Ribbon of Fate: Love or lust?

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Ribbon of Fate: Love or lust? Page 25

by Carston Hendry

It's a tight fit, but he lays on his side with his arm behind my head and the other just under my breast. He is very careful not to go anywhere near my stomach. I inch my way to the edge so he doesnt fall off and I don't hit his wounds. He doesn't seem to care about that because he pulls me to his chest and lays his cheek against the top of my head.

  He runs his fingers up and down my arm and places small kisses on my forehead and temple. It makes me feel so loved. The smallest things seem to make the biggest impact when it comes to him. I feel safe and happy when I am with him.

  “Well, when we get healed, I promise to make you moan and scream so loud all of Old Town will hear you. Over and over and over.” I can feel him smile against my temple as he leaves another kiss there.

  My core is on fire and I want so badly to push this sex God onto his back and make him eat his words. Unfortunately I can hardly move my lower half. Even trying to sit up is more painful than actually getting shot.

  “Such a tease.” I pout.


  Today I get to have an ultrasound and since I have been here for eight days now, the baby doctor came to me. At least I finally get to get out of this bed, Doc has agreed to let me use a wheelchair so long as I don't try to get in and out of it on my own. I can totally handle that.

  Jonas was discharged three days ago, his stab wounds apparently were less severe than my bullet holes. But he comes and spends the days with me still. They won't let him stay over night because they don't want him in my hospital bed anymore. We got reprimanded quite a few times for it while he was still stuck here.

  My grandparents have taken up residence in my bedroom at Spencers and let me tell you, he loves having them there. He actually told me I don't need to come home any time soon. I know Avo makes the best food, and let's face it, Spence and I revolve around food. I still haven't told him I will be moving in with Jonas. I'm kind of nervus.

  “Hey, sexy mama.” Jonas says as he walks into my room. “I ran into the doctor on my way here, said you get a scan today?”

  “Yep, might even get to see the baby!” I am so excited I could scream.

  “Do I get to see?” the worry on his face is comical.

  I shrug.

  “Okay, are you ready to see your baby, and make sure your innards are still together.” The nurse says as she walks in with a wheelchair. “I'm going to help you into the chair, then this young man will be wheeling you down to ultrasound.” She points to the man in the doorway. “The tech will help you if they need you on a table, you are not under any circumstance allowed to get out of this chair without help.” she looks at Jonas. “And he is not help. He is still healing and should not be straining himself.”

  We both nod before the guy wheels me out of the room with Jonas trailing behind. He takes us to a big elevator, not one for normal patient use, and we go to the first floor where the imaging center is. We don't have to wait long before the tech is taking us to the ultrasound room. He helps me onto a table and I lay flat on my back. Then comes the cold gel, he lightly pushes the probe to my abdomen and my insides appear on a small screen. He moves it around the area the bullet damaged.

  “Okay, so that's enough of that area. Are you ready to get a glimpse at your baby?”

  Jonas and I both nod our head in excitement.

  He runs the probe over, and there is our little itty bitty baby. There is this tiny heartbeat, and it makes it all so much more real. Being told you have a little person growing inside you is one thing, but seeing it and hearing the heartbeat is something completely different. The reality of it just hit me and I am filled with so many emotions. I'm terrified, happy, proud, nervous and oddly calm.

  I look from the monitor to Jonas, he is watching the screen with wide eyes. I can see the excitement in those eyes, pure joy and happiness. He looks at me and carefully leans down to place a soft kiss on my lips.

  “Our baby. Wow.” his eyes back on the screen.

  “Would you like me to print a picture for you guys?”

  “Yes, plese.” I almost yell.

  The tech just laughs. I'm sure he is used to this kind of thing. After a few more minutes I have a few pictures in hand and he is helping me back to the wheelchair. He pushes me out to the waiting area.

  “I'm going to call you a transport, they should be here in a few, just hold tight.”

  Jonas thanks him and we look at our babys first pictures while we wait. The same guy that brought us down here comes and takes us back to my room.


  I am currently singing papers so I can finally leave. Jonas and Wellington are picking me up soon. The nurse scolded Jonas about having someone that is not injured with us. I understand she is worried he will put unnecessary stress on himself. He ended up calling his best friend and she waited for confirmation before giving me the papers.

  Thank God my soon to be new home has an elevator, not sure how I am planning to get up to my current apartment in a wheelchair. It's not like Jonas can carry me, or the chair at this point. With my grandparents staying at mine and Spencers I may not even go back till I’m able to pack. I hope they stay for a while longer since I have either been locked in my bedroom crying or stuck in this hospital room the whole time they have been here. I really want them to be able to get to know Jonas.

  “Hey beautiful. Are you ready to go?” Jonas asks as soon as he has his foot through the door.

  “Yes handsome, I am more than ready. Please take me home.” I whine. “I am so ready to sleep on a real bed again.”

  “Yeah, I bet you are.” Wellington says and chuckles.

  “I told the nurse we are here, so she is calling transport staff to come get you and wheel you out to the car. Your grandfather went and got the wheelchair for you to use at home, but Wells will have to carry you in. I warned him I will kill him if he hurts you.” he says in a serious tone.

  “I'm sure he will not hurt me, and thank you Wellington. I appreciate your help.”

  Jonas rolls his eyes at his friend. “He better not.”

  “Come on mate, you really think I want to die in America?” he laughs, then turns serious when Jonas scowls at him. “I will do everything in my power to make sure she is comfortable. I'm sure it will not exactly feel good seeing as the injury is her leg and stomach, but I will be careful. promise.”

  “Alright sweetheart, all your paperwork is done and the transport is on their way with a wheelchair.” the nurse says as she walks in. She looks to Wellington. “You will be the one taking her from the car, correct?”

  He nods.

  “Good, seeing as your friend here needs to heal himself still.” she gives Jonas an evil look.

  “I dont know what you are talking about.” he smiles.

  She shakes her head and rolls her eyes before turning to me. “Ember, I have all of your appointments setup. All of the dates, times and addresses are written on your discharge papers. The first one is in two days, don't miss it. Do you have someone at home that will be helping you get around?”

  I looked to Jonas and he looked at Wellington. “Well, I guess that would be me again. Nessa will also be there to help. She is refusing to leave until you are both able to take care of yourselves.”

  She nods and smiles. “Nice to see you have such caring friends.”

  “Thank you. We are very blessed to have them.” Jonas responds just as the transport lady gets into the room.

  “Well it looks like this is goodbye. I don't want to see either of you back in here again, you hear me.” she looks between Jonas and I. “You two are far more trouble than most.”

  We all laugh. She helps me into the wheelchair and pushes me out of the room before the transport lady takes the reins.

  We take the same elevator from the first time I left the room. Wellington insisted I sit in the front seat for more leg room and to make it easier for him to get me out as he put me into the forest green Range Rover. Now I feel bad having my long legged boyfriend smushed in the back. Not that it's not room
y, he is just really tall. And sexy.

  Damn I really need to heal, like right now. I just know I will be so sexually frustrated by the time he is actually able to touch me again. I'm sure he will be too. Ugh this is going to be a long healing process.

  We pull up to mine and Spencer's place and Wellington carries me up the stairs to my apartment before depositing me in a brand new wheelchair. Everyone is there and the place is decorated to welcome me home. Avo made brigadeiro cake, and let me tell you, it is the best cake in the entire world. I can't wait to get that in my belly.

  “Welcome home, bestie.” Spence leans down, giving me a soft hug. “Well even though I know you will be leaving me, this will always be your home.”

  I look up to him, raising my eyebrow in question.

  “Oh, come on Emmey. You hardly came home before, now that you are not only knocked up, but injured I know you won't be coming back.” he doesn't seem to be upset by this.

  “You know Avo is leaving eventually, right?” I ask as we both look to my grandmother in the kitchen cutting the cake.

  “You can't have her back.” he says, crossing his arms over his chest.

  “Oh, I see. You have upgraded.” we both laugh.

  “Stop monopolizing her time.” Janessa says as she hip bumps Spence out of the way.

  “Hey, pretty lady.” I say as she hugs me. “I missed you.”

  “I missed you too. I would have been to the hospital to see you, but with my brother there all day I had to take his meetings.” I look at him and he shrugs. “Don't worry, Wells was there to help me, and I have been wanting to get more involved in this side of things. Besides I know you would rather see his ugly face than my beautiful one.”

  “Hey!” Jonas interjects. “My face is perfect, don't be jealous.”

  She scoffs. “Whatever. I don't get jealous.”

  “Thank you, I did love seeing his perfect face everyday.” I interject.

  “Ugh, don't fill his head with all that nonsense. It will just make him more cocky.”

  “See jealous.” he says as he pushes her lightly.

  Chapter 27


  It has been two months since the night I found Jonas tied to a chair in that broken down warehouse. Two months since we found out about me being pregnant. Two months of Jonas and I officially living together. Things couldn't be better.

  We are all gathered at Jonas and my home for Thanksgiving Dinner, being as there is more space here and I have never had this many people to celebrate with. Jonas went out last week and bought a new dining table that would accommodate the eighth of us and all the food. It is beautiful ebony wood with a smooth contemporary look, each matching chair has a high back and soft white seat. The table runner is golden with leaves embroidered on it. It looks amazing with autumn themed table settings all in place.

  My grandparents have decided to say till after new years, and let me tell you, Spence has been so spoiled by Avo. She loves to cook, so she makes breakfast, lunch and dinner everyday and he takes full advantage of it. She spent the day here with me and Janessa cooking while Papa took the men out exploring. He has always had a passion for finding new and amazing things, places and people.

  We all sit down to give thanks. Jonas offered Papa the head seat but he declined and sat across from me. Avo and Papa lead a prayer together and then he cuts the turkey. We all seem to have our own small conversations going until Jonas asks my grandparents how they met. I remember a small part of the story from when I was a small child, Papa would tell me how someday someone would come along and love me the way he loves Avo. I never believed him, not until now.

  “There I was, just walking into this village to find a strong drink to celebrate a new find. It was just before dusk when I saw the most beautiful thing I had ever laid eyes on.” he puts his arm around Avos shoulder and pulls her close. “She was standing just at the river bank fishing with a handline. She was very skilled, might I add. Every cast she brought in a small fish.”

  See when Papa was a young man he left his home in France to explore the Amazon Jungle. He had just graduated university and was ready to discover new species. He spent five years making his way through some of the unexplored jungle. He found a new spider, poisonous frog and three fish native to the amazon river.

  “It was only bait fish I was catching for my father, nothing special.” she adds.

  He smiled at her and kissed her temple. “She could have been catching flies for all I care.” he laughs and Avo shakes her head at him.

  “I knew at that moment I had to have her. I knew she was the only woman for me, no other would ever compare.”

  “But you hadn't even spoken to her. How could you possibly know that she was the one?” Janessa asked.

  “Easy. My heart told me so. I felt like the world had stopped spinning and time had slowed just in that moment, just for me to live it a little bit longer.” Papa answered, flashing his perfect smile.

  “What did you first think of him Avo?” I ask.

  “Oh I was intrigued by this tall white man. He was so much larger than the men in my village, they were all intimidated by him and the others he brought with him. When he came to speak to me I was shocked, I did not expect him to speak Portuguese. The explorers that had passed through the village before alway hired translators and guides, but Enzo had neither.”

  “I still remember the look on her face. I thought that maybe I had mixed up a few words and offended her.” they both laugh.

  “He apologized profusely for it. I was so humored by it that I began to laugh at him. He looked so heartbroken that I immediately stopped. I had to explain my shock, but I could not tell him how adorable I thought he was while trying to apologize.” she looks up to him with nothing but love in her eyes.

  “Her father came just at that moment and scolded me for speaking to her without supervision. They were very careful with the women of the village, and we were told that we were not to be near any of them while we stayed there.”

  “It was our way of life. You didn’t expect to just walk into a foreign place and have them live the same way as you, did you?” she rolls her eyes at him. “I came from a very poor village, where sons were treasured and daughters were traded for the benefit of the family. My father was already in talks with a man in the closest city, he was giving me away for cattle.”

  We all look at her with wide eyes and jaws on the floor. “Avo! You never told me this before.” I gasp.

  “Well I was saved by the love of my life, so it never mattered.” she said matter of factly

  Papa just chuckles and continues with his story. “When I finally found her again, it had been four days. I had knocked on every door, at every home that I passed just trying to find her. I needed to see her again for my sanity, to know that she really existed and was not just a figment of my imagination. She was all I could think about since the moment I laid eyes on her.”

  “She was sitting on the small dock when I found her, just letting her feet dance in the water. I wanted to go to her right then, but her father stopped me. He told me she was not some toy for me to use while I was there and then leave her ruined. He actually told me that if I wanted her I would have to outbid the other man. I had never been so furious in my life.” his face red and full of anger as he spoke those words.

  “No!” Spence and Victor both say and cover their mouths. They are so freaking cute together.

  “I heard my father arguing with someone but the sun was setting just behind them and so I could not tell it was Enzo. I too had been thinking of him, wishing I came from somewhere different and was able to choose my own life. When I got to them, my father was screaming at him about me being his property and he could do whatever he liked with me.” she said with unshed tears in her chocolate brown eyes.

  “I knew at that moment I did not care how much or what he wanted, I was going to take her away from him. I wanted her to stay with me, but if that was not what she wanted I would have been happy just
knowing she was free to live her life without being treated like an object to be sold.” he tightens his grip on her and she leans her head onto him.

  “The way they were looking at one another and shouting I was sure they were going to get into a physical altercation. I was worried that he would kill my father, because I had never seen that kind of anger in someone before. I should have been frightened but I was not. I did not know what they were arguing about before I got to them, but my father was not having any part of it. He ordered me away and I had no choice but to do as I was told.”

  Papa huffed, still angry at the memory. “She turned to walk away and I could feel my heart breaking. It was the worst pain I have ever felt. I walked past her father and took her in my arms.”

  “It felt so right. Like that is where I belonged my whole life.” Avo cut in with a sweet smile.

  “Yes it was and is where you will alway belong, Mon trésor.” he replies and everyone at the table in unison says “Awe.”

  They both smile and Avo giggles. I love seeing them together, it is what made me believe in love when I was little. They have always been so tender to each other and never have I seen them fight, even daddy and uncle Thomn said they never did. Not saying they don't, just that they keep it to himself if they do.

  Papa takes a deep breath before continuing. “I told the evil man I would give him double what the other was offering, and if he accepted he would give her her freedom to do as she pleased with her life. He told me he would never let a man like me have his daughter.” Avo put her hand on his, giving him assurance it is all in the past.

  “I did not understand what he was doing, why he would care about my freedom. I was angry when he made the offer, but when he asked for my freedom and not to claim me for himself I did not know what to think. He was not like any man I had ever met. It just made me want to stay in his arms and never let him let go of me. I think that is the moment I fell in love with him.”

  “Diolinda, you never told me that. You made me go through all of that trouble and stress and you were already in love with me?” Papa shakes his head and runs his hand through his thick brown and gray hair before Avo kisses his cheek.


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