The Monroe Sisters

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The Monroe Sisters Page 37

by Aliyah Burke

  Pivoting, he stepped out first, wanting to shield her as best he could. Not that anything could be seen from here, but still, it was instinctive, his need to protect this woman. Her office was still a decent distance away.

  She walked beside him and he had to remind himself it wasn’t proper to drape an arm around her, much as he’d like to. He stood back once they’d pushed through those gathered so she could see the state of her office.

  It looked as if someone had thrown up blood all over her office. Anger churned in his gut and he ground his jaw to remain in control of his volatile temper. She stiffened beside him and he watched her from the corner of his eye.

  “Anything missing that you can see without moving closer?”

  “No.” Monotone response once more. She canted her head to the right before meeting his gaze. “Am I allowed to go closer?”

  He met the observing look of the head crime scene tech, Sarah Caty. She nodded her vibrant red hair glinting in the light.

  “Sure,” he said.

  Sav allowed her to pick the way she wanted to walk. There was a path through the chaos to allow her to see the other side of her desk. He stared down at the top of her head and waited while she skimmed her gaze over everything before her.

  “Minor things are missing. I can make a list. I won’t know about programs on the computer until I log in, but I can get into that from my home computer so I won’t need to be in anyone’s way.”


  Really? What else was there for him to say? He didn’t think there were any words he could come up with that would express how bad he felt about this, and something about her expression alerted him to how close she was to breaking. He didn’t want to push that up on the timetable.

  He waited and spoke to Lopez while she talked to another officer but when he witnessed her shake, he broke it off and moved to her side.

  “We have to go let her parents know about this. If you have more questions, I’ll bring her down to the station.”

  While he still didn’t touch her on the way out, he was ready to catch her if she stumbled. Once they were in the vehicle, he pulled out from the parking lot and drove away, not wanting there to be eyes on what he was about to do.

  Dipping into an underground parking facility, he found a spot and put the car in park, allowing it to idle. Then he faced her.

  “Are you okay?”

  “I thought we were going to my parents’?”

  “We are but that wasn’t my question. Are. You. Okay?”

  “You know I’m not but I don’t want to do this yet. I need to get there before I lose my shit.”

  “Just remember one thing, Shai.”

  She blinked and looked at him in the low light. “What’s that?”

  “I’m right here and I’m not going anywhere.” He kissed her before she could say another word. Then he drew back and tossed the car into drive. He had to get her around other people as much as she needed to be there.

  * * * *

  The tears streamed down her face as she sat with her mom and sisters. Shai was on her childhood bed, head resting in her mom’s lap. Eva and Tara were right there as well, each with a hand on her, giving their support.

  “There were chunks in the mess. One tech told me there was real blood in there but it wasn’t all blood. Some kind of animal.” She swallowed hard and flipped the peppermint in her mouth that Tara had given her with her tongue.

  It helped a bit but wasn’t by any means a cure all. She didn’t want to face this. All she longed for was her life to fade back into near obscurity. She loved her job and went in with pep in her step every day.

  She enjoyed teaching and for the most part didn’t mind all of her fellow professors either. However, now, the thought of heading back to that had a chunk of sourness in her gut that not even the peppermint could hold at bay.

  The men were out in the living room, discussing who knew what. All of their men. She stiffened a bit at that thought. Derek wasn’t her man and she didn’t have any right thinking of him that way. Just because they’d had one night and part of a morning didn’t mean they were affianced or ever would be.

  Her mom never stopped rubbing her back, the familiar motion soothing in a way only a parent can make it.

  “So what happens now?” Eva asked.

  “We wait for the cops to finish their investigation and follow up any and every lead. You can damn well bet I’m having my fingers in this.”

  Shai almost smiled at the ferocity in Tara’s voice. “Aren’t you going to have to recuse yourself? Personal conflict and all that?”

  “Fuck that. Sorry, Mama, but this is not something I’m willing to stand by and let someone else handle.”

  “I’m with you, Tara,” her mom said. “But we do have to make sure nothing will get thrown out because we didn’t follow the rules to the letter of the law.”

  Tara muttered a whole string of things and Shai made the conscious decision opened her eyes to look at her sister. Her gaze was obsidian and hard as the weapons it had once been made into.

  Reaching out, she laid her hand on Tara’s wrist. Her sister stared down at her, eyes softening just a bit.

  “You told me once to trust the cops because you worked with them and you did. I’m trusting whoever they put on this because you work with them. But Mama is right, I don’t want whoever this sick asshole is to get away with this because we wanted to skirt the edge.”

  No doubt it galled her to back down on this, but after a solid wait, Tara nodded. “Fine, I’ll make sure they appoint the second-best person in the office to this.”

  Everyone laughed and Shai squeezed her wrist, grateful for the smile Tara was able to bring to her face.

  “Next question.” Eva demanded her focus now.

  “Go for it.”

  While Shai wanted to curl up in a ball, she was pleased that her sisters and mom weren’t allowing her to submerge herself in this self-pity train. They were lobbing questions at her, making her think and focus.

  I have the best fucking family in the world.

  “Why were you only in a safe house for one night?” She leaned closer. “Was Detective Savvas unprofessional in a hot and sexy way? Please say yes. And when you do then I want to know why you didn’t stay there.”

  Never had Shai been so grateful for her darker skin. Or her ability to control her facial expressions.

  “Really, Eva? Mama’s here. And for your information, before you take that and run with it, no, he wasn’t unprofessional at all.”

  God forgive me this lie. I mean, it’s not really a lie, he wasn’t unprofessional. He was completely professional even as he was shoving his thick cock deep inside me, making me scream and purr like a cat.

  “I may be your mother but I know hot when I see it, plus I’m aware of how children get into the world.”

  She shook her head and pushed up from her mother’s lap. “No, no, no. I am not listening to stories of your sex life. This conversation is taking a directional turn. Let me start.” She pinched the bridge of her nose and prayed she could stop thinking of how he had made her feel with his caresses, the scruff on his jaw, and more. “The same reason that Tara didn’t go to a safe house. We didn’t want them to come after family to get me back out to where they could see me.”

  Shai shifted on the bed and stretched out her legs as Eva picked up some of her hair and began twisting it around a finger.

  “I guess he and his lieutenant talked about it and when he posed the question to me, I said I wanted to go home. I’d much rather have my things around me than someone else’s.”

  Tara sat cross-legged and canted her head to the left. “We can’t come over, though, and we’re still going to have people on us as well, right?”

  “I told him that was nonnegotiable. I guess he agreed for he didn’t say it wasn’t happening.”

  Tara laid her hands on her thighs. “I like him. He’s always gone hard on every case he’s worked. I looked him up more after I fir
st knew he was on my case. Impressive man you’ve got there.”

  Shai knew this trick. She didn’t flush or look away from her sibling. “I’ll agree he’s good at what he does but we both know he’s not my man, impressive or otherwise.”

  With a shrug, Tara grinned. “Let’s just say cops talk.”

  The way her mother and Eva were bouncing their gazes back and forth, she was wondering if her life had just become a ping-pong tournament.

  “So do lawyers but it doesn’t mean they have anything pertinent to state.”

  “I rest my case.”


  “What did I just miss?” Eva inserted herself in the conversation. “I don’t like not knowing.”

  “Your sister just got her to admit she slept with the handsome detective is all.” Her mother didn’t even bat an eyelash as she said this. “Took her longer than I thought. Hell, I knew the moment you two walked in the door.”

  What the fuck?

  “How did you know?” Tara angled toward their mother. “I had my suspicions but I only knew for certain now.”

  I can’t believe I’m sitting here for this. On the other hand, she would like to know how her mother knew. It’s not like she could come out and ask without playing more into this absolute truth they had decided on, one that she was still trying to not confirm for anyone.

  “The way they watched each other when they thought no one was looking. They’re good, but I’ve had three girls. I’m well acquainted with those snuck glances.” She chuckled. “Never meeting each other’s glances without expressions perfectly collected but the heat when they would gaze at the other, enough to melt the polar icecaps.” Adalyn patted her leg. “If it’s any consolation, I don’t believe your father knows yet. Then again, he might. He’s always been protective of you girls. Having the chat with their men, I’m sure he’s doing it again.”

  She made to jump up and all three of them began laughing. Hanging her head, she shook it.

  “I hate you all, you know this, right?”

  They wrapped her up in hugs and she closed her eyes, the stress and anger of earlier fading. This was what mattered. Family. Her family. Their unconditional love for one another. This wasn’t anything that could be taken from her, no matter how much destruction and upheaval this threat tossed into her life.

  And she would give her very life to keep them safe and secure.

  Chapter Seven

  “Where are we on the case?” Sav curved his fingers around his tall cup of coffee as he stood with Lopez as they waited for the medical examiner to wave them closer to the dead body of the new call they’d just arrived at. One week had passed since the vandalism of Shai’s apartment.

  “By ‘the case’ I’m assuming you mean the one dealing with your Monroe woman.” The man had a smarmy grin on his face as he waggled thick, bushy black brows. Sav barely glanced in his direction, focusing on the ME instead, wanting to get what he needed done here so he could get back to Shai.

  Yep, it wasn’t a good thing that his focus wasn’t one hundred percent here, but he knew he could still do the job.

  “Lopez, quit being a dick.”

  Unperturbed, the man shrugged. “A colossal one?”

  “Not from what I’ve heard.” He sipped some coffee. “Oh, you meant your attitude, yes, a colossal one.”

  “Fuck you, asshole.”

  “The case, Lopez.”

  The detective had just filled him in on what they knew so far when the ME motioned that he’d finished with his prelim.

  Shoving Shai’s case to the back of his mind, he focused on the young man there and what he had to share with them. Shai meant so much more than he wanted to admit. However, just because of that didn’t mean that everyone else deserved to have him less than giving his all on the case.

  “What do you got?” he asked as he paused by the ginger.

  “Pretty much what it looks like from the surface. Two entry and two exit wounds. Time of death based on liver temp puts it about seven hours ago. There are a few things that make me think it’s not what it looks like, but I have to get him back on my table before I can talk about that with any certainty.” He got to his feet. “Anything else you need from me right away?”

  He shared a look with Lopez who shook his head. “Not right now. Call when you have the results, will you?”

  “Always do.” He circled a finger in the air. “Let’s load him up, boys, he’s got a date with my table.” Without a look back, he strode off.

  They spent the day tracking down leads and as he ate a cold lunch standing outside over a trash can while they waited for a man who may have a lead to let them inside, he realized that this day wasn’t at all what he was hoping for it to be.

  Soaked through, he’d been swung at, shot at, almost hit by a car as he’d chased a perp and it was only lunch time. When they were waved in, it was to a small place that had definitely seen better days.

  And the rest of the day didn’t get any better. His one shining spot was when he pulled his Acadia into Shai’s driveway. The rain continued to fall and he would have sworn it was late fall considering the temperature instead of spring.

  He hopped out and dashed through the water streaming down from the heavens to slam into earth, to run to the front door. Shaking off what he could outside, he knocked and tested the handle. It was unlocked.

  Sav frowned and entered, gun drawn. Eyes darting around, he didn’t even take time to appreciate the delicious scents wafting in the air. He left the door ajar and began creeping through the house, needing to make sure she wasn’t hurt.

  Part of him wanted to call out to her, but if there was a perp in there, the last thing he wanted to do was provide them with any advanced warning he was present. Bedrooms were clear as were the bathrooms. He made his way back up to the kitchen, which had been empty earlier, and spun in, weapon ready to fire.

  “Fuck!” Shai dropped the glass dish in her hands and it shattered when it hit the tile floor. “What the hell are you doing? Why would you come into my house like that? Are you trying to give me a heart attack?”

  “Where the fuck have you been and are you okay? Is there someone else here?”

  “Me? Where have I been in my own house?” Her voice rose. She looked down and sighed, her momentary fear segueing into irritation. “No one is here. What in all that is holy are you doing coming in here with your gun drawn?” She glared at him, hands on hips.

  “The door wasn’t locked.”

  “Of course it wasn’t. I saw you pull into the drive, so I unlocked it.” She shook her head. “Going to hold that on me or am I allowed to move?”

  Fuck. He slid the pistol back in the holster and stepped closer. “I’m sorry. For everything. I just saw it was unlocked and assumed the worst.”

  “I’m gathering that.” She gestured around. “Are you sure everything is okay now? I mean, can you get the broom or something so I can clean this up? I’m not wearing shoes.”

  Yep, he could feel worse. He strode toward her and instead of getting the broom, he plucked her up and spun to set her on the countertop. “I’ll clean it up, I just have to shut the front door.”

  He shrugged out of his wet coat as he closed the door. Once that was done, he retrieved the broom from her pantry and returned to the kitchen. Shai remained where he’d put her. That made him happy.

  Derek swept it all up, ensuring to capture all the tiny pieces. As he crouched to brush it in the dustpan, he gazed up at her and found her watching him with a tiny smile tugging at the corners of her lips.

  “What?” He got it all in the pan. “Why are you smiling?”

  “Not every day I have a man in a double shoulder holster on his knees before me in my kitchen. Kind of sexy.”

  His hand trembled and he damn near spilt what he’d just gathered. He’d been fine, latching on to the anger and fear, but now that she was flirting. That was an whole new game. His blood rushed south, pooling in his dick, creating a stranglehold on him.

  “Only kind of?” He lifted his head and put his green gaze on her features. Fuck she’s beautiful.

  Shai sat there, a light gray Café Du Monde apron over her white long-sleeved top and pants that were worn and a violet shade close to the streak in her hair. Her feet were bare and he spied the sparkling purple polish on all ten toes.

  Nope, correction, nine. One was gold sparkle.

  And now he wanted to know why for that as well.

  “Well, kind of because I’m not entirely sure what he’s doing down there once he finishes cleaning up my broken glass.”

  Skimming the floor to ensure he hadn’t missed any tiny pieces that could cause injury later, he flexed his fingers on the handle. “What happens in your mind?”

  “Hmm,” she muttered, the low rumble rolling from her throat.

  “Tell me.” He still kept his gaze down, not wanting to risk injury to her because he was thinking of nothing but fucking her.

  “I’m not sure.”

  This prompted him to look up. “Don’t lie to me, Shai.” He swallowed at the amount of passion in her gaze. “Tell me.”

  The tip of her tongue snuck free as she skimmed it along the seam of her lips. He bit back his groan.

  “I’m naked except for a long shirt and he kisses his way up the insides of my legs. Only to the knees, on each leg.” She swallowed and he watched her pupils dilate. “Then he gets up and continues all the way up until he is”—she cleared her throat—“you know.”

  “Words, Shai. I want the words.”

  The floor was as clean as it was going to get for a moment. He emptied the dustpan and returned it along with the broom before standing beside her and washing his hands. As he dried them, he tipped his head back down and stared at her.

  “You’re not talking.” He shifted his body to fit between her legs. It wouldn’t take anything to get these off her and he could do what she was describing. Threading his fingers through her hair, he gave her a sharp tug. “What happens after he kisses his way all the way up?”


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