Final Conflict

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Final Conflict Page 23

by Raymond L. Weil

  Thomas had to laugh. Sometimes Private Stout is a little bit too brave for his own good.”


  A few minutes later Lieutenant Adams came into the medical ward and went over to where Thomas was. “I understand you want to see me?”

  Thomas nodded. “It’s evident we’re training to take out a Zaltule hive and kill the Queen or Queens.”

  Sue did not respond but waited for Thomas to continue.

  “I’m assuming by your silence I’m correct. I have no desire to sacrifice myself and my platoon in an endeavor that cannot succeed.”

  “Are you saying you will refuse to follow an order if it involves a Zaltule hive?” Sue asked, surprised by Thomas’s comment.

  Thomas shook his head. “No, Lieutenant. We need better weapons to assault a hive if we hope to survive and reach the Queen’s chamber. What we have now won’t do it.”

  “What do you have in mind?” Sue didn’t tell Thomas they had already made plans to strengthen the explosive rounds the assault rifles fired to double their current strength.

  Thomas spent a few minutes explaining what he was wanting. When he was finished Lieutenant Adams had to agree in part.

  “The only danger I see is if the explosives bring down the roof of the tunnels.”

  “They shouldn’t,” replied Thomas. “The Zaltule are bound to have made the tunnels resistant to explosives. They must expect we would use nuclear or antimatter weapons on the surface. The tunnels in the hives must be resistant to some point.”

  Sue could see no way to disagree with Thomas. She had much the same thoughts. “We will not attempt the hive tomorrow. I want to talk to Major Reed about the changes you have suggested. I don’t believe they will be too difficult with the manufacturing facilities we have here on the station.”

  She was about to leave when she had one more thought. “If we use more powerful weapons in the artificial hive it could result in the deaths of some of the Marines participating in the drill. Right now our weapons are set up not to seriously endanger any of our people.”

  Thomas took a deep breath. “It’s a risk we will have to take. We need to know how to use the weapons and how effective they will be.”

  “I suspect Major Reed will have to get permission from General Timmons to use your modified weapons in the hive. I should also tell you that your father and uncle are both here on the station. I can make arrangements for you to see them if you wish.”

  Thomas thought for a moment before replying. “Just tell them I’m doing fine and will see them when I can. Right now I need to focus on this training if we’re going to find and kill a Zaltule Queen.”


  Later as Lieutenant Adams made her way to the Control Center to speak with Major Reed she realized Thomas might be better suited for command of the company of Marines than she was. She had combat experience but Thomas continued to demonstrate his ingenuity. This mission they were going on to take out the Zaltule hives was not going to be a normal combat situation. She thought back over how Thomas had performed on Charring Mountain and in other drills. He was far above most of the other Marines. It really wasn’t that much of a surprise considering who his family was. She would explain to Major Reed her concerns and see what he thought.


  The next day Thomas stood at attention as Major Reed appeared to address the assembled platoons. For the first time all of the Marines currently training in the Type Nine battlesuits were together in one place. Thomas thought there had to be well over four hundred of them.

  “I am here to dispel several rumors going around. First off, the training you are currently going through is designed to take out a Zaltule Queen buried deep within a hive. The heavy battlecruiser Sundance located three such hives on what we believe to be the Zaltules’ new homeworld.”

  There was a shifting in the assembled Marines as they looked uneasily at one another. A few voices could even be heard.

  “Is this a one way mission?” asked Private Stout.

  Major Reed hesitated and then answered. “No, Private, it is not. While we do believe there will be some heavy casualties every effort is being made to ensure as many of you as possible make it back to the Solar System safely.”

  “What happened to the Sundance?” asked another Marine. “I heard it was lost.”

  “Sadly, that is true,” answered Major Reed. “However, Commander Smith made sure the data she had recorded on the Zaltule hives was sent ahead with the rest of her fleet. We are still hoping the Sundance will make it back.”

  “When will we leave?” asked Private Stout.

  “In a few more weeks,” Major Reed answered. “Current plans are to take at least three fully crewed Marine assault ships to take out the hives. One Marine assault ship for each hive. There will also be some changes in command.” Major Reed turned to look at Lieutenant Adams who was standing behind him. “Lieutenant Adams, step forward. In consideration of the effort you have put forth in training I have decided to promote you to the rank of captain.” Major Reed handed the startled lieutenant a box containing her new rank. “Congratulations, Captain.”

  “Thank you, sir,” replied Adams as she took the box.

  “In addition due to his outstanding performance during drills and suggestions he has made as far as new weapons to use in taking out the Zaltule hives Sergeant Thomas Nelson is being promoted to the rank of lieutenant. Lieutenant Nelson, will you please come forward.”

  Thomas felt stunned. He had expected nothing like this. Taking a deep breath, he made his way up to where the major was and accepted the small box containing his new insignia.

  “You will now be in charge of all four platoons in your company. Captain Adams will remain your immediate superior and in overall command of what happens in the hive. There will be additional Marines going in Type Seven battlesuits as well as a number of hover tanks. This is going to be an all out effort to take out all the Zaltule Queens and end the threat of the Zaltule once and for all.”


  Major Reed spent another half hour talking more about the mission and what they might encounter as well as answering questions. When he was done he had one more thing to say. “We never send people on a one way mission. That is not our way. However, due to the extreme danger involved in this mission if anyone wants to sit this one out you may. If you decide not to go it will not be a mark against you. There will be no questions asked. If you decide this mission is not for you, just inform Captain Adams.”


  Later Thomas was surrounded by many members of his platoon and others congratulating him on his promotion.

  “If a Nelson is gong to be leading us then I’m not afraid to go,” remarked a corporal from another platoon. “Your family has a reputation of doing the impossible. If you go, then I’m going.” Many others voiced the same sentiment.

  Thomas looked around and then spoke. “I’m going because it is my duty to go. I expect the same from everyone here. As Major Reed said this mission may be the most dangerous one Marines have ever attempted. Spend tonight thinking about that. If you have families or people close to you, perhaps it’s best for you not to go. That decision is up to you and you alone.”

  As everyone went back to their quarters Thomas found the main members of his platoon still with him.

  “A captain,” muttered Brian, shaking his head. “How does that feel?”

  “Pretty good, Sergeant Parker,” Thomas replied with a grin.

  “Sergeant,” moaned Brian, shaking his head. “Why would you do that to me?”

  Leah started laughing. “You’re qualified. Just take the job and shut up.”

  “So, what now?” asked Kinsley. “Are we really going to get some stronger weapons?”

  “According to Captain Adams we are. Several construction facilities in the station have been working overtime redesigning the Type Nine battlesuits just for this mission. With a little luck we’ll have them tomorrow.”

  Kinsley was quiet for several moments. �
��I’m a little scared. If this mission is as dangerous as Major Reed says it is some of us might not come back.”

  The entire group was silent as they thought over what Kinsley had just said.

  “There was always the danger of that no matter what mission we go out on,” said Thomas. “I firmly believe as long as we stick together and look out for one another we’ll make it through this.”

  Kinsley and the others nodded. “We’d better go get some rest. We have a long day ahead of us tomorrow.”

  “Let’s go eat first,” said Brian, patting his stomach. “I’m starving.”

  Leah laughed. “You’re always hungry.”

  The group turned and began walking toward the base cafeteria.


  The next day General Wade Nelson, General Timmons, Colonel Ryan Nelson, and Major Reed watched as Thomas led his Marines once more into the artificial hive. The explosive launchers had been modified so the end of the launch tubes sat on the shoulders of the battlesuits pointed ahead. Their overall range had been drastically reduced but they could still fire at targets several hundred meters in front of them.

  They watched as Thomas used the explosive launchers to blast his way through the artificial hive, taking out the pop-up weapons and destroying the egg chambers his platoons came across. In the end they made it to the Queen’s chamber and blew everything in it into thousands of pieces.

  “He only lost seven Marines!” exclaimed Major Reed with a big grin on his face. “His idea for those explosive launchers made a huge difference.

  “I want the same thing done to the Type Seven battlesuits,” ordered General Timmons. “The Type Sevens are much larger and contain far more explosive rounds.”

  “They’ll have hover tanks with them in the hive as well,” commented Wade. He had been impressed by Thomas’s performance. “If we can land at least two assault ships in the entrance we can use ship weapons to hold any Zaltule reinforcements back. I would recommend we send an extra assault ship to each hive. It will have additional hover tanks and Marines on board. They will be responsible for holding the entrances against any attempts by the Zaltule to enter the hive. We don’t want our Marines trapped between two forces.”

  General Timmons nodded. “Then we’re nearly ready. We’ll run our Marines through this scenario a few more times and see what further refinements we need to make. There’s a General Staff meeting in two more days to finalize everything including the fleet units going. I understand Admiral Kelly has heard from the Alliance and they have agreed to send a sizable fleet. I think the disaster at Pradel shook them up considerably.”

  Wade looked one last time at the viewscreen watching Thomas leading his Marines out of the now destroyed hive. “Let’s hope everything works out; we have a lot riding on this.”

  Chapter Seventeen

  Admiral Kelly gazed at several large viewscreens showing the fleet forming up around the Moon. The Alliance had sent over six hundred battlecruisers commanded by Admiral Vreel. Fourth Fleet and Eighth Fleet had both been greatly expanded by pulling ships from other Solar System fleets. Currently the two fleets each had ten heavy battlecruisers, sixteen standard battlecruisers, thirty light cruisers, and one hundred and thirty assault ships. In addition there were three Marine assault ships: the Victory, Lexington, and the Terra. A number of the smaller two hundred-meter assault ships had Marines on them as well in case they were needed down on the planet.

  “We’re still going to be vastly outnumbered,” said Rear Admiral Blair, gazing at the viewscreens. “A big part of that fleet won’t be returning if any of it does.”

  Admiral Kelly looked over at General Wade Nelson who was in the Command Center watching the fleet prepare for departure. “What do you think, General?”

  Wade gazed at the viewscreens one of which was showing a magnified view of Rear Admiral Stinson’s ship the Dauntless. “It’s a big risk we’re taking. We’ll have the element of surprise on our side. We have to take advantage of that as soon as the fleet drops out of Fold Space. This isn’t a battle to destroy their fleet but to kill their Queens.”

  “Won’t the Zaltule detect the fleet before it even enters the star system?” asked Rear Admiral Blair.”

  “Maybe,” replied Wade. He wondered what Thomas was doing. He was on board the Victory along with Captain Adams. “We have to hope the Zaltule fleet is scattered and not all congregated around the target planet. There are two planets in the system which have been colonized by the Zaltule. In addition there are other worlds their ships are protecting in a number of star systems they control.”

  “Even so the odds will not be in our favor,” replied Blair. “I just have a bad feeling about this entire operation.”

  Admiral Kelly turned away from the viewscreens. “We either fight them now or fight them later. I would much rather fight them in their solar system instead of ours.”

  Rear Admiral Blair didn’t reply. He just kept gazing at the viewscreens.

  “We’ll do okay,” said Wade. “Our Marines are highly trained and ready for anything. The same for our warships. If we can win this by taking out the Zaltule Queens the heavy fighting in our section of the galaxy will be over for awhile, particularly with the Kleese pulling back to the center of their Empire.”

  “I’m still not comfortable with that,” commented Rear Admiral Blair. “I still believe it’s some type of trick they’re pulling.”

  “Maybe,” replied Wade. “Even if it is a trick it gives us more time to prepare our defenses and build more ships.”

  “Rear Admiral Stinson is requesting permission to depart,” reported Captain Cynthia Edison from communications.

  Admiral Kelly took a deep breath. “Permission granted. Tell Admirals Stinson, Haden, and Vreel good luck and good hunting.”

  They all watched the viewscreens as the fleet left the vicinity of the Moon and began to accelerate away. Shortly afterward the ships of the fleet began entering Fold Space and vanishing from view.

  Admiral Kelly gazed at the viewscreens that now only showed a sea of unblinking stars. The fleet was off; it would be weeks before he knew who won the battle. Weeks in which he would be anxious and concerned for the crews of the ships and the Marines who had gone with them. Looking over at General Wade Nelson, Kelly knew he wouldn’t be the only one deeply concerned.


  Rear Admiral Stinson watched the tactical display as the huge fleet formed up and entered Fold Space. It was a two-week journey to the Zaltule system where they would attempt to kill the Queens.

  “Have you thought of a battle plan?” asked Commander Hill.

  “I have a general plan. It all depends on how the Zaltule fleet is deployed.” She had spent hours with Admiral Kelly and others discussing possible tactics.

  Commandeer Hill glanced down at the command console in front of him which showed the status of the ship and allowed him to contact any department or ship of the fleet if necessary. “How long is it going to take to land our Marines?”

  Amelia let out a deep sigh. “We have to take out the surrounding defenses first before we can attempt to land the Marines. We have some weak antimatter missiles we’ll use for that. Then we’ll send in some assault ships to make sure all the defenses have been dealt with. Once that’s been done we’ll begin to land the Marines. We have to give them cover at least until they’re inside the hives and their escape assault ships have landed in the entrances.”

  “That’s going to take some time, maybe an hour or more.”

  Amelia nodded. “I know, but if we leave before the Marines have secured their landing zones, they’ll be wiped out even before they can start their mission.”

  Commander Hill looked at the tactical display. The entire fleet was now in Fold Space. “I don’t know who has the hardest job, us or the Marines.”

  Amelia allowed herself to smile. “We’ve always known this mission would be difficult. My father used to say just grin and bare it.”

  “Sounds like good advice. I want
to schedule some fleet-wide damage control drills starting tomorrow. We need to keep the crews busy for the next few weeks.”

  Amelia nodded. “See to it. This is going to be a difficult battle and we may take some damage. The crews need to know how to react in case of a hull breach or a fire.” The crews normally ran a few disaster drills as a regular part of their training but this coming battle would probably test their repair abilities to the limit.

  For the next several hours everything was routine. True, this was a much larger fleet than Amelia was used to handling but with the help of Admiral Vreel and Rear Admiral Haden everything was running smoothly. Amelia hoped it continued to run this way until they reached the Zaltule system. Once they did all bets were off.


  Thomas was in one of the cargo holds of the Victory inspecting one of the small hover tanks. There were eight of them in the cargo hold. Each tank had a powerful energy cannon as its main armament. The tank also had two small secondary railgun cannons and a pair of dual explosive launchers. On the back of the tank were recharging connections for the battlesuits. A crew of three in environmental suits would operate each tank as the tanks were a sealed environment.

  “I like these tanks,” commented Brian as he ran his hand over the tough battle armor that covered them. “They will be useful in the hive.”

  “Unless the tunnels are too narrow,” pointed out Thomas.

  Brian stepped back and examined the hover tank. “The Zaltule aren’t exactly small. I’ll bet this tank will fit down most of the tunnels.”

  “Let’s hope they fit in the one that leads down to the Queen.”

  Brian stepped over and examined the large energy cannon on the tank. “I’ve never seen one of these actually fire. I wonder how powerful it is?”

  “Strong enough,” answered Thomas. “They’re too dangerous to fire in the training domes. They’re also not normally used on strike missions. They’re kept back to be used in situations where a battle will be really intense or last for several days.”


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