The Monroe Sisters

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The Monroe Sisters Page 33

by Aliyah Burke

  She canted her head to the side, her blonde hair falling to the left, dangling over his desk. “You, handsome, are most welcome. Who’s the date with?” She waggled her eyebrows. “Anyone I know?”

  He slid his chair back and chuckled as he stood. “Not that kind of a date. Have a cooking class I’m taking, I don’t want to be late for the first night.”

  Michelle stared at him for a long few moments as if digesting his words. “Fuck. You’re not kidding, are you? You’re actually taking a cooking class?”

  “Not kidding, and yes I am. Good night, Michelle.”

  As he strode for the door, she hollered after him, “Is it a good way to meet women?”

  “I’ll tell you in the morning.” He waved over her shoulder without looking back and strolled out into the wet evening.

  His music played as he drove through the streets to get to the building where the class was going to happen. He was excited. It had been a long time since he’d attended a cooking class like this one dealing with Middle Eastern cuisine. One of his favorites.

  He parked in the lot and hopped out of his Denali, and strode to the door as he locked the vehicle with the fob behind him. As he walked over the squeaky floor he saw a few more people entering into the room and lengthened his stride so he wasn’t the last and the late one.

  The second he stepped through the door, it hit him. That singular emotion that swarmed him whenever he was in her presence. Shai was somewhere in this room. He gazed about and located her toward the back speaking to another woman. While her back was to him, he had no problems identifying her. He would know this woman anywhere and he hadn’t even held her in his arms.

  “I’m just saying, Connie. Classes like these are a good way for you to meet men. Not that you have to, but there are some men who do enjoy being there and there is nothing wrong with that. You should look for one who might make you happy.”

  The woman she called Connie shrugged as she looked around. Her eyes landed on him and he held a finger to his lips. She didn’t acknowledge him in any way but he had no doubt she was now on his side.

  “I could say the same for you, Shai. I don’t see you hooking up with any of the men that come in here.”

  Shai shrugged. “I’m not really looking for a man, Connie. You’re the one who’s always talking about how you need a good man, not me. But if I find one, although I doubt that’s going to happen, I’ll let things happen as they will.”

  Connie smiled. “I think I found one for you.”

  “Really?” Shai asked. “Is he like the last one you thought you found for me, who still lived with his mother?”

  “Pretty sure this one doesn’t live with his mother. And even if he did”—she released a low whistle—“I forgive him that. I mean he’s a tall, handsome guy and, from what I’ve seen, can’t take his eyes off you.”

  Shai shook her head. “I’m not falling for it, Connie.”

  “I’m not kidding. There’s a man there watching you.”

  “Sure there is.” She whipped around and faced him and Sav struggled to hide his smile as her mouth dropped open in shock. “You.”

  “Class. Class, may I have your attention please. We’ve had a few last-minute people join us, so for tonight, since we don’t have enough stations set up, a couple of you are going to have to share. Any volunteers?”

  This time he did smile. He shot up his hand and called out, “Shai and I will share, no problems.”

  “Thank you. Anybody else?”

  Derek couldn’t tell you if somebody else had agreed or not. He didn’t care one way or the other. He had what he wanted. Shai. Cutting his gaze toward her, he found her staring at him, her expression a mixture of shock, anger and desire.

  “What the hell are you doing?”

  “Didn’t you hear the teacher? She needs some of us to partner up for the night.” Derek inched closer to Shai and inhaled deeply, allowing her scent to flow over him. “And I don’t know about you, Shai Monroe, but I’m all up for being your partner.”

  Her retaliatory smile was more feral than anything and yet all he wanted was to kiss her. On the other side of Shai, Connie smiled and clapped her hands like she had just made a match in heaven.

  Shai stepped close to him and tipped her head up so she could hold his gaze. “Is there trouble but I just don’t know about it? Is that why you’re here?”

  Damn her for being so intoxicating.

  “Actually, I’d signed up for this class. I should ask you where your officers are, but as I’m here, I’m not concerned.”

  She blinked a few times. “You cook?”

  “I love to cook.”

  “Hot damn. If you don’t want him, Shai, I’m going to take him. Because I know damn sure that statement he made ain’t got nothing to do with cooking in the kitchen.”

  Derek almost flushed. Pressing up against Shai so she could feel his hard body, he reached around her and offered his hand to Connie. “Sav.”

  “Connie. But I’m guessing you already know that and don’t really care because my name’s not Shai Monroe.”

  This time he did laugh. It didn’t take a genius to realize that Connie was trying to set her friend up with him. And he had no problems with that, none at all. There was just one ethical issue, as in he was keeping her safe and he shouldn’t be getting involved.

  You’re actually not the one keeping her safe. The officers are supposed to be watching her. So technically your technicality is moot.

  There were times he liked his subconscious. This would be one of them.

  Class was laid-back. The professor went over what can happen in the course, what she expected from them and what they should expect from her. Then ended up making a flatbread with some spicy curry to go with it.

  Derek was impressed with Shai. It took him a minute to figure out that she did her measurements in metric. He also couldn’t ignore how well they worked side by side at the kitchen counter. He didn’t want to—in fact he’d like to pursue it further. They were in sync with one another and for a moment he had a vision of them standing there in a kitchen together—it was snowing outside, a Christmas tree in the living room while they fixed dinner for everybody.

  The end result was delicious and he knew for a fact he would be back for every class especially given the woman beside him. Even if he couldn’t be her partner for the next class.

  He reached over and brushed his thumb against the corner of her mouth, wiping off a bit of the curry. It took everything within him not to suck his thumb clean but instead to reach for a cloth and wipe it off.

  She blinked a few times before she gave him a little nod. Shai wasn’t wearing her glasses tonight and he loved the fact that there was nothing encumbering his vision of her big brown eyes.

  * * * *

  Shai was at a loss. She didn’t know what to say, she didn’t know what to do. Hell, she was even sure how to handle herself with decorum. Not to mention from the moment he reached out and touched her lips with his thumb. All she wanted to do was jump on him and kiss him. Now if that was before or after she drew his thumb into her mouth and sucked on it for a little bit, she couldn’t say for certain, but that was most likely in the scenario somewhere.

  Clearing her throat, she stepped back to increase the space between them. She needed it for her own peace of mind. Sanity. And a whole slew of other words she didn’t feel like naming at this moment.

  There was lingering hunger and heat in his eyes that danced among the laughter. Damn man knew exactly what he did to her and he was pushing all her buttons.

  She’d thought because she had agreed to go along with this assigning of officers to her, and not make any waves, then she wouldn’t have to deal with him. That didn’t stop the thoughts of him, not by any stretch of her imagination.

  Now, look where she was. In a goddamn cooking class with him, thinking about sucking his thumb into her mouth. This wasn’t any way for her to act, not even in her dreams.

  Brushing her hands off o
n her apron, she met and held his gaze. “Thank you.” Okay, so sue her. Her voice may be a bit deeper than usual, or little bit raspier, but she managed to be adult about what happened and thank him for getting the sauce on her face.

  I would’ve much rather been the whore and jumped him.

  They worked well together as they cleaned up and she couldn’t help but notice the display cooking with spicy curry and that type of food. The man beside her still smelled of the outdoors and masculinity. A scent she could get on board with having around her all the time.

  She walked with Connie out to the front and escorted her friend to her car. With a hug and a wave, she turned back and drew up short. Standing between her and her vehicle was none other than that detective. From behind him ran up another person from class.

  Although he should probably be called something other than that detective considering I just wanted to suck his tongue down my throat and take his cock as far up within me as it would go.

  Keys in hand, she spun them, ensuring to keep her hand on the unlock fob as was her want.

  “Something I can do for you, Detective?”

  He gazed around the fast-emptying parking lot before returning his sight to her. A scowl in place furrowed the lines between his brow.

  “Shai? Are you heading home or did you have time for a drink?”

  She dragged her focus off the detective and onto the man inching up beside him. “Sorry, Tomas, I’m heading home. Early day tomorrow.”

  He shrugged. “Perhaps some other time then.”

  “Sure.” As soon as she said it, she put it out of her mind. He wasn’t her kind of guy.

  “Where are the men that were assigned to you?”

  Shai shrugged even as she looked around. “Honestly, I have no idea. They know where I am and the time my classes is over so perhaps they’re just a little ways off watching to make sure nothing happens. You should probably leave before this does nothing but start rumors.”

  The fact that he didn’t come back with a quirky or sarcastic remark set her nerves on edge further. Where were the men assigned to her? More than a bit uneasy, she gauged the distance between her current position and her vehicle. Three hundred yards. She could make it in a short time if she ran. However, there was the actual getting in, and starting the vehicle. And what if they had put something under it to explode as soon as she turned it on?

  Holy fuck, she was starting to hyperventilate.

  She sucked in deep breaths as calmly and quietly as she could. However, her intent to not alert him had failed the moment he appeared by her side.

  “Slow down.” He spun so he was in front of her and tipped her chin up so their eyes were locked onto one another. “Breathe in, hold, breathe out.”

  He had her do that five or six times before she had managed to regain control and was able to breathe normally on her own. Didn’t matter they were both standing out in the heavy downpour, she could say with honesty that she was not cold—the man generated heat like nobody’s business.

  “I’m fine. Thank you.”

  She tried once again to step back but he refused to release her and instead spread his fingers out a bit more on the backs of her upper arms and she swore he anchored them together tighter.

  “I think we should wait until your ride comes.”

  She shook her head. “What ride? My car is right over there, and I’m perfectly capable of taking myself home.”

  “You have automatic start on the car?”

  “I do.” God, she was so lightheaded. All she wanted to do was sit down for a moment.

  As soon as she had given him the affirmation that she did, he began leading her back toward the building until they were both under the awning and out of the rain. Before she could say a word or issue a complaint, he had her sitting on a bench.

  “So start your car and take a few minutes.”

  Hating the fact that he was right with a passion, she nodded even as she pressed the fob for the automatic start. There were no words between them for a few moments. She looked up at him, noticing the tightness around the corners of his eyes and mouth.

  “You thought it was going to explode, didn’t you?”

  “Let’s just say I’m not up for taking any chances with your life.” He took some hair behind her ear before his expression smoothed out and he stepped back. “Are you feeling any better?”

  “Enough to head home.”

  “Go get your car. I’m going to call and find out where they are. Don’t leave until I give you the okay.”

  Fighting back the urge to snap out a salute, she pushed to her feet, exhaled through her mouth and headed back out to the rain. This was a night where she was going to head to bed early—being around him had taken far too much out of her.

  Shai had almost made it to her car when she heard a faint whine and a click. Before she knew what happened, somebody slammed into her, taking her down to the ground and rolling them away. The next second her entire world erupted into a ball of flame.

  The concussive wave of heat pushed her tighter into the man who was protecting her and her ears hurt at the loud explosion. He had her wrapped tight and she could feel him shake when stuff hit him. Shai didn’t struggle, she didn’t try to look around and see what the hell was going on. She gripped the sides of his shirt inside his jacket and pressed as close to him as she could.

  Now was not the time to enjoy how good he smelled or how hard his body was against hers. This was all about letting him do whatever it was he felt the need to do right now to keep her alive.

  She was dazed when he pushed back enough to look her in the face. His lips moved but she couldn’t make out the words, and she shook her head.

  “Can’t hear you,” she blurted out. Even that didn’t sound right to her own ears.

  Intense ringing hadn’t slowed and when she looked past his shoulder, her mouth dropped open. Her car was on fire, parts of it missing, and other parts lying on the ground near them or across the lot.

  What the ever-loving fuck?

  With his assistance, she got to her feet. She saw the flashing lights as cop cars rolled in along with a fire truck and an ambulance. She touched her head before he pulled her fingers away and she saw they were coated with blood. Things happened in a rush after that. They were separated—she was taken to the ambulance to sit on the stretcher and be checked out while he went to speak to some of the officers.

  She didn’t like it. She wanted him with her. Shia forced her attention to the EMT working on her head wound and she took a bit to read his lips so she could figure out what he was saying. Understanding that the ringing would stop soon, she shook her head, knowing that she didn’t hurt anywhere else. She got up off the stretcher and made her way to the back to step out of the ambulance when he was there. Blocking her way.

  He shook his head and pointed back to the stretcher. When she didn’t move fast enough for him, he pulled himself in there and crowded her back until she could go no farther. When she sat, he sat beside her between her and the door and said something else to the EMTs that again she couldn’t quite make out.

  How the hell is it that he can hear and I can’t?

  One of the paramedics jumped out. The door slammed while the other EMT reached for Derek’s arm that had a nasty gash in it. He didn’t seem all that concerned about his injury yet he didn’t fight the man as he did his job. Derek draped his uninjured arm around her and tucked her close. She didn’t fight it and allowed her eyes to shut.

  She needed time to process all of this and figure out what had just happened. But right now, covered with a warm blanket and pressed up against his heated body, her adrenaline had begun to wear off.

  Chapter Three

  Derek paced the white tile of the hospital while he waited for the doctors to finish checking on Shai. It burned at his gut to think that she could’ve been in there driving when the bomb had gone off. He could’ve lost her even before he’d had the chance to have her.

  And when he got h
is hands on the two officers who were supposed to be watching, heaven help them. He turned as the door behind him opened and exhaled a breath he hadn’t known he was holding. Shai walked through, wearing a pair of scrubs and looking too damn adorable to be a woman who had just about been blown to pieces a short time ago. Even so, he couldn’t ignore the lingering circles beneath her eyes.

  Whatever front she was portraying to most people, he could see past it. This attack had gotten to her.

  “All clear?” He kept his eyes riveted on her even as he questioned the doc who walked beside her.

  “She’ll be fine. She needs some rest and her ears will probably ring off and on for a bit longer. No internal injuries which is good. I would suggest rest.” The doctor glanced between the both of them. “Including anything extracurricular, at least for the night.” As he was staring at her, Derek couldn’t help but smile as her pupils dilated with the doctor’s statement.

  He canted his head to the side and shrugged. “Look at her, Doc. Can you blame me?”

  The doctor chuckled and stepped back, allowing him to move closer to Shai. Taking advantage of the opportunity, he slid his arm around her and continued to keep her anchored close to him. Just where he liked her to be.

  Guiding her away from everybody, he stopped when he was certain nobody else could overhear them. “You sure you’re okay?”

  “Not really sure I have anything to compare it to as I’ve never been blown up before.”

  “Want me to take you to tell your folks? And your sisters?”

  He felt her reluctance even before she said a word. And he knew it wasn’t because she didn’t want to face them, but more because she didn’t want them in the line of danger. Something he admired about this entire family. They protected one another with a ferocity most people didn’t have anymore.

  So he took the decision from her. With a bit of pressure on the small of her back, he led her toward the entrance until they were enough out of the way that nobody could run them over, yet not outside to be in the rain.

  “I need a unit to come pick me up at the hospital, Mercy Hospital. I’m at the emergency entrance.” He barked this into the phone once it was answered.


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