Blind Attraction

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Blind Attraction Page 2

by Eden Summers

Steve bumped into his shoulder and Mitch frowned. He realized trouble was brewing before a word was spoken and didn’t appreciate the physical contact.

  “We better head back. You’ve got a lot of eyes on you at the moment.”

  Mitch nodded at the bodyguard and placed his hand over the delicate feminine fingers resting on the railing. “I’ll send Steve to get you after the show. We can have a drink. Get to know one another.” He said the same line he told his crew to use when offering back stage passes. Only this time, it didn’t work. Instead of her staring back at him with excitement, her eyes grew to the size of saucers.

  She shook her head and her throat convulsed with a deep swallow. “I don’t think—”

  “Oh my god. Mitch, I love you!” Like a flock of seagulls, fans started to cram forward, pushing the beauty harder and harder against the railing.

  Her face contorted in pain and no matter how much he ached to hear her name, he had to leave. Steve grabbed his shoulder and pushed him sideways. Green eyes didn’t glance his way as he retreated. Her focus remained on the railing, her arms tense, her muscles straining to push herself backward.

  “Shit.” He continued to walk away in long strides and broke into a jog. The sooner he disappeared from fan view, the sooner she would be safe. With a wave to the crowd he moved around the corner of the stage and entered the private room where the rest of the band relaxed.

  Before Steve followed, Mitch turned and blocked the entry. “Go check if she’s hurt.”

  The bodyguard glowered. “I’m sure she’s fine.”

  “That’s great. Your psychic abilities leave me feeling reassured.” Mitch gave a far from friendly smile. “But you’re going back to check anyway.”

  Steve’s top lip curled. Without a word, he pivoted on his heels and stormed away.

  “Arrogant asshole.” Mitch slammed the door and spun around to a room full of people staring back at him. “What? We’ve gotta get rid of him. I’ve had enough.”

  Their manager, Leah Gorman, picked up his black T-shirt off the sofa and threw it at him. “I know. I was just informing the guys about a complaint made against him from earlier tonight. A woman claims he manhandled her and she’s threatening to sue.”

  He groaned while removing the spare crew shirt and placed his own back on.

  “I’ll speak to him after the performance,” Leah continued. “Don’t worry, he won’t work with you again.”

  “He shouldn’t work with anyone ever again. The guy’s a tool,” Sean added from a chair in the corner while scratching his buzz cut with one of his drumsticks.

  “So, was she still a hottie up close?” Mason raised a brow in his direction. “She seemed a little too cutesy from my position at the mic.”

  Mitch shrugged and strolled to the coffee table for a bottle of water. “She’s all right.” He didn’t want them to know how perfect she appeared up close. All that would achieve is the entire band staring at her for the second half of the performance. “I might buy her a drink after the show, if she’s lucky.”

  The four men laughed at him, and Leah smiled.

  Fuck ‘em.

  “You’re as transparent as Britney Spears’ underwear.” Ryan continued to chuckle.

  Cracking the top to his bottle, Mitch glared at the rhythm guitarist. “She doesn’t wear underwear, dickhead.” He took a swig of his water and resigned himself to more humiliation.

  “Exactly.” Mason and Sean replied in unison.

  He continued to chug his water while he gave them the bird.

  “All right guys, five minutes. Let’s get this show on the road.” Leah strode into the middle of the room. “I’ll deal with the Steve issue. You just continue to hit this performance out of the ballpark. The fans love it.”

  Thirty minutes later, he was back on stage, half way through the second part of the performance. His body buzzed from the heightened state of awareness which always came with performing in front of a live crowd. Right here, right now, was what he lived for, what he loved more than life—the euphoria from holding an audience in the palm of his hand.

  Tonight was better than normal. They were up close and personal with their biggest fans. Something they didn’t get to experience with a packed stadium. He was mere feet from the people who made Reckless Beat into a worldwide sensation. Only, he couldn’t drag his attention away from one face in particular. He was stuck with half his mind on the music and the other half on a fantasy involving the hotel spa and a lot less clothing.

  He glanced back in her direction, like he had every two minutes, hoping to glimpse the faint hint of her dimples. Yep, there they were. He was determined to lick the deep grooves, to make her moan and call his name.

  The chesty blonde standing beside her waved her arms in front of the beauty’s face, gaining his attention. He frowned while she pointed to his woman, nodded her head vigorously, and pointed to the exit.

  He might not be proficient in sign language, but he assumed her actions meant he’d have a hot date later. Jerking his head in understanding, he concentrated on the lead up to his favorite solo. When Mason’s voice fell away, he stepped forward, positioning himself in front of his future conquest and played to her. For her.

  His fingers slid over the strings, hitting each note with ease while Sean hammered the drums and Blake and Ryan backed him up with their guitars. When the last chord sounded, he stepped back and caught her gaze. Her face was alight with an angelic glow and an impressed smile tilted her lips. His blood thickened knowing he’d caused that mesmerizing reaction.

  By the time the final song started, his palms were sweating and he’d deliberately stopped looking in the woman’s direction. He wanted her. Bad. He blamed his monstrous surge in libido on the thrill of the hunt. He knew she wouldn’t be an easy catch.

  Panties and bras lined the stage, and not one of them hers. She’d watched them sail past, her mouth agape as if Reckless Beat fans were sex crazed deviants. Maybe they were.

  His woman was straight laced all the way. The thought of seducing the look of innocence from her, nice and slow, made his cock stir to life. The vision of taking her hard and fast against the elevator wall made him bite the inside of his mouth to beat off the enthusiasm.

  He’d never felt this way about a groupie before. The crowd before him always seemed easily obtainable, like picking an apple from a tree. They were there because they thought they loved the band members, or craved the thrill of screwing someone famous. He couldn’t imagine this woman acting the same. She may even turn him down.

  A grin pulled at his lips. He was up for the chase.

  When the final song ended in a flash of light, Mitch pulled the guitar strap over his head and strode straight toward his guitar tech. He handed his baby into the man’s capable hands and walked to the rest of the band members, now hidden behind the lowered curtain. They shoulder bumped and clapped each other on the back to mark the perfect performance.

  “Are you guys clearing out straight away?” Mitch raised his voice over the continued screams from the crowd and focused his attention on Mason, Sean, and Ryan who had family to stay with in Richmond.

  “Yeah, Leah said she’d have security on stand-by and the cars waiting.” Mason wiped the sweat from his forehead. “You ready to make a run for your room?”

  Mitch glanced at Blake and raised a brow. Being the only two who didn’t originate from Richmond, they had a room booked upstairs. Months ago, they all decided to remain in town for a few days after the show. They wanted to create hype over the upcoming album release and what better place to start their promotional tour but Richmond, Virginia, the city where Reckless Beat originated.

  “I’m ready to go.” Blake ran his fingers through his spiky black hair and winced. “I need a shower.”

  “Let’s get going then. I plan on eating a shit load of my Momma’s cookin’ before I go to sleep.” Sean pushed out his non-existent belly and gave it a rub. “Nobody beat’s my momma’s cookin’.”

good to me,” Ryan added. “I plan on groveling until my wife lets me sleep in the bed beside her.”

  Sean snorted and tapped his drumsticks on Ryan’s ass. “Good luck, buddy. I think you’ll need it.”

  “Fuck you.” Ryan slapped the sticks away. “Watch your back, Sean. If she ends up kicking me out, you might wake up with me lying beside you.”

  Ryan’s relationship with his wife had deteriorated over the years. A marriage that was once filled with love and passion had died from the constant pressure of being in the public eye.

  “With my dry run lately, I probably wouldn’t kick you out either,” Sean nudged Ryan’s shoulder and headed toward the steps leading to the private area backstage.

  “Are you still meeting up with the hottie?” Mason asked, with a bump to Mitch’s shoulder.

  “Yeah. I asked Steve to get her after the show.”

  “Steve?” Mason frowned. “Leah gave him the axe, remember?”

  Fuck. Mitch totally forgot.

  He turned back to the curtain hiding the crowd. There was no way he could go out there. He enjoyed his limbs intact and his skin unmarred by cougar claws.

  “Get one of the crew to find her,” Mason offered. “Hey, Tim,” he called out to one of the guitar techs.

  Tim lifted his gaze from one of the stage speakers and gave a jerk of his head in question.

  “Can you do Mitch a favor?” Mason continued, as if Mitch needed his hand held.

  “Sure.” Tim dusted off his hands and strode toward them. “What do you need?”

  “There was a woman,” Mitch said in a rush, then cleared his throat to try and hide his eagerness. “In the front row. Big, light green eyes, long brown hair. Dressed in jeans and knee-high boots.”

  Tim stared at him with a blank expression.

  “She was next to a blonde with big tits,” Mason added.

  “Ahh,” Tim nodded. “I remember the tits.”

  Mitch frowned. “Yeah, OK. Well can you go find the chick with the tits and bring her and her friend up to my suite?”

  Tim smirked and gave a salute. “My pleasure.” Without another word he strode toward the curtain and disappeared behind it.

  “Great,” Mitch mumbled. The guy craved the second-hand attention he received from the Reckless Beat fans. Mitch fully expected him to be standing in the foyer posing for photos instead of finding the woman.

  “I wouldn’t pin your hopes on that one.” Blake patted him on the shoulder. “He’s a bit of a loose cannon.”

  Mitch’s throat constricted a little. He had a snowball’s chance in hell.

  Making a conscious effort not to slump his shoulders, he followed Mason and Blake into the backstage room. They were greeted by a smiling Leah and a swarm of security guards all packed into the small space.

  “Great job, guys.” She moved forward and gave them each a kiss on the cheek as they passed. “Eww. You all need a shower.”

  “I’m pretty sure you do that after every performance.” Blake chuckled and pulled her in for a bear hug.

  Mitch tapped his foot. They still had to go through the drill of getting away from the fans with all their bits intact. He just wanted to be somewhere else...anywhere else, with his wide-eyed hottie beside him.

  “Oh, gross, Blake!” Leah pushed at his chest.

  Blake lifted her tiny frame off the ground and placed her back on her feet. When his hands dropped, she stepped back and shook her head in mock disgust. “Let’s get you boys home.”

  She straightened her suit and glanced around the room. “OK, Ryan, Mason, and Sean. You’ll be escorted to the cars waiting at the back of the building. Just be warned there are people everywhere. The function may have only held a thousand fans, but I think every other person in Richmond is outside waiting to get a glimpse of you. So be prepared for bedlam.”

  Her attention turned to Mitch, then Blake. “I have four men waiting to take you upstairs and anywhere else you need, until morning. There will also be additional hotel security around if you need them.”

  When they were led from the room, he scanned the hall, trying to spy a familiar face in the mass of people banked around the exit of the function room.

  “You see her?” Blake asked, stopping beside him in the middle of the lobby.

  Mitch cringed. He felt like an obsessive fan waiting for one special glimpse. “Nah. Maybe she’s at the bar.”

  He played it cool even though his throat tightened. The blonde and her friend were nowhere in sight. All he could do is hope Tim found her.

  Turning on his heel, they made their way to the shared suite upstairs. Mitch hightailed it to the shower to scrub the sweat from his body. He didn’t give himself a chance to descend from the adrenaline high. Once his heart rate settled, the half-hard part of his anatomy would perk up and want to play. And he had no intention of performing alone tonight.

  His shower lasted minutes. Enough time to wash and get out. He yanked on his boxers, pulled up cream cargo pants, and buttoned up a navy blue collared shirt. As he walked from the bathroom, he towel dried his hair, secretly hoping Tim might be in the suite with the woman.

  He needed to find out her damn name.

  “I gather from your disappointed expression, I’m not the only person you expected to see sitting here?” Blake asked from the sofa, his laptop resting on his thighs. The bass guitarist didn’t go anywhere without it.

  “Yeah. I thought Tim might’ve brought her up here. Maybe he couldn’t find her. Or she wasn’t interested.” He shrugged through the disappointment.

  “Well I guess it’s me and you tonight, buddy.”

  Blake lifted the laptop from his thighs and stood. “Let me get some decent clothes on, and I’ll go downstairs with you. No harm in checking.” He closed the device and placed it on the coffee table. “Unless we get molested by an over enthusiastic bunch of groupies.”

  Mitch gave a halfhearted snort. The thought of mindless sex with a giddy fan girl turned his stomach. His mind was already set on a particular conquest. He just didn’t want Blake to know how eager he was. “Sounds like a good fall back plan to me.”

  Alana’s legs shook as she paced the cement walkway in front of the hotel.

  “It’s only one drink, Al.” Kate stood on the edge of the grass, staring at her while she went back and forth, back and forth. “If you don’t go in there and see him, you’ll regret it for the rest of your life.”

  True. Tonight had already been the most exhilarating night of her existence. The opportunity to meet with one of the most world famous guitarists would never come around again, especially if she continued to live in seclusion on her mother’s property.

  “But what if...” There were too many “what if’s” coursing through her mind. What if he expected more than a drink? What if he didn’t take no for an answer? What if the whole band was there and they wanted to share her around like a bottle of soda at a kid’s birthday party?

  She’d lost count at how many pieces of teeny, tiny panties had been thrown on stage during the performance. At one point Alana worried the entire crowd would be naked by the end of the show. And none of the band members paid them any attention. Being gifted with used female underwear must be a common occurrence.

  “What if what?” Kate tapped her foot. “I’ll be there with you. It’s not like he can make you do anything you don’t want to do. Your mother’s brainwashed you into thinking men are douche bags. And for the most part, she’s right, but you can’t go through life hiding behind her bad experiences.”

  Alana growled in frustration and clenched her fists. Kate was right. She needed to toughen up. Her friend wasn’t bullying her, she was trying to beat away the uncertainty and insecurities Alana’s mother had crammed into her since birth. Christ. She already knew how to kick an attacker’s ass. Her mace was firmly in her jeans pocket next to her cell phone, and they would be in a highly populated hotel in the middle of the city. What could go wrong?

  “Fine.” She breathed out a sigh. �
��Let’s do this.”

  “About time,” Kate mumbled and turned to walk toward the hotel entrance.

  Alana was going to do this. She would walk into the lobby, search for a celebrity who appeared far more stunning than any other man she’d seen in real life and try like hell to not vomit on his shoes. “What if he doesn’t want to see me?”

  “Oh, for the love of god.” Kate turned and placed her hands on her hips. “Are you fucking serious?”

  “He told me earlier the security guard would come get me, and he never showed. Maybe he changed his mind.”

  Kate breathed out a calming breath. “Mitchell Davies is a rock legend.” She raised her eyebrows. “He is sex on a stick. He makes my ovaries sigh. And you’ve stood here bitching like a fifth grader for the last twenty minutes. All this anxiety over a man any sensible woman would be inside dry humping right now.” Kate gave her a forced smile. “You’re going to go in there. You’re going to blow his mind, and you won’t be coming back out unless I say so.”

  At least she kept the blowing part above the belt.

  Alana gave a slow nod. “Ohh kay.”

  They walked side-by-side into the glamorous lobby, around the closed coffee shop, and passed the small groups of fans yet to leave the hotel. There was no sign of Mitchell or any of the other band members. With each passing moment, she grew more eager to find him, if only to see his flirty smile one last time—and his eyes, he had the sweetest eyes.

  After fifteen minutes of searching, Alana sighed and came to a stop meters from the entrance doors. “He’s gone and so has the security guard from earlier.” She gave one last visual sweep of the room before focusing back on Kate. “I think it’s time to call it a night.”

  Kate glanced at her watch and shrugged. “Yeah. It’s already one. Let’s go home so I can get a few hours sleep before I have to get up for work.”

  Alana hadn’t taken more than two steps toward the exit when the hairs on the back of her neck lifted.

  “Hey!” The male shout came from the other side of the lobby.

  She knew who the voice belonged to before she glanced over her shoulder. Her feet rooted in place while Kate turned back around. Her friend’s expression brightened with an enthusiastic smile.


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