Loving Little Chris: An ABDL MM Romance (Regressed Book 3)

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Loving Little Chris: An ABDL MM Romance (Regressed Book 3) Page 1

by Jerry Hastings

  Loving Little Chris

  An ABDL MM Romance

  Jerry Hastings

  Loving Little Chris Copyright © 2020 by Jerry Hastings. All Rights Reserved.

  All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced in any form or by any electronic or mechanical means including information storage and retrieval systems, without permission in writing from the author. The only exception is by a reviewer, who may quote short excerpts in a review.

  Cover designed by Jerry Hastings

  This book is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents either are products of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, events, or locales is entirely coincidental.


  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6


  More ABDL MM

  About the Author

  Chapter 1

  Iswore that this whole apartment had to be playing tricks on me. Never found something – anything – that worked without problems here – at all. It was like I was in some kind of hell made for littles like me.

  And the worst thing about that? There was nothing I could do about it. I was all alone in this apartment, finding it impossible to as much as look outside. I thought that I would eventually get used to living alone, but that hadn’t been the case so far.

  I wondered if it was ever going to change.

  I turned on the stove and put a pot on it, the water boiling in a matter of seconds. This mac and cheese that I was making was going to feel so great in my mouth once I had it ready.

  Looking around, I couldn’t help but feel like this apartment needed to be reformed. The walls needed to be remade, and everything in here looked like trash and second-hand-ish. Not the kind of quality second-hand, though, but the cheap option that always made the buyer think they made the wrong choice.

  I grabbed my paci. It was light blue and, on the back of it, there was a doodle of a small elephant. So cute I couldn’t stop staring at it, forgetting that I was supposed to add something to the pot with the boiling water on the stove.

  But wait… what was it again that I needed to put there? I really needed to pay more attention to what I was doing.

  Ahhhh, the pasta.

  I opened one of the cupboards on the bottom and fished the pasta out. After putting my paci in my mouth, I felt as if I were someone else. I could live forever like this, but only if there were another person – a Daddy – to take care of me.

  But there was one big problem involving that. Finding a Daddy was pretty much impossible in this part of the country. Or in any part of it, for that matter.

  Grabbing a spoon – a large one – I stirred the water with the pasta inside the spot, still suckling on my paci and making some funny noises while doing so.

  I imagined my Mister caring for me, calling me his little and then telling me that everything was going to be alright. All I needed was for a Mister to sweep me up with his arms and then deliver me so many sweet kisses I would never even remember again how miserable my life was.

  I glanced at the pot and grabbed some other things, putting them on the counter and on the kitchen table. It was small, but it had enough space for the special meal that I was preparing.

  Wished I could have someone to share it with, but that wasn’t going to happen. I was all alone in this world, even if I had a job in an office and could work in there without a problem. Many of my coworkers liked me and tended to invite me to go out with them, but the problem was that I didn’t feel like I would ever fit in.

  And I wasn’t. If and when they found out I was a little, my life there would never be the same. They would laugh me out of there, or kick me out – literally – by firing me or something like that.

  Maybe it was just my paranoia, but I preferred things as they were. And for the time being, I could continue living like this without a problem. I didn’t have many friends, but that was something that could be fixed one day.

  I would rather that it happened soon rather than later, though.

  I added some cheese into the pot after draining the water, already feeling the smell invading my lungs. I closed my eyes and took it all in. What a great smell. There was nothing like mac and cheese, was there? Funnily enough, not a lot of people that I considered my colleagues liked it much.

  It appeared to be more of a ‘me thing’ than I liked to admit.

  Minutes later, after getting everything ready and then taking the tray out of the oven with the final result, I breathed out. Sweat drops pooled on my forehead and when I glanced at the clock I had on a wall, I couldn’t wrap my head around the fact how long it took to finish cooking the mac and cheese.

  But looking at it now, I could tell that I was going to adore it. I was going to fall in love with what I just whipped up, and maybe I would save some of it later. A dirty smile appeared on my face.

  Maybe not. Perhaps I was going to devour this whole thing by myself tonight. A full tray of it or not, that was not impossible for me. I just liked mac and cheese too much, and almost every night I made some just for myself. One more time, I wished a Mister would show up here so that I could share this moment – and the food – with him.

  I grabbed a spoon and a plate, and filled the latter with a lot of mac and cheese. I devoured it all while checking out what was going on in my Facebook newsfeed. Some people were complaining about the president.

  Nothing new in that regard, I thought while sliding another spoon-full of mac and cheese into my mouth.

  Minutes later, I glanced at the plate and found it empty. My paci was right beside me on the table, but I wasn’t going to put it back on. My mind wandered and I thought about a Mister being here to diaper me.

  Though ‘thought about’ was not doing it justice. I dreamed of it. I dreamed of a Mister coming to my apartment right at this moment with a diaper in his hand, ready to put it on me and then cuddle with me until we both fell asleep.

  I grabbed the plate and the spoon, and then put them both in the sink. Wasn’t going to do the dishes now, so I didn’t care about them. Then, I swept up the paci on the kitchen table, putting it in my mouth a moment later.

  Though the thought did cross my mind, I wasn’t going to brush my teeth. Didn’t have to, and didn’t feel like doing it anyway.

  Even though I seemed to focus on the negatives of it too often, there were some advantages to living alone, of course. Didn’t have to have my mom and dad bothering me about doing the dishes, the laundry, tidying up my bedroom, and doing other things from that same pile of bullshit that didn’t add much to my life.

  And what was that smell? Ahhh, couldn’t care about it. I was too tired.

  I yawned, checking the clock on the far wall. Needed to go to sleep. Tomorrow I was going to have another full day and I didn’t want to have to think about it much.

  Right now, all I needed were some hours of profound sleep and then, in the coming morning, I was going to wake up feeling like a different man.

  Chapter 2

  Afoul smell in the air. Wait, what was it? I couldn’t care. I was sleeping – or had been – and I couldn’t care about anything right now. I’d been dreaming of a Mister sweeping me up with his arms and then taking me to Disney World.

  Or DisneyLand. It didn’t matter where he took me, as long as he was with me. As long as he were, I felt like any destination would be splendid, including even going to a very foreign place that didn’t approve of gay couples

  There was that foul smell in the air, and I was also feeling something else. Something that was kind of making my mind get a little worried. But I didn’t want to worry. Worrying always made me feel depressed and anxious at the same time.

  What’s more, the bed felt so comfy for once. Didn’t know if this was just my mind playing tricks on me, but the mattress was making me feel like not getting off it for any reason at the moment.

  Though, there did appear to be something going on in my room right now that was kind of begging me to do that.

  I groaned a little, but still opened my eyes, clutching Mr. Bells to my chest. The diaper crinkled a bit and felt clean. Didn’t pee in it yet tonight, huh? It must be a little too early for that, I presumed when my pupils spotted something that made my heart jump.

  There was a line of smoke coming into my room, originating from the kitchen. Was there something on fire? Sweat pooled on my forehead and I pushed myself off the bed in a heartbeat.

  I didn’t know what was happening, but I didn’t like it one bit. Bolting out of the room, I stumbled upon a sight that made me feel dizzy. It was the stove and it was burning. The damn thing was on fire.

  I must have forgotten it on somehow before going to bed.

  And now, was there anything that I could to fix the problem?

  I glanced around, but couldn’t find a solution. There didn’t appear to be any. I was fucked. Not only was it on fire, but the angry flames were also blocking the only exit out of the apartment. And I didn’t have a fire extinguisher in here, either.

  What’s more, escaping the apartment room and then having people find out about my littleness wasn’t something that I was too keen on doing. Didn’t want that to happen. It would ruin my whole life.

  Think, think, think, Chris.

  But thinking and finding a solution seemed too hard, impossible even. Out of the blue, a thought flashed across my mind. A bucket, and water. That should be enough. The fire was raging near the sink, but it shouldn’t be inconceivable.

  My only choice.

  I grabbed the bucket and filled it with water, the fire almost burning my skin. I felt another stench in the air – that of fabric and plastic burning. Glancing down, what I saw forced my heart to jump. My diaper was burning, and I noticed it a bit too late.

  I dropped the bucket back down by the sink, the water sloshing and spilling out. In a hurry, I took the diaper off me and then hurled it in a random direction, finding out too late that it ended up whisking through the window, which was open. It fell on the road below, and maybe someone was going to find out about my littleness, and then I was going to be-

  I was getting paranoid, again. Nothing of that was going to happen. If they found out about it, all they would think was that I had a kid or something like that. I was going to be fine, for sure.

  With that thought in mind, I grabbed the bucket and threw the water inside it on the fire, but it didn’t do anything to it. If anything, it seemed to have made it even angrier, for it was burning much hotter and bigger now.

  I took a step back, and then another and another until I felt my bare butt hitting a wall. I glanced to the side and spotted the open window. My only chance. It was either that or getting burned alive here.

  There was only one sensible choice to make now.

  With that thought in mind, I stuck my head through the window frame and screamed, “Help! Someone help me! My apartment is burning.”

  For a moment, I couldn’t see anyone. The street appeared to be deserted, and there weren’t even cars driving on it. But then, someone popped up running from one of the corners of the block. A man.

  He looked huge, and his head was shaved-bald. There was a perfect stubble on his face – of the kind that I was never going to have because I couldn’t grow facial hair. His eyes looked in the direction of the raging fire and rising smoke.

  He was rushing over to save me. I didn’t know his name, but as soon as he got me out of here, I was going to kiss him and fall in his arms and then-

  And right now I needed to stop dreaming about things that had no chance of ever coming true. That guy was coming to save me, and for sure he was going to come into my room and maybe find out about who I truly was.

  Find out I was a little.

  ✽ ✽ ✽

  It took him some minutes, but he was banging on the door of my apartment before the fire could engulf everything in my room. I hurried to him, but couldn’t get past the fire. It seemed to be burning everything, and with most of the apartment’s furniture material being made of wood, it had no difficulty doing that.

  I’d be lucky to get out of here alive, even with that guy coming here to save me.

  “Are you alright? I’m going to get you out,” he said, breathing hard.

  “Yes, I’m okay, but I don’t know for how much longer I can hold out. The fire is devouring everything!”

  “Okay, okay. Just hold on there for a moment. I think I can find a fire extinguisher somewhere around here.”

  Some of the residents of the apartment building had already gotten out, speaking loudly and bickering. They mentioned that they could remember a fire extinguisher – an old one – not too far from here, and inside the building, too.

  That news relieved me. Just one fire extinguisher and then I would get out of here, and I would never come back to this place.

  The worst thing about it was that I didn’t own it. I was going to have to pay for all the repairs, and the damn thing was going to be so fucking expensive.

  I was fucked, one way or another. But getting concerned about that kind of eventuality at the moment wasn’t worth it. With my heart pounding the way it was, I was already feeling a little too anxious.

  And being anxious wasn’t good for my health. Didn’t want to find myself bald before the age of thirty.

  “I’m back, and I have the fire extinguisher!” the bald guy announced, unlocking the device and then pressing that button – or whatever it was called – to blow the dry powder onto the raging flames, kicking the door open before that.

  My eyes landed on the man, and again I couldn’t help but admire him. He looked so handsome – my kind of guy. But I should remember that chances were he was straight and looking for a girlfriend.

  My eyes flickered to his hands and I couldn’t find any marriage ring on his finger. At least he wasn’t married.

  But that still didn’t mean that I had any chance or any right to try anything with him. I should keep my expectations low so that I didn’t end up getting disappointed again. God knew how many times that ended up happening, and my heart wouldn’t survive if the same occurred once more

  It didn’t take the guy too long to put out some of the fire, already offering me his arms. “Come! There’s still some fire, but I can get you out. The firemen are coming here, and it’s not going to take them too long to get to this address.”

  The firemen. Almost didn’t remember them. One would think that paying taxes would be enough to guarantee the minimum for our city, but that wasn’t the case. I got lucky this man happened to be near here.

  I grabbed his hand, letting him pull me out of the burning apartment. People cheered, and I fell in his arms. His eyes locked with mine, and for a moment it didn’t seem that he knew what was going on.

  Clearing his throat, he pushed me off him and then said, “I’m glad you are okay. Just happened to be passing by, and didn’t think I was going to end up finding a room burning. Good thing I was nearby, right?”

  I looked around, spotting the people that also lived in the apartment. I nodded and said, “Yeah, I would be dead right now if it weren’t for you.”

  We then all walked out of the building – or hurried out, more like. The guy whose name I still didn’t know – but was hoping to find out sooner rather or later – had grabbed the fire extinguisher again and was using it to continue putting out the fire.

  It wasn’t long then until the fire truck showed up, tires screeching when it pulled over.
The firemen jumped out of it and then finished putting out the fire. They didn’t come yet to inform me about it, but I knew that nothing survived in my room.

  Some other rooms in the building ended up getting burned too, but most of their furniture remained intact.

  The guy that had saved me then came to me, his chest puffed out. It wasn’t that he appeared to be too confident for his own good or something of the sort, but that he had a good posture. In comparison, mine was a bit hunched. That was something that I was working on, but hadn’t made much progress so far.

  He stopped in front of me and asked me if I had any place to go. I answered by saying that I didn’t. I lived alone and far from any family. I’d chosen this city because I identified myself with it and didn’t want my family visiting me too often. They would bother and annoy me too much if they did.

  “Well, guess that it can’t be helped, then. I can take you home. I don’t have a room for guests, but I can crash on my couch and you can sleep on my bed.”

  The proposal made me blush. I hadn’t thought anyone would ever offer me that kind of thing my whole life, and he was smiling and looking so handsome and-

  Alright. I didn’t have a better option. It was either that or sleeping under the bridge. And then tomorrow morning I was going to tell my boss about what happened. He wasn’t going to like it, but he wasn’t going to have much of a choice in the matter, either.

  For now, I wouldn’t have to work until getting my bearings.

  Chapter 3

  Ialmost thought that I would eventually be able to find another place to live in, maybe a house this time, but the man that had saved me was nice enough to let me continue living in his home. He offered me his bed, but I couldn’t accept it. I wouldn’t feel good with myself if he slept on his couch because of me.

  And so, I continued living in his residence, and didn’t know what I was going to do from now on. I didn’t have any solid plans to buy another place, and for now I was going to have to continue paying for the repairs of my apartment.


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