing out the instincts rather rapidly.”

  She stroked his back. “It will be fine. Don’t worry. I promise to give you a full review when the rut is over.”

  He nipped her ear. “You had better.”

  Tydella knew the moment that Ador’s self-control had worn off and he was acting on instinct. He moved down her body and tasted her, licking at her with a terrifying ferocity until she was screaming and trembling. He thrust into her and rode her until she came again, flipped her to her stomach, and thrust into her, twisting her torso so that he could kiss her as he plowed into her.

  Time stretched into endless rounds of sex and hard bites on her shoulders.

  She must have dozed off or fainted at one point because she woke up on his lap and in the tub. Light was bright outside and fading into red. One day was done. She only had three left to go. She was gonna be sore when she came to her senses. Right now, she was riding high off his pheromones.

  He was slowly sponging the punctures on her shoulders, and he muttered, “The doctor will erase these before you go.”

  She yawned. “It’s fine. I have my own med center that can remove them.”

  “You have your own med center?”

  Tydella paused as she realized she was giving clues away. “Um, yeah. My father has money. Can’t you tell by my ship?”

  “I wasn’t looking that closely at your ship.” He sponged delicately at her shoulders and then moved on to her breasts.

  Her breasts had been the rutting Ador’s favourite plaything. Abrasions and bruising were feeling better in the water.

  “So, how did I get into the water with you?”

  “You fell asleep after the last round. When the rut receded, I knew I was being urged to take care of you.”

  She blushed. “Thank you. So, how are you feeling? Is it getting more intense or less?”

  He kissed her neck. “It is definitely not fading. It is just waiting for you to catch up again.”

  He made sure that every inch of her had been lightly scrubbed before he sat her on the edge of the tub, and then, he joined her. He wrapped her in a drying cloth and toweled her hair dry. “This is the most unusual colouring. Is it natural?”

  She chuckled. “Yes. Oddly, that is not the thing that I thought would create comments. It is only odd as far as you are concerned. You need to get out more.”

  He smiled. “Speaking of getting out, I will have to leave you for a few hours tomorrow. My signature is needed on a few documents.”

  Tydella smiled and inclined her head. “Of course. Do what you need to do, Your Highness.”

  He sighed and pulled her back against him. “Thank you for understanding.”

  She patted his arm and then yelped as he pulled her away from the bath, her legs slipping on the stone. He pulled her up to face him and lifted her via two hands on her butt before nudging her opening with the hot head of his cock.

  He smiled at her with heavy-lidded eyes. “Since you are so eager to be rid of me, I had better make every minute count.”

  She moaned and locked her legs behind his back, pulling herself onto him more fully. Her body flexed and gripped him as he slid into her. She grunted when she was as tight to him as she could get.

  She closed her eyes and panted as her body adjusted to the feeling of him deep inside her.

  Ador nuzzled her head with his, coaxing her to look up. She slowly opened her eyes, and his were burning with the intensity of banked coals. He was working at control, and it was going well so far.

  She looked up at him, and he lowered his head for a kiss. She didn’t think he was a fan of kissing, but he started slow and gradually deepened the kiss, and she started to move on him. She moved slowly on him, and the slow slide and plunge became her entire world for the long minutes until she shivered and shook in his embrace.

  He lifted and dropped her violently until he groaned and pressed into her, clutching her tightly as his cock jerked inside her.

  In the minutes of panting and slowing heartbeats, she yawned and placed her hand on his chest over the thudding of his
heart. It was a lovely sound.

  He carried her to the bed and tucked her in under the sheet, curling around her back and lifting her right thigh to slide into her. That was it. He simply slid his erection into her and rubbed his chin against the top of her head. “This has not been like every other rut that I have had.”

  She chuckled and yawned. “I will take your word for it.”

  He cupped a breast with his hand, and he rubbed her nipple lightly. “As I am your first, I will definitely confirm that this has not been the usual mindless rutting.”

  “Well, does that make it better or worse for you?”

  He squeezed her breast. “Different. I can feel every moment with you, and that is definitely what I want.”

  She turned to look at him, and he kissed her softly.

  She paused. “I thought you didn’t like kissing.”

  He chuckled. “It gets you wet in under a minute. I am appreciating it like nothing else right now.”

  She blushed and turned her head to yawn, covering her mouth before she snuggled back against him. It was like being surrounded by the softest, firmest ship’s bunk ever. As she dozed off, she had to admit that she might be spending too much time on ships.

  He woke her hours later, moving slowly and deliberately inside her. He had one hand on her breasts and the other between her thighs, taking his time to get her full attention.

  He whispered encouragement when she moved her hips against his and licked at the edge of her ear as he continued to thrust into her. Tydella sighed and rocked with him until she let out a small squeak and shiver a moment before he thrust to the hilt and groaned.

  He stayed inside her, and she chuckled before falling asleep. They were getting better with their timing. She was going to miss him when she left.

  Chapter Five

  Tydella found a robe for her draped over the foot of the bed. She took a quick bath and had just tied the sash when there were footsteps approaching the door. It didn’t sound like Ador.

  She went to the sideboard and grazed while the footsteps got closer. Bots were stripping the bed, and she walked around to work the stiffness out of her lower extremities. When the woman wearing the gold and crown entered the room, her nose wrinkled at the heavy scent of sex that hung in the air.

  Tydella curtsied. “Your Majesty.”

  The woman paused. “Who the hell are you? He was supposed to be with Lady Marquad, but she has returned to court and stated that she wasn’t required.”

  “Tydella. Your son and I ran into each other leaving Zathura Station, and after I interfered with his gate jump, he offered me a chance to pay my debt to him.” She gave the older woman a slight smile. “The means of payback was his choice, but I only agreed to four days.”

  The queen spluttered. “What kind of woman are you to simply trade sex for transport?”

  She shrugged. “There was nothing simple about it, but at this point, I only have two days left, so once that time is spent, I will be on my way.”

  The queen stared at her and narrowed her eyes. “Why are you not grovelling?”

  “I beg your pardon?”

  “Most of the harlots that my son has brought here have bowed constantly. Why are you standing straight?” The queen came up to her and glowered at her, her white and black markings quite striking.

  “Protocol dictates that I only need to genuflect when you enter the room, or when I leave it. There is nowhere for me to sit in here; therefore, I cannot lower myself in your presence.”

  The queen paused. “You know protocol.”

  Tydella shrugged. “On a world, a great distance away, I was raised in a royal court.”

  The queen looked her over. “You? How many human royals are there?”

  “Not many. The rankings are better left to the more specialized species. Folk like me are a dime a dozen.”

  The queen nodded. “Well, my son would never keep one of your kind around. He needs a proper lady, a proper princess. As soon as this rut is over, he will have his pick of the women.”

  Tydella cocked her head. “He will?”

  “Yes, of course, they will have to prove their status, but I am sure that a true princess can manage it.”

  Tydella chuckled. “They usually can prove themselves one way or another.”

  The queen snorted. “Don’t be so smug, young lady. It is unbecoming.”

  “Apologies. I am under the influence of a lot of endorphins right now.” Tydella smiled.

  “You aren’t even our kind. If you were a proper candidate, he would have...” she lunged forward and yanked at the collar. She staggered back, appalled at the puncture marks that were still healing.

  Tydella straightened her robe, and she covered up the bites again. “I have never said I was only human.”

  The queen was standing with her hand over her mouth, trembling. “You... could be pregnant.”

  “Yes, it is possible.” Tydella chuckled. “Don’t worry. If I am, the child will be taken care of. Nothing need trace back to Ador.”

  The queen was scandalized. “If you are pregnant, the child will remain here.”

  “Well, it is a good thing that I do not consent to any further exams.” Tydella was serious. “The moment the fourth day has been completed, I will leave, and that will be the end of things. I will be a distasteful memory for you and return to my travels.”

  “What about Ador? What about what he feels?”

  Tydella pinched the bridge of her nose. “What do you mean? He and I have an agreement, and a prince keeps his word, even here, does he not? We are not romantically entangled. This is a moment. That is all.”

  The queen looked relieved. “Well, that is good. But if you find yourself pregnant, please let us know so that we can send support for the child. It may be a bastard, but it will still be blood.”

  Tydella inclined her head. “Understood.”

  The queen nodded. “Good. Just make sure that you leave when you say you will. I do not want my son distracted by someone like you.”

  “That is also very clear.”

  “Right. Well, as you were. My son will return shortly. I just wanted to see what he considered more attractive than one of the loveliest widows in the kingdom.”

  Tydella extended her arms to her sides. “Here it is. I can strip if you would prefer.”

  “Why did he get you a white robe?”

  Tydella sighed. “Because I don’t look good in green. It’s a joke.”

  “It’s not a joke, Mother. I was her first.” Ador walked in, wearing an ornate robe, trousers, and some sandals.

  The queen looked at him. “She must have deceived you.”

  Ador walked past his parent, and he protectively cuddled Tydella against him. “She didn’t. Mother, you can go now.”


  He turned, and his fangs flashed. “Go!”

  His mother blinked, and she left quickly, closing the door behind her.

  Tydella was mashed against him. “So, how was your meeting?”

  He leaned back. “She didn’t upset you?”

  “No. I am covered no matter what your mother tries to do.” She grinned. “I hear you are about to be drowning in princesses.”

  He groaned. “They don’t mean anything to me.”

  “You might find the woman that you want in that batch.” She was stroking his chest. He was tense, and gently stroking his sternum was one of the sure ways to calm a Kiidar. Well, that and stroking him behind the ears, but he would notice that.

  He narrowed his eyes, and he snorted. “Are you trying to fob me off on other women?”

  She blinked. “Um, isn’t that the idea? We are together for a finite period of time, and then we go our separate ways. Right?”

  He looked at her, and she could see a strange kind of irritation take him over. He didn’t say anything but threaded his fingers through her hair as he kissed her while his hands opened her robe. What followed w
as four hours of brain-burning sex that left Tydella dazed and curled against him, her body throbbing in random places that seemed to contain the secret response to his mouth that took her to the edge of insanity. It was exhausting, and she had no idea why he had gone that particular brand of crazy.

  Time was slipping from her, and she had a funny feeling that her four days were being circumvented somewhere in space.

  * * * *

  Amerald Belldella growled at the guards, “My daughter did what?”

  Abra spoke to the outraged imperial consort. “She disabled our ship and hitched a ride on another vessel.”

  Amerald looked at the embarrassed guard on the other end of the com. “Where is she headed?”

  “Deskor. She attached her ship to one of the Deskor royal fleet. From the security vids, she and the prince had a moment before she bolted and headed for her ship. They didn’t say much, but there was a trace of him left in the air when we headed to the port. She would have been interested.”

  “Rasha Kiidar are not something she has experience with.” Amerald covered her face with her hand. She was both proud of her daughter for finally running and furious that she had done it without letting her mother know.

  Amerald looked at the guards. “Can you move your ship?”

  “Yes, it has been completed.”

  “Good. I am going to be there later today. If I can keep her father from finding out, we will all be better off.”

  She disconnected the call and had a sinking feeling when she slowly turned around. Tyadino was leaning in the doorway, and his brows were raised. “What has our little cub done now?”

  Amerald walked up to him and placed her hand against his chest. “Do you want the long version or the short version.”

  He narrowed his eyes. “Short.”

  “I think that Tydella is involved with a Rasha Kiidar in rut.” She felt the tension in the emperor’s body.

  His voice was a growl. “Where and who?”

  “Deskor and the crown prince.”

  “Ador? Hm. She could do worse.” He looked at her. “You were going to keep this from me?”


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