by Aliyah Burke
“I’m ready now. Let’s get it over with.”
He didn’t take offense to the tone—she had been through a harrowing experience. Gesturing to the living room, he waited for her to start up the hall. As he fell into step behind her, he cursed himself for sending her along first.
Now I have to move behind her and watch that tight ass of hers move in those gray sweats.
Sav waited until she sat on the couch then he made himself sit opposite her on a different piece of furniture. She tucked her feet up beneath her, bare toes showcasing the vibrant purple sparkling nail polish.
Her fingers plucked at the pillow resting on her lap, the only show of her nerves, but she didn’t shift or fidget more than the movement of her fingers. There was no polish on her nails—well, that wasn’t entirely true. She had a French manicure that made her hands look stunning. Rings on every finger. Band rings, some with jewels and some without. Even her thumbs were adorned.
“I was just on the phone with my LT and he had a few points. We’re waiting for a list of those who were up for tenure when you got it, and he also mentioned that if you’d like to actually be at your house, we can accommodate that.”
She watched him with caution, weighing her words, he suspected.
“Why the change about where I can or should stay? Is this because you’re afraid that my family will be in danger if I’m in a safe house where this person can’t see me to terrorize me?”
He didn’t want to lie to her, ever, and wasn’t going to start. “Yes. But I’ll leave it up to you.”
“Not something you usually do, is it?”
“Nope. I’m finding that your family is a bit unique when it comes to the law.”
A faint smile tugged at the corners of her lips. “Not sure my father would be happy to hear that claim. But, I suppose, with my sister who she is, it makes sense.”
He shrugged and leaned forward, resting his forearms on his thighs. “Perhaps, but I’m doing it because of you, not them.”
Before she could control it, her expression showcased her surprise at his words. Then, as usual, she was again composed. He wanted to keep her off her game and see the expressions she tried so hard to keep contained.
“Thank you.” She lowered her gaze to the pillow once more. Then, after a mere moment, she lifted it once more to watch him. “If it’s all the same to you, I’d like to be at home but I’m good with staying here for the night. I’m not feeling the best.”
Alarm hit him and he shot up from the cushion. “Do we need to go back to the hospital?” Two steps had him right before her and he crouched down until he was eye level with her. “I can have you there in a few minutes.”
“You’re almost cute when you’re worried.” She slapped a hand over her mouth. “I’m apparently delirious because those words shouldn’t be coming out of my mouth.”
He tugged her wrist away. “You can call yourself delirious all you want but we both know I’m cute. And sexy.”
Her gaze narrowed. “That’s right, you were in the explosion as well. Must have rattled your brain a bit as well.”
“Not that much. I’ve had worse explosions than that go off around me.”
Her face sobered. “You served?”
“I did. Nine years in this here, our United States Army.”
Her eyes softened. “Thank you.”
“Chin up, Shai. I didn’t expect you to get all morose learning I served. Come on, let’s get you to bed.”
As soon as the words fell from his lips he realized how that sounded. Not that he would turn her down but it wasn’t how he’d meant the statement to come across as.
“I think we should.” She struggled not to yawn but it snuck through.
As he helped her up, she canted her head to the side and he waited for her to ask the question he could see percolating in her eyes.
“Do you prefer Derek? Detective? Dick?”
He much preferred her teasing than anything else. Well, screaming my name would be a pleasure as well. I won’t turn that down, but I’ll take this over the woman who looks unsure and a bit lost.
“You can call me whatever you want. Most friends call me Sav.”
“Sav, like what you put on a rash?”
He chucked her under the chin. “Sav, not salve, and trust me. I’m rash free.” Sav took her hand and led her up the hall back to the room she’d picked. “Let me lock up and I’ll be back to check on you.”
She didn’t speak and he took the few moments to ensure the house was secure. Then he made his way back to her room. Shai stood where he’d left her, tremors taking over her body.
“Hey, it’s okay. I promise. I won’t let them get to you, whoever it is. I’ll find out and I’ll stop them.”
He heard the singular in that and didn’t change it. Sure, he was a cop and they worked as a team, but he was going to keep this woman safe.
When he pulled on her, she went without hesitation into his embrace, burrowing her face against his chest.
Tightening his hold on her, he rested his cheek against her soft hair. She smelled like frosted clementines. He couldn’t explain it but that was what he pictured. The adrenaline had faded and she was crashing.
He walked her to the bed and coaxed her down to the mattress. Her face remained pressed tight to his chest, and were he to be honest, he couldn’t say that bothered him, but right now wasn’t about him and getting his rocks off.
Sav was unsuccessful in prying her loose and she moved with him when he crawled onto the mattress with her. Her hands were tight in the folds of his shirt and all her curves were flush to him. She wasn’t wearing a bra and the cut-off shirt and tight workout pants were killing him.
The singular word fell from her lips and he knew he wasn’t going anywhere tonight.
* * * *
Shai woke horny. Exhausted but horny.
It didn’t help that a man’s hard body pressed against her and the unmistakable ridge of his impressive cock rested against her core. But that wasn’t all. He had one leg tossed over hers, one arm around her, keeping her tight against him, and his other hand…
Well, that was a bit more interesting. It was up under her shirt, cupping her left breast. A breast that had a pointed nipple as his work-roughened fingers skimmed along it. His breaths were deep and even, making her think he was asleep.
Problem was, now she wasn’t. And she craved the approval to slip her hand down and circle that thickness, push it into her. Just a few up and down strokes.
Her mouth watered and she fought not to shift on the bed. His hand stroked her breast again, making a whimper almost slide free. Her clit pulsed when he put her nipple between his thumb and forefinger and twisted lightly.
She couldn’t stop the sound from slipping free this time and it ended with a gasp. Not of shock but of want and longing. Her body arched toward him with a mind of its own. All she knew was she wanted more.
Not smart. Not smart. Not smart.
It didn’t matter. Right now, all she knew was her body demanded something. What only this man lying with her could provide. She flexed her fingers once more and purred at the hard expense of muscle beneath her touch.
She shifted closer to him and searched for his mouth. He found her. A deep-throated moan escaped as his tongue slid through her lips to touch hers. Shai twined her tongue around his and drew on it, needing more.
Sav gripped her ass as he moved the one from her breast to grip her hip. He dragged her close, pressing the blatant thickness closer to her core. Her needy, wet core.
“Tell me to stop and I will.” His low rasp teased her already hypersensitive nerve endings further.
“Don’t.” She dug her nails into his side. “Don’t stop.”
He rolled them so she lay beneath him. She loved it, the heavy weight of his much larger male body on hers, pressing her deep into the mattress. Shifting, she widened her legs to offer him more of a cradle.
He pushed into her, back an
d forth. Like a tease. Or was that a promise of what was yet to come?
Either way, she was on board. Even more so if they could get rid of these clothes between them. He had on jeans and a short-sleeved shirt. One he needed to remove as soon as possible. The pants also.
He nibbled, nipped and tormented as he explored her. The way he had himself over her, she wasn’t able to do much moving. Both a turn-on and a frustration.
“Please,” she whispered.
“Trust me, baby, there’s not any need to ask me again. I’ve been waiting for this since the day you lambasted me in the hospital.”
Were she not so turned on by this man, she may have been a teensy bit embarrassed about how she’d acted toward him. Maybe. Not likely, though.
“Off,” she muttered, tugging on his shirt. She craved the feel of his flesh against her.
He pushed up just enough to rip it off over his head then he was back on top of her, surrounding her with his scent. She wriggled, desperate to get closer to this male who was turning her world upside down.
“Your turn.”
His voice had a slight accent to it and she wanted to ask him where it came from, but she had other things guiding her attention at the moment.
“I’m still wearing less than you.”
“I need you wearing nothing.”
Words that made her even hotter for him. “Take it off then.”
He rose up and straddled her. She couldn’t see him for the room was dark—hell, she didn’t even know the time and didn’t care. His touch, gentle, when he skimmed his hands up her sides. At the hem, he gripped and began lifting it. While she didn’t want to release him, she lifted her arms, allowing him to draw it over her head.
“You know, I need the light on to see all of you.”
“Later,” she muttered, yanking him back down to him. “Right now I want your cock.”
“And I plan to give it to you.” He nibbled the corner of her mouth. “Repeatedly.”
Sounded perfect to her.
Sliding her hands to the button on his jeans, she undid it then moved down to the next one. And the next.
He grumbled deep in his throat and she pushed her hand in past the briefs and curled her hand around his rigid length.
“Fuck,” he moaned, bucking farther into her touch.
“I’m waiting.”
That was all it took. She didn’t know the man could move so fast. He had her stripped from everything and lying naked beneath him, his cock at the entrance of her pussy. Nothing else mattered than putting that girth to use.
She wrapped her legs around his hips and encouraged him into her. His broad head nudged at her and he sank in with one push. Stretching and filling her.
Her body flared to life, synapses firing and tingling as he held still, allowing her to adjust to his size.
Holy fuck! What the hell have I been experiencing? Because it sure as hell isn’t like this.
Sav claimed her mouth as he pulled back until just the head of his cock rested within her.
“Ready?” His question came along on a low rasp of sexual promise.
She wasn’t sure but she sure as fuck was game to try.
“Yes.” It took her several tries to get the word out but as it finally slipped past her lips, she flexed her internal muscles, wishing him back within her farther.
“We’ll see.”
That was all the warning he gave her.
Had she praised the good Lord yet? The man was a machine. He took possession of her mouth as his hips worked his cock within her, in precision motions. Just when she thought she’d figured it out, he changed it up. Long strokes. Short ones. Shallow. Deep.
Flames licked along her skin and she had lost her voice as he spun her over to her knees, lifted her up once more with one strong arm and slid back into her pussy before she could even wrap her head around the fact that she was now on her hands and knees.
Back bowing, she screamed in pleasure once more as his ministrations took her to another plane. Her eyes rolled into the back of her head as she dug her nails into the bedding beneath her.
It all meshed together, his words, his touch, her panting. He wrapped an arm back around her and tweaked her clit. Rockets shot off within her and she cried out once more, body trembling.
A low, almost animalistic growl came from him as he thrust fast before she felt his seed release deep inside her. Her eyes flew open as it hit her. They’d not used any protection. Dipped in panic, she stiffened until his lips connected with that sensitive spot where her neck and shoulder met.
He nipped and licked her sweaty skin before kissing her. He gathered a handful of her hair and angled her head back toward him and took claim of her mouth once more. Despite the panic that warred within her, she couldn’t help but sink back into him as best she could. His heat was along her back.
Tongues dueling, she could feel the onslaught of another orgasm approaching with force. She didn’t fight it, quite the opposite—she welcomed it. Embraced it.
“Give it to me,” he growled into her mouth. “I want you clamped around my dick when you come. You’re tightening,”
Didn’t take much more than that. No voice left her, the cry was more of a gasp as she shuddered again and collapsed. Sav followed her down and his touch turned from proprietary to tender. Not that the proprietary had left but the gentleness was in the forefront.
“Rest up, gorgeous. We’re going again soon.”
Her body already ached in so many places. As he readjusted them so she lay on top of him, his cock still deep inside her, she smiled and tucked her head beneath his chin.
If she were to have a happily ever after, this was it. Being held in a strong embrace and not feeling as if anything from the outside world could hurt her.
Chapter Five
“Why am I staring at your ugly mug this early in the morning, Lopez?”
“Lieutenant told me to stop by. Why? Did I interrupt you shagging the witness?”
Anger surged within him and it took an act of God for him not to plant his fist into the man’s face.
“At what point do you think he would be able to answer the door were we in bed fucking one another, excuse me, shagging one another? And not to correct you, Officer, but I’m not the witness. I’m the person who needs to be protected.”
Sav angled to the left in order to watch Shai strolling into the room. As was fast becoming habit for him when he saw this woman, his breath left him in a rush. From the sharp intake from the man across from him, he wasn’t the only one she’d affected in this manner. Just another reason he wanted the man gone, as soon as possible.
She wore a pair of slacks that molded to her ass like warm butter. A long-sleeved silk top did very little to hide from his imagination the exact assets he was well-versed with that hid below the material. Even with her heels on, she still made him want to pick her up and hold her tight and keep her safe.
There was no warmth in her gaze as she looked at him and he realized it was almost as if she were ignoring what happened last night between them. Not just last night, for it definitely went far into the morning. This was the woman he had seen in front of a classroom, and in the hospital room when her sister had been shot. The no-nonsense young professor.
“Although,” she continued, “as I’ve been told I’m allowed to go home to my house, perhaps it’s not protective custody anymore. Regardless, as a member of law enforcement, I would think you should know that.” Her tone was icy without a shred of forgiveness.
“That’s Detective Lopez.”
The look she leveled at him would’ve gelded a lesser man. As it was, Lopez shifted beneath her scrutiny. “So, it’s professional for a detective to walk into a safe house and accuse the detective there of shagging the woman he’s there to protect? Up until now, I’ve always been extremely impressed with the detectives I’ve met on this force, and with my sister being who she is, I’ve met quite a few. I hope you get to keep your detective shield.”
sp; She turned her focus to him and it ripped his heart out to see no warmth there. “Are we eating here or are we leaving now?”
“We can eat here. I have some things to go over with Lopez before we can go anyway.”
She walked off without another word, leaving him alone with the highly irritated detective.
“She can’t talk to me that way, I don’t care who she is.”
Sav held up his hand and shook his head. “Don’t even start that, Lopez. You are the one who came in talking about shagging. You didn’t even know where she was. You know if it comes down to it you’re going to be the one who owes her an apology.”
His dark eyes narrowed. “So, you siding with her in this?”
“Yes. You want to be treated like a detective, you need to act like one. You never know where somebody’s going to be and what they might overhear. Christ, I don’t understand why I have to mention this to you. It should be ingrained. You were a detective long before I was.”
The man flushed red and his eyes darted like a ping-pong ball back and forth between him and the kitchen where they both knew Shai resided. Derek waited for him to say something else. Something that would allow him to punch Lopez just for good measure.
Whatever he wanted to say, he managed to rein it in. When Lopez lifted his hands and shrugged, Derek took it as his way of backing off and saying he was finished with the entire thing. At least for the moment.
The two men went and sat in the living room across from one another, file spread out on the coffee table between them.
“So, what do you have for me?”
It didn’t take long before the house began to smell absolutely delicious. He and Lopez shared a glance as their stomachs rumbled almost in unison. Sav looked at his watch and realized they’d been in there working for almost an hour.
“Fuck, I can’t concentrate when that smells so damn good.”
“Think she has enough for me too?”
He certainly didn’t hope so because he wanted to keep this woman all to himself. The cooking him wanted to shove all this work aside and go in just to see what she was doing to make the crêpes smell so good. If he was right on what she was making.