Book Read Free

Final Conflict

Page 22

by Raymond L. Weil

  “How many ships do you think the Alliance will send?” asked Rear Admiral Blair.

  “Several hundred at least,” replied Kelly. “We’re going to have to hold the space above those hives at least long enough to get our Marines down. We also need to take out part of the Zaltule fleet if possible. We need to use this opportunity to weaken the Zaltule as much as possible.”

  “What about the trading station they have?” asked Blair. “It’s bound to be heavily armed and we don’t have anything to take it out. Are you thinking about sending some Marines on board to attempt to neutralize it?”

  Kelly shook his head. “No, anyone we send aboard would have almost zero chance of getting back out. I won’t send anyone on a suicide mission.”

  “Isn’t that what we’re doing to the Marines we’re sending down to the surface?”

  “If we can provide them some assault ships, at least they’ll have a chance to get away once they’ve accomplished their missions.”

  Timmons nodded. “They’ll have a chance though a small one. At the moment I’m planning on using one of our Marine assault ships for each hive. That will give us nearly six hundred Marines to use.”

  Admiral Kelly stood up and walked across his office to a large painting of the old Marine assault ship Leviathan hanging on the wall. The ship was firing its defensive energy beam turrets and launching its drop ships. “We may need more Marines than that. We may lose some of the drop ships as they’re descending through the planet’s atmosphere. The Zaltule are bound to have defensive weapons around the hives that can shoot them down. Also don’t forget about those four giant shipyards. Who knows what type of weapons those will have.”

  “We’ll send assault ships in first to soften up the landing zones,” explained Timmons. “We’re also going to attempt to land at least two assault ships inside the large entrances to the hives. We’ll have additional Marines on those ships as well. As for the shipyards, we’ll just have to wait and see. If our fleet gets into a low enough orbit they may be out of range of the weapons from the trading station as well as the shipyards.”

  “If we can get everyone down that would give us an additional one hundred and sixty Marines.”

  “More if we put extra Marines on the ships. We can easily double the number an assault ship would normally carry.”

  Admiral Kelly nodded. “Sounds like we have the beginnings of a plan. We’ll see what General Nelson and Marken think about what we’re proposing when we talk to them tomorrow.”

  Kelly walked back to his desk and sat down. They still had a tremendous amount of planning to do. He knew very well the future of the Alliance and the Solar System might rest on the success of this mission. If they failed he doubted if they would be able to stop the Zaltule when they eventually returned.

  Chapter Sixteen

  Commander Bree Smith looked out across the camp her surviving crew had built since the crash landing. They had scavenged what they could from the wreckage of the Sundance. Limited power was available from some solar cells the engineers had cobbled together. There was still power in the ship from the emergency generator but it was being used to power the med bay as well as the large freezer in that section which held their perishable food supplies.

  In the time they had been here there had been no sign of any Zaltule or even more worrisome, any rescue craft. The days were beginning to become routine. Each day several hunting parties set out to search for potential food animals as well as any dangerous animals that might be lurking near the camp. So far only one large cat-like animal had been spotted. The local streams were full of fish though several had been found which were not palatable for Humans. One fish resembled a catfish and tasted great when grilled over an open fire.

  “What’s on the agenda for today?” asked Bree, looking over at Second Officer Newman. He had recovered from his injuries thanks to the use of some medical nanites.

  Newman was busy cleaning one of the assault rifles the hunting parties used. “Pretty much the same as yesterday. I’m sending out a hunting party to the southwest to check out a small lake we saw from orbit. Another party is going to bring back some samples from a large stand of trees a couple of kilometers to the east. We may be able to use them to build more structures we’re going to need if we have to stay here long term. We don’t know yet what the winter may be like.”

  Bree nodded as she looked around the camp. Several fires were burning, partly for heat in the cool morning as well as to keep any large predators away. Several lights had been put up so they would have illumination at night. The solar panels were connected to several of the ship’s batteries so they would have power throughout the night. There were currently about a dozen structures in the camp built primarily from panels taken from the ship. Several more were under construction.

  Near the ship she could see the graves of the hundreds of crewmembers who had been buried on this world. There were still over forty in the med bay undergoing treatment.

  “The probes should have reached the Solar System by now,” she said as her eyes looked up into the cloudless sky. In the time they had been here it had only rained three times and that was early in the morning.

  “If they made it,” Newman reminded her as he began putting the assault rifle back together. “The odds of the probes reaching the Solar System were never very good.”

  Bree let out a deep sigh. “I know, but some hope is better than none.”

  “We need to begin making plans for a long term stay. There’s a good chance we’ll never be rescued.”

  Bree let out a laugh. “It’s hard to imagine we may become the Solar System’s first actual interstellar colony. I wonder what future generations will say. Someday, if Humans continue to explore they will find this world again.”

  Newman nodded. “It could happen in our lifetime or our descendants. All we can do now is continue to survive.”

  Standing up Bree began heading toward the ship. Each day she went to the med bay and spoke to those still being treated. If they did end up remaining on this world they would need every single person.


  Newman watched the Commander leave. She had been devastated by the crash and the loss of so many members of the crew. She had done her best to cope but had left many of the day-to-day tasks of setting up this new settlement to him. He had no objections and felt more alive than he ever had before. He knew given time Commander Smith would be back to her old self but for this type of healing it was going to take some time.

  Standing up he slung the assault rifle over his shoulder. He was going to make a quick inspection of the surrounding area before sending out hunting parties for today. There was an antelope-like animal that fed on the tall grasses this world seemed to be covered in which was quite tasty when cooked over an open fire. They were also learning how to smoke the meat to preserve it. Plans were already underway to build a large smokehouse as well as an underground root cellar. Newman didn’t know what the future held for them, but if they were destined to remain on this world the least he could do was make sure they could survive here. Looking around he allowed himself to smile. It really wasn’t a bad world and it was kind of exciting to think about actually establishing the Solar System’s first interstellar colony.


  Deep in Kleese space, the Council of Overlords was once more in session. Reports from Alliance space were causing deep concern among the powerful Overlords.

  Supreme Overlord Xatul stood at the head of the massive stone table in the ornate chamber of the Council of Overlords. Twenty Overlords were present for the meeting as it concerned the Zaltule and what was being done to prepare the Empire for their coming.

  “We have nearly completed the withdrawal of our ships from the sectors of our Empire near the Alliance,” reported Xatul. “In addition we have signed non aggression and trade treaties with over one hundred nonaligned worlds, guaranteeing future trade with them for materials we need to sustain our Empire. In the treaties is a clause guaranteeing u
s the right of passage for our large exploration ships to conduct trade.”

  “I still think it’s a mistake to give up so much of our Empire,” said Overlord Raluth. “Someday we will have to reconquer all of those worlds again.”

  “And we shall,” replied Xatul. “However, in the meantime they will serve as a barrier between us and the Zaltule. The Alliance and the Zaltule will fight for domination of Alliance space. When their war is over, we shall sweep in and destroy what warfleets are left. Even the Zaltule will be severely weakened after taking on the Alliance and the Humans. By allowing them to do the fighting it clears the way for our future domination.”

  Overlord Syndat stood to address the council. “Production of warships has been increased in the Sherlund System. For the time being the production of our large exploration ships has been suspended. We will be concentrating on building battlecruisers while all of our surviving trading stations will be constructing assault ships.”

  “Is there any chance of retrieving the trading stations the Alliance and the Humans have seized?” asked Overlord Caselt. He was normally in charge of the shipyards constructing the exploration ships. He was working with Overlord Syndat to change those shipyards to build battlecruisers.

  Supreme Overlord Xatul focused his multifaceted eyes on Caselt. “No, not without risking major losses to our fleets. As it is, the Zaltule will have to face those stations. We believe the Humans and the Alliance have placed heavier weapons on all of them.”

  “Who will be the Overlord representing the Empire to the Alliance?” asked Overlord Martule.

  “I will,” answered Overlord Bixutl. “We have chosen one of the nonaligned worlds we have signed a treaty with as a meeting place.”

  “We have also just received word a Zaltule fleet attacked the Pradel System, nearly destroying the two system fleets defending it. The Zaltule also destroyed two of the main shipyards and dropped antimatter weapons on the planet’s two largest cities.”

  “The loss of two cities of a lessor race is of no concern,” said Overlord Raluth. “What of the Zaltule fleet? Where is it now?”

  Supreme Overlord Xatul moved his triangular shaped head as his eyes swept over the other Overlords. “There was a large Alliance fleet in the system as well as several Human fleets. We believe they trapped the Zaltule fleet between the planet and their attacking fleets. The entire Zaltule warfleet was destroyed.”

  “By the lessor races?” uttered Overlord Martule, his eyes focusing intently on Xatul.

  “They had a vast superiority in warships,” explained Xatul. “Even a Zaltule battlecruiser can be destroyed if enough weapons can be brought to bear.”

  “Perhaps this plan will work,” said Raluth. “We will let our enemies destroy one another, leaving us to move in to subjugate the lessor races and finish destroying the Zaltule. It is the destiny of the Kleese race to rule over all sentient species.”

  “And we shall,” said Supreme Overlord Xatul. “Someday we shall rule this entire galaxy!”


  On Centerpoint Station a meeting of the General Staff was taking place. While not everyone could be there they could be seen and heard via the large viewscreens in the room.

  “This is a dangerous plan,” commented General Wade Nelson after he finished listening to Admiral Kelly and General Timmons. “I’ve fought the Kleese in hand to hand combat and killing them isn’t easy. Colonel Nelson can testify killing a Zaltule is even more difficult.”

  Ryan nodded. “You’re talking about going into a Zaltule hive which will be filled with thousands of Zaltule warriors. They will be in a killing frenzy trying to keep their Queen or Queens safe. The only way you’re going to get into that hive is with superior weapons. For every Marine you send into a hive they will have to kill at least ten Zaltule each if not more. Not only that you’re attacking what will be a heavily fortified position.”

  General Timmons looked from one to the other. “Do you have any suggestions?”

  “Take as many hover tanks as you can inside the hive and arm our Marines with the most powerful explosive rounds their assault rifles can handle,” answered Ryan. “There’s a good chance once they reach the Queen’s chamber the fighting will be hand to hand. The Zaltule will be encased in battlesuits and will be willing to die to protect their Queens.”

  “There will be no conscripts to fight through,” added Wade. “All the warriors will be Zaltule. They will show no mercy and will kill every Marine they can. This battle in the hive won’t end until every one of them is dead.”

  “Can we even take the hives?” asked General Alise from Mars.

  Wade took a deep breath before answering. “We can, but I’m afraid it’s going to be costly.”

  “Should we even attempt this operation?” asked Mayor Strong from Luna City.

  Wade nodded his head. “Unfortunately I don’t believe we have any choice. This may be the only way to stop the Zaltule threat. If we wait and they attack, our losses will be even higher. Look at what happened in the Pradel System. Millions of civilians were lost. Look what happened to Earth in the original attack by the Kleese. We lost billions. The Kleese and the Zaltule consider all other races inferior.”

  “That does give us an advantage,” said Ryan. “Both have always underestimated us. The Zaltule will never believe we would dare to attack the hives. We can use that belief to our advantage. From the videos I’ve studied of what the Sundance was able to film of the hives, I believe they are more designed to survive an attack by nuclear and antimatter weapons. I seriously doubt they believe anyone would dare mount an actual physical assault of the hives themselves as we are considering. Yes, the hives will be heavily defended but the element of surprise will be on our side.”

  General Timmons looked over at Marken who had been silent so far. “Where will the Queen’s chamber be in the hive?”

  “It won’t be the deepest chamber,” Marken said. “Unfortunately we don’t know a lot about the Queens as none have ever been seen. Doubtlessly there will be escape tunnels and the Queen or Queens should be in the lower levels of the hive.”

  “Why not the lowest level?” asked Mayor Strong.

  “That will most likely be an emergency chamber, one where the Queen can be taken if the main chamber is about to be breached. We know very little about the breeding habits of the Queens or even if they’re intelligent. They may be more like a drone used solely for the purpose of breeding.”


  The discussion lasted for several more hours with everyone voicing an opinion and others asking detailed questions about the operation. At the end of that time Admiral Kelly looked at everyone and spoke. “Then we are all in agreement the mission is a go.”

  “We have no choice,” replied Wade grimly. “Not if we want to survive.”

  Admiral Kelly nodded. “Very well, I would like for General Nelson and Colonel Nelson to remain on Centerpoint for the foreseeable future and help with the mission planning. This is going to be an operation we can’t afford to screw up. I want our best people involved in this.”

  General Timmons looked over at the two officers. “I would like the two of you to come to one of the training domes where we’ve built a representation of a Zaltule hive. We have several companies of Marines in Type Nine battlesuits assaulting the hive every day. You’re thoughts and recommendations would be appreciated.”

  Wade looked over at Ryan. Thomas was in training for the Type Nine battlesuits. There was no doubt he was going on this mission.


  Thomas woke up to find himself lying on a bed in the medical facility of the training center.

  “Relax Sergeant,” the attending nurse said. “You’ve got a broken arm and two broken ribs. I’ve injected some specialized medical nanites into you and you should be healed back up in a couple of hours. I would suggest you just lay there and relax.”

  After the nurse left Kinsley came in with a big grin on her face. “I can’t believe you actually got hurt. This is the firs
t time in all of our combat scenarios you have actually ended up in the hospital.”

  “We’re not the only ones attacking that hive,” Thomas said as he tried to sit up. “There are other platoons going through the same scenario. Whatever is being planned is big.”

  Kinsley stepped over and helped get his pillow situated. “Is that better?”

  “Now you’re acting like a mother hen.”

  Kinsley’s face turned red but she finished getting the pillow straightened. “Today was the third time we’ve tried to reach the Queen’s chamber. Each time we all end up getting stunned. Every day they change the tunnels and move the pop-ups. How are we ever going to reach the Queen’s chamber?”

  Thomas thought for several moments. “We can’t with our current weapons. We need to change something.” Thomas had been injured when three explosive rounds struck his battlesuit.

  “What?” asked Kinsley. “What can we change?”

  “The explosive launchers on our backs. Those explosives are much more powerful. We need some way to use them in the tunnels.”

  “We can’t,” said Kinsley, sitting down on the side of the bed with her hand resting casually on Thomas’s leg. “The explosive launchers on the back of our suits are not designed to launch in a straight line. They’re designed to go up in an arc and then come down. All the software that controls the launchers and makes sure they land in the correct spot are programmed for an arc.”

  Thomas felt suddenly very aware of Kinsley’s presence. Her hand was resting casually on the blanket covering him. He also noticed she was wearing perfume. “Would you contact Lieutenant Adams and tell her I would like to speak with her?”

  Kinsley nodded and stood up. Thomas thought her hand had lingered on his leg a little longer than necessary.

  “I’ll go tell her. The last I saw of her she was giving Private Stout a lecture about needing to duck occasionally.”


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