One Night More

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One Night More Page 18

by Mandy Baxter

  Sophie sighed through the receiver. “I told you, you should have requested another deputy.” Sophie’s words weren’t spoken in her usual boisterous, sarcastic tone. Thank God. Because right now, Harper needed her in best friend mode.

  “I know. You’re right. I just couldn’t.”

  “You’re awesome, Harp. Funny, smart, gorgeous. You don’t have to be Lingerie Football League sexy to get a guy. But if you walked around in what they wear, I can guarantee you you’d turn more than a few heads.”

  A half laugh, half sob escaped Harper’s mouth. “Thanks. I just hoped, you know, that he’d eventually remember. That maybe he’d want me.”

  “If he doesn’t want you, then he’s a fool. Don’t sell yourself short.”

  No one gave a pep talk like Sophie. “You’re right. I’m better than this.”

  “Damn straight. Screw him. So he’s gorgeous. There are a lot of gorgeous guys out there and one of them is going to fall madly in love with you.”

  “Not while I’m under house arrest,” Harper grumbled.

  “Did you talk to my dad’s friend yet?”

  “Yeah, in fact, that’s who I told Galen I was talking to right now.” She’d covered everything during their initial meeting, but Harper wanted to stall Galen so they’d head to the bakery around the time she was supposed to meet Jason Meader. Hopefully their fight hadn’t screwed up her plans. “I’m hoping this’ll all be over soon. I’m tired of waiting on the FBI. So I’m going to do a little investigating on my own.”

  “Sans babysitter, I assume?” Sophie said with a hint of concern.

  “That’s the plan. If I can shake him. I’m meeting Senator Ellis’s aide at the art museum today at two.” Harper was secretive, but not stupid. “I just want you to know where I’ll be in case you don’t hear from me. I don’t think the meeting will take more than an hour.”

  “And this is something you don’t want Marshal Dickhead to know about, right?”

  “Heh. Yeah. Unless you don’t hear from me by three thirty, don’t tell anyone where I am, okay?”

  “Gotcha. But be careful, Harper. You still don’t know what kind of danger you might be in. Make sure you’re not being followed, okay?”

  She was a reporter, not a character from a spy show. How would she even know if she was being followed? Still, she didn’t want Sophie to worry. “I will. I’ll check in with you around three.”

  “Sounds good. And really, don’t let him get to you, Harper. You’re amazing.”

  “Thanks, Sophie. Talk to you later.”


  Harper stared at the closed door, wondering what Galen was doing out in her living room. Probably calling Curt to request a transfer. She knew Sophie was right. She shouldn’t waste her time or energy worrying about someone who didn’t care about her. Harper had too much self-esteem to let her worth be determined by whether or not Galen wanted to see her in lingerie running down a football field. The problem was that she and Galen weren’t on the same page. She had this wonderful, well-rounded picture of them that included their first meeting, the night they’d spent together, and all of the subsequent days and nights spent texting over the past couple of weeks. But to Galen, they’d only just met in Curt’s office. She was simply some woman who had witnessed a crime and was his responsibility to watch and keep calm until the dust settled.

  His comments about sexy girls playing football in their underwear shouldn’t have bothered her. Harper wasn’t normally a jealous person. Girls used to hit on Chris all the time. Sometimes right in front of her and it hadn’t even fazed her. But all it took for her to fly into a jealous rage was Galen mentioning some hot girls on TV. This was bad. So much worse than she ever could have anticipated. The hurt of his rebuff this morning, the butterflies she felt every time he showed up or texted her, her nightly fantasies all led to the simple fact that Harper was falling in love with him.

  How had this happened? When? Where? One year ago, at a bar, that’s where. From the second he’d grabbed that drink out of her hand and slammed it down on the bar. Even though that night was so long ago, the memory was so vivid that Harper could have sworn it had happened just last night. She’d taken the leap that night. Trusted him in an instant. Given herself to him with total abandon. No one had ever completely had her before Galen. Harper had always held a piece of herself back. And yet, she’d found her heart so easy to hand over to a virtual stranger.

  If he’d never shown up again, she would have eventually healed. One night wouldn’t have done permanent damage. But now, with the days melting into weeks, with the tension and the fights, and the text messages that helped her sleep at night. If she needed a year or more to get over one night with Galen Kelly, how many more years would it take to get over weeks—maybe even months—with him in her life? She’d met his sister. They talked about work, and life, and TV shows, and he indulged her superhero obsession. Oh, holy hell. She was done for.

  Harper brought her knees up to her chest and hugged her body into a tight ball. The realization of her feelings didn’t do anything to assuage the knot of fear and anxiety that solidified in her stomach with the weight of a boulder. Because she knew, without a doubt, that it was going to hurt like hell when he left her again.

  Chapter Nineteen

  For fuck’s sake, he didn’t even watch the Lingerie Football League!

  Galen paced the confines of Harper’s living room feeling goddamned suffocated. His shoulder holster was too tight, the weight of his Glock tugging his left side toward the floor. He took it off and set it on the counter and unbuttoned the sleeves of his shirt to roll them up to his elbows. It was hot as hell in this damn condo. Didn’t she ever open a fucking window?

  He tried to remember what had triggered their argument and came up empty-handed. Who cared what television shows she liked to watch? Hell, she could watch soap operas, infomercials, and talk shows all day, every day and he wouldn’t have given a shit. He was reeling from the events of the day and he’d only been here a little over an hour. First she’d come out of her bedroom acting as though she was oblivious to the fact that she was practically naked. Then she’d turned off the flirt vibe so fast it had given him whiplash. And let’s not forget the way she all but called you a sexist pig when you didn’t agree that Supernatural was the best show ever created in the history of television. Was she out of her mind? Why the manic bipolar act all of a sudden?

  Because he treated her like she didn’t matter. That’s why. The proverbial cup, the one thing she didn’t want to be. He’d been pushing her away since the day he was assigned to protect her, all the while knowing she thought he’d forgotten about what happened between them a year ago. Forgotten about her. Christ, how could he ever forget her? She was etched into his brain. Seared onto every inch of his goddamned skin. He had to force himself to leave this fucking condo every night. And then, he practically had to seal his cell phone in a safe buried thirty feet deep to keep from texting her until the sun rose and he could finally see her again.

  Forget her? Galen was starting to think that he couldn’t live without her.

  She emerged from her bedroom almost an hour later, her puffy eyes rimmed with red. She’d tried to hide the fact that she’d been crying with makeup, but Galen noticed. Which made him feel like an even bigger asshole.


  “Ready for some fritters?” She sounded upbeat, but it was forced. The smile plastered on her face was just as fake as her cheerfulness, and a feeling of foreboding settled into Galen’s gut.

  “We don’t have to go,” he said.

  “Yes, we do. Come on.”

  “I think we should talk, don’t you?”

  Harper tilted her head to the side, her expression perplexed. “About what? TV? Don’t worry about it, Galen. Let’s just go so I can eat my weight in pastries, and then we’ll come back and you can watch anything you want.” She grabbed her keys and purse and headed for the door without giving him an opportunity to respond.
  “I’m not leaving until we talk.”

  “Suit yourself,” she said, pulling open the door. “I’ll bring you back a fritter.”

  Galen stalked to the door, his ire as fierce as her nonchalance. He slammed the door closed and wrapped his hand around her wrist. “You’re not going anywhere without me. Ignoring something doesn’t make it go away, Harper.”

  “I have nothing to say to you, Galen.”

  Galen disregarded the warning in her eyes and pressed on, his hand still holding on to her. “You’re obviously upset about something and it’s not a fucking television show. We are going to have a conversation, Harper. Whether you like it or not.”

  She jerked her arm from his grasp. “You’re not my therapist, Galen. Or my friend. You’re nothing but a glorified babysitter. I don’t have to talk to you about a damned thing.”

  Glorified babysitter? That stung. Still, Galen wasn’t about to let her get away with it. “And you’re nothing but a spoiled brat who doesn’t appreciate that people are putting their own lives on hold to protect her. I don’t know what’s up with you, Harper, but I am not about to play your games.”

  “My games?” Her voice climbed to a shriek. “My games.” Low laughter filled the room and Galen took a step back. Maybe they both needed to cool down a little. She was obviously on the verge of some kind of breakdown. “I think that’s pretty hypocritical coming from you.”

  “Harper.” Galen let out a slow breath and rubbed at his temples. Did she have to stand there, her cheeks flushed and parted, her chest rising and falling with each angry breath and looking so goddamned desirable? He forced his eyes to her face, anywhere but the curve of her hip, the swell of her breasts, barely concealed by the deep V-neck of her T-shirt. “All I said was that you needed to go put on some clothes before anyone saw you half naked. Do you realize what sort of trouble that could have caused if Peggy or Monroe had showed up?”

  “Why should it matter? I’m nothing but a job assignment to you. You don’t see me as anything other than cargo that has to get to a destination without a dent. It obviously doesn’t matter to you what I do or don’t wear.”

  Was she out of her mind? Did she think he was blind? Immune to her soft beauty, supple curves, and smooth skin? Seeing her in that state of undress had been sheer, unmitigated torture. “It wasn’t unreasonable to ask you to get dressed.”

  “Piss off.”


  “How could you forget me like that?” Her body shook with each word she shouted. “Was it seriously that meaningless to you? I thought about you, Galen. Every day for a freaking year! I really want to know, was I just another conquest for you? A girl you bragged about to your buddies at work the next day? Or was I wiped from your memory the second you walked out my door?”

  Shit. He knew she’d throw it all back in his face sooner or later, and now he was paying the price for his deception. Galen despised liars, and right now he hated himself. He took a step toward her, palms up in surrender, and she held up a hand to stop him.

  “Did you seriously not feel anything for me?” Tears glistened in her eyes, tearing Galen’s heart to shreds. “Did that night mean absolutely nothing to you? Seriously, Galen, do you not have the slightest clue how humiliated I felt when I realized you had no idea who I was? How utterly used? How could you be such a dishonorable bastard?”

  Dishonorable? “Me, dishonorable?” That was a good one. Galen shook his head, his eyes wide with disbelief. Talk about the pot calling the kettle black. “What about Cory or whatever the hell his name is? You failed to mention him during our so-called, no-bullshit, all-honesty conversation.”

  Her eyes grew wide with his admission. “Cory?” Harper replied, her tone perplexed. “What are you talking about, Galen?” She clutched her fists so tightly her knuckles turned white. “You walked out on me.”

  “Because you had a boyfriend!” he railed. “The text messages were piling up on your phone, Harper. ‘Where are you?’ ‘Call me.’ ‘I’m coming over.’ What the fuck did you expect me to do? Hang around until Curtis or whatever the hell his name is showed up? You wanna talk about humiliation? You played me. How could I?” he asked with incredulity. “How could you take me back to your apartment when you had a boyfriend waiting for you somewhere else?” A bitter laugh escaped Galen’s throat. “How could I forget you?” he scoffed. “Jesus, Harper, you’re all I’ve thought about for an entire fucking year! Who really used who that night?”

  Galen took a deep breath and exhaled. His body was taut with frustration, his pulse racing in his veins. It was all out in the open now, and the worst part of all of this was that despite everything that happened, he’d do it again if he had the chance. All of it.

  For just one night more with her.

  Harper didn’t know if she should be elated or crushed over the revelation that Galen hadn’t forgotten their night together. Hadn’t forgotten her. Was it worse that he’d deceived her? Pretended not to know her while she agonized for weeks over his casual dismissal. I thought about you every fucking day. Harper snorted. Yeah, right. Thought about how he’d managed to trick her into a one-nighter and gone on with his life while she’d been in a state of inertia, putting her life on hold for a memory.

  “Yeah, well . . .” Crap. She’d reached the bottom of her cache of snarky comebacks. All she could think about was how much she wanted him to kiss her. Despite the fact that he’d lied. You are such a loser, Harp.

  His tender expression made Harper’s legs feel like cooked noodles. So much intensity. So much heat. So much longing. It only took Galen a few strides to cross the space between them and he took Harper in his arms before tilting her face up to meet his. “How could I forget this?” he said before touching his lips to hers.

  Holy. Crap. Galen was the Jedi Master of kissing. As if some mystical force guided his actions, his lips caressed hers, slow, deliberate, an exacting torture that she gladly submitted to. When his tongue flicked out at the seam of her lips, she opened her mouth to him, deepening the kiss, and a low moan vibrated in his chest.

  “I tried to forget you, Harper,” he murmured against her mouth. Something inside of her cracked at his words, and she gripped his shirt in her fists, pulling him closer. “I couldn’t get you out of my head, no matter how hard I tried.” He reached up and gently pulled the elastic band from her hair, allowing the thick locks to cascade down her shoulders. His fingers wound through the curly length, sending pleasant shivers down Harper’s spine. “Every day for a year I saw your face in my mind, heard your voice in my ears.”

  Galen eased her back, supporting her with his arm while his head dipped to the swell of her breasts. His heated breath seared her skin, quick pants that preceded a slow pass of his tongue and then, a light nip of his teeth. She had somewhere to be. Someone to meet. Oh, who the hell cared! She’d been waiting for this moment for an eternity. The rest of the world could wait.

  “I don’t care who you were with then or why you didn’t tell me. I don’t care if you’re with him still. If that makes me a lousy son of a bitch, then so be it. I want you. And I’m tired of telling myself that I can’t have you.”

  Harper couldn’t talk. Couldn’t form a coherent thought to save her life. Had the words she’d been dying to hear spilled from Galen’s lips? If this was a dream, she wasn’t even remotely interested in waking up. Her senses were awash with his clean, masculine scent, his skin on hers, the way his blue eyes burned with a passion that tied her stomach into knots. Galen seized her hips in his grasp and jerked her to him, his lips bruising, punishing as he slanted his mouth across hers. This was nothing like the playful, teasing way he’d kissed her their first time. This was hungry. Demanding. Desperate. And she gave as good as she got, nipping at his lip, thrusting her tongue in his mouth so she could revel in his taste. Her body burned with need, and her breasts tightened as they rubbed up against his shirt.

  “I need to see you.” His voice was ragged, strained. “I’ve wanted to s
ee your body again for too goddamned long.”

  She wasn’t generally self-conscious, but her few sexual escapades prior to Galen had usually begun with the lights off. Her first time with him had been such a sensory experience. In her darkened apartment, she’d forgone the full sight of him in exchange for the feel, scent, taste of him. Now, though, all bets were off. Like the last time they’d been together, he was in control and a rush of excitement cascaded over her. Submitting to Galen’s desires was exactly what she wanted.

  Harper hooked her finger in one of Galen’s belt loops and began to walk backward, guiding him down the hall to her bedroom. She might have warmed up to him seeing her body in the light of day, but she wasn’t quite ready to put it all on display in the middle of her living room. He followed willingly, his eyes glued to hers, a smile playing on his full lips. He could get to her with a look, and with each agonizing step she felt the proof of her arousal as a slick warmth pulsed between her thighs.

  Once in the bedroom, she guided Galen to the side of the bed. She took a step back and, with her gaze still locked on his, dragged her T-shirt up the length of her body, discarding it beside her. She kicked off her shoes, and shucked her jeans. It took all of the courage she could muster to expose herself this way, and she moistened her suddenly dry lips with her tongue before slowly removing her bra and underwear and stretching out on the bed. Bare took on a new stark meaning as she lay before him, and Harper’s heart hammered against her rib cage as he dragged his eyes slowly down the length of her body, pausing at the juncture between her thighs and back up to her face.

  He scrubbed a hand across his mouth and drew in a ragged breath. “Jesus Christ,” he said on an exhale.

  Harper waited, her chest rising and falling with quick little pants of breath, as Galen stared. He stepped up to the bed and reached out, tracing his fingers from her throat, between her breasts, and down past her belly button. A shuddering breath escaped her lungs as he paused and his eyes met hers. “Open your legs so I can see all of you.”


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