Joy Ride: A Virgin Romance (Let it Ride Book 3)

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Joy Ride: A Virgin Romance (Let it Ride Book 3) Page 25

by Cynthia Rayne

  “Yeah, a woman scorned and all. If I were you? I’d handle it before the situation blew up.”

  Duke nodded. “I get it.” Fuck if he wanted a lecture from the guy who always remained on the sidelines, though. “Yeah, well, you date as much as a monk. I don’t need relationship advice from you.”

  Shepherd’s face shut down. “Not all of us think about gettin’ our dicks wet. I got a lot on my plate.”

  Duke knew he was being an ass, but he couldn’t stop himself. “Trust me. There’s always time for pussy.” Made him a hypocrite, though—because he didn’t make time to fuck Chesty.

  “You don’t say?” Shep studied the end of his cigarette. “I’ve never found it to be the case.”

  The comment didn’t make much sense to Duke, so he ignored it.

  “I know I’m bein’ an asshole today. I don’t mean to be, man.”

  “Only today?”

  “Ha fucking ha. Let’s talk about your plate for a change and what I can do to help.”

  “I’m fine, brother.”

  “I mean it. What can I do?”

  “I told you—I got this. There’s nothin’ you can do.” Shep jumped down from the stool. “Think about what I said. The longer you keep it to yourself, the bigger the mess will be—drag it all out into the light and deal with it.”

  Shep smirked after he said it and Duke got the impression he’d missed something.

  After the VP walked to other side of the bar, Duke laid down in one of the crash rooms in the back. The club kept them ready in case any of the brothers got too intoxicated to drive home or they wanted a convenient place to fuck.

  As soon as Duke’s head hit the pillow, he fell asleep.

  Chapter Twelve

  Hours later, Duke woke up with a pounding headache, which he cured with a couple of shots of Jack. Deciding not to put it off any longer, he went to Hades in search of Chesty.

  Duke found her waiting on Pretty Boy and Coyote. He told himself he was being cruel to be kind—cutting her loose would be better than stringing her along.

  “Let’s talk.” Duke grabbed her arms and steered her towards the door.

  “Talkin’ ain’t what we do best.”

  Poor Chesty. She probably assumed he was hauling her off for a quickie.

  “Hey,” Coyote said. “Unhand our waitress.”

  Duke grabbed the pad from her hands and tossed it to Pretty Boy, who caught it in mid-air.

  “Take your own fuckin’ orders.”

  Duke found an open hotel room, and she launched herself at him, wrapping her arms around his neck.

  He propelled her backward. “I didn’t bring you in here for that.”

  “You didn’t?”

  “We need to talk. Sit.”

  She sat and folded her hands on her lap.

  “We had a lot of fun, but I don’t want to do this anymore.”

  Chesty slumped in her chair and didn’t say a word. She was a pretty girl, in an obvious way—blonde hair, big breasts, tight red top, and jean cutoffs. Everything about her promised sex–yet Duke wasn’t interested.

  “What?” Her eyes rounded. “Why?”

  He didn’t want to tell her he had a thing for Rose—it was none of her business.

  “It’s time to move on.”

  “You’re dumping me?” She got to her feet and placed her hands on her hips.

  Duke hadn’t wanted to put it that way, but it was the upshot of this conversation.

  “I don’t want a scene. I enjoyed my time with you, but don’t make this into a big deal.”

  “Duke, if you want to change it up, we can try new things.”

  “No, we can’t.” Duke walked to the door. As far as he was concerned, he’d done his duty. Mission accomplished.

  “You want to fuck the head case, don’t you?”

  “Don’t. Rose isn’t a head case—she’s been through hell.”

  After the words left his mouth, he knew he’d fucked up. She’d already been suspicious of Rose, and now, through his own stupidity, he’d confirmed it for her.

  “Yeah? Well, fuck you. What is she—eighteen or nineteen? She can’t keep up with you. She’s a kid.”

  While there was a huge age gap, Duke knew they’d be explosive together. Their chemistry was nearly overwhelming. He’d never been so eager to sleep with a woman. Like she called to him on a gut level—but he wasn’t about to share all of it with Chesty.

  “Whatever. Good-bye.” Duke headed for the nearest exit.

  “You walk out, and we’re over like I’m a used condom you tossed away?”

  He gritted his teeth. “Don’t act like we had a big romance. It was fucking.”

  “Only fucking?”

  “What are you gettin’ at?”

  She drifted closer so she could poke him in the chest with a red fingernail.

  “At least with Ryker, hellions know what to expect. Ryker never spent the night with them, never pretended to have something exclusive. But you? You act like a good guy, but you’re just like Ryker. And you’ll move on to Rose, fuck her until you get bored, and then discard her once you’ve had your fun.”

  The fuck? She’d compared him to Ryker? “Is that what you think happened? You got discarded? I was upfront with you about everything.”

  “Yeah, and then you didn’t screw anyone else. You kept it in your pants. What was I supposed to think?”

  “I’m a serial monogamist. I’ve never felt the need to jump on anythin’ that moves, sweetheart, but I don’t want to play house with you. Or anyone.”

  Yet, when he thought about coming home to Rose, it made him smile. Must be the blue balls talking.

  “Yeah, I know.” She turned and made a snuffling noise, and he wondered if she’d started to cry.

  Duke felt like an ass—standing there, gaping at her. He hated seeing women cry, hated being the cause of it even more, but he didn’t know what to do. If he offered a shoulder to cry on, would it send mixed signals?

  Duke stayed still and hoped this thing ended soon.

  When she turned around, there were no tear stains on her cheeks, though her eyes were red-rimmed.

  “I’m sorry if I misled you.”

  “You’re sorry? No, you aren’t. You’re relieved, but you will be. Sorry, I mean.”

  “What the fuck are you drivin’ at?” It sounded like a threat to him. “It didn’t have to be like this.”

  “Oh, I think it did. The girl you’re so hot to have? She’ll be standin’ right where I am six months from now. Mark my words. You’ll tire of her too. And you know why?”

  Chesty hadn’t voiced anything he hadn’t already worried about. Duke had fucked up a lot of situations over the years.


  “Because you can’t let anyone in, Duke. The only person you love is yourself.”

  “That isn’t true.” He loathed himself, ever since the first night with his stepfather.

  “Want an example? What’s my name?” Chesty laughed—the sound harsh and broken.

  Duke pushed down the rush of shame and skipped her question. “Are you finished?”

  “Oh, I’m finished all right.” Chesty strolled to the door.

  “Stay away from her.”

  “Why?” She whipped around.

  “Because I fucking said so. And if you don’t, I’ll boot your tight ass right out of Hell.”

  “Ooh, you’re so protective. Now, anyway. We’ll see how long it lasts.” Chesty sailed out the door with her head held high.

  Duke sagged against the wall. He’d broken up with her, but he felt like he’d been let down the hard way.

  And now he was worried. Worried she was right.

  Would he hurt Rose in the end? Six months from now, would they be having the same conversation?

  God, he hoped not.


  Late in the afternoon, Rose sat on a bench outside her hotel room and bound her fingers with a red cotton boxing wrap the way Duke had shown her. He’d said it
was important to protect her hands when she worked the bag. If she didn’t wrap her knuckles, she could break one of them.

  As she worked on the left hand, Duke’s hellion approached her. Tall and leggy, she ate up the asphalt. The woman’s exaggerated hourglass figure made Rose feel boyish in comparison. Rose didn’t have much in the hips or breasts department, and she dressed like a fourteen-year-old boy.

  “Well, he’s all yours, honey.”

  Rose frowned. “Come again?”

  “Don’t pretend like you don’t know—Duke. He’s all yours because he dumped me.”

  “Oh.” Rose didn’t know what to say—part of her was elated.

  Then reality set in.

  Duke had broken up with the hellion, but it didn’t mean he wanted to take up with Rose instead. In all likelihood, he got bored with this woman and moved on to the next hellion.

  “Oh? That’s all you’re gonna say?”

  “Yup, looks like.”

  Rose could think of a lot of things to say and none of them nice. She settled for heading back to her hotel room. The hellion was obviously spoiling for a fight, and Rose didn’t want to get into it with her. Not because she was afraid—far from it. Duke had taught her well. But arguing over a guy? It was tacky and not her style.

  “You know it ain’t gonna last, right?”

  Rose knew Duke wasn’t the commitment type.

  “So you say.”

  “You know he’s kinky, right? He’ll turn you inside out.” She looked Rose up and down as if she wouldn’t last five minutes on a bed with Duke.

  What kind of kinky shit?

  Rose wanted to ask the question but doubted she’d get an honest answer. She’d overheard the odd rumor about Duke’s sexual appetites, but no one had been specific.

  Whatever Duke liked, it couldn’t be worse than Kent’s kinks.

  The hellion continued on, moving closer and dropping her voice to a lower octave.

  “You wouldn’t have the first clue how to satisfy him. Sweet little thing like you? I give it a week.”

  Okay, now I’m pissed.

  “You don’t know the first thing about me, but you’re making a lot of assumptions.” Beneath all the bluster, Rose knew what the real problem was. And it made her a little sad. “You’re in love with him, aren’t you?”

  “Fuck you.”

  “I can see it on your face. I don’t know what happened between the two of you, but it sounds like it’s over and done with.” Duke wasn’t a nostalgic sort of guy. Rose got the impression when he was done… he was done. “I’m sorry it ended badly.”

  Well, almost.

  “It’ll be your turn soon enough. He’ll use you up and cast you aside too.”

  “If he was such a jerk to you, then why are you here?”

  “Maybe I don’t like to be replaced so easily.”

  “No one said I was your replacement.”

  “Didn’t have to. I know it.” She whirled around, hips swaying as she walked away. “I’d watch your back if I were you.”

  What did she mean?

  Rose shivered.


  Rose arrived at Duke’s place with a sense of anticipation. It was ridiculous, but she hoped he’d broken up with the hellion for her—but she didn’t have a chance to question him about it.

  As soon as she got in the door, they started sparring, as per usual. In recent weeks, they’d focused more on fending off attacks. This time, he came up behind her, enveloping her in a ‘bear hug’ and pinning both of her arms at her sides.

  “Break my hold.”

  It was hard to think with his body so close to hers, but she forced herself to concentrate on the training. Quickly, she shifted her weight and pulled one leg back like they practiced, placing it behind Duke’s and throwing him off his center of gravity. He tumbled to the ground, and she fell right on top of him.

  “Good.” Duke’s voice was gruff.

  Rose was very aware of him beneath her, the feel of his sinewy thighs, his hard body at her mercy. She flipped over so they were face-to-face.

  “Don’t look at me like that.”

  “Like what?”

  Sexual anticipation was intense, a wicked sort of excitement, and it came from wanting a man’s kiss—his touch. Rose hadn’t relished that sort of hope before. Right now she wanted to kiss Duke again, more than anything in the world.

  On impulse, she leaned down and pressed a kiss to the corner of his mouth—a sweet kiss—almost innocent, but it was a bold move for her.

  Duke groaned.

  She tried to gauge his reaction. He looked like a man in pain, his face twisted in agony.

  “What’s wrong? You didn’t like it?”

  “I liked it too much. Let me up now.” Yet Duke didn’t move at all beneath her, not even a muscle and his eyes were hooded.


  He reached for her and then placed his hands at his sides. “My control is hanging on by a thread. Please get off me. I don’t want to make you nervous.”

  “I trust you.”

  “Do you? Because I’m not so sure I trust me.” He glanced away, refusing to look at her. “I want you, Rose. You’ve no idea how much.”

  “I want you too.”

  His hips arched— letting her feel exactly how much he wanted her.

  “Oh, fuck. Don’t tempt me.”

  “Why?” As far as she could tell, this was simple—she wanted him, and he wanted her. End of story.

  “I need to be inside you so badly, I ache. And I know you aren’t ready. You’ve been through so much.”

  Rose was sick of being coddled. She could make the decisions when it came to her own body.

  “Why don’t you let me decide what I can and can’t handle?”

  Duke was having none of it, though. “Have mercy on me. I can only stand so much temptation.”

  Rose liked being right where she was. He felt amazing–hard, muscled, and so sexy he took her breath away. She could spend the day on top of him. Rose already knew this man wouldn’t hurt her. He’d been her protector for weeks. Watched over her, trained her, and kept her safe.

  “I’m not worried. You’re a gentleman.”

  “Am I? I don’t feel like one at the moment. God, I want you.” Duke licked his lips.

  She closed her eyes, basking a moment in his revelation. She’d wanted him to say so for weeks. “I want you too. I need you inside me.”

  Duke groaned, hips bucking. “Stop it.”


  It took him a moment to speak. “I think you’re an astoundin’ woman, and you deserve a man who will love you, settle down with you—but I’m not him. I can’t be your boyfriend because I’m not built that way.”

  Rose started to deny wanting a relationship, a family. “I—”

  Duke sat up, taking her with him and cupped her face, thumb brushing over her lips.

  She closed her eyes—Rose wanted Duke to caress every single inch of her.

  “And are you ready to let a man in your bed?”

  “Yes, I’m attracted to you. I want you. I want this.”

  “Fuck. I’m tryin’ to be a good man, but I’m not.” Duke sighed. “If we’re gonna do this, we need to do it the right way.”

  A thrill ran through her. “How do you mean?”

  “There are some things you need to know about me… sexually. And I want you to be very sure. You need to think this through and make a decision with your head, not your hormones.”

  She’d anticipated more kissing and less talking—and she was somewhat disappointed. “Okay. So what do we do?”

  “Right now? Not a damn thing. We’re both aroused, and it leads to poor decision makin’. We’ll talk tomorrow mornin’ when we’re both a bit more level-headed. Like I said, there are a lot of things I need to share with you.”

  “Like what?”

  His voice lowered, had a husky quality. “I’ll let you in on a secret. Most men are wolfish, Rose. We get hungry, and we aren�
��t looking for love, for commitment. We need sex, it’s a basic necessity—like we need water, food, air. We die without it. That’s why, when a man looks at you, he seems ravenous. It’s like that Lana Turner quote—there ain’t no such thing as a gentleman.”


  “No, there are only patient wolves. I’m not the guy with the white picket fence, Rose. I am a very patient wolf.”

  It shouldn’t have been a turn-on, Duke meant it to be a warning—but it thrilled her in some respects. Duke was starved for her. No, he was hungry for her—starved for her.

  “Kiss me?”

  Duke shook his head. “No, you kiss me.”

  He sat there, impassive, letting her take the lead. She’d been kissed, but she’d never initiated one, made the first move. It was daunting.

  She placed her hands on his shoulders awkwardly. “Close your eyes. I can’t do this if you’re staring at me.”

  He chuckled but shut them.

  Rose got closer, bringing her lips to his—they were warm and soft. She brushed her lips against his once, twice, a third time. All of them innocent.

  Duke growled.

  Rose wrapped her arms tighter around his neck and traced his lips with the tip of her tongue. He opened for her so she could slide right into his mouth, which she did.

  This time, Duke gripped her waist and hoisted her closer against his body. She glided her hands from his neck to the back of his head, slipping her fingers into his thick hair.

  Duke finally kissed her. His mouth guided hers in a dance. His tongue flicked against hers, stroking it. He grasped her hips and squeezed her bottom.

  A patient wolf no longer, she thought wickedly.

  He whispered against her mouth, “We gotta stop right now.”


  “Come back tomorrow night and give me an answer.”

  “I’ve already decided.”

  Duke’s head fell back. “The way you look at me. It makes me want to….”

  “What?” Her voice sounded deeper, throaty.

  Duke locked eyes with her, and his got blacker–like two deep, dark pools. “Keep you in my bed for days for starters.”

  “Sounds good to me.”

  “Say the word, Firecracker, and I will. Tomorrow.”


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